import os,sys,argparse,yaml,types,select,serial,logging,time from picadae_api import Picadae from picadae_api import Result class PicadaeShell: def __init__( self, cfg ): self.p = None self.parseD = { 'q':{ "func":None, "varN":0, "help":"quit"}, '?':{ "func":"help", "varN":0, "help":"Print usage text."}, 'w':{ "func":"write", "varN":-1, "help":"write ... "}, 'r':{ "func":"read", "varN":3, "help":"read "}, 'v':{ "func":"note_on_vel", "varN":2, "help":"note-on "}, 'u':{ "func":"note_on_us", "varN":2, "help":"note-on "}, 'o':{ "func":"note_off", "varN":1, "help":"note-off "}, 'T':{ "func":"set_vel_map", "varN":3, "help":"table "}, 't':{ "func":"get_vel_map", "varN":2, "help":"table "}, 'D':{ "func":"set_pwm_duty", "varN":2, "help":"duty "}, 'd':{ "func":"get_pwm_duty", "varN":1, "help":"duty "}, 'F':{ "func":"set_pwm_freq", "varN":2, "help":"freq "}, 'f':{ "func":"get_pwm_freq", "varN":1, "help":"freq "}, 'M':{ "func":"set_mode", "varN":2, "help":"set_mode (1=repeat 2=pwm)" }, 'm':{ "func":"get_mode", "varN":1, "help":"get_mode "}, 'N':{ "func":"make_note", "varN":3, "help":"note atkUs durMs"}, } def _do_help( self, _ ): for k,d in self.parseD.items(): s = "{} = {}".format( k, d['help'] ) print(s) return Result() def _do_write( self, argL ): return self.p.write(argL[0], argL[1], argL[2:]) def _do_read( self, argL ): return*argL) def _do_note_on_vel( self, argL ): return self.p.note_on_vel(*argL) def _do_note_on_us( self, argL ): return self.p.note_on_us(*argL) def _do_note_off( self, argL ): return self.p.note_off(*argL) def _do_set_vel_map( self, argL ): return self.p.set_velocity_map(*argL) def _do_get_vel_map( self, argL ): return self.p.get_velocity_map(*argL) def _do_set_pwm_duty( self, argL ): return self.p.set_pwm_duty(*argL) def _do_get_pwm_duty( self, argL ): return self.p.get_pwm_duty(*argL) def _do_set_pwm_freq( self, argL ): return self.p.set_pwm_freq(*argL) def _do_get_pwm_freq( self, argL ): return self.p.get_pwm_freq(*argL) def _do_set_mode( self, argL ): return self.p.set_mode(*argL) def _do_get_mode( self, argL ): return self.p.get_mode(*argL) def _do_make_note( self, argL ): return self.p.make_note(*argL) def _syntaxError( self, msg ): print("Syntax Error: " + msg ) return Result() def _exec_cmd( self, tokL ): if len(tokL) <= 0: return None opcode = tokL[0] if opcode not in self.parseD: return self._syntaxError("Unknown opcode: '{}'.".format(opcode)) d = self.parseD[ opcode ] func_name = "_do_" + d['func'] if hasattr(self, func_name ): func = getattr(self, func_name ) try: argL = [ int(tokL[i]) for i in range(1,len(tokL)) ] except: return self._syntaxError("Unable to create integer arguments.") if d['varN'] != -1 and len(argL) != d['varN']: return self._syntaxError("Argument mismatch {} != {}.".format(len(argL),d['varN'])) result = func(argL) return result def run( self ): # create the API object self.p = Picadae( cfg.key_mapL, cfg.i2c_base_addr, cfg.serial_dev, cfg.serial_baud, cfg.prescaler_usec ) # wait for the letter 'a' to come back from the serial port result = self.p.wait_for_serial_sync(timeoutMs=cfg.serial_sync_timeout_ms) if not result: print("Serial port sync failed.") else: print(result.value) print("'q'=quit '?'=help") time_out_secs = 1 while True: # wait for keyboard activity i, o, e = [sys.stdin], [], [], time_out_secs ) if (i): # read the command s = sys.stdin.readline().strip() # tokenize the command tokL = s.split(' ') # if this is the 'quit' command if tokL[0] == 'q': break # execute the command result = self._exec_cmd( tokL ) if result.value: print(result.value) self.p.close() def parse_args(): """Parse the command line arguments.""" descStr = """Picadae auto-calibrate.""" logL = ['debug','info','warning','error','critical'] ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descStr) ap.add_argument("-s","--setup", default="picadae_cmd.yml", help="YAML configuration file.") ap.add_argument("-c","--cmd", nargs="*", help="Give a command as multiple tokens") ap.add_argument("-r","--run", help="Run a named command list from the setup file.") ap.add_argument("-l","--log_level",choices=logL, default="warning", help="Set logging level: debug,info,warning,error,critical. Default:warning") return ap.parse_args() def parse_yaml_cfg( fn ): """Parse the YAML configuration file.""" cfg = None with open(fn,"r") as f: cfgD = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) cfg = types.SimpleNamespace(**cfgD['picadae_cmd']) return cfg if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() cfg = parse_yaml_cfg( args.setup ) app = PicadaeShell(cfg)