141 lines
5.4 KiB
141 lines
5.4 KiB
#ifndef cwLex_H
#define cwLex_H
//( { file_desc:"User configurable lexer for tokenizing text files." kw:[text]}
namespace cw
// Predefined Lexer Id's
kErrorLexTId, // 0 the lexer was unable to identify the current token
kUnknownLexTId, // 1 the token is of an unknown type (only used when kReturnUnknownLexFl is set)
kEofLexTId, // 2 the lexer reached the end of input
kSpaceLexTId, // 3 white space
kRealLexTId, // 4 real number (contains a decimal point or is in scientific notation)
kIntLexTId, // 5 decimal integer
kHexLexTId, // 6 hexidecimal integer
kIdentLexTId, // 7 identifier
kQStrLexTId, // 8 quoted string
kQCharLexTId, // 9 quoted char
kBlockCmtLexTId, // 10 block comment
kLineCmtLexTId, // 11 line comment
kUserLexTId // 12 user registered token (See lexRegisterToken().)
// Lexer control flags used with lexInit().
kReturnSpaceLexFl = 0x01, //< Return space tokens
kReturnCommentsLexFl = 0x02, //< Return comment tokens
kReturnUnknownLexFl = 0x04, //< Return unknown tokens
kReturnQCharLexFl = 0x08, //< Return quoted characters
kUserDefPriorityLexFl= 0x10 //< User defined tokens take priority even if a kIdentLexTId token has a longer match
typedef handle<struct lex_str> lexH_t;
extern lexH_t lexNullHandle;
// Iniitalize the lexer and receive a lexer handle in return.
// Set cp to nullptr if the buffer will be later via lexSetTextBuffer();
// See the kXXXLexFl enum's above for possible flag values.
rc_t lexCreate( lexH_t& hRef, const char* cp, unsigned cn, unsigned flags );
// Finalize a lexer created by an earlier call to lexInit()
rc_t lexDestroy( lexH_t& hRef );
// Rewind the lexer to the begining of the buffer (the same as post initialize state)
rc_t lexReset( lexH_t h );
// Verify that a lexer handle is valid
bool lexIsValid( lexH_t h );
// Set a new text buffer and reset the lexer to the post initialize state.
rc_t lexSetTextBuffer( lexH_t h, const char* cp, unsigned cn );
rc_t lexSetFile( lexH_t h, const char* fn );
// Register a user defined token. The id of the first user defined token should be
// kUserLexTId+1. Neither the id or token text can be used by a previously registered
// or built-in token.
rc_t lexRegisterToken( lexH_t h, unsigned id, const char* token );
// Register a user defined token recognition function. This function should return the count
// of initial, consecutive, characters in 'cp[cn]' which match its token pattern.
typedef unsigned (*lexUserMatcherPtr_t)( const char* cp, unsigned cn );
rc_t lexRegisterMatcher( lexH_t h, unsigned id, lexUserMatcherPtr_t funcPtr );
// Enable or disable the specified token type.
rc_t lexEnableToken( lexH_t h, unsigned id, bool enableFl );
// Get and set the lexer filter flags kReturnXXXLexFl.
// These flags can be safely enabled and disabled between
// calls to lexGetNextToken().
unsigned lexFilterFlags( lexH_t h );
void lexSetFilterFlags( lexH_t h, unsigned flags );
// Return the type id of the current token and advances to the next token
unsigned lexGetNextToken( lexH_t h );
// Return the type id associated with the current token. This is the same value
// returned by the previous call to lexGetNextToken().
unsigned lexTokenId( lexH_t h );
// Return a pointer to the first character of text associated with the
// current token. The returned pointer directly references the text contained
// in the buffer given to the lexer in the call to lexInit(). The string
// is therefore not zero terminated. Use lexTokenCharCount() to get the
// length of the token string.
const char* lexTokenText( lexH_t h );
// Return the count of characters in the text associated with the current token.
// This is the only way to get this count since the string returned by
// lexTokenText() is not zero terminated.
unsigned lexTokenCharCount( lexH_t h );
// Return the value of the current token as an integer.
int lexTokenInt( lexH_t h );
// Return the value of the current token as an unsigned integer.
unsigned lexTokenUInt( lexH_t h );
// Return the value of the current token as a float.
float lexTokenFloat( lexH_t h );
// Return the value of the current token as a double.
double lexTokenDouble( lexH_t h );
// Return true if the current token is an int and it was suffixed
// with 'u' to indicate that it is unsigned.
bool lexTokenIsUnsigned( lexH_t h );
// Return true if the current token is a real and it was suffexed
// with 'f' to indicate that it is a single precision float.
bool lexTokenIsSinglePrecision( lexH_t h );
// Return the line number associated with the current token
unsigned lexCurrentLineNumber( lexH_t h );
// Return the starting column of the current token
unsigned lexCurrentColumnNumber( lexH_t h );
// Return the RC code associated with the last error
unsigned lexErrorRC( lexH_t h );
// Return the label associated with a token id
const char* lexIdToLabel( lexH_t h, unsigned typeId );
// Lexer testing stub.
void lexTest( );