896 lines
22 KiB
896 lines
22 KiB
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwText.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwMidi.h"
#include "cwFileSys.h"
#include "cwDynRefTbl.h"
#include "cwScoreParse.h"
#include "cwSfScore.h"
#include "cwSfMatch.h"
namespace cw
namespace sfmatch
sfmatch_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h )
{ return handleToPtr<handle_t,sfmatch_t>(h); }
rc_t _destroy( sfmatch_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->locN; ++i)
return rc;
void _cmScMatchInitLoc( sfmatch_t* p )
unsigned li,ei;
p->locN = event_count(p->scH);
p->loc = mem::resizeZ<loc_t>(p->loc,p->locN);
// for each score location
for(li=0,ei=0; li<loc_count(p->scH); ++li)
unsigned i,n;
const sfscore::loc_t* lp = loc_base(p->scH) + li;
// count the number of note events at location li
for(n=0,i=0; i<lp->evtCnt; ++i)
if( lp->evtArray[i]->type == score_parse::kNoteOnTId )
assert( ei+n <= p->locN );
// duplicate each note at location li n times
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
unsigned j,k;
p->loc[ei+i].evtCnt = n;
p->loc[ei+i].evtV = mem::allocZ<event_t>(n);
p->loc[ei+i].scLocIdx = li;
p->loc[ei+i].barNumb = lp->barNumb;
for(j=0,k=0; j<lp->evtCnt; ++j)
if( lp->evtArray[j]->type == score_parse::kNoteOnTId )
p->loc[ei+i].evtV[k].pitch = lp->evtArray[j]->pitch;
p->loc[ei+i].evtV[k].scEvtIdx = lp->evtArray[j]->index;
ei += n;
p->locN = ei;
rc_t _cmScMatchInitMtx( sfmatch_t* p, unsigned rn, unsigned cn )
//if( rn >p->mrn && cn > p->mcn )
if( rn*cn > p->mrn*p->mcn )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC, "MIDI sequence length must be less than %i. Score sequence length must be less than %i.",p->mmn,p->msn);
// if the size of the mtx is not changing then there is nothing to do
if( rn == p->rn && cn == p->cn )
return kOkRC;
// update the mtx size
p->rn = rn;
p->cn = cn;
// fill in the default values for the first row
// and column of the DP matrix
unsigned i,j,k;
for(i=0; i<rn; ++i)
for(j=0; j<cn; ++j)
unsigned v[] = {0,0,0,0};
if( i == 0 )
v[kSmMinIdx] = j;
v[kSmInsIdx] = j;
if( j == 0 )
v[kSmMinIdx] = i;
v[kSmDelIdx] = i;
// zero the value field
for(k=0; k<kSmCnt; ++k)
p->m[ i + (j*rn) ].v[k] = v[k];
return kOkRC;
value_t* _cmScMatchValPtr( sfmatch_t* p, unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned rn, unsigned cn )
assert( i < rn && j < cn );
return p->m + i + (j*rn);
bool _cmScMatchIsTrans( sfmatch_t* p, const midi_t* midiV, const value_t* v1p, unsigned bsi, unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned rn, unsigned cn )
bool fl = false;
value_t* v0p = _cmScMatchValPtr(p,i,j,rn,cn);
if( i>=1 && j>=1
&& v1p->v[kSmMinIdx] == v1p->v[kSmSubIdx]
&& cwIsNotFlag(v1p->flags,kSmMatchFl)
&& v0p->v[kSmMinIdx] == v0p->v[kSmSubIdx]
&& cwIsNotFlag(v0p->flags,kSmMatchFl)
unsigned c00 = midiV[i-1].pitch;
unsigned c01 = midiV[i ].pitch;
loc_t* c10 = p->loc + bsi + j - 1;
loc_t* c11 = p->loc + bsi + j;
fl = is_match(c11,c00) && is_match(c10,c01);
return fl;
unsigned _cmScMatchMin( sfmatch_t* p, unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned rn, unsigned cn )
return _cmScMatchValPtr(p,i,j,rn,cn)->v[kSmMinIdx];
// Return false if bsi + cn > p->locN
// pitchV[rn-1]
bool _cmScMatchCalcMtx( sfmatch_t* p, unsigned bsi, const midi_t* midiV, unsigned rn, unsigned cn )
// loc[begScanLocIdx:begScanLocIdx+cn-1] must be valid
if( bsi + cn > p->locN )
return false;
unsigned i,j;
for(j=1; j<cn; ++j)
for(i=1; i<rn; ++i)
