libcm is a C development framework with an emphasis on audio signal processing applications.
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  1. //| Copyright: (C) 2009-2020 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
  2. //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
  3. #ifndef cmFile_h
  4. #define cmFile_h
  5. #ifdef __cplusplus
  6. extern "C" {
  7. #endif
  8. //( { file_desc: "File abstraction class." kw:[file system base]}
  9. //
  10. // The cmFile API extends the C standard file handling routines
  11. // with cm style error handling. All cm file input and output occurs
  12. // through this interface."
  13. //
  14. enum
  15. {
  16. kOkFileRC = cmOkRC,
  17. kInvalidFlagFileRC,
  18. kOpenFailFileRC,
  19. kCloseFailFileRC,
  20. kReadFailFileRC,
  21. kWriteFailFileRC,
  22. kSeekFailFileRC,
  23. kTellFailFileRC,
  24. kPrintFailFileRC,
  25. kObjAllocFailFileRC,
  26. kHandleInvalidFileRC,
  27. kStatFailFileRC,
  28. kBufAllocFailFileRC,
  29. kBufTooSmallFileRC,
  30. kFileSysFailFileRC,
  31. };
  32. typedef unsigned cmFileRC_t;
  33. typedef cmHandle_t cmFileH_t;
  34. extern cmFileH_t cmFileNullHandle;
  35. // Flags for use with cmFileOpen().
  36. enum cmFileOpenFlags_t
  37. {
  38. kReadFileFl = 0x01, //< Open a file for reading
  39. kWriteFileFl = 0x02, //< Create an empty file for writing
  40. kAppendFileFl = 0x04, //< Open a file for writing at the end of the file.
  41. kUpdateFileFl = 0x08, //< Open a file for reading and writing.
  42. kBinaryFileFl = 0x10, //< Open a file for binary (not text) input/output.
  43. kStdoutFileFl = 0x20, //< Ignore fn use 'stdout'
  44. kStderrFileFl = 0x40, //< Ignore fn use 'stderr'
  45. kStdinFileFl = 0x80, //< Ignore fn use 'stdin'
  46. };
  47. // Open or create a file.
  48. // Equivalent to fopen().
  49. // If *hp was not initalized by an earlier call to cmFileOpen() then it should
  50. // be set to cmFileNullHandle prior to calling this function. If *hp is a valid handle
  51. // then it is automatically finalized by an internal call to cmFileClose() prior to
  52. // being re-iniitalized.
  53. //
  54. // If kStdoutFileFl, kStderrFileFl or kStdinFileFl are set then
  55. // file name argument 'fn' is ignored.
  56. cmFileRC_t cmFileOpen(
  57. cmFileH_t* hp, // Pointer to a client supplied cmFileHandle_t to recieve the handle for the new object.
  58. const cmChar_t* fn, // The name of the file to open or create.
  59. enum cmFileOpenFlags_t flags, // See cmFileOpenFlags_t
  60. cmRpt_t* rpt // The cmRpt_t to use for error reporting
  61. );
  62. // Close a file opened with Equivalent to fclose().
  63. cmFileRC_t cmFileClose( cmFileH_t* hp );
  64. // Return true if the file handle is associated with an open file.
  65. bool cmFileIsValid( cmFileH_t h );
  66. // Read a block bytes from a file. Equivalent to fread().
  67. cmFileRC_t cmFileRead( cmFileH_t h, void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt );
  68. // Write a block of bytes to a file. Equivalent to fwrite().
  69. cmFileRC_t cmFileWrite( cmFileH_t h, const void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt );
  70. enum cmFileSeekFlags_t
  71. {
  72. kBeginFileFl = 0x01,
  73. kCurFileFl = 0x02,
  74. kEndFileFl = 0x04
  75. };
  76. // Set the file position indicator. Equivalent to fseek().
  77. cmFileRC_t cmFileSeek( cmFileH_t h, enum cmFileSeekFlags_t flags, int offsByteCnt );
  78. // Return the file position indicator. Equivalent to ftell().
  79. cmFileRC_t cmFileTell( cmFileH_t h, long* offsPtr );
  80. // Return true if the file position indicator is at the end of the file.
  81. // Equivalent to feof().
  82. bool cmFileEof( cmFileH_t h );
  83. // Return the length of the file in bytes
  84. unsigned cmFileByteCount( cmFileH_t h );
  85. cmFileRC_t cmFileByteCountFn( const cmChar_t* fn, cmRpt_t* rpt, unsigned* fileByteCntPtr );
  86. // Set *isEqualPtr=true if the two files are identical.
