Audio file in processor now has a 'seekSecs' and 'onOffFl' parameter. Audio mixer now works as a stereo mixer. PV Analysis proc now can have variable window length.
651 lines
18 KiB
651 lines
18 KiB
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwFile.h"
#include "cwText.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwAudioFile.h"
#include "cwUtility.h"
#include "cwFileSys.h"
#include "cwAudioFileOps.h"
#include "cwMath.h"
#include "cwVectOps.h"
#include "cwDsp.h"
#include "cwAudioTransforms.h"
#include "cwAudioFileProc.h"
namespace cw
namespace afop
// Template Process
namespace process
typedef struct process_str
int foo;
double blah;
} process_t;
rc_t open( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
process_t* p = mem::allocZ<process_t>();
ctx->userPtr = p;
if((rc = ctx->args->getv( "foo", p->foo,
"blah", p->blah)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parsing of 'template' args. failed.");
return rc;
rc_t close( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return rc;
rc_t process( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t main( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
switch( ctx->procId )
case kOpenProcId:
rc = open(ctx);
case kCloseProcId:
rc = close(ctx);
case kProcProcId:
rc = process(ctx);
return rc;
// Phase Vocoder Process
namespace pvoc
typedef struct process_str
dsp::pv_anl::fobj_t** anlA; // anlA[chCnt]
dsp::pv_syn::fobj_t** synA; // synA[chCnt]
unsigned chCnt; //
unsigned procSmpN; //
unsigned wndSmpN; //
unsigned hopSmpN; //
double inGain; //
double outGain; //
} process_t;
rc_t open( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
process_t* p = mem::allocZ<process_t>();
ctx->userPtr = p;
if((rc = ctx->args->getv( "procSmpN", p->procSmpN,
"hopSmpN", p->hopSmpN,
"wndSmpN", p->wndSmpN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parsing of 'pvoc' required arguments failed.");
p->chCnt = std::min( ctx->srcChN, ctx->dstChN );
p->anlA = mem::allocZ< dsp::pv_anl::fobj_t* >( p->chCnt );
p->synA = mem::allocZ< dsp::pv_syn::fobj_t* >( p->chCnt );
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->chCnt; ++i)
if((rc = dsp::pv_anl::create( p->anlA[i], p->procSmpN, ctx->srcSrate, p->wndSmpN, p->wndSmpN, p->hopSmpN, dsp::pv_anl::kNoCalcHzPvaFl )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"PVOC analysis component create failed.");
goto errLabel;
if((rc = dsp::pv_syn::create( p->synA[i], p->procSmpN, ctx->dstSrate, p->wndSmpN, p->hopSmpN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"PVOC synthesis component create failed.");
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t close( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->chCnt; ++i)
if( p->anlA )
if( p->synA )
return rc;
rc_t process( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->chCnt; ++i)
if( dsp::pv_anl::exec( p->anlA[i], ctx->srcChV[i], p->hopSmpN) )
float buf[ p->anlA[i]->binCnt ];
vop::mul( buf, p->anlA[i]->magV, p->anlA[i]->binCnt/2, p->anlA[i]->binCnt );
if((rc = dsp::pv_syn::exec( p->synA[i], buf, p->anlA[i]->phsV )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Pvoc synthesis failed.");
goto errLabel;
vop::copy( ctx->dstChV[i], p->synA[i]->ola->outV, p->hopSmpN );
return rc;
rc_t main( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
switch( ctx->procId )
case kOpenProcId:
rc = open(ctx);
case kCloseProcId:
rc = close(ctx);
case kProcProcId:
rc = process(ctx);
return rc;
// Tremelo Process
namespace tremelo
typedef struct tremelo_str
double hz;
double depth;
double phase;
} tremelo_t;
rc_t open( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc;
tremelo_t* p = mem::allocZ<tremelo_t>();
ctx->userPtr = p;
if((rc = ctx->args->getv( "hz", p->hz,
"depth", p->depth)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parsing of 'tremelo' ctx. failed.");
return rc;
rc_t close( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
tremelo_t* p = (tremelo_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return kOkRC;
rc_t process( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
tremelo_t* p = (tremelo_t*)ctx->userPtr;
unsigned chCnt = std::min( ctx->srcChN, ctx->dstChN );
unsigned hopSmpN = std::min( ctx->srcHopSmpN, ctx->dstHopSmpN );
for(unsigned i=0; i<hopSmpN; ++i)
float gain = p->depth * std::sin( p->phase );
for(unsigned j=0; j<chCnt; ++j)
ctx->dstChV[j][i] = gain * ctx->srcChV[j][i];
p->phase += 2*M_PI*p->hz / ctx->srcSrate;
return kOkRC;
rc_t main( proc_ctx_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
switch( ctx->procId )
case kOpenProcId:
rc = open(ctx);
case kCloseProcId:
rc = close(ctx);
case kProcProcId:
rc = process(ctx);
return rc;
// Audio File Processor
cw::rc_t cw::afop::file_processor( const char* srcFn, const char* dstFn, proc_func_t func, unsigned wndSmpN, unsigned hopSmpN, void* userPtr, const object_t* args, const object_t* recorder_cfg, unsigned recordChN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
