cwLog.h/cpp : Added cwLogPrint() functions. cwMtx.h : Many addtions. cwObject.h : Added find_child() functions. cwUtility.h/cpp : Added x80ToDouble() and doubleToX80(). cwCommon.h : Added new RC codes cwCommonImpl.h : Added swapping macros and is_int<T>().
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#ifndef cwLOG_H
#define cwLOG_H
namespace cw
namespace log
typedef enum
} logLevelId_t;
typedef handle<struct log_str> handle_t;
typedef void (*logOutputCbFunc_t)( void* cbArg, unsigned level, const char* text );
typedef void (*logFormatCbFunc_t)( void* cbArg, logOutputCbFunc_t outFunc, void* outCbArg, unsigned level, const char* function, const char* filename, unsigned line, int systemErrorCode, rc_t rc, const char* msg );
rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, unsigned level=kDebug_LogLevel, logOutputCbFunc_t outCb=nullptr, void* outCbArg=nullptr, logFormatCbFunc_t fmtCb=nullptr, void* fmtCbArg=nullptr );
rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef );
rc_t msg( handle_t h, unsigned level, const char* function, const char* filename, unsigned line, int systemErrorCode, rc_t rc, const char* fmt, va_list vl );
rc_t msg( handle_t h, unsigned level, const char* function, const char* filename, unsigned line, int systemErrorCode, rc_t rc, const char* fmt, ... );
void setLevel( handle_t h, unsigned level );
unsigned level( handle_t h );
const char* levelToLabel( unsigned level );
void defaultOutput( void* arg, unsigned level, const char* text );
void defaultFormatter( void* cbArg, logOutputCbFunc_t outFunc, void* outCbArg, unsigned level, const char* function, const char* filename, unsigned line, int systemErrorCode, rc_t rc, const char* msg );
rc_t createGlobal( unsigned level=kDebug_LogLevel, logOutputCbFunc_t outCb=nullptr, void* outCbArg=nullptr, logFormatCbFunc_t fmtCb=nullptr, void* fmtCbArg=nullptr );
rc_t destroyGlobal( );
void setGlobalHandle( handle_t h );
handle_t globalHandle();
#define cwLogVDebugH(h,rc,fmt, vl) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kDebug_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, vl )
#define cwLogDebugH( h,rc,fmt,...) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kDebug_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVPrintH(h,fmt, vl) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kPrint_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, cw::kOkRC, fmt, vl )
#define cwLogPrintH( h,fmt,...) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kPrint_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, cw::kOkRC, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVInfoH(h,fmt, vl) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kInfo_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, cw::kOkRC, fmt, vl )
#define cwLogInfoH( h,fmt,...) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kInfo_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, cw::kOkRC, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVWarningH(h,rc,fmt, vl) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kWarning_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, vl )
#define cwLogWarningH( h,rc,fmt,...) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kWarning_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVErrorH(h,rc,fmt, vl) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kError_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, vl )
#define cwLogErrorH( h,rc,fmt,...) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kError_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVSysErrorH(h,rc,sysRc,fmt, vl) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kError_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sysRc, rc, fmt, vl )
#define cwLogSysErrorH( h,rc,sysRc,fmt,...) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kError_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sysRc, rc, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVFatalH(h,rc,fmt, vl) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kFatal_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, vl )
#define cwLogFatalH( h,rc,fmt,...) cw::log::msg( h, cw::log::kFatal_LogLevel, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, rc, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#ifdef cwLOG_DEBUG
#define cwLogVDebugRC(rc,fmt, vl) cwLogVDebugH( cw::log::globalhandle(), (rc), (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogDebugRC( rc,fmt,...) cwLogDebugH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVDebug(fmt, vl) cwLogVDebugH( cw::log::globalHandle(), cw::kOkRC, (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogDebug( fmt,...) cwLogDebugH( cw::log::globalHandle(), cw::kOkRC, (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVDebugRC(rc,fmt, vl)
#define cwLogDebugRC( rc,fmt,...)
#define cwLogVDebug(fmt, vl)
#define cwLogDebug( fmt,...)
#define cwLogVPrint(fmt, vl) cwLogVPrintH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogPrint( fmt,...) cwLogPrintH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVInfo(fmt, vl) cwLogVInfoH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogInfo( fmt,...) cwLogInfoH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVWarningRC(rc,fmt, vl) cwLogVWarningH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogWarningRC( rc,fmt,...) cwLogWarningH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVWarning(fmt, vl) cwLogVWarningH( cw::log::globalHandle(), cw::kOkRC, (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogWarning( fmt,...) cwLogWarningH( cw::log::globalHandle(), cw::kOkRC, (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVSysError(rc,sysRC,fmt, vl) cwLogVSysErrorH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (sysRC), (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogSysError( rc,sysRC,fmt,...) cwLogSysErrorH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (sysRC), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVError(rc,fmt, vl) cwLogVErrorH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogError( rc,fmt,...) cwLogErrorH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define cwLogVFatal(rc,fmt, vl) cwLogVFatalH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (fmt), (vl) )
#define cwLogFatal( rc,fmt,...) cwLogFatalH( cw::log::globalHandle(), (rc), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__ )