loc_t* loc = p->loc + bsi + j - 1;
unsigned pitch = midiV[i-1].pitch;
value_t* vp = _cmScMatchValPtr(p,i,j,rn,cn);
unsigned idx = match_index(loc,pitch);
vp->flags = idx==kInvalidIdx ? 0 : kSmMatchFl;
vp->scEvtIdx = idx==kInvalidIdx ? kInvalidIdx : loc->evtV[idx].scEvtIdx;
unsigned cost = cwIsFlag(vp->flags,kSmMatchFl) ? 0 : 1;
vp->v[kSmSubIdx] = _cmScMatchMin(p,i-1,j-1, rn, cn) + cost;
vp->v[kSmDelIdx] = _cmScMatchMin(p,i-1,j , rn, cn) + 1;
vp->v[kSmInsIdx] = _cmScMatchMin(p,i, j-1, rn, cn) + 1;
vp->v[kSmMinIdx] = std::min( vp->v[kSmSubIdx], std::min(vp->v[kSmDelIdx],vp->v[kSmInsIdx]));
vp->flags |= _cmScMatchIsTrans(p,midiV,vp,bsi,i-1,j-1,rn,cn) ? kSmTransFl : 0;
return true;
void _cmScMatchPrintMtx( sfmatch_t* r, unsigned rn, unsigned cn)
unsigned i,j,k;
for(i=0; i<rn; ++i)
for(j=0; j<cn; ++j)
const value_t* vp = _cmScMatchValPtr(r,i,j,rn,cn);
for(k=0; k<kSmCnt; ++k)
if( k<kSmCnt-1)
printf(", ");
printf(" ");
printf("%c%c)",cwIsFlag(vp->flags,kSmMatchFl)?'m':' ',cwIsFlag(vp->flags,kSmTransFl)?'t':' ');
void _cmScMatchPathPush( sfmatch_t* r, unsigned code, unsigned ri, unsigned ci, unsigned flags, unsigned scEvtIdx )
assert(r->p_avl != NULL );
path_t* p = r->p_avl;
r->p_avl = r->p_avl->next;
p->code = code;
p->ri = ri;
p->ci = ci;
p->flags = code==kSmSubIdx && cwIsFlag(flags,kSmMatchFl) ? kSmMatchFl : 0;
p->flags |= cwIsFlag(flags,kSmTransFl) ? kSmTransFl : 0;
p->scEvtIdx= scEvtIdx;
p->next = r->p_cur;
r->p_cur = p;
void _cmScMatchPathPop( sfmatch_t* r )
assert( r->p_cur != NULL );
path_t* tp = r->p_cur->next;
r->p_cur->next = r->p_avl;
r->p_avl = r->p_cur;
r->p_cur = tp;
double _cmScMatchCalcCandidateCost( sfmatch_t* r )
path_t* cp = r->p_cur;
path_t* bp = r->p_cur;
path_t* ep = NULL;
// skip leading inserts
for(; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->next)
if( cp->code != kSmInsIdx )
bp = cp;
// skip to trailing inserts
for(; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->next)
if( cp->code!=kSmInsIdx )
ep = cp;
// count remaining path length
assert( ep!=NULL );
unsigned n=1;
for(cp=bp; cp!=ep; cp=cp->next)
double gapCnt = 0;
double penalty = 0;
bool pfl = cwIsFlag(bp->flags,kSmMatchFl);
unsigned i;
cp = bp;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i,cp=cp->next)
// a gap is a transition from a matching subst. to an insert or deletion
//if( pc != cp->code && cp->code != kSmSubIdx && pc==kSmSubIdx && pfl==true )
if( pfl==true && cwIsFlag(cp->flags,kSmMatchFl)==false )
switch( cp->code )
case kSmSubIdx:
penalty += cwIsFlag(cp->flags,kSmMatchFl) ? 0 : 1;
penalty -= cwIsFlag(cp->flags,kSmTransFl) ? 1 : 0;
case kSmDelIdx:
penalty += 1;
case kSmInsIdx:
penalty += 1;
pfl = cwIsFlag(cp->flags,kSmMatchFl);
double cost = gapCnt/n + penalty;
//printf("n:%i gaps:%f gap_score:%f penalty:%f score:%f\n",n,gapCnt,gapCnt/n,penalty,score);
return cost;
double _cmScMatchEvalCandidate( sfmatch_t* r, double min_cost, double cost )
if( min_cost == DBL_MAX || cost < min_cost)
// copy the p_cur to p_opt[]
path_t* cp = r->p_cur;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; cp!=NULL && i<r->pn; cp=cp->next,++i)
r->p_opt[i].code = cp->code;
r->p_opt[i].ri = cp->ri;
r->p_opt[i].ci = cp->ci;
r->p_opt[i].flags = cp->flags;
r->p_opt[i].scEvtIdx= cp->scEvtIdx;
r->p_opt[i].next = cp->next==NULL ? NULL : r->p_opt + i + 1;
assert( i < r->pn );
r->p_opt[i].code = 0; // terminate with code=0
min_cost = cost;
return min_cost;
// traverse the solution matrix from the lower-right to
// the upper-left.
