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No commits in common. "7119fe471baa1ec4a40ead19d127452b8d573891" and "648e29c4c4237bc8378763f31f1a301539c3063e" have entirely different histories.

15 changed files with 203 additions and 1065 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,2 @@

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@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
import types
import time
class ChordTester:
def __init__( self, cfg, api ):
self.api = api
self.cfg = types.SimpleNamespace(**cfg.ChordTester)
self.nextMs = 0
self.isStartedFl = False
self.curNoteCnt = 0
self.curRepeatCnt = 0
self.isPlayingFl = False
def start( self ):
self.api.set_hold_duty_all( self.cfg.holdDuty )
if self.cfg.useVelTableFl:
self.api.set_vel_table_all( self.cfg.pitchL )
self.curNoteCnt = 0
self.curRepeatCnt = 0
self.isStartedFl = True
def stop( self ):
self.isStartedFl = False
def tick( self, ms ):
if self.isStartedFl and ms >= self.nextMs:
if self.isPlayingFl:
# turn notes off
for i in range(0,self.curNoteCnt+1):
self.api.note_off( self.cfg.pitchL[i])
time.sleep( 0.01 )
# repeat or advance the chord note count
self.curRepeatCnt += 1
if self.curRepeatCnt >= self.cfg.repeatCnt:
self.curRepeatCnt = 0
self.curNoteCnt += 1
if self.curNoteCnt >= len(self.cfg.pitchL):
self.isStartedFl = False
self.curNoteCnt = 0
self.isPlayingFl = False
self.nextMs = ms + self.cfg.pauseMs
for i in range(0,self.curNoteCnt+1):
if self.cfg.useVelTableFl:
self.api.note_on_vel(self.cfg.pitchL[i], 45 )
self.api.note_on_us(self.cfg.pitchL[i], self.cfg.atkUsec)
time.sleep( 0.02 )
self.nextMs = ms + self.cfg.durMs
self.isPlayingFl = True

View File

@ -136,12 +136,10 @@ class MidiDevice(object):
o_msgL = []
if self.mip is not None:
while True:
midi_msg = self.mip.get_message()
if not midi_msg or not midi_msg[0]:
if midi_msg and midi_msg[0]:
if self.inMonitorFl:
if self.monitorInFl:
o_msgL.append( self._midi_data_to_text_msg(True,midi_msg[0]) )
if self.throughFl and self.mop is not None:

View File

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
import sys,os,types,json
from random import randrange
class NoteTester:
def __init__( self, cfg, api ):
self.cfg = cfg
self.api = api
r = types.SimpleNamespace(**cfg.NoteTester)
self.durMsL = [ randrange(r.minNoteDurMs, r.maxNoteDurMs) for _ in range(r.noteCount) ]
self.pauseMsL = [ randrange(r.minPauseDurMs, r.maxPauseDurMs) for _ in range(r.noteCount) ]
self.eventL = []
self.nextMs = 0 # next transition time
self.eventIdx = 0 # next event to play
self.noteOnFl = False # True if note is currently sounding
self.pitch = r.pitch #
self.filename = r.filename
self.isStartedFl = False
self.minAttackUsec = r.minAttackUsec
self.maxAttackUsec = r.maxAttackUsec
def start( self ):
self.eventIdx = 0
self.noteOnFl = False
self.nextMs = 0
self.isStartedFl = True
def stop( self ):
self.isStartedFl = False
def tick( self, ms ):
if self.isStartedFl and ms > self.nextMs:
offsMs = 0
if self.noteOnFl:
self.noteOnFl = False
self.api.note_off( self.pitch )
offsMs = self.pauseMsL[ self.eventIdx ]
self.eventIdx += 1
print("off:%i ms" % (offsMs))
usec = self.minAttackUsec + (int(self.eventIdx * 250) % int(self.maxAttackUsec - self.minAttackUsec))
decay_level = self.api.calc_decay_level( usec )
self.api.note_on_us( self.pitch, usec, decay_level )
offsMs = self.durMsL[ self.eventIdx ]
print("usec:%i %i dcy:%i" % (usec,offsMs, decay_level) )
self.noteOnFl = True
self.eventL.append( (ms, self.noteOnFl) )
self.nextMs = ms + offsMs
if self.eventIdx >= len(self.durMsL):
self.isStartedFl = False
print("done % i" % (len(self.eventL)))
def write( self ):
with open(self.filename,"w") as f:
json.dump({ "eventL":self.eventL },f )
def note_tester_compare( nt_fn, logica_fn ):
eventL = []
logicaL = []
with open(nt_fn,"r") as f:
r = json.load(f)
eventL = r['eventL']
eventL = [ (ms-eventL[0][0], level ) for ms,level in eventL ]
with open(logica_fn,"r") as f:
logicaL = [ ( d['count']/16e3,d['level']) for d in json.load(f) if d['signal'] == 0 ]
logicaL = [ (ms-logicaL[0][0], level!=0 ) for ms,level in logicaL ]
#edL = [ eventL[i][0] - eventL[i-1][0] for i in range(2,len(eventL)) ]
#ldL = [ logicaL[i][0] - logicaL[i-1][0] for i in range(2,len(logicaL)) ]
durMs = 0
ms = 0
for i,(t0,t1) in enumerate(zip(eventL,logicaL)):
t = t0[0] # eventL[] time
dt = int(t - t1[0]) # diff between eventL[] and logicaL[] time
fl = ' ' if t0[1] == t1[1] else '*' # mark level mismatch with '*'
print("%5i %7i %4i %i %s" % (i,durMs,dt,t0[1],fl))
durMs = t-ms
ms = t
if __name__ == "__main__":
nt_fn = "note_tester.json"
logica_fn = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
nt_fn = sys.argv[2]
note_tester_compare( nt_fn, logica_fn)

