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rms_analysis.py 19KB

  1. ##| Copyright: (C) 2019-2020 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
  2. ##| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
  3. import os,types,json,pickle,types
  4. from scipy.io import wavfile
  5. from scipy.signal import stft
  6. import numpy as np
  7. from common import parse_yaml_cfg
  8. def calc_harm_bins( srate, binHz, midiPitch, harmN ):
  9. semi_tone = 1.0/12
  10. quarter_tone = 1.0/24
  11. eigth_tone = 1.0/48
  12. band_width_st = 3.0/48 # 3/8 tone
  13. fundHz = (13.75 * pow(2.0,(-9.0/12.0))) * pow(2.0,(midiPitch / 12))
  14. fund_l_binL = [int(round(fundHz * pow(2.0,-band_width_st) * i/binHz)) for i in range(1,harmN+1)]
  15. fund_m_binL = [int(round(fundHz * i/binHz)) for i in range(1,harmN+1)]
  16. fund_u_binL = [int(round(fundHz * pow(2.0, band_width_st) * i/binHz)) for i in range(1,harmN+1)]
  17. for i in range(len(fund_m_binL)):
  18. if fund_l_binL[i] >= fund_m_binL[i] and fund_l_binL[i] > 0:
  19. fund_l_binL[i] = fund_m_binL[i] - 1
  20. if fund_u_binL[i] <= fund_m_binL[i] and fund_u_binL[i] < len(fund_u_binL)-1:
  21. fund_u_binL[i] = fund_m_binL[i] + 1
  22. return fund_l_binL, fund_m_binL, fund_u_binL
  23. def rms_to_db( xV, rms_srate, dbLinRef ):
  24. #dbWndN = int(round(refWndMs * rms_srate / 1000.0))
  25. #dbRef = ref = np.mean(xV[0:dbWndN])
  26. #print("DB REF:",dbLinRef, min(xV), np.argmin(xV))
  27. rmsDbV = 20.0 * np.log10( (xV+np.nextafter(0,1)) / dbLinRef )
  28. return rmsDbV
  29. def audio_rms( srate, xV, rmsWndMs, hopMs, dbLinRef ):
  30. wndSmpN = int(round( rmsWndMs * srate / 1000.0))
  31. hopSmpN = int(round( hopMs * srate / 1000.0))
  32. xN = xV.shape[0]
  33. yN = int(((xN - wndSmpN) / hopSmpN) + 1)
  34. assert( yN > 0)
  35. yV = np.zeros( (yN, ) )
  36. assert( wndSmpN > 1 )
  37. i = 0
  38. j = 0
  39. while i < xN and j < yN:
  40. if i == 0:
  41. yV[j] = np.sqrt(xV[0]*xV[0])
  42. elif i < wndSmpN:
  43. yV[j] = np.sqrt( np.mean( xV[0:i] * xV[0:i] ) )
  44. else:
  45. yV[j] = np.sqrt( np.mean( xV[i-wndSmpN:i] * xV[i-wndSmpN:i] ) )
  46. i += hopSmpN
  47. j += 1
  48. rms_srate = srate / hopSmpN
  49. return rms_to_db( yV[0:j], rms_srate, dbLinRef ), rms_srate
  50. def audio_stft_rms( srate, xV, rmsWndMs, hopMs, dbLinRef, spectrumIdx ):
  51. wndSmpN = int(round( rmsWndMs * srate / 1000.0))
  52. hopSmpN = int(round( hopMs * srate / 1000.0))
  53. binHz = srate / wndSmpN
  54. f,t,xM = stft( xV, fs=srate, window="hann", nperseg=wndSmpN, noverlap=wndSmpN-hopSmpN, return_onesided=True )
  55. specHopIdx = int(round( spectrumIdx ))
  56. specV = np.sqrt(np.abs(xM[:, specHopIdx ]))
  57. mV = np.zeros((xM.shape[1]))
  58. for i in range(xM.shape[1]):
  59. mV[i] = np.max(np.sqrt(np.abs(xM[:,i])))
  60. rms_srate = srate / hopSmpN
  61. mV = rms_to_db( mV, rms_srate, dbLinRef )
  62. return mV, rms_srate, specV, specHopIdx, binHz
  63. def audio_harm_rms( srate, xV, rmsWndMs, hopMs, dbLinRef, midiPitch, harmCandN, harmN ):
  64. wndSmpN = int(round( rmsWndMs * srate / 1000.0))
  65. hopSmpN = int(round( hopMs * srate / 1000.0))
  66. binHz = srate / wndSmpN
