426 lines
16 KiB
426 lines
16 KiB
#ifndef cwFlowValue_h
#define cwFLowValue_h
namespace cw
namespace flow
typedef dsp::coeff_t coeff_t;
typedef dsp::sample_t sample_t;
typedef dsp::fd_sample_t fd_sample_t;
typedef dsp::srate_t srate_t;
typedef dsp::ftime_t ftime_t;
typedef unsigned uint_t;
typedef int int_t;
typedef unsigned vid_t;
enum {
kBaseSfxId = 0,
kFbufVectN = 3, // count of signal vectors in fbuf (mag,phs,hz)
kAnyChIdx = kInvalidIdx,
kLocalValueN = 2,
typedef struct abuf_str
srate_t srate; // Signal sample rate
unsigned chN; // Count of channels
unsigned frameN; // Count of sample frames per channel
unsigned bufAllocSmpN; // Size of allocated buf[] in samples.
sample_t* buf; // buf[ chN ][ frameN ]
} abuf_t;
typedef struct fbuf_str
unsigned memByteN; // Count of bytes in mem[].
void* mem; // mem[ memByteN ] All dynamically allocated memory used by this fbuf.
srate_t srate; // signal sample rate
unsigned flags; // See kXXXFbufFl
unsigned chN; // count of channels
unsigned* maxBinN_V; // maxBinN_V[chN] max value that binN_V[i] is allowed to take
unsigned* binN_V; // binN_V[ chN ] count of sample frames per channel
unsigned* hopSmpN_V; // hopSmpN_V[ chN ] hop sample count
fd_sample_t** magV; // magV[ chN ][ binN ]
fd_sample_t** phsV; // phsV[ chN ][ binN ]
fd_sample_t** hzV; // hzV[ chN ][ binN ]
bool* readyFlV; // readyFlV[chN] true if this channel is ready to be processed (used to sync. fbuf rate to abuf rate)
} fbuf_t;
typedef struct mbuf_str
const midi::ch_msg_t* msgA;
unsigned msgN;
} mbuf_t;
kInvalidTFl = 0x00000000,
kBoolTFl = 0x00000001,
kUIntTFl = 0x00000002,
kIntTFl = 0x00000004,
kFloatTFl = 0x00000008,
kDoubleTFl = 0x00000010,
kBoolMtxTFl = 0x00000020,
kUIntMtxTFl = 0x00000040,
kIntMtxTFl = 0x00000080,
kFloatMtxTFl = 0x00000100,
kDoubleMtxTFl= 0x00000200,
kABufTFl = 0x00000400,
kFBufTFl = 0x00000800,
kMBufTFl = 0x00001000,
kRBufTFl = 0x00002000,
kStringTFl = 0x00004000,
kTimeTFl = 0x00008000,
kCfgTFl = 0x00010000,
kMidiTFl = 0x00020000,
kTypeMask = 0x0003ffff,
kRuntimeTFl = 0x80000000, // The type of the value associated with this variable will be set by the proc instances during instantiation
kNumericTFl = kBoolTFl | kUIntTFl | kIntTFl | kFloatTFl | kDoubleTFl,
kMtxTFl = kBoolMtxTFl | kUIntMtxTFl | kIntMtxTFl | kFloatMtxTFl | kDoubleMtxTFl,
kAllTFl = kTypeMask
typedef struct mtx_str
union {
struct mtx::mtx_str< unsigned >* u;
struct mtx::mtx_str< int >* i;
struct mtx::mtx_str< float >* f;
struct mtx::mtx_str< double >* d;
} u;
} mtx_t;
struct recd_type_str;
struct recd_str;
typedef struct rbuf_str
const struct recd_type_str* type; // all msgs are formed from this type
const struct recd_str* recdA; // recdA[ recdN ]
unsigned recdN; //
} rbuf_t;
typedef struct value_str
unsigned tflag;
union {
bool b;
uint_t u;
int_t i;
float f;
double d;
mtx_t* mtx;
abuf_t* abuf;
fbuf_t* fbuf;
mbuf_t* mbuf;
rbuf_t* rbuf;
char* s;
const object_t* cfg;
midi::ch_msg_t* midi;
void* p;
} u;
struct value_str* link;
} value_t;
// Value Only
inline void set_null( value_t& v, unsigned tflag ) { v.tflag=tflag; v.u.p=nullptr; }
inline bool is_numeric( const value_t* v ) { return cwIsFlag(v->tflag,kNumericTFl); }
inline bool is_matrix( const value_t* v ) { return cwIsFlag(v->tflag,kMtxTFl); }
// if all of the src flags are set in the dst flags then the two types are convertable.
inline bool can_convert( unsigned src_tflag, unsigned dst_tflag ) { return (src_tflag&dst_tflag)==src_tflag; }
abuf_t* abuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, unsigned frameN );
void abuf_destroy( abuf_t*& buf );
// If 'dst' is null then a new abuf is allocated, filled with the contents of 'src'.