double _cmScMatchGenPaths( sfmatch_t* r, int i, int j, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, double min_cost )
unsigned m;
// stop when the upper-right is encountered
if( i==0 && j==0 )
return _cmScMatchEvalCandidate(r, min_cost, _cmScMatchCalcCandidateCost(r) );
value_t* vp = _cmScMatchValPtr(r,i,j,rn,cn);
// for each possible dir: up,left,up-left
for(m=1; m<kSmCnt; ++m)
if( vp->v[m] == vp->v[kSmMinIdx] )
// prepend to the current candidate path: r->p_cur
int ii = i-1;
int jj = j-1;
case kSmSubIdx:
case kSmDelIdx:
jj = j;
case kSmInsIdx:
ii = i;
{ assert(0); }
// recurse!
min_cost = _cmScMatchGenPaths(r,ii,jj,rn,cn,min_cost);
// remove the first element from the current path
return min_cost;
double _cmScMatchAlign( sfmatch_t* p, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, double min_cost )
int i = rn-1;
int j = cn-1;
unsigned m = _cmScMatchMin(p,i,j,rn,cn);
if( m==std::max(rn,cn) )
printf("Edit distance is at max: %i. No Match.\n",m);
min_cost = _cmScMatchGenPaths(p,i,j,rn,cn,min_cost);
return min_cost;
void _cmScMatchMidiEvtFlags( sfmatch_t* p, const loc_t* lp, unsigned evtIdx, char* s, unsigned sn )
const sfscore::loc_t* slp = sfscore::loc_base(p->scH) + lp->scLocIdx;
assert( evtIdx < slp->evtCnt );
const sfscore::event_t* ep = slp->evtArray[evtIdx];
unsigned i = 0;
s[0] = 0;
if( cwIsFlag(ep->flags,score_parse::kEvenVarFl) )
s[i++] = 'e';
if( cwIsFlag(ep->flags,score_parse::kTempoVarFl) )
s[i++] = 't';
if( cwIsFlag(ep->flags,score_parse::kDynVarFl) )
s[i++] = 'd';
//if( cwIsFlag(ep->flags,sfscore::kGraceScFl) )
// s[i++] = 'g';
s[i++] = 0;
assert( i <= sn );
void _gen_match_test_input_from_score( sfscore::handle_t scoreH, unsigned begLocIdx, unsigned locCnt, double srate )
for(unsigned i=begLocIdx, k=0; i<begLocIdx+locCnt; ++i)
assert( begLocIdx < sfscore::loc_count(scoreH) );
const sfscore::loc_t* loc = sfscore::loc_base(scoreH) + i;
for(unsigned j=0; j<loc->evtCnt; ++j)
const sfscore::event_t* e = loc->evtArray[j];
unsigned smpIdx = e->secs * srate;
printf("{ muid:%i smpIdx:%i pitch:%i vel:%i },\n",k,smpIdx,e->pitch,e->vel);
cw::rc_t cw::sfmatch::create( handle_t& hRef, sfscore::handle_t scoreH, unsigned maxScWndN, unsigned maxMidiWndN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
sfmatch_t* p = nullptr;
if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
p = mem::allocZ<sfmatch_t>();
p->scH = scoreH;
p->mrn = maxMidiWndN + 1;
p->mcn = maxScWndN + 1;
p->mmn = maxMidiWndN;
p->msn = maxScWndN;
p->m = mem::resizeZ<value_t>( p->m, p->mrn*p->mcn );
p->pn = p->mrn + p->mcn;
p->p_mem = mem::resizeZ<path_t>( p->p_mem, 2*p->pn );
p->p_avl = p->p_mem;
p->p_cur = NULL;
p->p_opt = p->p_mem + p->pn;
// put pn path records on the available list
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->pn; ++i)
p->p_mem[i].next = i<p->pn-1 ? p->p_mem + i + 1 : NULL;
p->p_opt[i].next = i<p->pn-1 ? p->p_opt + i + 1 : NULL;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::sfmatch::destroy( handle_t& hRef )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
sfmatch_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef);
if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::sfmatch::exec( handle_t h, unsigned oLocId, unsigned locN, const midi_t* midiV, unsigned midiN, double min_cost )
rc_t rc;
unsigned rn = midiN + 1;
unsigned cn = locN + 1;
sfmatch_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
// set the DP matrix default values
if((rc = _cmScMatchInitMtx(p, rn, cn )) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// _cmScMatchCalcMtx() returns false if the score window exceeds the length of the score
if(!_cmScMatchCalcMtx(p,oLocId, midiV, rn, cn) )
return kEofRC;