  67. #print( "STFT:", rmsWndMs, hopMs, wndSmpN, hopSmpN, wndSmpN-hopSmpN )
  68. f,t,xM = stft( xV, fs=srate, window="hann", nperseg=wndSmpN, noverlap=wndSmpN-hopSmpN, return_onesided=True )
  69. harmLBinL,harmMBinL,harmUBinL = calc_harm_bins( srate, binHz, midiPitch, harmCandN )
  70. rmsV = np.zeros((xM.shape[1],))
  71. for i in range(xM.shape[1]):
  72. mV = np.sqrt(np.abs(xM[:,i]))
  73. pV = np.zeros((len(harmLBinL,)))
  74. for j,(b0i,b1i) in enumerate(zip( harmLBinL, harmUBinL )):
  75. pV[j] = np.max(mV[b0i:b1i])
  76. rmsV[i] = np.mean( sorted(pV)[-harmN:] )
  77. rms_srate = srate / hopSmpN
  78. rmsV = rms_to_db( rmsV, rms_srate, dbLinRef )
  79. return rmsV, rms_srate, binHz
  80. def measure_duration_ms( rmsV, rms_srate, peak_idx, end_idx, decay_pct ):
  81. """
  82. Calcuate the time it takes for a note to decay from the peak at
  83. rmsV[peak_idx] dB to 'decay_pct' percent of the peak value.
  84. """
  85. pkRmsDb = rmsV[ peak_idx ]
  86. # calc the note turn-off (offset) db as a percentage of the peak amplitude
  87. offsetRmsDb = pkRmsDb * decay_pct / 100.0
  88. # calc the sample index where the note is off
  89. offset_idx = peak_idx + np.argmin( np.abs(rmsV[peak_idx:end_idx] - offsetRmsDb) )
  90. # calc the duration of the note
  91. dur_ms = int(round((offset_idx - peak_idx) * 1000.0 / rms_srate))
  92. #print(pkRmsDb, offsetRmsDb, peak_idx, offset_idx, end_idx, dur_ms, rms_srate)
  93. return dur_ms
  94. def select_first_stable_note_by_dur( durMsL, minDurMs=800 ):
  95. first_stable_idx = None
  96. for i,durMs in enumerate(durMsL):
  97. if durMs > minDurMs and first_stable_idx is None:
  98. first_stable_idx = i
  99. else:
  100. if durMs < minDurMs:
  101. first_stable_idx = None
  102. return first_stable_idx
  103. def select_first_stable_note_by_delta_db_1( pkDbL, pkUsL, maxPulseUs=0.1 ):
  104. wndN = 5
  105. aL = []
  106. dV = np.diff(pkDbL) / pkDbL[1:]
  107. for ei in range(wndN,len(pkDbL)):
  108. xV = dV[ei-wndN:ei]
  109. avg = np.mean(np.abs(xV))
  110. aL.append(avg)
  111. k = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(pkUsL) - maxPulseUs))
  112. print(aL)
  113. print(k)
  114. for i in range(k,0,-1):
  115. if aL[i] > maxDeltaDb:
  116. return i + 1
  117. return None
  118. def select_first_stable_note_by_delta_db( pkDbL, pkUsL=None, maxPulseUs=0.1 ):
  119. wndN = 5
  120. dV = np.diff(pkDbL) / pkDbL[1:]
  121. for ei in range(wndN,len(pkDbL)):
  122. xV = dV[ei-wndN:ei]
  123. avg = np.mean(np.abs(xV))
  124. if avg < .1:
  125. return (ei-wndN)+1
  126. return None
  127. def note_stats( r, decay_pct=50.0, extraDurSearchMs=500 ):
  128. """ Collect some statistics and markers for each note in the sequence. """
  129. statsL = []
  130. srate = r.rms_srate
  131. qmax = 0
  132. for i,(begSmpMs, endSmpMs) in enumerate(r.eventTimeL):
  133. begSmpIdx = int(round(srate * begSmpMs / 1000.0))
  134. endSmpIdx = int(round(srate * (endSmpMs + extraDurSearchMs) / 1000.0))
  135. pkSmpIdx = r.pkIdxL[i]
  136. durMs = measure_duration_ms( r.rmsDbV, srate, pkSmpIdx, endSmpIdx, decay_pct )
  137. bi = pkSmpIdx
  138. ei = pkSmpIdx + int(round(durMs * srate / 1000.0))
