2024-09-05 11:17:08 -04:00

448 lignes
15 KiB

import os
import math
import json
import types
import wt_util
import calc_sample_atk_dur
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import multiproc as mp
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
def upsample( aV, N, interp_degree ):
# aV[] - signal vector
# N - upsample factor (must be an integer >= 2)
# interp_degree - "linear" , "cubic"
N = int(N)
assert( N>= 2)
aN = len(aV)
z = np.zeros((aN,N))
z[:,0] = aV
# z is a copy of aV with zeros in the positions to be interpolated
z = np.squeeze(np.reshape(z,(aN*N,1)))
# x contains the indexes into z which contain values from aV
x = [ i*N for i in range(aN) ]
# xi contains the indexes into z which have zeros
xi = [ i for i in range(len(z)) if i not in x and i < x[-1] ]
# calc values for the zeros in z
if interp_degree == "linear":
cs = CubicSpline(x,aV)
z[xi] = cs(xi)
elif interp_degree == "cubic":
z[xi] = np.interp(xi,x,aV)
# The last N-1 values are not set because they would require extrapolation
# (they have no value to their right). Instead we set these values
# as the mean of the preceding N values.
k = (len(z)-N)+1
for i in range(N-1):
z[k+i] = np.mean(z[ k+i-N:k+i])
return z #z[0:-(N-1)]
def estimate_pitch_ac( aV, si, hzL, srate, argsD ):
# aV[] - audio vector containing a wavetable that starts at aV[si]
# hzL[] - a list of candidate pitches
# srate - sample rate of aV[]
# args[cycle_cnt] - count of cycles to autocorrelate on either side of the reference pitch at aV[si:]
# (1=correlate with the cycle at aV[ si-fsmp_per+cyc:] and the cycle at aV[si+fsmp_per_cyc],
# (2=correlate with cycles at aV[ si-2*fsmp_per+cyc:],aV[ si-fsmp_per+cyc:],aV[ si+fsmp_per+cyc:],aV[ si-2*fsmp_per+cyc:])
# args[up_fact] - Set to and integer greater than 1 to upsample the signal prior to estimating the pitch
# args[up_interp_degree] - Upsampling interpolator "linear" or "cubic"
def _auto_corr( aV, si, fsmp_per_cyc, cycle_offset_idx, interp_degree ):
smp_per_cyc = int(math.floor(fsmp_per_cyc))
xi = [si + (cycle_offset_idx * fsmp_per_cyc) + i for i in range(smp_per_cyc)]
x_min = int(math.floor(xi[0]))
x_max = int(math.ceil(xi[-1]))
x = [ i for i in range(x_min,x_max) ]
y = aV[x]
if interp_degree == "cubic":
cs = CubicSpline(x,y)
yi = cs(xi)
elif interp_degree == "linear":
yi = np.interp(xi,x,y)
# calc the sum of squared differences between the reference cycle and the 'offset' cycle
ac = np.sum(np.pow(yi - aV[si:si+smp_per_cyc],2.0))
return ac
def auto_corr( aV, si, fsmp_per_cyc, cycle_cnt, interp_degree ):
ac = 0
for i in range(1,cycle_cnt+1):
ac = _auto_corr(aV,si,fsmp_per_cyc, i, interp_degree)
ac += _auto_corr(aV,si,fsmp_per_cyc, -i, interp_degree)
# return the average sum of squared diff's per cycle
return ac/(cycle_cnt*2)
def ac_upsample( aV, si, fsmp_per_cyc, cycle_cnt, up_fact, up_interp_degree ):
pad = 0 # count of leading/trailing pad positions to allow for interpolation
if up_interp_degree == "cubic":
pad = 2
elif up_interp_degre == "linear":
pad = 1
# calc the beg/end of the signal segment to upsample
bi = si - math.ceil(fsmp_per_cyc * cycle_cnt) - pad
ei = si + math.ceil(fsmp_per_cyc * (cycle_cnt + 1)) + pad
up_aV = upsample(aV[bi:ei],up_fact,up_interp_degree)
# calc. index of the center signal value
u_si = (si-bi)*up_fact
# the center value should not change after upsampling
assert aV[si] == up_aV[u_si]
return up_aV,u_si
args = types.SimpleNamespace(**argsD)
# if upsampling was requested
if args.up_fact > 1:
hz_min = min(hzL) # Select the freq candidate with the longest period,
max_fsmp_per_cyc = srate/hz_min # because we want to upsample just enough of the signal to test for all possible candidates,
aV,si = ac_upsample( aV, si, max_fsmp_per_cyc, args.cycle_cnt, args.up_fact, args.up_interp_degree )
srate = srate * args.up_fact
# calc. the auto-correlation for every possible candidate frequency
acL = []
for hz in hzL:
fsmp_per_cyc = srate / hz
acL.append( auto_corr(aV,si,fsmp_per_cyc,args.cycle_cnt,args.interp_degree) )
if False:
_,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
# winning candidate is the one with the lowest AC score
cand_hz_idx = np.argmin(acL)
return hzL[cand_hz_idx]
