Other minor changes to prepare for integration into cwIo. In cwMidi* replaced 'byte_t' with 'uint8_t'. In cwAudioDevice* removed redundant 'device' prefix from function names.
57 lines
2.1 KiB
57 lines
2.1 KiB
HDR = cwCommon.h cwCommonImpl.h cwMem.h cwLog.h cwUtility.h
SRC = cwCommonImpl.cpp cwMem.cpp cwLog.cpp cwUtility.cpp
HDR += cwFileSys.h cwText.h cwFile.h cwTime.h cwLex.h cwNumericConvert.h
SRC += cwFileSys.cpp cwText.cpp cwFile.cpp cwTime.cpp cwLex.cpp
HDR += cwObject.h cwObjectTemplate.h cwTextBuf.h
SRC += cwObject.cpp cwTextBuf.cpp
HDR += cwThread.h cwMutex.h cwMpScNbQueue.h
SRC += cwThread.cpp cwMutex.cpp
HDR += cwWebSock.h cwWebSockSvr.h cwLib.h
SRC += cwWebSock.cpp cwWebSockSvr.cpp cwLib.cpp
HDR += cwUiDecls.h cwUi.h cwUiTest.h
SRC += cwUi.cpp cwUiTest.cpp
HDR += cwSerialPortDecls.h cwSerialPort.h cwSerialPortSrv.h
SRC += cwSerialPort.cpp cwSerialPortSrv.cpp
HDR += cwMidiDecls.h cwMidi.h cwMidiPort.h
SRC += cwMidi.cpp cwMidiPort.cpp cwMidiAlsa.cpp
HDR += cwAudioBufDecls.h cwAudioBuf.h cwAudioDeviceDecls.h cwAudioDevice.h cwAudioDeviceAlsa.h
SRC += cwAudioBuf.cpp cwAudioDevice.cpp cwAudioDeviceAlsa.cpp cwAudioDeviceTest.cpp
HDR += cwSocketDecls.h cwSocket.h
SRC += cwSocket.cpp
HDR += cwIo.h cwIoTest.h
SRC += cwIo.cpp cwIoTest.cpp
HDR += cwTcpSocket.h cwTcpSocketSrv.h cwTcpSocketTest.h
SRC += cwTcpSocket.cpp cwTcpSocketSrv.cpp cwTcpSocketTest.cpp
HDR += cwMdns.h cwEuCon.h cwDnsSd.h dns_sd/dns_sd.h dns_sd/dns_sd_print.h dns_sd/dns_sd_const.h dns_sd/fader.h dns_sd/rpt.h
SRC += cwMdns.cpp cwEuCon.cpp cwDnsSd.cpp dns_sd/dns_sd.cpp dns_sd/dns_sd_print.cpp dns_sd/fader.cpp dns_sd/rpt.cpp
# -ldl = dlopen,dlclose,dlsym
LIBS = -lpthread -lwebsockets -lasound -ldl
WS_DIR = /home/kevin/sdk/libwebsockets/build/out
INC_PATH = $(WS_DIR)/include
LIB_PATH = $(WS_DIR)/lib
cw_rt : main.cpp $(SRC) $(HDR)
g++ -g --std=c++17 $(LIBS) -Wall -L$(LIB_PATH) -I$(INC_PATH) -I .. -DcwLINUX -o $@ main.cpp $(SRC)
avahi_surface : cwAvahiSurface.cpp $(SRC) $(HDR)
g++ -g --std=c++17 $(LIBS) -Wall -L$(LIB_PATH) -lavahi-core -lavahi-common -lavahi-client -I$(INC_PATH) -DcwLINUX -o $@ cwAvahiSurface.cpp $(SRC)