  139. qualityCoeff = np.sum(r.rmsDbV[bi:ei]) + np.sum(r.tdRmsDbV[bi:ei])
  140. if qualityCoeff > qmax:
  141. qmax = qualityCoeff
  142. if ei-bi == 0:
  143. tdRmsDb_v = 0.0 if bi >= len(r.tdRmsDbV) else np.mean(r.tdRmsDbV[bi])
  144. hmRmsDb_v = 0.0 if bi >= len(r.rmsDbV) else np.mean(r.rmsDbV[bi])
  145. durAvgDb = (hmRmsDb_v + tdRmsDb_v)/2.0
  146. else:
  147. tdRmsDb_u = 0.0 if ei >= len(r.tdRmsDbV) else np.mean(r.tdRmsDbV[bi:ei])
  148. hmRmsDb_u = 0.0 if ei >= len(r.rmsDbV) else np.mean(r.rmsDbV[bi:ei])
  149. durAvgDb = (hmRmsDb_u + tdRmsDb_u)/2.0
  150. statsL.append( types.SimpleNamespace(**{
  151. 'begSmpSec':begSmpIdx/srate,
  152. 'endSmpSec':endSmpIdx/srate,
  153. 'pkSmpSec':pkSmpIdx/srate,
  154. 'durMs':durMs,
  155. 'pkDb':r.pkDbL[i],
  156. 'pulse_us':r.pkUsL[i],
  157. 'quality':qualityCoeff,
  158. 'durAvgDb':durAvgDb }))
  159. for i,r in enumerate(statsL):
  160. statsL[i].quality = 0 if qmax <= 0 else statsL[i].quality / qmax
  161. return statsL
  162. def locate_peak_indexes( xV, xV_srate, eventMsL, audioFn ):
  163. pkIdxL = []
  164. for i, (begMs, endMs) in enumerate(eventMsL):
  165. begSmpIdx = int(begMs * xV_srate / 1000.0)
  166. endSmpIdx = int(endMs * xV_srate / 1000.0)
  167. if endSmpIdx != begSmpIdx:
  168. pkIdxL.append( begSmpIdx + np.argmax( xV[begSmpIdx:endSmpIdx] ) )
  169. else:
  170. print("Missing peak %i : begween beg:%i ms end:%i ms : %s" % (i, begMs, endMs, audioFn ))
  171. pkIdxL.append( None )
  172. return pkIdxL
  173. def key_info_dictionary( keyMapL=None, yamlCfgFn=None):
  174. if yamlCfgFn is not None:
  175. cfg = parse_yaml_cfg(yamlCfgFn)
  176. keyMapL = cfg.key_mapL
  177. kmD = {}
  178. for d in keyMapL:
  179. kmD[ d['midi'] ] = types.SimpleNamespace(**d)
  180. return kmD
  181. def rms_analyze_one_rt_note( sigV, srate, begMs, endMs, midi_pitch, rmsWndMs=300, rmsHopMs=30, dbLinRef=0.001, harmCandN=5, harmN=3, durDecayPct=40 ):
  182. sigV = np.squeeze(sigV)
  183. td_rmsDbV, td_srate = audio_rms( srate, sigV, rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs, dbLinRef )
  184. begSmpIdx = int(round(begMs * td_srate/1000))
  185. endSmpIdx = int(round(endMs * td_srate/1000))
  186. td_pk_idx = begSmpIdx + np.argmax(td_rmsDbV[begSmpIdx:endSmpIdx])
  187. td_durMs = measure_duration_ms( td_rmsDbV, td_srate, td_pk_idx, len(sigV)-1, durDecayPct )
  188. hm_rmsDbV, hm_srate, binHz = audio_harm_rms( srate, sigV, rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs, dbLinRef, midi_pitch, harmCandN, harmN )
  189. begSmpIdx = int(round(begMs * hm_srate/1000))
  190. endSmpIdx = int(round(endMs * hm_srate/1000))
  191. hm_pk_idx = begSmpIdx + np.argmax(hm_rmsDbV[begSmpIdx:endSmpIdx])
  192. hm_durMs = measure_duration_ms( hm_rmsDbV, hm_srate, hm_pk_idx, len(sigV)-1, durDecayPct )
  193. tdD = { "rmsDbV":td_rmsDbV.tolist(), "srate":td_srate, "pk_idx":int(td_pk_idx), "db":float(td_rmsDbV[td_pk_idx]), "durMs":td_durMs }
  194. hmD = { "rmsDbV":hm_rmsDbV.tolist(), "srate":hm_srate, "pk_idx":int(hm_pk_idx), "db":float(hm_rmsDbV[hm_pk_idx]), "durMs":hm_durMs }
  195. return { "td":tdD, "hm":hmD }