  87. cmFileRC_t cmFileCompare( const cmChar_t* fn0, const cmChar_t* fn1, cmRpt_t* rpt, bool* isEqualFlPtr );
  88. // Return the file name associated with a file handle.
  89. const cmChar_t* cmFileName( cmFileH_t h );
  90. // Write a buffer to a file.
  91. cmFileRC_t cmFileFnWrite( const cmChar_t* fn, cmRpt_t* rpt, const void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt );
  92. // Allocate and fill a buffer from the file.
  93. // Set *bufByteCntPtr to count of bytes read into the buffer.
  94. // 'bufByteCntPtr' is optional - set it to NULL if it is not required by the caller.
  95. // It is the callers responsibility to delete the returned buffer with a
  96. // call to cmMemFree()
  97. cmChar_t* cmFileToBuf( cmFileH_t h, unsigned* bufByteCntPtr );
  98. // Same as cmFileToBuf() but accepts a file name argument.
  99. // 'rpt' is the report object to use for error reporting.
  100. cmChar_t* cmFileFnToBuf( const cmChar_t* fn, cmRpt_t* rpt, unsigned* bufByteCntPtr );
  101. // Copy the file named in srcDir/srcFn/srcExt to a file named dstDir/dstFn/dstExt.
  102. // Note that srcExt/dstExt may be set to NULL if the file extension is included
  103. // in srcFn/dstFn. Likewise srcFn/dstFn may be set to NULL if the file name
  104. // is included in srcDir/dstDir.
  105. cmFileRC_t cmFileCopy(
  106. const cmChar_t* srcDir,
  107. const cmChar_t* srcFn,
  108. const cmChar_t* srcExt,
  109. const cmChar_t* dstDir,
  110. const cmChar_t* dstFn,
  111. const cmChar_t* dstExt,
  112. cmErr_t* err);
  113. // This function creates a backup copy of the file 'fn' by duplicating it into
  114. // a file named fn_#.ext where # is an integer which makes the file name unique.
  115. // The integers chosen with zero and are incremented until an
  116. // unused file name is found in the same directory as 'fn'.
  117. // If the file identified by 'fn' is not found then the function returns quietly.
  118. cmFileRC_t cmFileBackup( const cmChar_t* dir, const cmChar_t* name, const cmChar_t* ext, cmErr_t* err );
  119. // Allocate and fill a zero terminated string from a file.
  120. // Set *bufByteCntPtr to count of bytes read into the buffer.=
  121. // (the buffer memory size is one byte larger to account for the terminating zero)
  122. // 'bufByteCntPtr' is optional - set it to NULL if it is not required by the caller.
  123. // It is the callers responsibility to delete the returned buffer with a
  124. // call to cmMemFree()
  125. cmChar_t* cmFileToStr( cmFileH_t h, unsigned* bufByteCntPtr );
  126. // Same as cmFileToBuf() but accepts a file name argument.
  127. // 'rpt' is the report object to use for error reporting.
  128. cmChar_t* cmFileFnToStr( const cmChar_t* fn, cmRpt_t* rpt, unsigned* bufByteCntPtr );
  129. // Return the count of lines in a file.
  130. cmFileRC_t cmFileLineCount( cmFileH_t h, unsigned* lineCntPtr );
  131. // Read the next line into buf[bufByteCnt].
  132. // Consider using cmFileGetLineAuto() as an alternative to this function
  133. // to avoid having to use a buffer with an explicit size.
  134. //
  135. // If buf is not long enough to hold the entire string then
  136. //
  137. // 1. The function returns kFileBufTooSmallRC
  138. // 2. *bufByteCntPtr is set to the size of the required buffer.
  139. // 3. The internal file position is left unchanged.
  140. //
  141. // If the buffer is long enough to hold the entire line then
  142. // *bufByteCntPtr is left unchanged.
  143. // See cmFileGetLineTest() in cmProcTest.c or cmFileGetLineAuto()
  144. // in cmFile.c for examples of how to use this function to a
  145. // achieve proper buffer sizing.
  146. cmFileRC_t cmFileGetLine( cmFileH_t h, cmChar_t* buf, unsigned* bufByteCntPtr );
  147. // A version of cmFileGetLine() which eliminates the need to handle buffer
  148. // sizing.
