2019-08-19 21:18:57 -04:00

257 lines
7.4 KiB

import pprint,queue
import sounddevice as sd
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
from result import Result
class AudioDevice(object):
def __init__(self):
self.inputPortIdx = None
self.outputPortIdx = None
self.recordFl = False
self.sineFl = False
self.inStream = None
self.queue = queue.Queue()
self.bufL = []
self.bufIdx = -1
self.srate = 0
self.ch_cnt = 1
def setup( self, **kwargs ):
res = Result()
if kwargs is None:
return res
if 'inPortLabel' in kwargs:
res += self.select_port( True, kwargs['inPortLabel'] )
if 'outPortLabel' in kwargs:
res += self.select_port( False, kwargs['outPortLabel'] )
return res
def get_port_label( self, inFl ):
portL = self.get_port_list(inFl)
portIdx = self.inputPortIdx if inFl else self.outputPortIdx
portLabel = None
if portL and (portIdx is not None):
for port in portL:
if portIdx == port['index']:
portLabel = port['label']
return portLabel
def get_state( self ):
d= {
'recordFl': self.inStream is not None and self.inStream.active,
'sineFl': self.sineFl,
'inPortL': [ d['label'] for d in self.get_port_list(True) ],
'outPortL': [ d['label'] for d in self.get_port_list(False) ],
'inPortLabel': self.get_port_label(True),
'outPortLabel': self.get_port_label(False)
return d
def get_port_list( self, inFl ):
devLabelL = str(sd.query_devices()).split("\n")
portL = []
for i,dev in enumerate(sd.query_devices()):
isInputFl = dev['max_input_channels'] > 0
isOutputFl = dev['max_output_channels'] > 0
if (inFl and isInputFl) or (not inFl and isOutputFl):
portL.append({ 'chN':dev['max_input_channels'], 'label':devLabelL[i].strip(), 'index':i } )
return portL
def get_in_port_list( self ):
return get_port_list( True )
def get_out_port_list( self ):
return get_port_list( False )
def select_port( self, inFl, portLabel ):
res = Result()
if inFl and self.inStream is not None and self.inStream.active:
return res.set_error("A new port may not be selected while it is active." % (portLabel))
devLabelL = str(sd.query_devices()).split("\n")
foundFl = False
if portLabel is None and len(devLabelL)>0:
portLabel = devLabelL[0]
portLabel = portLabel.strip()
N = len(portLabel)
# for each device
for i,label in enumerate(devLabelL):
label = label.strip()
# if the first N char's of this label match the requested port label
if len(label)>=N and label[0:N] == portLabel:
if inFl:
self.inputPortIdx = i
self.outputPortIdx = i
foundFl = True
if inFl:
dev = sd.query_devices()[i]
self.srate = dev['default_samplerate']
if self.inStream:
self.inStream = sd.InputStream(samplerate=self.srate, device=self.inputPortIdx, channels=self.ch_cnt, callback=self._record_callback, dtype=np.dtype('float32'))
if not foundFl:
res.set_error("Unable to locate the audio port named: '%s'." % (portLabel))
return res
def record_enable( self, enableFl ):
# if the input stream has not already been configured
if enableFl and self.inStream is None:
return Result(None,'Recording cannot start because a recording input port has not been selected.')
if not enableFl and self.inStream is None:
return Result()
# if the input stream already matches the 'enableFl'.
if enableFl == self.inStream.active:
return Result()
# if we are starting recording
if enableFl:
self.bufL = []
except Exception as ex:
return Result(None,'The recording input stream could not be started. Reason: %s' % str(ex))
return Result()
def play_buffer( self ):
if not self.playFl:
self.playFl = True
def play_end( self ):
if self.playFl:
self.playFl = False
def write_buffer( self, fn=None ):
if fn is None:
fn = "temp.wav"
with sf.SoundFile(fn,'w',samplerate=int(self.srate), channels=int(self.ch_cnt)) as f:
for i,buf in enumerate(self.bufL):
N = buf.shape[0] if i<len(self.bufL)-1 else self.bufIdx
return Result()
def buffer_sample_count( self ):
smpN = 0
for i in range(len(self.bufL)):
smpN += self.bufIdx if i == len(self.bufL)-1 else self.bufL[i].shape[0]
return Result(smpN)
def linear_buffer( self ):
smpN = self.buffer_sample_count()
bV = np.zeros( (smpN,self.ch_cnt) )
bi = 0
for i in range(len(self.bufL)):
bufSmpN = self.bufIdx if i == len(self.bufL)-1 else self.bufL[i].shape[0]
bV[ bi:bi+bufSmpN, ] = self.bufL[i][0:bufSmpN]
bi += bufSmpN
return Result(bV)
def _record_callback(self, v, frames, time, status):
"""This is called (from a separate thread) for each audio block."""
# send audio to the app
def tick( self, ms ):
while True:
# get audio from the incoming audio thread
v = self.queue.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty: # queue was empty
return Result()
def _update_buffer(self,v ):
# get the length of the last buffer in bufL
bufN = 0 if len(self.bufL)==0 else self.bufL[-1].shape[0] - self.bufIdx
# get the length of the incoming sample vector
vN = v.shape[0]
# if there are more incoming samples than space in the buffer
if vN > bufN:
# store as much of the incoming vector as possible
if len(self.bufL) > 0:
self.bufL[-1][self.bufIdx:,:] = v[0:bufN,:]
vi = bufN # increment the starting position of the src vector
vN -= bufN # decrement the count of samples that needs to be stored
# add an empty buffer to bufL[]
N = int(self.srate * 60) # add a one minute buffer to bufL
self.bufL.append( np.zeros( (N, self.ch_cnt), dtype=np.dtype('float32') ) )
self.bufIdx = 0
self.bufL[-1][self.bufIdx:vN,:] = v[vi:,]
self.bufIdx += vN
self.bufL[-1][self.bufIdx:self.bufIdx+vN,:] = v
self.bufIdx += vN
if __name__ == "__main__":
ad = AudioDevice()