  196. def rms_analyze_one_rt_note_wrap( audioDev, annBegMs, annEndMs, midi_pitch, noteOffDurMs, rmsAnalysisD ):
  197. resD = None
  198. buf_result = audioDev.linear_buffer()
  199. if buf_result:
  200. sigV = buf_result.value
  201. if len(sigV.shape) > 1:
  202. sigV = sigV[:,0].squeeze()
  203. # get the annotated begin and end of the note as sample indexes into sigV
  204. bi = int(round(annBegMs * audioDev.srate / 1000))
  205. ei = int(round(annEndMs * audioDev.srate / 1000))
  206. # calculate half the length of the note-off duration in samples
  207. noteOffSmp_o_2 = int(round( (noteOffDurMs/2) * audioDev.srate / 1000))
  208. # widen the note analysis space noteOffSmp_o_2 samples pre/post the annotated begin/end of the note
  209. bi = max(0,bi - noteOffSmp_o_2)
  210. ei = min(ei+noteOffSmp_o_2,sigV.shape[0]-1)
  211. ar = types.SimpleNamespace(**rmsAnalysisD)
  212. # shift the annotatd begin/end of the note to be relative to index bi
  213. begMs = noteOffSmp_o_2 * 1000 / audioDev.srate
  214. endMs = begMs + (annEndMs - annBegMs)
  215. #print("MEAS:",begMs,endMs,bi,ei,sigV.shape,audioDev.is_recording_enabled(),ar)
  216. # analyze the note
  217. resD = rms_analyze_one_rt_note( sigV[bi:ei], audioDev.srate, begMs, endMs, midi_pitch, rmsWndMs=ar.rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs=ar.rmsHopMs, dbLinRef=ar.dbLinRef, harmCandN=ar.harmCandN, harmN=ar.harmN, durDecayPct=ar.durDecayPct )
  218. #print( "hm:%4.1f %4i td:%4.1f %4i" % (resD['hm']['db'], resD['hm']['durMs'], resD['td']['db'], resD['td']['durMs']))
  219. return resD
  220. def calibrate_rms( sigV, srate, beg_ms, end_ms ):
  221. bi = int(round(beg_ms * srate / 1000))
  222. ei = int(round(end_ms * srate / 1000))
  223. rms = np.sqrt( np.mean( sigV[bi:ei] * sigV[bi:ei] ))
  224. return 20.0*np.log10( rms / 0.002 )
  225. def calibrate_recording_analysis( inDir ):
  226. jsonFn = os.path.join(inDir, "meas.json" )
  227. audioFn = os.path.join(inDir, "audio.wav" )
  228. with open(jsonFn,"r") as f:
  229. r = json.load(f)
  230. measD = r['measD']
  231. cfg = types.SimpleNamespace(**r['cfg'])
  232. annL = r['annoteL']
  233. anlD = {}
  234. n = 0
  235. for midi_pitch,measL in measD.items():
  236. n += len(measL)
  237. anlD[int(midi_pitch)] = []
  238. srate, signalM = wavfile.read(audioFn)
  239. sigV = signalM / float(0x7fff)
  240. anlr = types.SimpleNamespace(**cfg.analysisD)
  241. tdRmsDbV, td_srate = audio_rms( srate, sigV, anlr.rmsWndMs, anlr.rmsHopMs, anlr.dbLinRef )
  242. # for each measured pitch
  243. for midi_pitch,measL in measD.items():
  244. # for each measured note at this pitch
  245. for mi,d in enumerate(measL):
  246. mr = types.SimpleNamespace(**d)
  247. # locate the associated annotation reocrd
  248. for annD in annL:
  249. ar = types.SimpleNamespace(**annD)
  250. if ar.midi_pitch == mr.midi_pitch and ar.beg_ms==mr.beg_ms and ar.end_ms==mr.end_ms:
  251. assert( ar.pulse_us == mr.pulse_us )
  252. bi = int(round(ar.beg_ms * td_srate / 1000))
  253. ei = int(round(ar.end_ms * td_srate / 1000))
  254. db = np.mean(tdRmsDbV[bi:ei])
  255. db = calibrate_rms( sigV, srate, ar.beg_ms, ar.end_ms )