typedef float sample_t;
audiofile::handle_t srcAfH;
audiofile::handle_t dstAfH;
audiofile::info_t info;
proc_ctx_t proc_ctx = {0};
if( hopSmpN > wndSmpN )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The hop sample count (%i) cannot exceed the window sample count (%i).", hopSmpN, wndSmpN );
proc_ctx.userPtr = userPtr;
proc_ctx.args = args;
// By default wndSmpN and hopSmpN set both the src and dst wndSmpN and hopSmpN parameters
proc_ctx.srcWndSmpN = wndSmpN;
proc_ctx.srcHopSmpN = hopSmpN;
proc_ctx.dstWndSmpN = wndSmpN;
proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN = hopSmpN;
// if a source audio file was given
if( srcFn != nullptr )
// open the source audio file
if((rc = audiofile::open(srcAfH,srcFn,&info)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to open the source file:%s", cwStringNullGuard(srcFn) );
goto errLabel;
// Configure the input signal
proc_ctx.srcFn = mem::duplStr(srcFn);
proc_ctx.srcSrate = info.srate;
proc_ctx.srcChN = info.chCnt;
proc_ctx.srcBits = info.bits;
// By default the output signal has the same configuration as the input file
proc_ctx.dstSrate = info.srate;
proc_ctx.dstChN = info.chCnt;
proc_ctx.dstBits = info.bits; // TODO: allow setting output file bits as optional parameter (0=float)
// Be sure if settting bits from input file with floating point sample format
// that this case is correctly handled here.
// During the 'open' call the user defined function (UDF) can override the destination file configuration
proc_ctx.procId = kOpenProcId;
if((rc = func( &proc_ctx )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Open processes failed.");
goto errLabel;
// Create the output file
if( dstFn != nullptr )
if((rc = audiofile::create(dstAfH,dstFn, proc_ctx.dstSrate, proc_ctx.dstBits, proc_ctx.dstChN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to create the destination file:%s", cwStringNullGuard(dstFn) );
goto errLabel;
proc_ctx.dstFn = mem::duplStr(dstFn);
if( rc == kOkRC )
sample_t* srcChFileBuf[ proc_ctx.srcChN ]; // srcChFileBuf[ srcChN ][ srcHopSmpCnt ] - src file ch buffer
sample_t* dstChFileBuf[ proc_ctx.dstChN ]; // dstChFileBuf[ dstChN ][ dstHopSmpCnt ] - dst file ch buffer
const sample_t* iChBuf[ proc_ctx.srcChN ]; // iChBuf[ srcChN ][ srcWndSmpCnt ] - src processing buffer
sample_t* oChBuf[ proc_ctx.dstChN ]; // oChBuf[ dstChN ][ dstWndSmpCnt ] - dst processing buffer
struct dsp::shift_buf::obj_str<sample_t>* srcShiftBufA[ proc_ctx.srcChN ]; // src shift buffer
struct dsp::shift_buf::obj_str<sample_t>* dstShiftBufA[ proc_ctx.dstChN ]; // dst shift buffer
// Allocate memory for the source/dest file buffer
sample_t* srcFileBuf = mem::allocZ<sample_t>( proc_ctx.srcChN * proc_ctx.srcHopSmpN );
sample_t* dstFileBuf = mem::allocZ<sample_t>( proc_ctx.dstChN * proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN );
sample_t* procFileBuf = mem::allocZ<sample_t>( proc_ctx.dstChN * proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN );
// Setup the input and output processing buffer
proc_ctx.srcChV = iChBuf;
proc_ctx.dstChV = oChBuf;
// For each source channel - setup the source file buffer and create the src shift buffer
for(unsigned i = 0; i<proc_ctx.srcChN; ++i)
srcChFileBuf[i] = srcFileBuf + (i*proc_ctx.srcHopSmpN );
dsp::shift_buf::create( srcShiftBufA[i], proc_ctx.srcHopSmpN, proc_ctx.srcWndSmpN, proc_ctx.srcWndSmpN, proc_ctx.srcHopSmpN );
// For each dest. channel - setup the dest file buffer and create the dst shift buffer
for(unsigned i = 0; i<proc_ctx.dstChN; ++i)
oChBuf[i] = procFileBuf + (i*proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN );
dsp::shift_buf::create( dstShiftBufA[i], proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN, proc_ctx.dstWndSmpN, proc_ctx.dstWndSmpN, proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN );
// create the data recorder
if( recordChN )
proc_ctx.recordChA = mem::allocZ< dsp::data_recorder::fobj_t* >( recordChN );
for(unsigned i = 0; i<recordChN; ++i)
if(dsp::data_recorder::create( proc_ctx.recordChA[i], recorder_cfg ) != kOkRC )
cwLogWarning( "Data recorder create failed." );
while( true )
unsigned rdFrmCnt = 0;
// if a source file exists then read the next srcHopSmpN samples into srcChFileBuf[][]
if( srcFn )
// Read the next srcHopSmpN samples
rc = audiofile::readFloat(srcAfH, proc_ctx.srcHopSmpN, 0, proc_ctx.srcChN, srcChFileBuf, &rdFrmCnt );
// if the end of the file was encountered or no samples were returned
if( rc == kEofRC || rdFrmCnt == 0)
rc = kOkRC;
if( rc != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio process source file '%s' read failed.", srcFn );
do // src shift-buffer processing loop
if( srcFn )
// Shift the new source sample into the source shift buffer.