View File

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
import types
import time
from random import randrange
class PolyNoteTester:
def __init__( self, cfg, api ):
self.api = api
r = types.SimpleNamespace(**cfg.PolyNoteTester)
self.cfg = r
if r.mode == "simple":
self.schedL = self._gen_simple_sched(r)
self.schedL = self._gen_sched(r)
self.schedL = sorted( self.schedL, key=lambda x: x[0] )
self.nextMs = 0 # next transition time
self.schedIdx = 0 # next event to play
self.isStartedFl = False
def _report( self ):
for t,cmd,pitch,atkUs in self.schedL:
print("%s %6i %3i %5i" % (cmd,t,pitch,atkUs))
def _gen_simple_sched( self, r ):
""" Play each note sequentially from lowest to highest. """
durMs = int(r.minNoteDurMs + (r.maxNoteDurMs - r.minNoteDurMs)/2)
ioMs = int(r.minInterOnsetMs + (r.maxInterOnsetMs - r.minInterOnsetMs)/2)
atkUs = int(r.minAttackUsec + (r.maxAttackUsec - r.minAttackUsec)/2)
schedL = []
t0 = 0
for pitch in range(r.minPitch,r.maxPitch+1):
t0 += durMs + ioMs
return schedL
def _does_note_overlap( self, beg0Ms, end0Ms, beg1Ms, end1Ms ):
""" if note 0 is entirely before or after note 1 """
return not (beg0Ms > end1Ms or end0Ms < beg1Ms)
def _do_any_notes_overlap( self, begMs, endMs, begEndL ):
for beg1,end1 in begEndL:
if self._does_note_overlap(begMs,endMs,beg1,end1):
return True
return False
def _get_last_end_time( self, begEndL ):
end0 = 0
for beg,end in begEndL:
if end > end0:
end0 = end
return end0
def _gen_sched( self, r ):
pitchL = [ randrange(r.minPitch,r.maxPitch) for _ in range(r.noteCount) ]
durMsL = [ randrange(r.minNoteDurMs, r.maxNoteDurMs) for _ in range(r.noteCount) ]
ioMsL = [ randrange(r.minInterOnsetMs, r.maxInterOnsetMs) for _ in range(r.noteCount) ]
atkUsL = [ randrange(r.minAttackUsec, r.maxAttackUsec) for _ in range(r.noteCount) ]
schedL = []
pitchD = {} # pitch: [ (begMs,endMs) ]
t0 = 0
# for each pitch,dur,ioi,atkUs tuple
for pitch,durMs,interOnsetMs,atkUs in zip(pitchL,durMsL,ioMsL,atkUsL):
# calc note begin and end time
begMs = t0
endMs = t0 + durMs
# if this pitch hasn't yet been added to pitchD
if pitch not in pitchD:
pitchD[ pitch ] = [ (begMs,endMs) ]
# if the proposed note overlaps with other notes for this pitch
if self._do_any_notes_overlap( begMs, endMs, pitchD[pitch] ):
# move this pitch past the last note
begMs = self._get_last_end_time( pitchD[pitch] ) + interOnsetMs
endMs = begMs + durMs
# add the new note to pitchD
pitchD[ pitch ].append( (begMs,endMs) )
# update the schedule
schedL.append( (begMs, 'on', pitch, atkUs))
schedL.append( (endMs, 'off', pitch, 0 ))
t0 += interOnsetMs
return schedL
def start( self ):
self.schedIdx = 0
self.nextMs = 0
self.isStartedFl = True
def stop( self ):
self.isStartedFl = False
def tick( self, ms ):
while self.isStartedFl and ms >= self.nextMs and self.schedIdx < len(self.schedL):
t0,cmd,pitch,usec = self.schedL[self.schedIdx]
if cmd == 'on':
if pitch not in self.cfg.skipPitchL:
decay_level = self.api.calc_decay_level( usec )
self.api.note_on_us( pitch, usec, decay_level )
print("on %i %i %i" % (pitch,usec,decay_level))
elif cmd == 'off':
if pitch not in self.cfg.skipPitchL:
self.api.note_off( pitch )
print("off %i" % pitch)
self.schedIdx += 1
if self.schedIdx < len(self.schedL):
self.nextMs = ms + (self.schedL[self.schedIdx][0] - t0)
self.isStartedFl = False

View File

@ -27,12 +27,9 @@ Capture note 60 and 61 using the full_pulseL[] and holdDutyPctD{} from the p_ac.
## Plot Cheat Sheet
Print a specific pitch and take.
![Plot Seq 1](doc/do_td_plot.png)
Print a specific pitch and take.
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_of td_plot 60 2
@ -42,20 +39,19 @@ Print a specific pitch and take.
Plot all the takes for a given pitch
![Multi Usec dB](doc/us_db.png)
Plot all the takes for a given pitch
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_od us_db 84
Plot a specific set of pitches and takes.
![Overlapping USec dB](doc/us_db_takes.png)
Plot a specific set of pitches and takes.
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_of us_db_pitch_take 75 0 76 0 77 0 78 0 72 10 73 1 74 1
@ -63,10 +59,9 @@ python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_of us_db_pitch_take 75 0 76 0 77 0 7
Plot the last take from a list of pitches.
![Overlapping USec dB](doc/us_db_takes_last.png)
Plot the last take from a list of pitches.
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_of us_db_pitch_last 77 78 79 80
@ -75,10 +70,9 @@ python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_of us_db_pitch_last 77 78 79 80
Plot the time domain envelope for a specific set of pitches and takes.
![Multi Plot 1](doc/multi_plot.png)
Plot the time domain envelope for a specific set of pitches and takes.
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_od td_multi_plot 60 3 60 4 60 5
@ -87,10 +81,9 @@ `do_td_multi_plot(inDir,cfg.analysisArgs,[(36,4), (48,2)] )
Plot the spectrum with harmonic location markers of a specific set of pitches and takes.
![Spectral Ranges](doc/plot_spectral_ranges.png)
Plot the spectrum with harmonic location markers of a specific set of pitches and takes.
# pitch0 takeId0 pitch1 takeId1
@ -100,21 +93,21 @@ python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_od plot_spectral_ranges 60 3
Plot the microsecond variance to achieve a given decibel value.
![Usec dB Spread](doc/us_db_map.png)
Plot the microsecond variance to achieve a given decibel value.
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_od us_db_map 84 72
Analyze all takes for given pitch and show the mean us/db curve and
places where resampling may be necessary.
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_of resample_pulse_times 84
@ -122,30 +115,30 @@ python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_of resample_pulse_times 84
Plot the min and max decibel values for specified pitches.
![Min Max](doc/min_max_db.png)
Plot the min and max decibel values for specified pitches.
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_od min_max 36 48 60 72 84
Plot the min and max decibel values for specified pitches.
![Min Max 2](doc/min_max_db_2.png)
Plot the min and max decibel values for specified pitches.
# pitch0 pitch1 pitch2 pitch3 pitch4 takeId
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_od min_max_2 36 48 60 72 84 2
![Manual dB](doc/manual_db.png)
Plot the min and max decibel values for specified set of manually corrected pitches.
![Manual dB](doc/manual_db.png)
python p_ac.yml ~/temp/p_ac_3_od manual_db