  256. anlD[int(midi_pitch)].append({ 'pulse_us':ar.pulse_us, 'db':db, 'meas_idx':mi })
  257. break
  258. return anlD
  259. def rms_analysis_main( inDir, midi_pitch, rmsWndMs=300, rmsHopMs=30, dbLinRef=0.001, harmCandN=5, harmN=3, durDecayPct=40 ):
  260. # form the audio and meta data file names
  261. seqFn = os.path.join( inDir, "seq.json")
  262. audioFn = os.path.join( inDir, "audio.wav")
  263. # read the meta data file
  264. with open( seqFn, "rb") as f:
  265. r = json.load(f)
  266. # rad the auido file
  267. srate, signalM = wavfile.read(audioFn)
  268. # convert the audio signal vector to contain only the first (left) channel
  269. if len(signalM.shape)>1:
  270. signalM = signalM[:,0].squeeze()
  271. # convert the auido file to floats in range [-1.0 to 1.0]
  272. sigV = signalM / float(0x7fff)
  273. # calc. the RMS signal
  274. tdRmsDbV, rms0_srate = audio_rms( srate, sigV, rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs, dbLinRef )
  275. # locate the peaks in the RMS signal
  276. tdPkIdxL = locate_peak_indexes( tdRmsDbV, rms0_srate, r['eventTimeL'], audioFn )
  277. # sum the first harmN harmonics to form a envelope of the audio signal (this is an alternative to the RMS signal)
  278. rmsDbV, rms_srate, binHz = audio_harm_rms( srate, sigV, rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs, dbLinRef, midi_pitch, harmCandN, harmN )
  279. # locate the peaks in the harmonic sum signal
  280. pkIdxL = locate_peak_indexes( rmsDbV, rms_srate, r['eventTimeL'], audioFn )
  281. # form the 'holdDutyPctlL' hold duty cycle transition point list
  282. holdDutyPctL = None
  283. if 'holdDutyPct' in r:
  284. holdDutyPctL = [ (0, r['holdDutyPct']) ]
  285. else:
  286. holdDutyPctL = r['holdDutyPctL']
  287. eventN = len(r['eventTimeL'])
  288. assert( len(tdPkIdxL) == eventN and len(pkIdxL) == eventN )
  289. # filter out all missing events that have no peak
  290. flL = [ (tdPkIdxL[i] is not None) and (pkIdxL[i] is not None) for i in range(eventN) ]
  291. eventTimeL = [ r['eventTimeL'][i] for i in range(eventN) if flL[i] ]
  292. tdPkDbL = [ tdRmsDbV[tdPkIdxL[i]] for i in range(eventN) if flL[i] ]
  293. pkDbL = [ rmsDbV[ pkIdxL[i]] for i in range(eventN) if flL[i] ]
  294. #pkUsL = [ r['pulseUsL'][pkIdxL[i]] for i in range(eventN) if flL[i] ]
  295. tdPkIdxL = [ i for i in tdPkIdxL if i is not None ]
  296. pkIdxL = [ i for i in pkIdxL if i is not None ]
  297. # form the result record
  298. r = types.SimpleNamespace(**{
  299. "audio_srate":srate,
  300. "eventTimeMsL": eventTimeL, #r['eventTimeL'],
  301. "tdRmsDbV": tdRmsDbV,
  302. "tdPkIdxL": tdPkIdxL,
  303. "tdPkDbL": tdPkDbL, # [ tdRmsDbV[i] for i in tdPkIdxL ],
  304. "binHz": binHz,
  305. "rmsDbV": rmsDbV,
  306. "rms_srate":rms_srate,
  307. "pkIdxL":pkIdxL, # pkIdxL[ len(pulsUsL) ] - indexes into rmsDbV[] of peaks
  308. "eventTimeL": eventTimeL, #r['eventTimeL'],
  309. "holdDutyPctL":holdDutyPctL,
  310. 'pkDbL': pkDbL, # [ rmsDbV[ i ] for i in pkIdxL ],
  311. 'pkUsL': r['pulseUsL'] }) # r['pulseUsL']
  312. #
  313. statsL = note_stats(r,durDecayPct)
  314. setattr(r,"statsL", statsL )
  315. return r
