728 lines
24 KiB
728 lines
24 KiB
##| Copyright: (C) 2019-2020 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
##| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
import sys,os,argparse,types,logging,select,time,json
from datetime import datetime
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
from picadae_api import Picadae
from AudioDevice import AudioDevice
from MidiDevice import MidiDevice
from result import Result
from common import parse_yaml_cfg
from plot_seq import form_resample_pulse_time_list
from plot_seq_1 import get_resample_points_wrap
from plot_seq import form_final_pulse_list
from rt_note_analysis import RT_Analyzer
from keyboard import Keyboard
from calibrate import Calibrate
from rms_analysis import rms_analyze_one_rt_note_wrap
from MidiFilePlayer import MidiFilePlayer
class AttackPulseSeq:
""" Sequence a fixed pitch over a list of attack pulse lengths."""
def __init__(self, cfg, audio, api, noteDurMs=1000, pauseDurMs=1000 ):
self.cfg = cfg
self.audio = audio
self.api = api
self.outDir = None # directory to write audio file and results
self.pitch = None # pitch to paly
self.pulseUsL = [] # one onset pulse length in microseconds per sequence element
self.noteDurMs = noteDurMs # duration of each chord in milliseconds
self.pauseDurMs = pauseDurMs # duration between end of previous note and start of next
self.holdDutyPctL= None # hold voltage duty cycle table [ (minPulseSeqUsec,dutyCyclePct) ]
self.holdDutyPctD= None # { us:dutyPct } for each us in self.pulseUsL
self.silentNoteN = None
self.pulse_idx = 0 # Index of next pulse
self.state = None # 'note_on','note_off'
self.prevHoldDutyPct = None
self.next_ms = 0 # Time of next event (note-on or note_off)
self.eventTimeL = [] # Onset/offset time of each note [ [onset_ms,offset_ms] ] (used to locate the note in the audio file)
self.beginMs = 0
self.playOnlyFl = False
self.rtAnalyzer = RT_Analyzer()
def start( self, ms, outDir, pitch, pulseUsL, holdDutyPctL, holdDutyPctD, playOnlyFl=False ):
self.outDir = outDir # directory to write audio file and results
self.pitch = pitch # note to play
self.pulseUsL = pulseUsL # one onset pulse length in microseconds per sequence element
self.holdDutyPctL = holdDutyPctL
self.holdDutyPctD = holdDutyPctD
self.silentNoteN = 0
self.pulse_idx = 0
self.state = 'note_on'
self.prevHoldDutyPct = None
self.next_ms = ms + 500 # wait for 500ms to play the first note (this will guarantee that there is some empty space in the audio file before the first note)
self.eventTimeL = [[0,0] for _ in range(len(pulseUsL))] # initialize the event time
self.beginMs = ms
self.playOnlyFl = playOnlyFl
# kpl if not playOnlyFl:
self.audio.record_enable(True) # start recording audio
self.tick(ms) # play the first note
def stop(self, ms):
self._send_note_off() # be sure that all notes are actually turn-off
# kpl if not self.playOnlyFl:
self.audio.record_enable(False) # stop recording audio
self._disable() # disable this sequencer
if not self.playOnlyFl:
self._write() # write the results
def is_enabled(self):
return self.state is not None
def tick(self, ms):
# if next event time has arrived
if self.is_enabled() and ms >= self.next_ms:
# if waiting to turn note on
if self.state == 'note_on':
# if waiting to turn a note off
elif self.state == 'note_off':
self.pulse_idx += 1
