##| Copyright: (C) 2019-2020 Kevin Larke ##| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. import json from common import parse_yaml_cfg ymlFn = 'p_ac.yml' ifn = 'velMapD.json' ofn = 'velMapD.h' with open(ofn,"wt") as f1: with open(ifn,"r") as f: d = json.load(f) f1.write("{\n"); for key,velL in d.items(): f1.write("{ ") f1.write( str(key) + ", { " ) for us,x in velL: f1.write("%5i, " % (us)) f1.write("} },\n") f1.write("}\n\n"); cfg = parse_yaml_cfg(ymlFn) d = cfg.calibrateArgs['holdDutyPctD'] n = 0 for key,dutyL in d.items(): n = max(n, len(dutyL)) f1.write("{\n") for key,dutyL in d.items(): f1.write( str(key)+", {") for i,(us,duty) in enumerate(dutyL): f1.write("{ %i, %i }, " % (us,duty)) for j in range(i,n): f1.write("{ -1, -1 }, ") f1.write("},\n"); f1.write("}\n");