// locate the path through the DP matrix with the lowest edit distance (cost)
p->opt_cost = _cmScMatchAlign(p, rn, cn, min_cost);
return rc;
unsigned cw::sfmatch::sync( handle_t h, unsigned i_opt, midi_t* midiBuf, unsigned midiN, unsigned* missCntPtr )
sfmatch_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
path_t* cp = p->p_opt;
unsigned missCnt = 0;
unsigned esi = kInvalidIdx;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->next)
// there is no MIDI note associated with 'inserts'
if( cp->code != kSmInsIdx )
assert( cp->ri > 0 );
midiBuf[ cp->ri-1 ].oLocId = kInvalidIdx;
switch( cp->code )
case kSmSubIdx:
midiBuf[ cp->ri-1 ].oLocId = i_opt + i;
midiBuf[ cp->ri-1 ].scEvtIdx = cp->scEvtIdx;
if( cwIsFlag(cp->flags,kSmMatchFl) )
esi = i_opt + i;
missCnt = 0;
// fall through
case kSmInsIdx:
cp->oLocId = i_opt + i;
case kSmDelIdx:
cp->oLocId = kInvalidIdx;
if( missCntPtr != NULL )
*missCntPtr = missCnt;
return esi;
void cw::sfmatch::print_path( handle_t h, unsigned bsi, const midi_t* midiV )
assert( bsi != kInvalidIdx );
sfmatch_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
path_t* cp = p->p_opt;
path_t* pp = cp;
int polyN = 0;
int i;
printf("loc: ");
// get the polyphony count for the score window
for(i=0; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
loc_t* lp = p->loc + bsi + pp->ci;
if( pp->code!=kSmDelIdx )
if(lp->evtCnt > (unsigned)polyN)
polyN = lp->evtCnt;
printf("%4i%4s ",bsi+i," ");
printf("%4s%4s "," "," ");
// print the score notes
for(i=polyN; i>0; --i)
printf("%3i: ",i);
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
if( pp->code!=kSmDelIdx )
int oLocId = bsi + pp->ci - 1;
assert(0 <= oLocId && oLocId <= (int)p->locN);
loc_t* lp = p->loc + oLocId;
if( lp->evtCnt >= (unsigned)
i )
unsigned sn = 6;
char s[sn];
_cmScMatchMidiEvtFlags(p,lp,i-1,s,sn );
printf("%4s%-4s ",midi::midiToSciPitch(lp->evtV[i-1].pitch,NULL,0),s);
printf("%4s%4s "," "," ");
printf("%4s%4s ", (pp->code==kSmDelIdx? "-" : " ")," ");
int oLocId = bsi + pp->ci - 1;
assert(0 <= oLocId && oLocId <= p->locN);
loc_t* lp = p->loc + oLocId;
if( pp->code!=kSmDelIdx && lp->evtCnt >= i )
printf("%4s ",cmMidiToSciPitch(lp->evtV[i-1].pitch,NULL,0));
printf("%4s ", pp->code==kSmDelIdx? "-" : " ");
printf("mid: ");
// print the MIDI buffer
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
if( pp->code!=kSmInsIdx )
printf("%4s%4s ",midi::midiToSciPitch(midiV[pp->ri-1].pitch,NULL,0)," ");
printf("%4s%4s ",pp->code==kSmInsIdx?"-":" "," ");
printf("\nvel: ");
// print the MIDI velocity
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
if( pp->code!=kSmInsIdx )
printf("%4i%4s ",midiV[pp->ri-1].vel," ");
printf("%4s%4s ",pp->code==kSmInsIdx?"-":" "," ");
printf("\nmni: ");
// print the MIDI buffer index (mni)
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
if( pp->code!=kSmInsIdx )
printf("%4i%4s ",midiV[pp->ri-1].mni," ");
printf("%4s%4s ",pp->code==kSmInsIdx?"-":" "," ");
printf("\n op: ");
// print the substitute/insert/delete operation
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
char c = ' ';
switch( pp->code )
case kSmSubIdx: c = 's'; break;
case kSmDelIdx: c = 'd'; break;
case kSmInsIdx: c = 'i'; break;
{ assert(0); }
printf("%4c%4s ",c," ");
printf("\n ");
// give substitute attribute (match or transpose)
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
char s[3];
int k = 0;
if( cwIsFlag(pp->flags,kSmMatchFl) )
s[k++] = 'm';
if( cwIsFlag(pp->flags,kSmTransFl) )
s[k++] = 't';
s[k] = 0;
printf("%4s%4s ",s," ");
printf("\nscl: ");
// print the stored location index
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
if( pp->oLocId == kInvalidIdx )
printf("%4s%4s "," "," ");