View File

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
import json
from rt_note_analysis import RT_Analyzer
class VelTablePlayer:
def __init__( self, cfg, api, audio, holdDutyPctD, fn ):
self.cfg = cfg
self.api = api = audio
self.rtAnalyzer = RT_Analyzer()
self.holdDutyPctD = holdDutyPctD
self.durMs = 500
self.mode = "across"
self.state = "off"
self.minPitch = 21
self.maxPitch = 108
self.velMapD = {}
self.curMaxPitch = self.maxPitch
self.curMinPitch = self.minPitch
self.curPitch = 21
self.curVelocity = 0
self.curEndMs = 0
self.curBegNoteMs = 0
self.curEndNoteMs = 0
with open(fn,"r") as f:
d = json.load(f)
for pitch,value in d.items():
self.velMapD[ int(pitch) ] = [ int(x[0]) for x in d[pitch] ]
assert self.minPitch in self.velMapD
assert self.maxPitch in self.velMapD
def start( self, minPitch, maxPitch, mode ):
self.curMaxPitch = maxPitch
self.curMinPitch = minPitch
self.curPitch = minPitch
self.curVelocity = 0
self.state = "note_on"
self.mode = mode # start recording audio
def stop( self ):
self.curPitch = self.minPitch
def tick( self, ms ):
if self.state == "off":
elif self.state == "note_on":
self.state = self._note_on(ms)
elif self.state == "playing":
if ms >= self.curEndMs:
self.state = "note_off"
elif self.state == "note_off":
self.state = self._note_off(ms)
def _get_duty_cycle( self, pitch, usec ):
usDutyL = self.holdDutyPctD[pitch]
for i in range(len(usDutyL)):
if usDutyL[i][0] >= usec:
return usDutyL[i][1]
return usDutyL[-1][1]
def _calc_next_pitch( self ):
self.curPitch += 1
while self.curPitch not in self.velMapD and self.curPitch <= self.curMaxPitch:
return self.curPitch <= self.curMaxPitch
def _get_next_note_params( self ):
usec = None
dutyPct = None
doneFl = False
if self.mode == "updown":
if self.curVelocity + 1 < len(self.velMapD[ self.curPitch ]):
self.curVelocity += 1
if self._calc_next_pitch():
self.curVelocity = 0
doneFl = True
if self._calc_next_pitch():
self.curPitch += 1
if self.curVelocity + 1 < len(self.velMapD[ self.curPitch ]):
self.curVelocity += 1
self.curPitch = self.curMinPitch
doneFl = True
if doneFl:
usec = self.velMapD[self.curPitch][self.curVelocity]
dutyPct = self._get_duty_cycle( self.curPitch, usec )
return self.curPitch, usec, dutyPct
def _note_on( self, ms ):
pitch,usec,dutyPct = self._get_next_note_params()
if not usec:
return "off"
self.curBegNoteMs =
self.api.set_pwm_duty( pitch, dutyPct )
self.api.note_on_us( pitch, usec )
self.curEndMs = ms + self.durMs
return "playing"
def _note_off( self, ms ):
self.curEndNoteMs =
self.rtAnalyzer.analyze_note(, self.curPitch, self.curBegNoteMs, self.curEndNoteMs, self.cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'] )
self.api.note_off( self.curPitch )
return "note_on"
def _all_notes_off( self ):
if self.curPitch == 109:
self.state = 'off'
self.api.note_off( self.curPitch )
self.curPitch += 1

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def fit_points_to_reference( usL, dbL, usRefL, dbRefL ):
return dbV
def find_elbow( usL, dbL, pointsPerLine=5 ):
def find_elbow( usL, dbL, pointsPerLine=10 ):
ppl_2 = int(pointsPerLine/2)
dL = []