# if all notes have been played
if self.pulse_idx >= len(self.pulseUsL): # or self.silentNoteN >= self.cfg.maxSilentNoteCount:
def _count_silent_notes( self ):
annBegMs = self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][0]
annEndMs = self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][1]
minDurMs = self.cfg.silentNoteMinDurMs
maxPulseUs = self.cfg.silentNoteMaxPulseUs
resD = rms_analyze_one_rt_note_wrap( self.audio, annBegMs, annEndMs, self.pitch, self.pauseDurMs, self.cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'] )
print( " %4.1f db %4i ms %i" % (resD['hm']['db'], resD['hm']['durMs'], self.pulse_idx))
if resD is not None and resD['hm']['durMs'] < minDurMs and self.pulseUsL[ self.pulse_idx ] < maxPulseUs:
self.silentNoteN += 1
print("SILENT", self.silentNoteN)
self.silentNoteN = 0
return self.silentNoteN
def _get_duty_cycle( self, pulseUsec ):
return self.holdDutyPctD[ pulseUsec ]
dutyPct = self.holdDutyPctL[0][1]
for refUsec,refDuty in self.holdDutyPctL:
if pulseUsec < refUsec:
dutyPct = refDuty
return dutyPct
def _set_duty_cycle( self, pitch, pulseUsec ):
dutyPct = self._get_duty_cycle( pulseUsec )
if dutyPct != self.prevHoldDutyPct:
self.api.set_pwm_duty( pitch, dutyPct )
print("Hold Duty:",dutyPct)
self.prevHoldDutyPct = dutyPct
def _note_on( self, ms ):
self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][0] = self.audio.buffer_sample_ms().value
self.next_ms = ms + self.noteDurMs
self.state = 'note_off'
pulse_usec = int(self.pulseUsL[ self.pulse_idx ])
self._set_duty_cycle( self.pitch, pulse_usec )
self.api.note_on_us( self.pitch, pulse_usec )
print("note-on:",self.pitch, self.pulse_idx, pulse_usec)
def _note_off( self, ms ):
self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][1] = self.audio.buffer_sample_ms().value
self.next_ms = ms + self.pauseDurMs
self.state = 'note_on'
if self.playOnlyFl:
begTimeMs = self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][0]
endTimeMs = self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][1]
self.rtAnalyzer.analyze_note( self.audio, self.pitch, begTimeMs, endTimeMs, self.cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'] )
def _send_note_off( self ):
self.api.note_off( self.pitch )
def _disable(self):
self.state = None
def _write( self ):
d = {
print("Writing: ", self.outDir )
outDir = os.path.expanduser(self.outDir)
if not os.path.isdir(outDir):
with open(os.path.join( outDir, "seq.json" ),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps( d ))
self.audio.write_buffer( os.path.join( outDir, "audio.wav" ) )
class CalibrateKeys:
def __init__(self, cfg, audioDev, api):
self.cfg = cfg
self.seq = AttackPulseSeq( cfg, audioDev, api, noteDurMs=cfg.noteDurMs, pauseDurMs=cfg.pauseDurMs )
self.pulseUsL = None
self.pitchL = None
self.pitch_idx = -1
def start( self, ms, pitchL, pulseUsL, playOnlyFl=False ):
if len(pitchL) > 0:
self.pulseUsL = pulseUsL
self.pitchL = pitchL
self.pitch_idx = -1
self._start_next_note( ms, playOnlyFl )
def stop( self, ms ):
self.pitch_idx = -1
def is_enabled( self ):
return self.pitch_idx >= 0
def tick( self, ms ):
if self.is_enabled():
# if the sequencer is done playing
if not self.seq.is_enabled():
self._start_next_note( ms, self.seq.playOnlyFl ) # ... else start the next sequence
return None
def _start_next_note( self, ms, playOnlyFl ):
