69 lines
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69 lines
2.0 KiB
import types
import time
class ChordTester:
def __init__( self, cfg, api ):
self.api = api
self.cfg = types.SimpleNamespace(**cfg.ChordTester)
self.nextMs = 0
self.isStartedFl = False
self.curNoteCnt = 0
self.curRepeatCnt = 0
self.isPlayingFl = False
def start( self ):
self.api.set_hold_duty_all( self.cfg.holdDuty )
if self.cfg.useVelTableFl:
self.api.set_vel_table_all( self.cfg.pitchL )
self.curNoteCnt = 0
self.curRepeatCnt = 0
self.isStartedFl = True
def stop( self ):
self.isStartedFl = False
def tick( self, ms ):
if self.isStartedFl and ms >= self.nextMs:
if self.isPlayingFl:
# turn notes off
for i in range(0,self.curNoteCnt+1):
self.api.note_off( self.cfg.pitchL[i])
time.sleep( 0.01 )
# repeat or advance the chord note count
self.curRepeatCnt += 1
if self.curRepeatCnt >= self.cfg.repeatCnt:
self.curRepeatCnt = 0
self.curNoteCnt += 1
if self.curNoteCnt >= len(self.cfg.pitchL):
self.isStartedFl = False
self.curNoteCnt = 0
self.isPlayingFl = False
self.nextMs = ms + self.cfg.pauseMs
for i in range(0,self.curNoteCnt+1):
if self.cfg.useVelTableFl:
self.api.note_on_vel(self.cfg.pitchL[i], 45 )
self.api.note_on_us(self.cfg.pitchL[i], self.cfg.atkUsec)
time.sleep( 0.02 )
self.nextMs = ms + self.cfg.durMs
self.isPlayingFl = True