View File

@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ from keyboard import Keyboard
from calibrate import Calibrate
from rms_analysis import rms_analyze_one_rt_note_wrap
from MidiFilePlayer import MidiFilePlayer
from VelTablePlayer import VelTablePlayer
from NoteTester import NoteTester
from PolyNoteTester import PolyNoteTester
from ChordTester import ChordTester
class AttackPulseSeq:
""" Sequence a fixed pitch over a list of attack pulse lengths."""
@ -66,11 +62,8 @@ class AttackPulseSeq:
# kpl if not playOnlyFl: # start recording audio
#print("Hold Delay from end of attack:",cfg.defaultHoldDelayUsecs)
# self.api.set_hold_delay(pitch,cfg.defaultHoldDelayUsecs)
print("Hold Duty Cycle=35.")
print("Hold Delay from end of attack:",cfg.defaultHoldDelayUsecs)
self.tick(ms) # play the first note
@ -135,36 +128,15 @@ class AttackPulseSeq:
def _set_duty_cycle( self, pitch, pulseUsec ):
if False:
dutyPct = self._get_duty_cycle( pulseUsec )
if dutyPct != self.prevHoldDutyPct:
# self.api.set_pwm_duty( pitch, dutyPct )
# print("Hold Duty:",dutyPct)
self.api.set_pwm_duty( pitch, dutyPct )
print("Hold Duty:",dutyPct)
self.prevHoldDutyPct = dutyPct
if False:
maxLevel = 64 # 225 # 64
minLevel = 24 # 89 # 24
maxUsec = 10000
minUsec = 2500
decayLevel = maxLevel
if pulseUsec < maxUsec and pulseUsec >= minUsec:
decayLevel = minLevel + ((pulseUsec-minUsec)/(maxUsec-minUsec)) * (maxLevel-minLevel)
if pulseUsec < minUsec:
decayLevel = minLevel
decayLevel = int(decayLevel)
decayLevel = self.api.calc_decay_level( pulseUsec )
self.api.set_decay_level( pitch, decayLevel )
print("Decay Level:", decayLevel)
def _note_on( self, ms ):
self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][0] =
@ -172,13 +144,9 @@ class AttackPulseSeq:
self.state = 'note_off'
pulse_usec = int(self.pulseUsL[ self.pulse_idx ])
# decay_level = self.api.calc_decay_level( pulse_usec )
#self._set_duty_cycle( self.pitch, pulse_usec )
self._set_duty_cycle( self.pitch, pulse_usec )
self.api.note_on_us( self.pitch, pulse_usec )
print("note-on:",self.pitch, self.pulse_idx, pulse_usec, "dcy:", decay_level)
print("note-on:",self.pitch, self.pulse_idx, pulse_usec)
def _note_off( self, ms ):
self.eventTimeL[ self.pulse_idx ][1] =
@ -241,7 +209,7 @@ class CalibrateKeys:
self.pulseUsL = pulseUsL
self.pitchL = pitchL
self.pitch_idx = -1
self._start_next_seq( ms, playOnlyFl )
self._start_next_note( ms, playOnlyFl )
def stop( self, ms ):
@ -257,11 +225,11 @@ class CalibrateKeys:
# if the sequencer is done playing
if not self.seq.is_enabled():
self._start_next_seq( ms, self.seq.playOnlyFl ) # ... else start the next sequence
self._start_next_note( ms, self.seq.playOnlyFl ) # ... else start the next sequence
return None
def _start_next_seq( self, ms, playOnlyFl ):
def _start_next_note( self, ms, playOnlyFl ):
self.pitch_idx += 1
@ -285,6 +253,8 @@ class CalibrateKeys:
# get the next available output directory id
outDir_id = self._calc_next_out_dir_id( outDir )
# if this is not the first time this note has been sampled then get the resample locations
if (outDir_id == 0) or self.cfg.useFullPulseListFl:
self.pulseUsL = self.cfg.full_pulseL
@ -295,10 +265,9 @@ class CalibrateKeys:
holdDutyPctL = self.cfg.calibrateArgs['holdDutyPctD'][pitch]
# if playback of the current calibration was requested
if playOnlyFl:
# form the calibrated pulse list
self.pulseUsL,_,holdDutyPctL = form_final_pulse_list( baseDir, pitch, self.cfg.analysisArgs, take_id=None )
noteN = cfg.analysisArgs['auditionNoteN']
@ -349,10 +318,6 @@ class App:
self.keyboard = None
self.calibrate = None
self.midiFilePlayer = None
self.velTablePlayer = None
self.noteTester = None
self.polyNoteTester = None
self.chordTester = None
def setup( self, cfg ):
self.cfg = cfg
@ -404,15 +369,6 @@ class App:
self.midiFilePlayer = MidiFilePlayer( cfg, self.api, self.midiDev, cfg.midiFileFn )
self.velTablePlayer = VelTablePlayer( cfg, self.api, self.audioDev, self.cfg.calibrateArgs['holdDutyPctD'], "velMapD.json")
self.noteTester = NoteTester(cfg,self.api)
self.polyNoteTester = PolyNoteTester(cfg,self.api)
self.chordTester = ChordTester(cfg,self.api)
return res
def tick( self, ms ):
@ -432,30 +388,13 @@ class App:
if self.midiFilePlayer:
if self.midiDev:
msgL = self.midiDev.get_input()
for msg in msgL:
if self.velTablePlayer:
if self.noteTester:
if self.polyNoteTester:
if self.chordTester:
def audio_dev_list( self, ms ):
if self.audioDev is not None:
portL = self.audioDev.get_port_list( True )
for port in portL:
print("chs:%4i label:'%s'" % (port['chN'],port['label']))
print("chs:%4i label:%s" % (port['chN'],port['label']))
def midi_dev_list( self, ms ):
d = self.midiDev.get_port_list( True )
@ -508,33 +447,6 @@ class App:
def midi_file_player_stop( self, ms ):
def vel_table_updown( self, ms, argL):
def vel_table_across( self, ms, argL ):
def vel_table_stop( self, ms ):
def note_tester_start( self, ms ):
def note_tester_stop( self, ms ):
def poly_note_tester_start( self, ms ):
def poly_note_tester_stop( self, ms ):
def chord_tester_start( self, ms ):
def chord_tester_stop( self, ms ):
def pedal_down( self, ms ):
self.midiDev.send_controller(64, 100 )
@ -543,12 +455,6 @@ class App:
self.midiDev.send_controller(64, 0 )
def all_notes_off(self, ms):
def check_for_errors(self,ms):
def quit( self, ms ):
if self.api:
@ -681,19 +587,8 @@ class Shell:
'R':{ "func":"keyboard_repeat_target_db", "minN":1, "maxN":1, "help":"Repeat db across keyboard with new pulse_idx"},
'F':{ "func":"midi_file_player_start", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Play the MIDI file."},
'f':{ "func":"midi_file_player_stop", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Stop the MIDI file."},
'V':{ "func":"vel_table_updown", "minN":2, "maxN":2, "help":"Play Velocity Table up/down - across."},
'A':{ "func":"vel_table_across", "minN":2, "maxN":2, "help":"Play Velocity Table across - up/down."},
'v':{ "func":"vel_table_stop", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Stop the velocity table playback."},
'N':{ "func":"note_tester_start", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Play a note using NoteTester."},
'n':{ "func":"note_tester_stop", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Stop NoteTester."},
'T':{ "func":"poly_note_tester_start", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Play random notes using PolyNoteTester."},
't':{ "func":"poly_note_tester_stop", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Stop NoteTester."},
'H':{ "func":"chord_tester_start", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Chord tester start."},
'h':{ "func":"chord_tester_stop", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Chord tester stop."},
'P':{ "func":"pedal_down", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Pedal down."},
'p':{ "func":"pedal_up", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Pedal up."},
'O':{ "func":"all_notes_off", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"All notes off."},
'E':{ "func":"check_for_errors", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Check for errors."}
'U':{ "func":"pedal_up", "minN":0, "maxN":0, "help":"Pedal up."},
def _help( self, _=None ):