  149. //
  150. // Example usage:
  151. //
  152. // cmChar_t* buf = NULL;
  153. // unsigned bufByteCnt = 0;
  154. // while(cmFileGetLineAuto(h,&buf,&bufByteCnt)==kOkFileRC)
  155. // proc(buf);
  156. // cmMemPtrFree(buf);
  157. //
  158. // On the first call to this function *bufPtrPtr must be set to NULL and
  159. // *bufByteCntPtr must be set to 0.
  160. // Following the last call to this function call cmMemPtrFree(bufPtrptr)
  161. // to be sure the line buffer is fully released. Note this step is not
  162. // neccessary if the last call does not return kOkFileRC.
  163. cmFileRC_t cmFileGetLineAuto( cmFileH_t h, cmChar_t** bufPtrPtr, unsigned* bufByteCntPtr );
  164. // Binary Array Reading Functions
  165. // Each of these functions reads a block of binary data from a file.
  166. // The advantage to using these functions over cmFileRead() is only that they are type specific.
  167. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadChar( cmFileH_t h, char* buf, unsigned cnt );
  168. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadUChar( cmFileH_t h, unsigned char* buf, unsigned cnt );
  169. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadShort( cmFileH_t h, short* buf, unsigned cnt );
  170. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadUShort( cmFileH_t h, unsigned short* buf, unsigned cnt );
  171. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadLong( cmFileH_t h, long* buf, unsigned cnt );
  172. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadULong( cmFileH_t h, unsigned long* buf, unsigned cnt );
  173. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadInt( cmFileH_t h, int* buf, unsigned cnt );
  174. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadUInt( cmFileH_t h, unsigned int* buf, unsigned cnt );
  175. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadFloat( cmFileH_t h, float* buf, unsigned cnt );
  176. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadDouble( cmFileH_t h, double* buf, unsigned cnt );
  177. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadBool( cmFileH_t h, bool* buf, unsigned cnt );
  178. // Binary Array Writing Functions
  179. // Each of these functions writes an array to a binary file.
  180. // The advantage to using functions rather than cmFileWrite() is only that they are type specific.
  181. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteChar( cmFileH_t h, const char* buf, unsigned cnt );
  182. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteUChar( cmFileH_t h, const unsigned char* buf, unsigned cnt );
  183. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteShort( cmFileH_t h, const short* buf, unsigned cnt );
  184. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteUShort( cmFileH_t h, const unsigned short* buf, unsigned cnt );
  185. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteLong( cmFileH_t h, const long* buf, unsigned cnt );
  186. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteULong( cmFileH_t h, const unsigned long* buf, unsigned cnt );
  187. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteInt( cmFileH_t h, const int* buf, unsigned cnt );
  188. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteUInt( cmFileH_t h, const unsigned int* buf, unsigned cnt );
  189. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteFloat( cmFileH_t h, const float* buf, unsigned cnt );
  190. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteDouble( cmFileH_t h, const double* buf, unsigned cnt );
  191. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteBool( cmFileH_t h, const bool* buf, unsigned cnt );
  192. // Write a string to a file as <N> <char0> <char1> ... <char(N-1)>
  193. // where N is the count of characters in the string.
  194. cmFileRC_t cmFileWriteStr( cmFileH_t h, const cmChar_t* s );
  195. // Read a string back from a file as written by cmFileWriteStr().
  196. // Note that the string will by string will be dynamically allocated
  197. // and threfore must eventually be released via cmMemFree().
  198. // If maxCharN is set to zero then the default maximum string
  199. // length is 16384. Note that this limit is used to prevent
  200. // corrupt files from generating excessively long strings.
  201. cmFileRC_t cmFileReadStr( cmFileH_t h, cmChar_t** sRef, unsigned maxCharN );
  202. // Formatted Text Output Functions:
  203. // Print formatted text to a file.
  204. cmFileRC_t cmFilePrint( cmFileH_t h, const cmChar_t* text );
  205. cmFileRC_t cmFilePrintf( cmFileH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
  206. cmFileRC_t cmFileVPrintf( cmFileH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
  207. cmFileRC_t cmFileLastRC( cmFileH_t h );
  208. cmFileRC_t cmFileSetRC( cmFileH_t h, cmFileRC_t rc );
  209. //)
  210. #ifdef __cplusplus
  211. }
  212. #endif
  213. #endif