
271 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os,sys,argparse,yaml,types,select,serial,logging,time,datetime
from enum import Enum
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
# Message header id's for messages passed between the application
# process and the microcontroller and video processes
TinyOpD = {
'setPwmOp': 0,
'noteOnVelOp': 1,
'noteOnUsecOp': 2,
'noteOffOp': 3,
'readOp': 4,
'writeOp': 5
class TinyRegAddr(Enum):
kRdRegAddrAddr = 0,
kRdTableAddrAddr = 1,
kRdEEAddrAddr = 2,
kRdSrcAddr = 3,
kWrRegAddrAddr = 4,
kWrTableAddrAddr = 5,
kWrEEAddrAddr = 6,
kWrDstAddr = 7,
kTmrCoarseAddr = 8,
kTmrFineAddr = 9,
kTmrPrescaleAddr = 10,
kPwmEnableAddr = 11,
kPwmDutyAddr = 12,
kPwmFreqAddr = 13,
kModeAddr = 14,
kStateAddr = 15,
kErrorCodeAddr = 16
class TinyConst(Enum):
kRdRegSrcId = TinyRegAddr.kRdRegAddrAddr, # 0
kRdTableSrcId = TinyRegAddr.kRdTableAddrAddr, # 1
kRdEESrcId = TinyRegAddr.kRdEEAddrAddr # 2
kWrRegDstId = TinyRegAddr.kWrRegAddrAddr, # 4
kWrTableDstId = TinyRegAddr.kWrTableAddrAddr, # 5
kWrEEDstId = TinyRegAddr.kWrEEAddrAddr, # 6
kWrAddrFl = 0x08, # first avail bit above kWrEEAddr
class SerialMsgId(Enum):
QUIT_MSG = 0xffff
DATA_MSG = 0xfffe
def _serial_process_func( serial_dev, baud, pipe ):
reset_N = 0
drop_N = 0
noSync_N = 0
with serial.Serial(serial_dev, baud) as port:
while True:
# get the count of available bytes in the serial port buffer
bytes_waiting_N = port.in_waiting
# if no serial port bytes are available then sleep ....
if bytes_waiting_N == 0:
time.sleep(0.01) # ... for 10 ms
else: # read the serial port ...
v = port.read(bytes_waiting_N)
pipe.send((SerialMsgId.DATA_MSG,v)) # ... and send it to the parent
msg = None
if pipe.poll(): # non-blocking check for parent process messages
msg = pipe.recv()
except EOFError:
# if an incoming message was received
if msg != None:
# this is a shutdown msg
if msg[0] == SerialMsgId.QUIT_MSG:
pipe.send(msg) # ... send quit msg back
# this is a data xmit msg
elif msg[0] == SerialMsgId.DATA_MSG:
class SerialProcess(Process):
def __init__(self,serial_dev,serial_baud):
self.parent_end, child_end = Pipe()
super(SerialProcess, self).__init__(target=_serial_process_func, name="Serial", args=(serial_dev,serial_baud,child_end,))
self.doneFl = False
def quit(self):
# send quit msg to the child process
def send(self,msg_id,value):
# send a msg to the child process
def recv(self):
x = None
if not self.doneFl and self.parent_end.poll():
x = self.parent_end.recv()
if x[0] == SerialMsgId.QUIT_MSG:
self.doneFl = True
return x
def is_done(self):
return self.doneFl
class Picadae:
def __init__( self, key_mapL, i2c_base_addr=1, serial_dev='/dev/ttyACM0', serial_baud=38400 ):
key_mapL = [{ index, board, ch, type, midi, class }]
serial_dev = /dev/ttyACM0
serial_baud = 38400
i2c_base_addr = 1
self.serialProc = SerialProcess( serial_dev, serial_baud )
self.keyMapD = { d['midi']:d for d in key_mapL }
self.i2c_base_addr = i2c_base_addr
self.prescaler_usec = 32
def close( self ):
def write( self, i2c_addr, reg_addr, byteL ):
return self._send( 'w', i2c_addr, reg_addr, [ len(byteL) ] + byteL )
def set_read_addr( self, i2c_addr, src, addr ):
return self. write(i2c_addr, TinyOpD['readOp'], src, addr )