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
# Audio device setup
audio: {
inPortLabel: "8 USB Audio CODEC:", #"HDA Intel PCH: CS4208", # "5 USB Audio CODEC:", #"5 USB Sound Device",
#inPortLabel: "8 Scarlett 18i20 USB: Audio",
outPortLabel: ,
@ -13,62 +12,12 @@
inMonitorFl: False,
outMonitorFl: False,
throughFl: False,
#inPortLabel: "MIDI9/QRS PNOScan:MIDI9/QRS PNOScan MIDI 1",
#outPortLabel: "MIDI9/QRS PNOScan:MIDI9/QRS PNOScan MIDI 1"
#inPortLabel: "Fastlane:Fastlane MIDI A",
#outPortLabel: "Fastlane:Fastlane MIDI A",
inPortLabel: "Fastlane:Fastlane MIDI A",
outPortLabel: "Fastlane:Fastlane MIDI A"
#inPortLabel: "picadae:picadae MIDI 1",
#outPortLabel: "picadae:picadae MIDI 1"
noteCount: 200,
minNoteDurMs: 100,
maxNoteDurMs: 1000,
minPauseDurMs: 5,
maxPauseDurMs: 500,
pitch: 60,
minAttackUsec: 4000,
maxAttackUsec: 20000,
filename: "note_tester.json"
mode: "simple",
noteCount: 11,
minPitch: 21,
maxPitch: 31,
skipPitchL: [22,68,102],
minNoteDurMs: 1000,
maxNoteDurMs: 2000,
minInterOnsetMs: 100,
maxInterOnsetMs: 1000,
minAttackUsec: 4000,
maxAttackUsec: 20000,
holdDutyPct: 35,
useVelTableFl: False,
#pitchL: [24,36,48,60,72,84,96],
#pitchL: [24,96,48,72,36,84,60],
#pitchL: [ 36,40,43,47, 48, 52, 55, 59],
#pitchL: [ 36,39,41,33 ],
pitchL: [ 21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31],
#pitchL: [ 36,33,35,34,37,40,43,42,38,39,41],
#pitchL: [ 43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53],
#pitchL: [ 54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64 ],
repeatCnt: 3,
atkUsec: 10000,
durMs: 1000,
pauseMs: 1000,
holdDuty: 35,
# Picadae API args
serial_dev: "/dev/ttyACM0",
serial_baud: 38400,
@ -79,11 +28,11 @@
# MeasureSeq args
outDir: "~/temp/p_ac_3_ok",
outDir: "~/temp/p_ac_3_of",
noteDurMs: 500,
pauseDurMs: 500,
reversePulseListFl: True,
useFullPulseListFl: True, # don't select a new set of resample points based on the previous samples from this pitch
useFullPulseListFl: True,
maxSilentNoteCount: 4,
silentNoteMaxPulseUs: 15000,
silentNoteMinDurMs: 180, #250,
@ -91,7 +40,7 @@
defaultHoldDelayUsecs: 1000,
# Midi file player
midiFileFn: "/home/kevin/media/audio/midi/txt/988-v25.txt",
midiFileFn: "/home/kevin/media/audio/midi/txt/round4.txt",
@ -145,26 +94,7 @@
full_pulse22L: [ 3500, 3750, 4000, 4250, 4500, 4750, 5000, 5250, 5500, 5750, 6000, 6250, 6500, 6750, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000 ],
# 60,72,84
full_pulse23L: [ 2000, 2250, 2500,2750, 3000, 3250, 3500, 3750, 4000, 4250, 4500, 4750, 5000, 5250, 5500, 5750, 6000, 6250, 6500, 6750, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000, 22000 ],
full_pulseL24: [ 5000, 5125, 5250, 5375, 5500, 5625, 5750, 5875, 6000, 6125, 6250, 6500, 6750, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000, 22000 ],
# 23-40
full_pulseL25: [ 3500, 3625, 3750, 3875, 4000, 4125, 4250, 4375, 4500, 4625, 4750, 4875, 5000, 5125, 5250, 5375, 5500, 5625, 5750, 5875, 6000, 6125, 6250, 6375, 6500, 6625, 6750, 6875, 7000, 7250, 7500, 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000 ],
full_pulse25aL: [ 2000, 2050, 2100, 2150, 2200, 2250, 2300, 2350, 2400, 2450, 2500, 2550, 2600, 2650, 2700, 2750, 2800, 2850, 2900, 2950, 3000, 3050, 3100, 3150, 3200, 3250, 3300, 3350, 3400, 3450, 3500, 3550, 3600, 3650, 3700, 3750, 3800, 3850, 3900, 3950, 4000, 4050, 4100, 4150, 4200, 4250, 4300, 4350, 4400, 4450, 4500, 4550, 4600, 4650, 4700, 4750, 4800, 4850, 4900, 4950, 5000, 5050, 5100, 5150, 5200, 5250, 5300, 5350, 5400, 5450, 5500, 5550, 5600, 5650, 5700, 5750, 5800, 5850, 5900, 5950, 6000, 6125, 6250, 6375, 6500, 6625, 6750, 6875, 7000, 7250, 7500, 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000 ],
# 21-
full_pulse26L: [ 1500, 1625, 1750, 1875, 2000, 2125, 2250, 2375, 2500, 2625, 2750, 2875, 3000, 3125, 3250, 3375,3500, 3625, 3750, 3875, 4000, 4125, 4250, 4375, 4500, 4625, 4750, 4875, 5000, 5125, 5250, 5375, 5500, 5625, 5750, 5875, 6000, 6125, 6250, 6375, 6500, 6625, 6750, 6875, 7000, 7250, 7500, 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000, 22000 ],
full_pulseL: [ 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3625, 3750, 3875, 4000, 4125, 4250, 4375, 4500, 4625, 4750, 4875, 5000, 5125, 5250, 5375, 5500, 5625, 5750, 5875, 6000, 6125, 6250, 6375, 6500, 6625, 6750, 6875, 7000, 7250, 7500, 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000, 22000 ],
# 92
full_pulse27L: [ 1500, 1625, 1750, 1875, 2000, 2125, 2250, 2375, 2500, 2625, 2750, 2875, 3000, 3125, 3250, 3375, 3500, 3625, 3750, 3875, 4000, 4125, 4250, 4375, 4500, 4625, 4750, 4875, 5000, 5125, 5250, 5375, 5500, 5625, 5750, 5875, 6000, 6125, 6250, 6375, 6500, 6625, 6750, 6875, 7000, 7250, 7500, 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000 ],
full_pulse28L: [ 4000, 8000, 12000, 16000 ],
full_pulse29L: [ 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 13500, 14000, 14500, 15000, 15500, 16000, 16500, 17000, 17500, 18000, 18500, 19000, 19500, 20000 ],
full_pulseL: [ 2000, 2250, 2500,2750, 3000, 3250, 3500, 3750, 4000, 4250, 4500, 4750, 5000, 5250, 5500, 5750, 6000, 6250, 6500, 6750, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000, 10500, 11000, 11500, 12000, 12500, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000, 22000 ],
# RMS analysis args
analysisArgs: {
@ -193,102 +123,17 @@
rmsAnalysisCacheFn: "/home/kevin/temp/rms_analysis_cache.pickle"
# used by plot_seq_1.gen_vel_map()
velTableDbL: [ 2, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 ],
manualMinD: {
23:[-1,1], # 10
24:[-1,11], # 11
26:[-1,9], # 13
34:[-1,9], # 15
40:[-1,6], # 2 lwr
41:[-1,10], # 24 lwr
53:[-1,0], # 16
60:[-1,7], # 14
61:[-1,10], # 14
62:[-1,1], # 7
67:[-1,3], # 17 lwr
70:[-1,15], # 15 lwr
71:[-1,0], # 7 lwr
72:[-1,3],# 12 lwr
73:[-1,0],# 21 lwr
74:[-1,0],# 24 lwr
75:[-1,0],# 18 lwr
76:[-1,0],# 13 lwr
77:[-1,0],# 22 lwr
78:[-1,0],# 14 lwr
81:[-1,2], # 14 lwr
82:[-1,5], # 11
84:[-1,3], # 13
88:[-1,5], # 22
90:[-1,2], # 10
94:[-1,5], # 10
36: [2, 10],
48: [2, 10],
60: [2, 10],
72: [2, 10],
84: [2, 10]
manualAnchorPitchMinDbL: [ 24, 36,48,60,72,84,96 ],