  316. def rms_analysis_main_all( inDir, cacheFn, rmsWndMs=300, rmsHopMs=30, dbLinRef=0.001, harmCandN=5, harmN=3, durDecayPct=40 ):
  317. if os.path.isfile(cacheFn):
  318. print("READING analysis cache file: %s" % (cacheFn))
  319. with open(cacheFn,"rb") as f:
  320. rD = pickle.load(f)
  321. return rD
  322. folderL = os.listdir(inDir)
  323. rD = {}
  324. for folder in folderL:
  325. pathL = folder.split(os.sep)
  326. midi_pitch = int(pathL[-1])
  327. print(midi_pitch)
  328. path = os.path.join(inDir,folder,'0')
  329. if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.join(path,"seq.json"))):
  330. r = rms_analysis_main( path, midi_pitch, rmsWndMs=rmsWndMs, rmsHopMs=rmsHopMs, dbLinRef=dbLinRef, harmCandN=harmCandN, harmN=harmN, durDecayPct=durDecayPct )
  331. rD[ midi_pitch ] = r
  332. with open(cacheFn,"wb") as f:
  333. pickle.dump(rD,f)
  334. return rD
  335. def samples_to_linear_residual( usL, dbL, pointsPerLine=5 ):
  336. # Score the quality of each sampled point by measuring the
  337. # quality of fit to a local line.
  338. scoreD = { us:[] for us in usL }
  339. pointsPerLine = 5
  340. i = pointsPerLine
  341. # for each sampled point
  342. while i < len(usL):
  343. # beginning with sample at index 'pointsPerLine'
  344. if i >= pointsPerLine:
  345. k = i - pointsPerLine
  346. # get the x (us) and y (db) sample values
  347. xL,yL = zip(*[ ((usL[k+j],1.0), dbL[k+j]) for j in range(pointsPerLine)])
  348. xV = np.array(xL)
  349. yV = np.array(yL)
  350. # fit the sampled point to a line
  351. m,c = np.linalg.lstsq(xV,yV,rcond=None)[0]
  352. # calc the residual of the fit at each point
  353. resV = (m*xV+c)[:,0] - yV
  354. # assign the residual to the associated point in scoreD[x]
  355. for j in range(pointsPerLine):
  356. scoreD[usL[k+j]].append(resV[j])
  357. i += 1
  358. scoreL = []
  359. # calc the mean of the residuals for each point
  360. # (most points were used in 'pointsPerLine' line estimations
  361. # and so they will have 'pointsPerLine' residual values)
  362. for us in usL:
  363. resL = scoreD[us]
  364. if len(resL) == 0:
  365. scoreL.append(0.0)
  366. elif len(resL) == 1:
  367. scoreL.append(resL[0])
  368. else:
  369. scoreL.append(np.mean(resL))
  370. # their should be one mean resid. value for each sampled point
  371. assert( len(scoreL) == len(usL) )
  372. return np.array(scoreL)
  373. def write_audacity_label_files( inDir, analysisArgsD, reverseFl=True ):
  374. pitchDirL = os.listdir(inDir)
  375. for pitchDir in pitchDirL:
  376. folderL = pitchDir.split(os.sep)
  377. midi_pitch = int(folderL[-1])
  378. pitchDir = os.path.join(inDir,pitchDir)
  379. takeDirL = os.listdir(pitchDir)
  380. for takeFolder in takeDirL:
  381. takeDir = os.path.join(pitchDir,takeFolder)
  382. r = rms_analysis_main( takeDir, midi_pitch, **analysisArgsD )
  383. labelFn = os.path.join(takeDir,"audacity.txt")
  384. print("Writing:",labelFn)
  385. with open(labelFn,"w") as f:
  386. for i,s in enumerate(r.statsL):
  387. noteIndex = len(r.statsL)-(i+1) if reverseFl else i
  388. label = "%i %4.1f %6.1f" % (noteIndex, s.pkDb, s.durMs )
  389. f.write("%f\t%f\t%s\n" % ( s.begSmpSec, s.endSmpSec, label ))