printf("%4i%4s ",p->loc[pp->oLocId].scLocIdx," ");
printf("\nbar: ");
// print the stored location index
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
if( pp->oLocId==kInvalidIdx || pp->scEvtIdx==kInvalidIdx )
printf("%4s%4s "," "," ");
const sfscore::event_t* ep = sfscore::event(p->scH, pp->scEvtIdx );
printf("%4i%4s ",ep->barNumb," ");
printf("\nsec: ");
// print seconds
unsigned begSmpIdx = kInvalidIdx;
for(pp=cp; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->next)
if( pp->code!=kSmInsIdx )
if( begSmpIdx == kInvalidIdx )
begSmpIdx = midiV[pp->ri-1].smpIdx;
printf("%2.2f%4s ", (double)(midiV[pp->ri-1].smpIdx - begSmpIdx)/96000.0," ");
printf("%4s%4s ",pp->code==kSmInsIdx?"-":" "," ");
unsigned cw::sfmatch::loc_to_index( handle_t h, unsigned loc )
sfmatch_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
const loc_t* y = std::find_if(p->loc, p->loc+p->locN, [&loc](const loc_t& x){return x.scLocIdx==loc;} );
unsigned idx = y - p->loc;
return idx<p->locN ? idx : kInvalidIdx;
cw::rc_t cw::sfmatch::test( const object_t* cfg, sfscore::handle_t scoreH )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* perf = nullptr;
const object_t* gen_perf_example = nullptr;
bool gen_perf_enable_fl = false;
unsigned gen_perf_beg_loc_idx = 0;
unsigned gen_perf_loc_cnt = 0;
midi_t* midiA = nullptr;
unsigned maxScWndN = 10;
unsigned maxMidiWndN = 7;
unsigned init_score_loc = 0;
unsigned beg_perf_idx = 0;
unsigned perf_cnt = 6;
sfmatch::handle_t matchH;
// parse the test cfg
if((rc = cfg->getv( "maxScWndN", maxScWndN,
"maxMidiWndN", maxMidiWndN,
"gen_perf_example", gen_perf_example,
"beg_perf_idx", beg_perf_idx,
"perf_cnt", perf_cnt,
"perf", perf)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"sfscore test parse params failed.");
goto errLabel;
if((rc = gen_perf_example->getv( "enable_fl", gen_perf_enable_fl,
"beg_loc_idx", gen_perf_beg_loc_idx,
"loc_cnt", gen_perf_loc_cnt )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"sfscore test parse params 'gen_perf_example' failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( gen_perf_enable_fl )
_gen_match_test_input_from_score( scoreH, gen_perf_beg_loc_idx, gen_perf_loc_cnt, sample_rate(scoreH) );
// Parse the cfg. perf[] array
unsigned midiN = perf->child_count();
midiA = mem::allocZ<midi_t>(midiN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<midiN; ++i)
const object_t* node = perf->child_ele(i);
if((rc = node->getv("muid",midiA[i].muid,
"pitch", midiA[i].pitch,
"vel", midiA[i].vel)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"parsing 'perf' record at index '%i' failed.",i);
goto errLabel;
// Create the cwMatch
if((rc = create(matchH, scoreH, maxScWndN, maxMidiWndN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Score matcher create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// Set the matcher to the first location to begin matching against
unsigned oLocId = loc_to_index(matchH,init_score_loc);
unsigned locN = maxScWndN;
// Count of MIDI events to track.
perf_cnt = std::min(maxMidiWndN,perf_cnt);
// Align MIDI notes to the score
if((rc = exec(matchH, oLocId, locN, midiA + beg_perf_idx, perf_cnt, DBL_MAX )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"score match failed.");
goto errLabel;
// Update the cwMatch to reflect the alignment found during the exec.
unsigned eli = kInvalidIdx;
unsigned missCnt = 0;
unsigned i_opt = oLocId;
if(( eli = cw::sfmatch::sync( matchH, i_opt, midiA + beg_perf_idx, perf_cnt, &missCnt )) == kInvalidIdx )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"score match sync failed.");
goto errLabel;
// Print the state alignment.
unsigned bsi = oLocId;
print_path( matchH, bsi, midiA );
return rc;