# Note that we want a higher rate of pitch tracking than wave table generation - thus
# we downsample the pitch tracking interval by some integer factor to arrive at the
# rate at the wave table generation period.
def gen_wave_table_list( audio_fname,
mark_tsv_fname, gateL,
ac_argD ):
est_hz_args = types.SimpleNamespace(**est_hz_argD)
aM,srate = wt_util.parse_audio_file(audio_fname)
markL = wt_util.parse_marker_file(mark_tsv_fname)
ch_cnt = aM.shape[1]
frm_cnt = aM.shape[0]
pt_interval_smp = int(round(pitch_track_interval_secs*srate))
wt_interval_fact= int(wt_interval_down_sample_fact)
hz = wt_util.midi_pitch_to_hz(midi_pitch)
fsmp_per_cyc = srate/hz
fsmp_per_wt = fsmp_per_cyc * 2
smp_per_wt = int(math.floor(fsmp_per_wt))
# calc. the range of possible pitch estimates
hz_min = wt_util.midi_pitch_to_hz(midi_pitch-1)
hz_ctr = wt_util.midi_pitch_to_hz(midi_pitch)
hz_max = wt_util.midi_pitch_to_hz(midi_pitch+1)
cents_per_semi = 100
# hzL is a list of candidate pitches with a range of +/- 1 semitone and a resolution of 1 cent
hzCandL = [ hz_min + i*(hz_ctr-hz_min)/100.0 for i in range(cents_per_semi) ] + [ hz_ctr + i*(hz_max-hz_ctr)/100.0 for i in range(cents_per_semi) ]
assert( len(markL) == len(gateL) )
# setup the return data structure
pitchD = { "midi_pitch":midi_pitch,
"wt_interval_secs":pitch_track_interval_secs * wt_interval_fact,
hzL = []
for i,(beg_sec,end_sec,vel_label) in enumerate(markL):
bsi = int(round(beg_sec*srate))
esi = int(round(end_sec*srate))
vel = int(vel_label)
eai = gateL[i][1] # end of attack
velD = { "vel":vel, "bsi":bsi, "chL":[ [] for _ in range(ch_cnt)] }
for ch_idx in range(ch_cnt):
i = 0
while True:
wt_smp_idx = eai + i*pt_interval_smp
# select the first zero crossing after the end of the attack
# as the start of the first sustain wavetable
wtbi = wt_util.find_zero_crossing(aM[:,ch_idx],wt_smp_idx,1)
#if len(velD['chL'][ch_idx]) == 0:
# print(midi_pitch,vel,(wtbi-bsi)/srate)
if wtbi == None:
wtei = wtbi + smp_per_wt
if wtei > esi:
# estimate the pitch near wave tables which are: on the 'dominant' channel,
# above a certain velocity and not too far into the decay
if ch_idx==dom_ch_idx and est_hz_args.min_wt_idx <= i and i <= est_hz_args.max_wt_idx and vel >= est_hz_args.min_vel:
est_hz = estimate_pitch_ac( aM[:,dom_ch_idx],wtbi,hzCandL,srate,ac_argD)
hzL.append( est_hz )
#print(vel, i, est_hz)
if i % wt_interval_fact == 0:
# measure the RMS of the wavetable
wt_rms = float(np.pow(np.mean(np.pow(aM[wtbi:wtei,ch_idx],2.0)),0.5))
