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//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
//| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
#ifndef cwPresetSel_h
#define cwPresetSel_h
namespace cw
namespace preset_sel
typedef handle< struct preset_sel_str > handle_t;
typedef struct preset_str
bool playFl; // play this preset
bool seqFl; // play this preset during sequencing.
unsigned preset_idx; // preset index into preset_labelA[].
unsigned order; // selection label
char* alt_str; // 'alt' label
unsigned prob_dom_idx; // index of this preset in probDomA[]
} preset_t;
typedef struct prob_domain_str
unsigned index; // index of preset into frag.presetA[]
unsigned order; // preset order value or 0 if the playFl is set on presetA[index] and presetA[index].order==0
unsigned domain; // probability domain area (greater for more likely preset values)
} prob_domain_t;
typedef struct frag_str
unsigned fragId; // Unique fragment id
unsigned guiUuId; // GUI UUId associated with this fragment
unsigned endLoc; // The endLoc is included in this fragment. The begin loc is f->prev->endLoc+1
time::spec_t endTimestamp;
double igain;
double ogain;
double wetDryGain;
double fadeOutMs;
unsigned begPlayLoc;
unsigned endPlayLoc;
char* note;
bool dryOnlyFl; // there is one active preset and it is dry
bool drySelectedFl; // the dry preset was selected ('playFl' is set)
preset_t* presetA; // presetA[ presetN ] - status of each preset
unsigned presetN;
// altPresetIdxA[ alt_count() ] selected preset idx for each alt.
unsigned* altPresetIdxA;
bool uiSelectFl;
bool seqAllFl; // Set if all preset.seqFl's should be treated as though they are set to true.
prob_domain_t* probDomA; // probDomA[ probDomN ] ascending order on 'order' - preset with playFl set is always first
unsigned probDomN;
unsigned probDomainMax; // sum(probDomA.domain)
struct frag_str* link;
struct frag_str* prev;
} frag_t;
enum {
kPresetOrderVarId, // preset order number
kPresetAltVarId, // preset alternative string
kPresetSelectVarId, // select a preset to play (play flag)
kPresetSeqSelectVarId, // sequence preset selections to play (seq flag)
kBaseMasterVarId, // All 'master' variables have id's greater than kBaseMasterVarId
rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, const object_t* cfg );
rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef );
unsigned preset_count( handle_t h );
const char* preset_label( handle_t h, unsigned preset_idx );
// Return preset_order[ preset_count() ] w/ all order's = 1
const flow::preset_order_t* preset_order_array( handle_t h );
// Count/label of alternatives (alt_idx==0 is 'no alternative selected)
unsigned alt_count( handle_t h );
const char* alt_label( handle_t h, unsigned alt_idx );
void get_loc_range( handle_t h, unsigned& minLocRef, unsigned& maxLocRef );
unsigned fragment_count( handle_t h );
const frag_t* get_fragment_base( handle_t h );
const frag_t* get_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned fragId );
const frag_t* gui_id_to_fragment(handle_t h, unsigned guiUuId );
unsigned frag_to_gui_id( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, bool showErrorFl=true );
unsigned gui_to_frag_id( handle_t h, unsigned guiUuId, bool showErrorFl=true );
unsigned loc_to_gui_id( handle_t h, unsigned loc );
rc_t create_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned end_loc, time::spec_t endTimestamp, unsigned& fragIdRef );
rc_t delete_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned fragId );
bool is_fragment_end_loc( handle_t h, unsigned loc );
rc_t set_alternative( handle_t h, unsigned alt_idx );
// Return the fragment id of the 'selected' fragment.
unsigned ui_select_fragment_id( handle_t h );
// Set the 'select_flag' on this fragment and remove it from all others.
void ui_select_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, bool selectFl );
rc_t set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, bool value );
rc_t set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, unsigned value );
rc_t set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, double value );
rc_t set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, const char* value );
rc_t get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, bool& valueRef );
rc_t get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, unsigned& valueRef );
rc_t get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, double& valueRef );
rc_t get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, const char*& valueRef );
// Call this function to determine which fragment the timestamp 'ts' is contained by.
// This function is optimized to be called in time sensitive functions where 'ts' is expected to be increasing.
// If 'ts' is past the last defined fragment then the last fragment is returned.
// If no fragments are defined 'frag_Ref' is set to nullptr.
// The return value is true when the value of frag_Ref changes from the previous call.
void track_timestamp_reset( handle_t h );
bool track_timestamp( handle_t h, const time::spec_t& ts, const cw::preset_sel::frag_t*& frag_Ref );
// Same as track_timestamp_???() but tracks the score 'loc' instead of timestamp.
void track_loc_reset( handle_t h );
bool track_loc( handle_t h, unsigned loc, const cw::preset_sel::frag_t*& frag_Ref );
// Return the preset index marked to play on this fragment.
unsigned fragment_play_preset_index( handle_t h, const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_seq_idx=kInvalidIdx );
// Return the count of presets whose 'seqFl' is set.
unsigned fragment_seq_count( handle_t h, unsigned fragId );
enum {
kAllActiveFl = 0x01,
kDryPriorityFl = 0x02,
kDrySelectedFl = 0x04
const flow::preset_order_t* fragment_active_presets( handle_t h, const frag_t* f, unsigned flags, unsigned& count_ref );
enum {
kUseProbFl = 0x01, // True=Select the preset probalistically. False=Select the preset with the lowest non-zero order.
kUniformFl = 0x02, // Ignored if kUseProbFl is not set. True=Use uniform PDF to select preset. False=Use 'order' weightings to select preset.
kDryOnPlayFl = 0x04, // Ignored if kUseProbFl is not set. True=Select 'dry' if marked with 'play-fl'. False=Choose probabilistically.
kAllowAllFl = 0x08, // Ignored if kUseProbFl is not set. True=Select from all presets. False=Select from presets with order>0 or play_fl set.
kDryOnSelFl = 0x10, // Ignored if kUseProbFl and kUniformFl is not set. True=Select 'dry' if dry order>0 or play_fl set. Otherwise choose with uniform prob.
unsigned prob_select_preset_index( handle_t h,
const frag_t* f,
unsigned flags,
unsigned skip_preset_idx = kInvalidIdx );
rc_t write( handle_t h, const char* fn );
rc_t read( handle_t h, const char* fn );
rc_t report( handle_t h );
rc_t report_presets( handle_t h );
rc_t translate_frags( const object_t* obj );