manualAnchorPitchMaxDbL: [ 24, 36,48,60,72,84,96 ],
manualAnchorPitchMinDbL: [ 36,48,72,84 ],
manualAnchorPitchMaxDbL: [ 36,48,60,72,84 ],
manualLastFl: true,
manualMinD_0: {
23: [2, 24],
@ -411,93 +256,85 @@
dbSrcLabel: 'hm', # source of the db measurement 'td' (time-domain) or 'hm' (harmonic)
holdDutyPctD: {
21: [[0, 50]],
23: [[0, 50]],
24: [[0, 50]],
25: [[0, 50]],
26: [[0, 50]],
27: [[0, 50]],
28: [[0, 50]],
29: [[0, 50]],
30: [[0, 50]],
31: [[0, 50]],
32: [[0, 50]],
33: [[0, 50]],
34: [[0, 50]],
35: [[0, 50]],
36: [[0, 50]],
37: [[0, 50]],
38: [[0, 50]],
39: [[0, 50]],
40: [[0, 50]],
41: [[0, 45]],
42: [[0, 45]],
43: [[0, 45]],
44: [[0, 45]],
45: [[0, 45]],
46: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
47: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
48: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
49: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
50: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
51: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
52: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
53: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
54: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
55: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
56: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
57: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
58: [[0, 40],[10000,45]],
59: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
60: [[0, 40],[10000,43],[11000,45],[12000,45], [13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60],[16000,65]],
61: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
62: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
63: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
64: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
65: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
66: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
67: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
68: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
69: [[0, 32],[5000,64] ],
70: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
71: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
72: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
73: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
74: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
75: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
76: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
77: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55],[15000,60]],
78: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
79: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
80: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
81: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
82: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
83: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
84: [[0, 35],[8000,40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
85: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
86: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50],[14000,55]],
87: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50]],
88: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50]],
89: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50]],
90: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50]],
91: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[12000,48],[13000,50]],
92: [[0, 37]],
93: [[0, 37]],
94: [[0, 37]],
95: [[0, 37]],
96: [[0, 37]],
23: [[0, 40]],
24: [[0, 40]],
25: [[0, 40]],
26: [[0, 40]],
27: [[0, 40]],
28: [[0, 40]],
29: [[0, 40]],
30: [[0, 40]],
31: [[0, 40]],
32: [[0, 40]],
33: [[0, 40]],
34: [[0, 40]],
35: [[0, 40]],
36: [[0, 40]],
37: [[0, 40]],
38: [[0, 40]],
39: [[0, 40]],
40: [[0, 40]],
41: [[0, 40]],
42: [[0, 40]],
43: [[0, 40]],
44: [[0, 40]],
45: [[0, 40]],
46: [[0, 40]],
47: [[0, 40]],
48: [[0, 40]],
49: [[0, 40]],
50: [[0, 40]],
51: [[0, 40]],
52: [[0, 40]],
53: [[0, 40]],
54: [[0, 40]],
55: [[0, 40]],
56: [[0, 40]],
57: [[0, 40]],
58: [[0, 40]],
59: [[0, 45]],
60: [[0, 40],[10000,50]],
61: [[0, 40],[10000,50]],
62: [[0, 40],[10000,50]],
63: [[0, 40],[10000,50]],
64: [[0, 40],[10000,50]],
65: [[0, 99]],
66: [[0, 40]],
67: [[0, 40],[14000, 45],[15000,50],[16000,55],[17000,60],[18000,65],[19000,55]],
68: [[0, 40],[14000, 45],[15000,50],[16000,55],[17000,60],[18000,65],[19000,55]],
69: [[0, 40],[14000, 45],[15000,50],[16000,55],[17000,60],[18000,65],[19000,55]],
70: [[0, 40],[14000, 45],[15000,50],[16000,55],[17000,60],[18000,65],[19000,55]],
71: [[0, 40],[14000, 45],[15000,50],[16000,55],[17000,60],[18000,65],[19000,55]],
72: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
73: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
74: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
75: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
76: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
77: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
78: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
79: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
80: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
81: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
82: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
83: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
84: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
85: [[0, 42],[8000,44],[9000,46],[10000, 48],[11000,50],[12000,52],[13000,54],[14000,56],[15000,58],[16000,60],[17000,60],[18000,60],[19000,60],[20000,60] ],
86: [[0, 40]],
87: [[0, 40]],
88: [[0, 40]],
89: [[0, 40]],
91: [[0, 40]],
92: [[0, 40]],
93: [[0, 40]],
94: [[0, 40]],
95: [[0, 40]],
96: [[0, 40]],
97: [[0, 40]],
98: [[0, 40]],
99: [[0, 37]],
100: [[0, 37]],
101: [[0, 37]],
102: [[0, 37]],
103: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[15000,50]],
104: [[0, 40],[7500,45],[15000,50]],
105: [[0, 40],[10000,45],[15000,50]],
106: [[0, 37]],
107: [[0, 37]],
108: [[0, 37]],
99: [[0, 40]],
100: [[0, 40]],
101: [[0, 40]],
106: [[0, 40]]
# Final for Matt's piano