// If 'dst' is non-null and there is enough space for the contents of 'src' then only a copy is executed.
// If there is not enough space then dst is reallocated.
abuf_t* abuf_duplicate( abuf_t* dst, const abuf_t* src );
rc_t abuf_set_channel( abuf_t* buf, unsigned chIdx, const sample_t* v, unsigned vN );
const sample_t* abuf_get_channel( abuf_t* buf, unsigned chIdx );
fbuf_t* fbuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, const unsigned* maxBinN_V, const unsigned* binN_V, const unsigned* hopSmpN_V, const fd_sample_t** magV=nullptr, const fd_sample_t** phsV=nullptr, const fd_sample_t** hzV=nullptr );
fbuf_t* fbuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, unsigned maxBinN, unsigned binN, unsigned hopSmpN, const fd_sample_t** magV=nullptr, const fd_sample_t** phsV=nullptr, const fd_sample_t** hzV=nullptr );
void fbuf_destroy( fbuf_t*& buf );
// Memory allocation will only occur if dst is null, or the size of dst's internal buffer are too small.
fbuf_t* fbuf_duplicate( fbuf_t* dst, const fbuf_t* src );
mbuf_t* mbuf_create( const midi::ch_msg_t* msgA=nullptr, unsigned msgN=0 );
void mbuf_destroy( mbuf_t*& buf );
mbuf_t* mbuf_duplicate( const mbuf_t* src );
rbuf_t* rbuf_create( const struct recd_type_str* type=nullptr, const struct recd_str* recdA=nullptr, unsigned recdN=0 );
void rbuf_destroy( rbuf_t*& buf );
rbuf_t* rbuf_duplicate( const rbuf_t* src );
void rbuf_setup( rbuf_t* rbuf, struct recd_type_str* type, struct recd_str* recdA, unsigned recdN );
inline bool value_is_abuf( const value_t* v ) { return v->tflag & kABufTFl; }
inline bool value_is_fbuf( const value_t* v ) { return v->tflag & kFBufTFl; }
unsigned value_type_label_to_flag( const char* type_desc );
const char* value_type_flag_to_label( unsigned flag );
void value_release( value_t* v );
void value_duplicate( value_t& dst, const value_t& src );
// For all numeric types this function set's the type of 'value_ref' to the type of cfg.
// For all other types sets the type of 'value_ref' to kCfgTFl and stores 'cfg' to value_ref.u.cfg;
rc_t value_from_cfg( const object_t* cfg, value_t& value_ref );
// Assigns src to dst. If dst has a value type then src is converted to this type.
// If the conversion is not possible then the function fail.s
rc_t value_from_value( const value_t& src, value_t& dst );
void value_print( const value_t* value, bool info_fl=false);
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, bool& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, bool v );
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, uint_t& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, uint_t v );
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, int_t& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, int_t v );
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, float& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, float v );
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, double& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, double v );
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, const char*& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, const char* v );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, abuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, const abuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, abuf_t* v );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, fbuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, const fbuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, fbuf_t* v );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, mbuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, const mbuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, mbuf_t* v );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, rbuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, const rbuf_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, rbuf_t* v );
rc_t value_get( value_t* val, const object_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, const object_t* v );
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, midi::ch_msg_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_get( const value_t* val, const midi::ch_msg_t*& valRef );
rc_t value_set( value_t* val, midi::ch_msg_t* v );
// Record
typedef struct recd_field_str
bool group_fl; // set if this field record is a group
char* label; // field or group label
value_t value; // default value for this field
char* doc; // documentation field for this field
unsigned index; // index into recd_t.valA of the value associated with this field
struct recd_field_str* group_fieldL;
} u;
struct recd_field_str* link;
} recd_field_t;
typedef struct recd_type_str
recd_field_t* fieldL; // linked list of field spec's
unsigned fieldN; // length of fieldL list (fieldN + base->fieldN) is total field count
const struct recd_type_str* base; // base recd type that this field inherits from
} recd_type_t;
typedef struct recd_fmt_str
unsigned alloc_cnt; // count of records to pre-allocate
recd_type_t* recd_type; // record type for this variable
} recd_fmt_t;
typedef struct recd_array_str
recd_type_t* type; // recd_type_t of this record array
value_t* valA; // valA[ allocRecdN * type->fieldN ]
struct recd_str* recdA; // recdA[ allocRecdN ]
unsigned allocRecdN; //
} recd_array_t;
typedef struct recd_str
struct value_str* valA; // varA[ recd_type_t.fieldN ] array of field values
const struct recd_str* base; // Pointer to the records inherited fields.