def set_reg_read_addr( self, i2c_addr, addr ):
return self.set_read_addr(i2c_addr, TinyRegAddr.kRdRegAddrAddr, addr )
def set_table_read_addr( self, i2c_addr, addr ):
return self.set_read_addr(i2c_addr, TinyRegAddr.kRdTableAddrAddr, addr )
def set_eeprom_read_addr( self, i2c_addr, addr ):
return self.set_read_addr(i2c_addr, TinyRegAddr.kRdEEAddrAddr, addr )
def read_request( self, i2c_addr, reg_addr, argL ):
return self._send( 'r', i2c_addr, reg_addr, [ byteOutN, len(argL) ] + argL )
def read_poll( self ):
return self.serialProc.recv()
def read_block( self, i2c_addr, reg_addr, argL, byteOutN, time_out_ms ):
self.read_request( self, i2c_addr, reg_addr, argL, byteOutN )
ts = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timeDelta(milliseconds=time_out_ms)
retL = []
while datetime.datetime.now() < ts and len(retL) < byteOutN:
x = self.serialProc.recv()
if x is not None:
return retL
def note_on_vel( self, midi_pitch, midi_vel ):
return self.write( self._pitch_to_i2c_addr( midi_pitch ),
[self._validate_vel(midi_vel)] )
def note_on_us( self, midi_pitch, pulse_usec ):
return self.write( self._pitch_to_i2c_addr( midi_pitch ),
list(self._usec_to_coarse_and_fine(pulse_usec)) )
def note_off( self, midi_pitch ):
return self.write( self._pitch_to_i2c_addr( midi_pitch ),
TinyOpD['noteOffOp'],[0] ) # TODO: sending a dummy byte because we can handle sending a command with no data bytes.
def set_velocity_map( self, midi_pitch, midi_vel, pulse_usec ):
def get_velocity_map( self, midi_pitch, midi_vel, time_out_ms=250 ):
def set_pwm_duty( self, midi_pitch, duty_cycle_pct, enableFl=True ):
return self.write( self._pitch_to_i2c_addr( midi_pitch ),
[enableFl, int( duty_cycle_pct * 255.0 /100.0 )])
def get_pwm_duty( self, midi_pitch, time_out_ms=250 ):
return self.read_block( self._pitch_to_i2c_addr( midi_pitch ),
[], 1, time_out_ms )
def set_pwm_freq( self, midi_pitch, freq_div_id ):
# pwm frequency divider 1=1,2=8,3=64,4=256,5=1024
assert( 1 <= freq_div_id and freq_div_id <= 5 )
def get_pwm_freq( self, midi_pitch, time_out_ms=250 ):
return self.read_block( self._pitch_to_i2c_addr( midi_pitch ),
[], 1, time_out_ms )
def set_flags( self, midi_pitch, flags ):
return self.write( self._pitch_to_i2c_addr( midi_pitch ),
[ 12, 14, flags ])
def make_note( self, midi_pitch, atk_us, dur_ms ):
# TODO: handle error on note_on_us()
self.note_on_us(midi_pitch, atk_us);
time.sleep( dur_ms / 1000.0 )
return self.note_off(midi_pitch)
def _pitch_to_i2c_addr( self, pitch ):
return self.keyMapD[ pitch ]['index'] + self.i2c_base_addr
def _validate_vel( self, vel ):
return vel
def _usec_to_coarse_and_fine( self, usec ):
coarse = int( usec / (self.prescaler_usec*255))
fine = int((usec - coarse*self.prescaler_usec*255) / self.prescaler_usec)
assert( coarse <= 255 )
assert( fine <= 255)
return coarse,fine
def _send( self, opcode, i2c_addr, reg_addr, byteL ):
self._print( opcode, i2c_addr, reg_addr, byteL )
byteA = bytearray( [ord(opcode), i2c_addr, reg_addr ] + byteL )
return self.serialProc.send(SerialMsgId.DATA_MSG, byteA )
def _print( self, opcode, i2c_addr, reg_addr, byteL ):
s = "{} {} {}".format( opcode, i2c_addr, reg_addr )
for x in byteL:
s += " {}".format(x)