self.pitch_idx += 1
# if the last note in pitchL has been played ...
if self.pitch_idx >= len(self.pitchL):
self.stop(ms) # ... then we are done
pitch = self.pitchL[ self.pitch_idx ]
# be sure that the base directory exists
baseDir = os.path.expanduser( cfg.outDir )
if not os.path.isdir( baseDir ):
os.mkdir( baseDir )
outDir = os.path.join(baseDir, str(pitch) )
if not os.path.isdir(outDir):
# get the next available output directory id
outDir_id = self._calc_next_out_dir_id( outDir )
# if this is not the first time this note has been sampled then get the resample locations
if (outDir_id == 0) or self.cfg.useFullPulseListFl:
self.pulseUsL = self.cfg.full_pulseL
#self.pulseUsL,_,_ = form_resample_pulse_time_list( outDir, self.cfg.analysisArgs )
self.pulseUsL = get_resample_points_wrap( baseDir, pitch, self.cfg.analysisArgs )
holdDutyPctL = self.cfg.calibrateArgs['holdDutyPctD'][pitch]
if playOnlyFl:
self.pulseUsL,_,holdDutyPctL = form_final_pulse_list( outDir, pitch, self.cfg.analysisArgs, take_id=None )
noteN = cfg.analysisArgs['auditionNoteN']
self.pulseUsL = [ self.pulseUsL[ int(round(i*126.0/(noteN-1)))] for i in range(noteN) ]
outDir = os.path.join( outDir, str(outDir_id) )
if not os.path.isdir(outDir):
j = 0
holdDutyPctD = {}
for us in self.pulseUsL:
if j+1<len(holdDutyPctL) and us >= holdDutyPctL[j+1][0]:
j += 1
holdDutyPctD[ us ] = holdDutyPctL[j][1]
if self.cfg.reversePulseListFl:
self.pulseUsL = [ us for us in reversed(self.pulseUsL) ]
# start the sequencer
self.seq.start( ms, outDir, pitch, self.pulseUsL, holdDutyPctL, holdDutyPctD, playOnlyFl )
def _calc_next_out_dir_id( self, outDir ):
id = 0
while os.path.isdir( os.path.join(outDir,"%i" % id)):
id += 1
return id
# This is the main application API it is running in a child process.
class App:
def __init__(self ):
self.cfg = None
self.audioDev = None
self.api = None
self.cal_keys = None
self.keyboard = None
self.calibrate = None
self.midiFilePlayer = None
def setup( self, cfg ):
self.cfg = cfg
self.audioDev = AudioDevice()
self.midiDev = MidiDevice()
res = None
# TODO: unify the result error handling
# (the API and the audio device return two diferent 'Result' types
if hasattr(cfg,'audio'):
res = self.audioDev.setup(**cfg.audio)
if not res:
self.audioDev = None
if True:
if hasattr(cfg,'midi'):
res = self.midiDev.setup(**cfg.midi)
if not res:
self.midiDev = None
self.api = Picadae( key_mapL=cfg.key_mapL)
# wait for the letter 'a' to come back from the serial port
api_res = self.api.wait_for_serial_sync(timeoutMs=cfg.serial_sync_timeout_ms)
# did the serial port sync fail?
if not api_res:
res.set_error("Serial port sync failed.")
print("Serial port sync'ed")
self.cal_keys = CalibrateKeys( cfg, self.audioDev, self.api )
self.keyboard = Keyboard( cfg, self.audioDev, self.api )
self.calibrate = None #Calibrate( cfg.calibrateArgs, self.audioDev, self.midiDev, self.api )
self.midiFilePlayer = MidiFilePlayer( cfg, self.api, self.midiDev, cfg.midiFileFn )
return res
def tick( self, ms ):
if self.audioDev is not None:
if self.cal_keys:
if self.keyboard:
if self.calibrate:
if self.midiFilePlayer:
def audio_dev_list( self, ms ):
portL = self.audioDev.get_port_list( True )