} recd_t;
// Create/destroy a recd_format_t object.
rc_t recd_format_create( recd_fmt_t*& recd_fmt_ref, const object_t* cfg, unsigned dflt_alloc_cnt=32 );
void recd_format_destroy( recd_fmt_t*& recd_fmt_ref );
// Create a recd_type_t instance from a cfg. description.
rc_t recd_type_create( recd_type_t*& recd_type_ref, const recd_type_t* base_type, const object_t* cfg );
void recd_type_destroy( recd_type_t*& recd_type );
// Count of fields combined local and base record types.
rc_t recd_type_max_field_count( const recd_type_t* recd_type );
// Get the field index associated with a named field.
// Use '.' notation to separate groups from fields.
// Note if this is a 'local' field then the high bit in the returned index will be set.
unsigned recd_type_field_index( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const char* field_label);
// Given a field index return the field label.
const char* recd_type_field_index_to_label( const recd_type_t* recd_type, unsigned field_idx );
// Set the record base pointer and the value of all fields with default values.
rc_t recd_init( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* base, recd_t* r );
// Print the recd_type info. to the console.
void recd_type_print( const recd_type_t* recd_type );
// Read the value from a single record field
template< typename T >
rc_t recd_get( const recd_type_t* type, const recd_t* recd, unsigned field_idx, T& val_ref )
if( field_idx < type->fieldN )
return value_get( recd->valA + field_idx, val_ref );
return recd_get( type->base, recd->base, field_idx - type->fieldN, val_ref );
inline rc_t _recd_get(const recd_type_t* recd_type, recd_t* r ) { return kOkRC; }
template< typename T1, typename... ARGS >
rc_t _recd_get( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* recd, unsigned field_idx, T1& val, ARGS&&... args )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if((rc = recd_get(recd_type,recd,field_idx,val)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return _recd_get(recd_type,recd,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
// Read the value of multiple record fields.
template< typename T1, typename... ARGS >
rc_t recd_get( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* recd, unsigned field_idx, T1& val, ARGS&&... args )
return _recd_get(recd_type,recd,field_idx,val,args...);
// Set the base record pointer for a record with an inherited base
inline rc_t recd_set_base( const recd_type_t* type, recd_t* recd, const recd_t* base )
// if we are setting base then the type must have a base type
assert( (type->base == nullptr && base==nullptr) || (type->base!=nullptr && base!=nullptr) );
recd->base = base;
return kOkRC;
template< typename T >
rc_t recd_set( const recd_type_t* type, const recd_t* base, recd_t* recd, unsigned field_idx, const T& val )
if( field_idx >= type->fieldN )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Only 'local' record value may be set.");
// set the base of this record
return value_set( recd->valA + field_idx, val );
inline rc_t _recd_set( const recd_type_t* recd_type, recd_t* recd ) { return kOkRC; }
template< typename T1, typename... ARGS >
rc_t _recd_set( const recd_type_t* recd_type, recd_t* recd, unsigned field_idx, const T1& val, ARGS&&... args )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( field_idx >= recd_type->fieldN )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Fields in the inherited record may not be set.");
if((rc = value_set( recd->valA + field_idx, val)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Field set failed on '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(recd_type_field_index_to_label( recd_type, field_idx )));
goto errLabel;
return _recd_set(recd_type,recd,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
return rc;
// Set multiple fields of a record.
template< typename T1, typename... ARGS >
rc_t recd_set( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* base, recd_t* recd, unsigned field_idx, const T1& val, ARGS&&... args )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if((rc = recd_init( recd_type, base, recd )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _recd_set(recd_type,recd,field_idx,val,args...)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
// Print a record to the console.
rc_t recd_print( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* r );
// Create/destroy a buffer of records.
rc_t recd_array_create( recd_array_t*& recd_array_ref, recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_type_t* base, unsigned allocRecdN );
rc_t recd_array_destroy( recd_array_t*& recd_array_ref );
rc_t value_test( const test::test_args_t& args );