123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333 |
- ##| Copyright: (C) 2019-2020 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
- ##| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
- import os,sys,pickle,json
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib._color_data as mcd
- from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
- from rms_analysis import rms_analysis_main
- from rms_analysis import note_stats
- from rms_analysis import key_info_dictionary
- from rms_analysis import select_first_stable_note_by_delta_db
- from rms_analysis import select_first_stable_note_by_dur
- def do_plot(r, statsL ):
- fig,ax = plt.subplots()
- x = [ i / r.rms_srate for i in range(len(r.tdRmsDbV)) ]
- ax.plot( x,r.tdRmsDbV, color="blue" )
- x = [ i / r.rms_srate for i in range(len(r.rmsDbV)) ]
- ax.plot( x,r.rmsDbV, color="green")
- ymx = np.max(r.tdRmsDbV)
- ymn = np.min(r.tdRmsDbV)
- for r in statsL:
- x = r.pkSmpSec
- ax.axvline(x,ymax=ymx,ymin=ymn)
- ax.text(x,r.pkDb+1,"%i ms" % r.durMs)
- ax.text(x,r.pkDb+2,"%4.1f dB" % r.pkDb)
- ax.text(x,r.pkDb+3,"%i us" % r.pulse_us)
- if hasattr(r,"MIN"):
- ax.plot(x,r.pkDb,marker="*",color="red")
- plt.show()
- def select_min_note( rr, statsL, minDurMs=600, minDb=8, contextSecs=10 ):
- sel_note_r = None
- for r in statsL:
- if r.pkDb > minDb and r.durMs > minDurMs:
- sel_note_r = r
- break
- #print(rr.tdRmsDbV.shape,rr.rmsDbV.shape)
- sL = []
- if sel_note_r is None:
- print("ERROR: No min note found.")
- else:
- #print(sel_note_r)
- bi = max(0, int(round(sel_note_r.pkSmpSec * rr.rms_srate - contextSecs*rr.rms_srate)))
- ei = min(rr.tdRmsDbV.shape[0],int(round(sel_note_r.pkSmpSec * rr.rms_srate + contextSecs*rr.rms_srate)))
- rr.tdRmsDbV = rr.tdRmsDbV[bi:ei]
- rr.rmsDbV = rr.rmsDbV[bi:ei]
- offsSec = bi / rr.rms_srate
- for r in statsL:
- begSmpIdx = int(round(r.begSmpSec * rr.rms_srate))
- endSmpIdx = int(round(r.endSmpSec * rr.rms_srate))
- if begSmpIdx > bi and endSmpIdx < ei:
- r0 = r
- r0.begSmpSec = r.begSmpSec - offsSec
- r0.endSmpSec = r.endSmpSec - offsSec
- r0.pkSmpSec = r.pkSmpSec - offsSec
- if r.begSmpSec == sel_note_r.begSmpSec:
- setattr(r0,"MIN",True)
- sL.append(r0)
- return rr,sL
- def plot_note_audio_reanalysis( inDir ):
- rmsWndMs=300
- rmsHopMs=30
- dbLinRef=0.001
- harmCandN=5
- harmN=3
- durDecayPct = 50
- path = os.path.normpath(inDir)
- pathL = inDir.split(os.sep)
- take_id = int(pathL[-1])
- midi_pitch = int(pathL[-2])
- r = rms_analysis_main( inDir, midi_pitch, rmsWndMs=rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs=rmsHopMs, dbLinRef=dbLinRef, harmCandN=harmCandN, harmN=harmN, durDecayPct=durDecayPct )
- r,statsL = select_min_note(r,r.statsL)
- do_plot(r,statsL)
- def plot_note_audio_reanalysis_dir( inDir, dirL ):
- for folder in dirL:
- path = os.path.join(inDir,str(folder),"0")
- plot_note_audio_reanalysis( path )
- def get_all_note_durations( inDir, cacheFn ):
- folderL = os.listdir( inDir )
- yL = []
- for folder in folderL:
- takeId = 0
- rmsWndMs=300
- rmsHopMs=30
- dbLinRef=0.001
- harmCandN=5
- harmN=3
- durDecayPct = 40
- path = os.path.normpath(inDir)
- midi_pitch = int( folder )
- takePath = os.path.join(inDir,folder,str(takeId))
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(takePath,'seq.json')):
- print(midi_pitch)
- r = rms_analysis_main( takePath, midi_pitch, rmsWndMs=rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs=rmsHopMs, dbLinRef=dbLinRef, harmCandN=harmCandN, harmN=harmN, durDecayPct=durDecayPct )
- xL = []
- for i,sr in enumerate(r.statsL):
- xL.append((r.pkUsL[i],sr.durMs,sr.pkDb,sr.quality))
- yL.append((midi_pitch,xL))
- with open(cacheFn,"wb") as f:
- pickle.dump(yL,f)
- def plot_all_note_durations( cacheFn, pitchL=None, axN=12, yamlCfgFn=None, minDurMs=800, maxPulseUs=None ):
- keyMapD = None
- if yamlCfgFn is not None:
- keyMapD = key_info_dictionary( keyMapL=None, yamlCfgFn=yamlCfgFn)
- fig,axL = plt.subplots(axN,1)
- fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5*axN)
- #cL = list(mcd.CSS4_COLORS.values())
- cL = ['black','brown','orangered','saddlebrown','peru','olivedrab','lightgreen','springgreen','cadetblue','slategray','royalblue','navy','darkviolet','deeppink','crimson']
- yD=[]
- with open(cacheFn,"rb") as f:
- yD = dict(pickle.load(f))
- cn = 3 #min(1,len(cL)//len(yD))
- ci = 0
- i = 0
- for midi_pitch in pitchL:
- if (pitchL is not None and midi_pitch not in pitchL) or midi_pitch not in yD:
- continue
- xL = yD[midi_pitch]
- pkUsL,durMsL,pkDbL,qualityL = tuple(zip(*xL))
- if maxPulseUs is not None:
- pkUsL = np.array(pkUsL)
- pkUsL = pkUsL[ pkUsL < maxPulseUs ]
- durMsL = durMsL[0:len(pkUsL)]
- pkDbL = pkDbL[0:len(pkUsL)]
- qualityL = qualityL[0:len(pkUsL)]
- axi = i//(len(pitchL)//axN)
- if keyMapD is None:
- legendLabel = str(midi_pitch)
- else:
- legendLabel = getattr(keyMapD[midi_pitch],'type') + " " + getattr(keyMapD[midi_pitch],'class') + str(midi_pitch)
- axL[axi].plot(pkUsL,durMsL,color=cL[ci],label=legendLabel)
- # plot the quietest stable note
- if minDurMs is not None:
- sni = select_first_stable_note_by_dur( durMsL, minDurMs )
- if sni is not None:
- axL[axi].plot(pkUsL[sni],durMsL[sni],marker=".",color='red')
- axL[axi].text(pkUsL[sni],durMsL[sni] + 50,"%4.1f" % pkDbL[sni])
- sni = select_first_stable_note_by_delta_db( pkDbL, pkUsL )
- if sni is not None:
- axL[axi].plot(pkUsL[sni],durMsL[sni],marker=".",color='blue')
- axL[axi].text(pkUsL[sni],durMsL[sni] + 50,"%4.1f" % pkDbL[sni])
- ci += cn
- if ci >= len(cL):
- ci = ci - len(cL)
- axL[axi].legend()
- i+=1
- plt.show()
- def plot_quiet_note_db( cacheFn, yamlCfgFn, minDurMs=700 ):
- keyMapD = key_info_dictionary( keyMapL=None, yamlCfgFn=yamlCfgFn)
- yD=[]
- with open(cacheFn,"rb") as f:
- yD = dict(pickle.load(f))
- dbL = []
- for midi_pitch in range(24,108):
- pk0Db = 0
- pk1Db = 0
- minDb = 0
- if midi_pitch in yD:
- xL = yD[midi_pitch]
- pkUsL,durMsL,pkDbL,qualityL = tuple(zip(*xL))
- # plot the quietest stable note
- sni = select_first_stable_note_by_dur( durMsL, minDurMs )
- if sni is not None:
- pk0Db = pkDbL[sni]
- sni = select_first_stable_note_by_delta_db( pkDbL, pkUsL )
- if sni is not None:
- pk1Db = pkDbL[sni]
- minDb = min(pk0Db,pk1Db)
- dbL.append( (midi_pitch, minDb, pk0Db,pk1Db) )
- fig,ax = plt.subplots()
- pitchL,minDbL,pk0DbL,pk1DbL = tuple(zip(*dbL))
- ax.plot( pitchL, pk0DbL, label="dur" )
- ax.plot( pitchL, pk1DbL, label="delta" )
- #ax.plot( pitchL, minDbL, label="min" )
- for i,pitch in enumerate(pitchL):
- ax.text( pitch, pk0DbL[i]+1, "%i %s" % (pitch,getattr(keyMapD[pitch],'type')))
- ax.axhline( np.mean(minDbL), label="mean", color="blue" )
- ax.axhline( np.median(minDbL), label="median", color="green" )
- ax.legend()
- plt.show()
- def dump_hold_duty_pct( inDir ):
- pitchL = []
- folderL = os.listdir(inDir)
- for folder in folderL:
- midi_pitch = int(folder)
- fn = os.path.join( inDir,folder,"0","seq.json")
- if not os.path.isfile(fn):
- print("No sequence file:%s" % (fn))
- else:
- with open(fn,"r") as f:
- d = json.load(f)
- if 'holdDutyPct' in d:
- holdDutyPctL = [ [0,d['holdDutyPct']] ]
- else:
- holdDutyPctL = d['holdDutyPctL']
- pitchL.append( {'pitch':midi_pitch, 'holdDutyPctL':holdDutyPctL} )
- #print(midi_pitch, holdDutyPctL)
- pitchL = sorted(pitchL, key=lambda x: x['pitch'])
- for d in pitchL:
- print("{",d['pitch'],":",d['holdDutyPctL'],"},")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #inDir = sys.argv[1]
- #plot_note_analysis( inDir )
- pitchL = [ 30,31,32,33,34,35 ]
- pitchL = [ 70,71,72,73,74,75 ]
- plot_note_audio_reanalysis_dir( "/home/kevin/temp/p_ac_3c",pitchL)
- durFn = "/home/kevin/temp/cache_note_dur.pickle"
- #get_all_note_durations("/home/kevin/temp/p_ac_3c",durFn)
- #plot_all_note_durations(durFn, np.arange(45,55),2,"p_ac.yml",800,20000)
- #plot_quiet_note_db(durFn,"p_ac.yml")
- #dump_hold_duty_pct( "/home/kevin/temp/p_ac_3c" )