for port in portL:
print("chs:%4i label:%s" % (port['chN'],port['label']))
def midi_dev_list( self, ms ):
d = self.midiDev.get_port_list( True )
for port in d['listL']:
d = self.midiDev.get_port_list( False )
for port in d['listL']:
def calibrate_keys_start( self, ms, pitchRangeL ):
pitchL = [ pitch for pitch in range(pitchRangeL[0], pitchRangeL[1]+1)]
self.cal_keys.start( ms, pitchL, cfg.full_pulseL )
def play_keys_start( self, ms, pitchRangeL ):
chordL = [ [pitch] for pitch in range(pitchRangeL[0], pitchRangeL[1]+1)]
self.cal_keys.start( ms, chordL, cfg.full_pulseL, playOnlyFl=True )
def keyboard_start_pulse_idx( self, ms, argL ):
pitchL = [ pitch for pitch in range(argL[0], argL[1]+1)]
self.keyboard.start( ms, pitchL, argL[2], None )
def keyboard_repeat_pulse_idx( self, ms, argL ):
self.keyboard.repeat( ms, argL[0], None )
def keyboard_start_target_db( self, ms, argL ):
pitchL = [ pitch for pitch in range(argL[0], argL[1]+1)]
self.keyboard.start( ms, pitchL, None, argL[2] )
def keyboard_repeat_target_db( self, ms, argL ):
self.keyboard.repeat( ms, None, argL[0] )
def calibrate_start( self, ms, argL ):
def calibrate_play( self, ms, argL ):
def calibrate_keys_stop( self, ms ):
def midi_file_player_start( self, ms ):
def midi_file_player_stop( self, ms ):
def pedal_down( self, ms ):
self.midiDev.send_controller(64, 100 )
def pedal_up( self, ms ):
self.midiDev.send_controller(64, 0 )
def quit( self, ms ):
if self.api:
def _send_error( pipe, res ):
if res is None:
if res.msg:
pipe.send( [{"type":"error", 'value':res.msg}] )
def _send_error_msg( pipe, msg ):
_send_error( pipe, Result(None,msg))
def _send_quit( pipe ):
pipe.send( [{ 'type':'quit' }] )
# This is the application engine async. process loop
def app_event_loop_func( pipe, cfg ):
multiprocessing.get_logger().info("App Proc Started.")
# create the asynchronous application object
app = App()
res = app.setup(cfg)
# if the app did not initialize successfully
if not res:
_send_error( pipe, res )
dt0 = datetime.now()
ms = 0
while True:
# have any message arrived from the parent process?
if pipe.poll():
msg = None
msg = pipe.recv()
except EOFError:
if not hasattr(app,msg.type):
_send_error_msg( pipe, "Unknown message type:'%s'." % (msg.type) )
# get the command handler function in 'app'
func = getattr(app,msg.type)
ms = int(round( (datetime.now() - dt0).total_seconds() * 1000.0) )
# call the command handler
if msg.value:
res = func( ms, msg.value )
res = func( ms )
# handle any errors returned from the commands
_send_error( pipe, res )
# if a 'quit' msg was recived then break out of the loop
if msg.type == 'quit':
# give some time to the system
# calc the tick() time stamp
ms = int(round( (datetime.now() - dt0).total_seconds() * 1000.0) )
# tick the app
app.tick( ms )
class AppProcess(Process):
def __init__(self,cfg):
self.parent_end, child_end = Pipe()
super(AppProcess, self).__init__(target=app_event_loop_func,name="AppProcess",args=(child_end,cfg))
self.doneFl = False
def send(self, d):
# This function is called by the parent process to send an arbitrary msg to the App process
self.parent_end.send( types.SimpleNamespace(**d) )
return None
def recv(self):