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.8.6"
"version": "3.7.5"
"nbformat": 4,

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.8.6"
"version": "3.7.5"
"nbformat": 4,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
##| Copyright: (C) 2019-2020 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
##| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
import os, sys,json,math
import os, sys,json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from common import parse_yaml_cfg
@ -458,21 +458,11 @@ def _plot_us_db_takes( inDir, cfg, pitchL, takeIdL, printDir="", printFn="" ):
usL, dbL, durMsL, _, holdDutyPctL = get_merged_pulse_db_measurements( inDir, midi_pitch, analysisArgsD['rmsAnalysisArgs'], takeId=takeId )
ax.plot(usL,dbL, marker='.',label="%i:%i %s %s" % (midi_pitch,takeId,keyMapD[midi_pitch]['class'],keyMapD[midi_pitch]['type']))
for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(usL,dbL)):
# for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(usL,dbL)):
# ax.text(x,y,str(i))
f_usL,f_dbL = filter_us_db(usL,dbL)
ax.plot(f_usL,f_dbL, marker='.')
elbow_us,elbow_db = elbow.find_elbow(usL,dbL)
elb_idx = nearest_sample_point( dbL, usL, elbow_db, elbow_us )
if printDir:
@ -480,22 +470,6 @@ def _plot_us_db_takes( inDir, cfg, pitchL, takeIdL, printDir="", printFn="" ):
def get_pitches_and_takes( inDir ):
pitchD = {}
inDirL = os.listdir( inDir )
for pitch in inDirL:
path = os.path.join( inDir, pitch )
takeIdL = os.listdir( path )
takeIdL = sorted([ int(takeId) for takeId in takeIdL ])
takeIdL = [ str(x) for x in takeIdL ]
pitchD[int(pitch)] = takeIdL
return pitchD
def plot_us_db_takes( inDir, cfg, pitchL, printDir=""):
takeIdL = None
@ -506,11 +480,14 @@ def plot_us_db_takes( inDir, cfg, pitchL, printDir=""):
def plot_us_db_takes_last( inDir, cfg, pitchL, printDir ):
pitchD = get_pitches_and_takes(inDir)
takeIdL = []
for pitch in pitchL:
takeIdL.append( int(pitchD[pitch][-1]) )
inDirL = os.listdir( os.path.join(inDir,str(pitch)))
inDirL = sorted(inDirL)
takeIdL.append( int(inDirL[-1]) )
return _plot_us_db_takes( inDir, cfg, pitchL, takeIdL, printDir, "us_db_takes_last.png")
@ -558,21 +535,17 @@ def plot_all_noise_curves( inDir, cfg, pitchL=None ):
def nearest_sample_point( dbL, usL, db0, us0 ):
xL = np.array([ abs(us-us0) for db,us in zip(dbL,usL) ])
return np.argmin(xL)
def plot_min_max_2_db( inDir, cfg, pitchL=None, takeId=2, printDir=None ):
takeIdArg = takeId
pitchTakeD = get_pitches_and_takes(inDir)
pitchFolderL = os.listdir(inDir)
if pitchL is None:
pitchL = [ int( int(pitchFolder) ) for pitchFolder in pitchFolderL ]
okL = []
outPitchL = []
minDbL = []
@ -580,11 +553,9 @@ def plot_min_max_2_db( inDir, cfg, pitchL=None, takeId=2, printDir=None ):
for midi_pitch in pitchL:
takeId = None
if takeIdArg == -1:
takeId = pitchTakeD[midi_pitch][-1]
usL, dbL, durMsL, takeIdL, holdDutyPctL = get_merged_pulse_db_measurements( inDir, midi_pitch, cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'], takeId )
usL, dbL, durMsL, takeIdL, holdDutyPctL = get_merged_pulse_db_measurements( inDir, midi_pitch, cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'] )
@ -600,9 +571,6 @@ def plot_min_max_2_db( inDir, cfg, pitchL=None, takeId=2, printDir=None ):
smp_idx = nearest_sample_point( dbL, usL, elbow_db, elbow_us )
print(" %i:[-1,%i], " % (midi_pitch,smp_idx))
p_dL = sorted( zip(outPitchL,minDbL,maxDbL,okL), key=lambda x: x[0] )
@ -625,9 +593,7 @@ def plot_min_max_2_db( inDir, cfg, pitchL=None, takeId=2, printDir=None ):
def plot_min_db_manual( inDir, cfg, printDir=None, absMaxDb=27, absMinDb=3 ):
pitchTakeD = get_pitches_and_takes(inDir)
def plot_min_db_manual( inDir, cfg, printDir=None ):
pitchL = list(cfg.manualMinD.keys())
@ -640,39 +606,29 @@ def plot_min_db_manual( inDir, cfg, printDir=None, absMaxDb=27, absMinDb=3 ):
for midi_pitch in pitchL:
if cfg.manualLastFl:
manual_take_id = pitchTakeD[midi_pitch][-1]
takeId = manual_take_id
manual_take_id = cfg.manualMinD[midi_pitch][0]
takeId = None
manual_sample_idx = cfg.manualMinD[midi_pitch][1]
usL, dbL, durMsL, takeIdL, holdDutyPctL = get_merged_pulse_db_measurements( inDir, midi_pitch, cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'], takeId )
usL, dbL, durMsL, takeIdL, holdDutyPctL = get_merged_pulse_db_measurements( inDir, midi_pitch, cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'] )
if takeId is None:
takeId = len(set(takeIdL))-1
# most pitches have 3 sample takes that do not
if len(set(takeIdL)) == 3 and manual_take_id == takeId:
okL[-1] = True
okL[-1] = True
# maxDb is computed on all takes (not just the specified take)
db_maxL = sorted(dbL)
max_db = min(absMaxDb,np.mean(db_maxL[-4:]))
max_db = np.mean(db_maxL[-4:])
maxDbL.append( max_db )
