libcm is a C development framework with an emphasis on audio signal processing applications.
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cmAudioSysMsg.h 5.1KB

  1. //| Copyright: (C) 2009-2020 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
  2. //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
  3. #ifndef cmAudioSysMsg_h
  4. #define cmAudioSysMsg_h
  5. #ifdef __cplusplus
  6. extern "C" {
  7. #endif
  8. //( { file_desc:"Constrants and data structures used to communicate messages to and from cmAudioSys" kw:[audio real_time]}
  9. /// Reserved DSP message selector id's (second field of all host<->audio system messages)
  10. enum
  11. {
  12. kMidiMsgArraySelAsId = 1000,
  13. kMidiSysExSelAsId,
  14. kUiSelAsId, // indicates a cmDspUiHdr_t msg
  15. kUiMstrSelAsId, // indicates a cmDspUiHdr_t msg containing master control information for the audio system
  16. kSsInitSelAsId, // indicates the msg is of type cmAudioSysSsInitMsg_t
  17. kStatusSelAsId, // indicates the msg is of type cmAudioSysStatus_t
  18. kNetSyncSelAsId, // sent with a cmDspNetMsg_t object
  19. };
  20. typedef struct
  21. {
  22. unsigned asSubIdx;
  23. unsigned selAsId; // Message selector id See kXXXSelAsId above
  24. unsigned selId; // Message specific selector
  25. } cmAudioSysMsg_t;
  26. // All of the UI messages that create a UI control contain an array of integers
  27. // as in the 'value' field. The array contains the id's associated with
  28. // the different programmable paramters which are part of the control.
  29. // For example a slider control has minimum,maximum, step size, and value
  30. // parameters. The location in the array is hard coded according to the
  31. // parameters meaning but the actual value of the id is left up to the
  32. // engine. This allows the engine to use whatever values work best for
  33. // it on a per instance basis.
  34. // Header record for all messages between the host and the DSP controllers.
  35. typedef struct
  36. {
  37. unsigned asSubIdx; // the audio sub-system this UI belongs to
  38. unsigned uiId; // msg type kXXXAsId
  39. unsigned selId; // action to perform see above
  40. unsigned flags; //
  41. unsigned instId; // DSP instance id
  42. unsigned instVarId; // DSP instance var id
  43. unsigned rsrvd;
  44. double value;
  45. } cmAudioSysMstr_t;
  46. /// The cmDspUiHdr_t.instId of UI control messages associated with master
  47. /// control encode the device,channel,in/out, and control type. These macros
  48. /// should be used for encoding and decoding.
  49. #define cmAudioSysFormUiInstId(dev,ch,ifl,ctl) (((dev)<<16) + ((ch)<<4) + ((ifl)<<3) + (ctl))
  50. #define cmAudioSysUiInstIdToDevIndex(instId) ( (instId) >> 16)
  51. #define cmAudioSysUiInstIdToChIndex(instId) (((instId) & 0x0000ffff) >> 4)
  52. #define cmAudioSysUiInstIdToInFlag(instId) ( (instId) & 0x08)
  53. #define cmAudioSysUiInstIdToCtlId(instId) ( (instId) & 0x07)
  54. /// Control id's used to identify the control type of master contols.
  55. enum
  56. {
  57. kSliderUiAsId = 0,
  58. kMeterUiAsId = 1,
  59. kMuteUiAsId = 2,
  60. kToneUiAsId = 3,
  61. kPassUiAsId = 4
  62. };
  63. /// This message is transmitted to the host application just prior to returning
  64. /// from cmAudioSysInitialize().
  65. /// When transmitted to the host this record acts as a message header.
  66. /// This header is followed by two zero terminated char arrays containing the device
  67. /// labels associated with the input and output devices.
  68. /// Message Layout: [ cmAudioSysInitMsg_t "In Device Label" "Out Device Label"]
  69. typedef struct
  70. {
  71. unsigned asSubIdx; ///< asSubIdx of this sub-system
  72. unsigned selId; ///< always kSsInitAsId
  73. unsigned asSubCnt; ///< count of sub-systems
  74. unsigned inDevIdx; ///< input device index
  75. unsigned outDevIdx; ///< output device index
  76. unsigned dspFramesPerCycle;
  77. double srate;
  78. unsigned inChCnt; ///< input device channel count
  79. unsigned outChCnt; ///< outut device channel count
  80. } cmAudioSysSsInitMsg_t;
  81. /// Audio sub-system status record - this message can be transmitted to the host at
  82. /// periodic intervals. See cmAudioSysStatusNotifyEnable().
  83. /// When transmitted to the host this record acts as the message header.
  84. /// This header is followed by two arrays of doubles containing the input and output meter values
  85. /// associated with the input and output audio devices.
  86. /// Message Layout: [ asSubIdx kStatusSelId cmAudioSysStatus_t iMeterArray[iMeterCnt] oMeterArray[oMeterCnt] ]
  87. typedef struct
  88. {
  89. unsigned asSubIdx; ///< originating audio sub-system
  90. unsigned updateCnt; ///< count of callbacks from the audio devices.
  91. unsigned wakeupCnt; ///< count of times the audio system thread has woken up after the cond. var has been signaled by the audio update thread.
  92. unsigned msgCbCnt; ///< count of msgs delivered via cmAsCallback() .
  93. unsigned audioCbCnt; ///< count of times the DSP execution was requested via cmAsCallback().
  94. unsigned iDevIdx; ///< Input device index
  95. unsigned oDevIdx; ///< Output device index
  96. unsigned overflowCnt; ///< count of times the audio input buffers overflowed
  97. unsigned underflowCnt; ///< count of times the audio output buffers underflowed
  98. unsigned iMeterCnt; ///< count of input meter channels
  99. unsigned oMeterCnt; ///< count of output meter channels
  100. } cmAudioSysStatus_t;
  101. //)
  102. #ifdef __cplusplus
  103. }
  104. #endif
  105. #endif