# This function is called by the parent process to receive lists of child messages.
msgL = None
if not self.doneFl and self.parent_end.poll():
msgL = self.parent_end.recv()
for msg in msgL:
if msg['type'] == 'quit':
self.doneFl = True
return msgL
def isdone(self):
return self.doneFl
class Shell:
def __init__( self, cfg ):
self.appProc = None
self.parseD = {
'q':{ "func":'quit', "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"quit"},
'?':{ "func":"_help", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Print usage text."},
'a':{ "func":"audio_dev_list", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"List the audio devices."},
'm':{ "func":"midi_dev_list", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"List the MIDI devices."},
'c':{ "func":"calibrate_keys_start", "minN":1, "maxN":2, "help":"Calibrate a range of keys. "},
'd':{ "func":"calibrate_start", "minN":1, "maxN":1, "help":"Calibrate based on fixed db levels. "},
'D':{ "func":"calibrate_play", "minN":1, "maxN":1, "help":"Play back last calibration."},
's':{ "func":"calibrate_keys_stop", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Stop key calibration"},
'p':{ "func":"play_keys_start", "minN":1, "maxN":2, "help":"Play current calibration"},
'k':{ "func":"keyboard_start_pulse_idx", "minN":3, "maxN":3, "help":"Play pulse index across keyboard"},
'r':{ "func":"keyboard_repeat_pulse_idx", "minN":1, "maxN":1, "help":"Repeat pulse index across keyboard with new pulse_idx"},
'K':{ "func":"keyboard_start_target_db", "minN":3, "maxN":3, "help":"Play db across keyboard"},
'R':{ "func":"keyboard_repeat_target_db", "minN":1, "maxN":1, "help":"Repeat db across keyboard with new pulse_idx"},
'F':{ "func":"midi_file_player_start", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Play the MIDI file."},
'f':{ "func":"midi_file_player_stop", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Stop the MIDI file."},
'P':{ "func":"pedal_down", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Pedal down."},
'U':{ "func":"pedal_up", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Pedal up."},
def _help( self, _=None ):
for k,d in self.parseD.items():
s = "{} = {}".format( k, d['help'] )
return None
def _syntaxError( self, msg ):
return Result(None,"Syntax Error: " + msg )
def _exec_cmd( self, tokL ):
if len(tokL) <= 0:
return None
opcode = tokL[0]
if opcode not in self.parseD:
return self._syntaxError("Unknown opcode: '{}'.".format(opcode))
d = self.parseD[ opcode ]
func_name = d['func']
func = None
# find the function associated with this command
if hasattr(self, func_name ):
func = getattr(self, func_name )
# convert the parameter list into integers
argL = [ int(tokL[i]) for i in range(1,len(tokL)) ]
return self._syntaxError("Unable to create integer arguments.")
# validate the count of command args
if d['minN'] != -1 and (d['minN'] > len(argL) or len(argL) > d['maxN']):
return self._syntaxError("Argument count mismatch. {} is out of range:{} to {}".format(len(argL),d['minN'],d['maxN']))
# call the command function
if func:
result = func(*argL)
result = self.appProc.send( { 'type':func_name, 'value':argL } )
return result
def run( self ):
# create the API object
self.appProc = AppProcess(cfg)
print("'q'=quit '?'=help")
time_out_secs = 1
# this is the shell main loop
while True:
# wait for keyboard activity
i, o, e = select.select( [sys.stdin], [], [], time_out_secs )
if i:
# read the command
s = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# tokenize the command
tokL = s.split(' ')
# execute the command
result = self._exec_cmd( tokL )
# if this is the 'quit' command
if tokL[0] == 'q':
# check for msg's from the async application process
if self._handle_app_msgs( self.appProc.recv() ):
# wait for the appProc to complete
while not self.appProc.isdone():
self.appProc.recv() # drain the AppProc() as it shutdown
def _handle_app_msgs( self, msgL ):
quitAppFl = False
if msgL:
for msg in msgL:
if msg:
if msg['type'] == 'error':
print("Error: {}".format(msg['value']))
elif msg['type'] == 'quit':
quitAppFl = True
return quitAppFl
def parse_args():
"""Parse the command line arguments."""
descStr = """Picadae auto-calibrate."""
logL = ['debug','info','warning','error','critical']
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descStr)
ap.add_argument("-c","--config", default="p_ac.yml", help="YAML configuration file.")
ap.add_argument("-l","--log_level",choices=logL, default="warning", help="Set logging level: debug,info,warning,error,critical. Default:warning")
return ap.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
#mplog = multiprocessing.log_to_stderr()
args = parse_args()
cfg = parse_yaml_cfg(args.config)
shell = Shell(cfg)