# get the us,db values for the specified take
usL,dbL = zip(*[(usL[i],dbL[i]) for i in range(len(usL)) if takeIdL[i]==manual_take_id ])
# most pitches have 3 sample takes that do not
if len(set(takeIdL)) == 3 and manual_take_id == takeId:
okL[-1] = True
# min db from the sample index manually specified in cfg
manualMinDb = max(absMinDb,dbL[ manual_sample_idx ])
manualMinDb = dbL[ manual_sample_idx ]
minDbL.append( manualMinDb )
@ -686,6 +642,8 @@ def plot_min_db_manual( inDir, cfg, printDir=None, absMaxDb=27, absMinDb=3 ):
# Form the complete set of min/max db levels for each pitch by interpolating the
# db values between the manually selected anchor points.
interpMinDbL = np.interp( pitchL, cfg.manualAnchorPitchMinDbL, anchorMinDbL )
@ -903,67 +861,27 @@ def report_take_ids( inDir ):
if len(takeDirL) == 0:
print(pitch," directory empty")
fn = os.path.join(pitchDir,'0','seq.json')
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
print("Missing sequence file:",fn)
with open( fn, "rb") as f:
with open( os.path.join(pitchDir,'0','seq.json'), "rb") as f:
r = json.load(f)
if len(r['eventTimeL']) != 81:
print(pitch," ",len(r['eventTimeL']))
if len(takeDirL) != 3:
def filter_us_db( us0L, db0L ):
us1L = [us0L[-1]]
db1L = [db0L[-1]]
dDb = 0
lastIdx = 0
for i,(us,db) in enumerate(zip( us0L[::-1],db0L[::-1])):
db1 = db1L[-1]
if db < db1 and db1-db >= dDb/2:
dDb = db1 - db
lastIdx = i
lastIdx = len(us0L) - lastIdx - 1
usL = [ us0L[lastIdx] ]
dbL = [ db0L[lastIdx] ]
dDb = 0
for us,db in zip(us0L[lastIdx::],db0L[lastIdx::]):
db1 = dbL[-1]
if db > db1:
dDb = db-db1
return usL,dbL
def cache_us_db( inDir, cfg, outFn ):
pitchTakeD = get_pitches_and_takes(inDir)
pitch_usDbD = {}
pitchDirL = os.listdir(inDir)
for pitch,takeIdL in pitchTakeD.items():
for pitch in pitchDirL:
pitch = int(pitch)
takeId = takeIdL[-1]
usL, dbL, durMsL, takeIdL, holdDutyPctL = get_merged_pulse_db_measurements( inDir, pitch, cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'], takeId )
usL, dbL, durMsL, takeIdL, holdDutyPctL = get_merged_pulse_db_measurements( inDir, pitch, cfg.analysisArgs['rmsAnalysisArgs'] )
pitch_usDbD[pitch] = { 'usL':usL, 'dbL':dbL, 'durMsL':durMsL, 'takeIdL':takeIdL, 'holdDutyPctL': holdDutyPctL }
@ -979,12 +897,10 @@ def gen_vel_map( inDir, cfg, minMaxDbFn, dynLevelN, cacheFn ):
pitchDirL = os.listdir(inDir)
# pitchUsDbD = { pitch:
with open(cacheFn,"r") as f:
pitchUsDbD = json.load(f)
# form minMaxDb = { pitch:(minDb,maxDb) }
with open("minInterpDb.json","r") as f:
r = json.load(f)
minMaxDbD = { pitch:(minDb,maxDb) for pitch,minDb,maxDb in zip(r['pitchL'],r['minDbL'],r['maxDbL']) }
@ -992,31 +908,17 @@ def gen_vel_map( inDir, cfg, minMaxDbFn, dynLevelN, cacheFn ):
pitchL = sorted( [ int(pitch) for pitch in pitchUsDbD.keys()] )
# for each pitch
for pitch in pitchL:
# get the us/db map for this
d = pitchUsDbD[str(pitch)]
usL, dbL = filter_us_db( d['usL'], d['dbL'] )
#usL = d['usL']
#dbL = np.array(d['dbL'])
dbL = np.array(dbL)
usL = d['usL']
dbL = np.array(d['dbL'])
velMapD[pitch] = []
maxDb = minMaxDbD[pitch][1]
minDb = minMaxDbD[pitch][0]
for i in range(dynLevelN+1):
dynLevelN = len(cfg.velTableDbL)
# for each dynamic level
for i in range(dynLevelN):
#db = minDb + (i * (maxDb - minDb)/ dynLevelN)
db = cfg.velTableDbL[i]
db = minMaxDbD[pitch][0] + (i * (minMaxDbD[pitch][1] - minMaxDbD[pitch][0])/ dynLevelN)
usIdx = np.argmin( np.abs(dbL - db) )
@ -1044,7 +946,7 @@ def gen_vel_map( inDir, cfg, minMaxDbFn, dynLevelN, cacheFn ):
if __name__ == "__main__":
printDir = os.path.expanduser("~/temp") # os.path.expanduser( "~/src/picadae_ac_3/doc")
printDir = None #os.path.expanduser( "~/src/picadae_ac_3/doc")
cfgFn = sys.argv[1]
inDir = sys.argv[2]
mode = sys.argv[3]
@ -1079,7 +981,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
elif mode == 'manual_db':
plot_min_db_manual( inDir, cfg, printDir=printDir )
elif mode == 'gen_vel_map':
gen_vel_map( inDir, cfg, "minInterpDb.json", 12, "cache_us_db.json" )
gen_vel_map( inDir, cfg, "minInterpDb.json", 9, "cache_us_db.json" )
elif mode == 'cache_us_db':
cache_us_db( inDir, cfg, "cache_us_db.json")

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.8.6"
"version": "3.7.5"
"nbformat": 4,

View File

@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def note_stats( r, decay_pct=50.0, extraDurSearchMs=500 ):
def locate_peak_indexes( xV, xV_srate, eventMsL, audioFn="" ):
def locate_peak_indexes( xV, xV_srate, eventMsL, audioFn ):
pkIdxL = []
for i, (begMs, endMs) in enumerate(eventMsL):
@ -601,9 +601,6 @@ def write_audacity_label_files( inDir, analysisArgsD, reverseFl=True ):
takeDir = os.path.join(pitchDir,takeFolder)
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(takeDir,"seq.json")):
r = rms_analysis_main( takeDir, midi_pitch, **analysisArgsD )
labelFn = os.path.join(takeDir,"audacity.txt")