// Note that the shift buffer must be called until they return false.
bool rd_fl = false;
for(unsigned j=0; j<proc_ctx.srcChN; ++j)
if( dsp::shift_buf::exec( srcShiftBufA[j], srcChFileBuf[j], proc_ctx.srcHopSmpN ) )
rd_fl = true;
iChBuf[j] = srcShiftBufA[j]->outV;
break; // src shift-buf iterations are done
// Call the processing function
proc_ctx.procId = kProcProcId;
if((rc = func( &proc_ctx )) != kOkRC )
// kEof isn't an error
if( rc == kEofRC )
rc = kOkRC;
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio file process reported an error.");
goto doneLabel;
// if output samples exist - shift the new samples into the output shift buffer
if( proc_ctx.dstChN )
do // destination shif-buffer iteration processing loop
bool wr_fl = false;
// Update the dst shift buffers
// Note that the shift buffer has to be called until it returns false therefore
// we must iterate over the file writing process writing hopSmpN frames on each call.
for(unsigned j=0; j<proc_ctx.dstChN; ++j)
if(dsp::shift_buf::exec( dstShiftBufA[j], oChBuf[j], proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN ))
wr_fl = true;
dstChFileBuf[j] = dstShiftBufA[j]->outV;
// if no true's were returned by the shift-buffer (Note that all channels must return the same
// value because they are all configured the same way.)
if( !wr_fl )
// If a destination file was specified
if( dstFn != nullptr )
if((rc = audiofile::writeFloat( dstAfH, proc_ctx.dstHopSmpN, proc_ctx.dstChN, dstChFileBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio process source file '%s' read failed.", srcFn );
goto doneLabel;
}while(1); // desination shift-buffer interation processing loop
}while(1); // source shift-buffer iteration processing loop
proc_ctx.cycleIndex += 1;
} // end while
for(unsigned i=0; i<recordChN; ++i)
dsp::data_recorder::destroy( proc_ctx.recordChA[i] );
for(unsigned i=0; i<proc_ctx.srcChN; ++i)
dsp::shift_buf::destroy( srcShiftBufA[i] );
for(unsigned i=0; i<proc_ctx.dstChN; ++i)
dsp::shift_buf::destroy( dstShiftBufA[i] );
proc_ctx.procId = kCloseProcId;
func( &proc_ctx );
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::file_processor( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const char* srcFn = nullptr;
const char* dstFn = nullptr;
const char* cfgLabel = nullptr;
const object_t* pgm = nullptr;
unsigned wndSmpN = 0;
unsigned hopSmpN = 0;
const char* program = nullptr;
const object_t* args = nullptr;
unsigned recordChN = 0;
const object_t* recorder = nullptr;
proc_func_t procFunc = nullptr;
typedef struct labelFunc_str
const char* label;
proc_func_t func;
} labelFunc_t;
labelFunc_t labelFuncA[] =
{ "tremelo",tremelo::main },
{ "pvoc", pvoc::main },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
// parse the main audio file processor cfg record
if((rc = cfg->getv("srcFn", srcFn,
"dstFn", dstFn,
"cfg", cfgLabel)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Error parsing the main audio file proc configuration record.");
goto errLabel;
// locate the cfg for the specific process function to run
if((rc = cfg->getv(cfgLabel, pgm)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The audio file proc. configuration '%s' was not found.",cwStringNullGuard(cfgLabel));
goto errLabel;
// parse the specific process function configuration record
if((rc = pgm->getv("wndSmpN", wndSmpN,
"hopSmpN", hopSmpN,
"program", program,
"args", args)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The audio file proc. configuration '%s' parse failed.",cwStringNullGuard(cfgLabel));
goto errLabel;
// parse the recorder spec
if((rc = cfg->getv_opt("recordChN", recordChN,
"recorder", recorder)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Error parsing the main audio file proc optional configuration fields.");
goto errLabel;
// TODO: add optional args: inGain,outGain,dstBits
// locate the executable function associated with the specified process function
for(unsigned i=0; true; ++i)
// if the function was not found
if( labelFuncA[i].func == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The audio processing program '%s' could not be found.", cwStringNullGuard(program));
goto errLabel;
// if this is the specified function
if( textCompare(labelFuncA[i].label,program ) == 0 )
procFunc = labelFuncA[i].func;
// run the processr
if((rc = file_processor( srcFn, dstFn, procFunc, wndSmpN, hopSmpN, nullptr, args, recorder, recordChN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The audio file proc. failed.");
goto errLabel;
return rc;