388 lines
9.2 KiB
388 lines
9.2 KiB
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwTime.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwNbMpScQueue.h"
#include "cwThread.h"
#include "cwThreadMach.h"
namespace cw
namespace nbmpscq
typedef struct block_str
uint8_t* buf; // buf[ bufByteN ]
unsigned bufByteN;
std::atomic<bool> full_flag;
std::atomic<unsigned> index; // offset to next avail byte in mem[]
std::atomic<int> eleN; // count of elements in block
struct block_str* link;
} block_t;
typedef struct node_str
std::atomic<struct node_str*> next;
block_t* block;
unsigned blobByteN;
// blob data follows
} node_t;
typedef struct nbmpscq_str
uint8_t* mem;
unsigned blkN; // count of blocks in blockL
unsigned blkByteN; // size of each block_t.mem[] buffer
block_t* blockL; // linked list of blocks
std::atomic<int> cleanBlkN; // count of blocks that need to be cleaned
unsigned cleanProcN; // count of times the clear process has been run
node_t* stub; // dummy node
std::atomic<node_t*> head; // last-in
node_t* tail; // first-out
} nbmpscq_t;
nbmpscq_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h )
{ return handleToPtr<handle_t,nbmpscq_t>(h); }
rc_t _destroy( nbmpscq_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( p != nullptr )
return rc;
void _clean( nbmpscq_t* p )
block_t* b = p->blockL;
for(; b!=nullptr; b=b->link)
if( b->full_flag.load(std::memory_order_acquire) )
if( b->eleN.load(std::memory_order_acquire) <= 0 )
unsigned cc = p->cleanBlkN.fetch_add(-1,std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Note: b->full_flag==true and p->eleN==0 so it is safe to reset the block
// because all elements have been removed (eleN==0) and
// no other threads will be accessing it (full_flag==true)
p->cleanProcN += 1;
typedef struct shared_str
handle_t qH;
std::atomic<unsigned> cnt;
} test_share_t;
typedef struct test_str
unsigned id; // thread id
unsigned iter; // execution counter
unsigned value;
test_share_t* share;
} test_t;
bool _threadFunc( void* arg )
test_t* t = (test_t*)arg;
t->value = t->share->cnt.fetch_add(1,std::memory_order_acq_rel);
t->iter += 1;
sleepMs( rand() & 0xf );
return true;
cw::rc_t cw::nbmpscq::create( handle_t& hRef, unsigned initBlkN, unsigned blkByteN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
nbmpscq_t* p = nullptr;
unsigned byteN = 0;
if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
p = mem::allocZ<nbmpscq_t>();
p->stub = mem::allocZ<node_t>();
p->head = p->stub; // last-in
p->tail = p->stub; // first-out
p->cleanBlkN = 0;
p->blkN = initBlkN;
p->blkByteN = blkByteN;
byteN = initBlkN * (sizeof(block_t) + blkByteN );
p->mem = mem::allocZ<uint8_t>(byteN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<byteN; i+=(sizeof(block_t) + blkByteN))
block_t* b = (block_t*)(p->mem+i);
b->buf = (uint8_t*)(b + 1);
b->bufByteN = blkByteN;
b->link = p->blockL;
p->blockL = b;
if(rc != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"NbMpScQueue destroy failed.");
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::nbmpscq::destroy( handle_t& hRef )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
nbmpscq_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef);
if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"NbMpScQueue destroy failed.");
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::nbmpscq::push( handle_t h, const void* blob, unsigned blobByteN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
nbmpscq_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
block_t* b = p->blockL;
unsigned nodeByteN = blobByteN + sizeof(node_t);
for(; b!=nullptr; b=b->link)
if( b->full_flag.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == false )
unsigned idx = b->index.fetch_add(nodeByteN, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if( idx >= b->bufByteN || idx+nodeByteN > b->bufByteN )
node_t* n = (node_t*)(b->buf + idx);
n->blobByteN = blobByteN;
n->block = b;
// Note that the elements of the queue are only accessed from the end of the queue (tail).
// New nodes can therefore safely be updated in two steps:
// 1. Atomically set _head to the new node and return 'old-head'
node_t* prev = p->head.exchange(n,std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// Note that at this point only the new node may have the 'old-head' as it's predecssor.
// Other threads may therefore safely interrupt at this point.
// 2. Set the old-head next pointer to the new node (thereby adding the new node to the list)
prev->next.store(n,std::memory_order_release); // RELEASE 'next' to consumer
if( b == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kBufTooSmallRC,"NbMpScQueue overflow. %i %i",p->cleanProcN, p->cleanBlkN.load());
return rc;
cw::nbmpscq::blob_t cw::nbmpscq::next( handle_t h )
blob_t blob;
nbmpscq_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
node_t* t = p->tail;
node_t* n = t->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire); // ACQUIRE 'next' from producer
if( n == nullptr )
blob.blob = nullptr;
blob.blobByteN = 0;
blob.blob = (uint8_t*)(n+1);
blob.blobByteN = n->blobByteN;
return blob;
cw::rc_t cw::nbmpscq::advance( handle_t h )
nbmpscq_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
node_t* t = p->tail;
node_t* next = t->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire); // ACQUIRE 'next' from producer
if( next != nullptr )
p->tail = next;
int eleN = next->block->eleN.fetch_add(-1,std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// next was valid and so eleN must be >= 1
assert( eleN >= 1 );
if( p->cleanBlkN.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) > 0 )
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::nbmpscq::test( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc=kOkRC,rc0,rc1;
unsigned testArrayN = 2;
test_t* testArray = nullptr;
unsigned blkN = 2;
unsigned blkByteN = 1024;
time::spec_t t0 = time::current_time();
unsigned testDurMs = 0;
test_share_t share;
handle_t qH;
thread_mach::handle_t tmH;
if((rc = cfg->getv("blkN",blkN,
"threadN",testArrayN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Test params parse failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( testArrayN == 0 )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The 'threadN' parameter must be greater than 0.");
goto errLabel;
testArray = mem::allocZ<test_t>(testArrayN);
// create the queue
if((rc = create( qH, blkN, blkByteN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"nbmpsc create failed.");
goto errLabel;
share.qH = qH;
for(unsigned i=0; i<testArrayN; ++i)
testArray[i].id = i;
testArray[i].share = &share;
// create the thread machine
if((rc = thread_mach::create( tmH, _threadFunc, testArray, sizeof(test_t), testArrayN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Thread machine create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// start the thread machine
if((rc = thread_mach::start(tmH)) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"Thread machine start failed.");
goto errLabel;
while( time::elapsedMs(t0) < testDurMs )
blob_t b = next(qH);
if( b.blob != nullptr )
test_t* t = (test_t*)b.blob;
printf("%i %i %i %i\n",t->id,t->iter,t->value,b.blobByteN);
if((rc0 = thread_mach::destroy(tmH)) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc0,"Thread machine destroy failed.");
if((rc1 = destroy(qH)) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc1,"nbmpsc queue destroy failed.");
if( testArray != nullptr )
printf("P:%i %i\n",testArray[0].iter, testArray[1].iter);
return rcSelect(rc,rc0,rc1);