# filter out quiet wavetable but guarantee that there are always at least two wt's.
if 20*math.log10(wt_rms) > min_wt_db or len(velD['chL'][ch_idx]) < 2:
# store the location and RMS of the wavetable
velD['chL'][ch_idx].append({"wtbi":int(wtbi),"wtei":int(wtei),"rms":float(wt_rms), "est_hz":0})
# update est_hz in each of the wavetable records
est_hz = np.mean(hzL)
est_hz_delta = np.array(hzCandL) - est_hz
est_hz_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(est_hz_delta))
est_hz_std = np.std(hzL)
if est_hz_delta[est_hz_idx] > 0:
est_hz_std_cents = est_hz_std / ((hz_ctr-hz_min)/100.0)
est_hz_std_cents = est_hz_std / ((hz_max-hz_ctr)/100.0)
est_hz_err_cents = est_hz_idx - cents_per_semi
print(f"{midi_pitch} est pitch:{est_hz}(hz) err:{est_hz_err_cents}(cents)" )
pitchD["est_hz_mean"] = float(est_hz)
pitchD["est_hz_err_cents"] = float(est_hz_err_cents)
pitchD["est_hz_std_cents"] = float(est_hz_std_cents)
return pitchD
def _gen_wave_table_bank( src_dir, midi_pitch, argD ):
args = types.SimpleNamespace(**argD)
audio_fname = os.path.join(src_dir,f"wav/{midi_pitch:03}_samples.wav")
mark_tsv_fname = os.path.join(src_dir,f"{midi_pitch:03}_marker.txt")
if True:
gateL,ch_avgRmsL = calc_sample_atk_dur.generate_gate_db(audio_fname,
args.atk_end_thresh_db )
if False:
gateL,ch_avgRmsL = calc_sample_atk_dur.generate_gate_pct(audio_fname,
0.1 )
dom_ch_idx = np.argmax(ch_avgRmsL)
pitchD = gen_wave_table_list( audio_fname,
args.est_hz, )
return pitchD
def gen_wave_table_bank_mp( processN, src_dir, midi_pitchL, out_fname, argD ):
def _multi_proc_func( procId, procArgsD, taskArgsD ):
return _gen_wave_table_bank( procArgsD['src_dir'],
procArgsD['argD'] )
procArgsD = {
"argD": argD
taskArgsL = [ { 'midi_pitch':midi_pitch } for midi_pitch in midi_pitchL ]
processN = min(processN,len(taskArgsL))
if processN > 0:
pitchL = mp.local_distribute_main( processN,_multi_proc_func,procArgsD,taskArgsL )
pitchL = [ _gen_wave_table_bank( src_dir, r['midi_pitch'], argD ) for r in range(taskArgsL) ]
pitchL = sorted(pitchL,key=lambda x:x['midi_pitch'])
with open(out_fname,"w") as f:
json.dump({"pitchL":pitchL, "instr":"piano", "argD":argD},f)
def plot_rms( wtb_json_fname ):
with open(wtb_json_fname) as f:
pitchL = json.load(f)['pitchL']
pitchL = sorted(pitchL,key=lambda x:x['midi_pitch'])
rmsnL = []
for pitchD in pitchL:
_,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
for wtVelD in pitchD['wtL']:
for velChL in wtVelD['wtL']:
rmsL = [ 20*math.log10(wt['rms']) for wt in velChL ]
def plot_atk_dur( wtb_json_fname ):
with open(wtb_json_fname) as f:
pitchL = json.load(f)['pitchL']
pitchL = sorted(pitchL,key=lambda x:x['midi_pitch'])
rmsnL = []
for pitchD in pitchL:
_,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
secL = [ (v['chL'][0][0]['wtbi']-v['bsi'])/pitchD['srate'] for v in pitchD['velL'] ]
velL = [ x['vel'] for x in pitchD['velL'] ]
def plot_hz( wtb_json_fname ):
with open(wtb_json_fname) as f:
pitchL = json.load(f)['pitchL']
pitchL = sorted(pitchL,key=lambda x:x['midi_pitch'])
_,ax = plt.subplots(3,1)
midiL = [ pitchD['midi_pitch'] for pitchD in pitchL ]
hzL = [ pitchD["est_hz_mean"] for pitchD in pitchL ]
hzStdL = [ pitchD["est_hz_std_cents"] for pitchD in pitchL ]
hzErrL = [ pitchD["est_hz_err_cents"] for pitchD in pitchL ]
if __name__ == "__main__":
midi_pitchL = [ pitch for pitch in range(21,109) ]
#midi_pitchL = [60 ]
out_fname = "/home/kevin/temp/temp_5.json"
src_dir= "/home/kevin/temp/wt6"
argD = {
'wt_interval_down_sample_fact':8.0, # wt_interval_secs = pitch_track_interval_secs * wt_interval_down_sample_fact
'est_hz': {
'ac': {
'cycle_cnt':8, # count of cycles to use for auto-corr. pitch detection
gen_wave_table_bank_mp(20, src_dir, midi_pitchL, out_fname, argD )