# Conflicts: # cwFlow.cpp # cwIoPresetSelApp.cpp # cwLex.cpp # cwLex.h # cwPresetSel.cpp # html/preset_sel/ui.cfg
2609 lines
67 KiB
2609 lines
67 KiB
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwTest.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwFile.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwFileSys.h"
#include "cwMidi.h"
#include "cwMidiFile.h"
#include "cwText.h"
#ifdef cwBIG_ENDIAN
#define mfSwap16(v) (v)
#define mfSwap32(v) (v)
#define mfSwap16(v) cwSwap16(v)
#define mfSwap32(v) cwSwap32(v)
namespace cw
namespace midi
namespace file
typedef struct
unsigned cnt; // count of track records
trackMsg_t* base; // pointer to first track recd
trackMsg_t* last; // pointer to last track recd
} track_t;
typedef struct file_str
cw::file::handle_t fh; // file handle (only used in open() and write())
unsigned short fmtId; // midi file type id: 0,1,2
unsigned short ticksPerQN; // ticks per quarter note or 0 if smpteFmtId is valid
uint8_t smpteFmtId; // smpte format or 0 if ticksPerQN is valid
uint8_t smpteTicksPerFrame; // smpte ticks per frame or 0 if ticksPerQN is valid
unsigned short trkN; // track count
track_t* trkV; // track vector
char* fn; // file name or NULL if this object did not originate from a file
unsigned msgN; // count of msg's in msgV[]
trackMsg_t** msgV; // sorted msg list
bool msgVDirtyFl; // msgV[] needs to be refreshed from trkV[] because new msg's were inserted.
unsigned nextUid; // next available msg uid
} file_t;
const trackMsg_t** _msgArray( file_t* p );
file_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h )
{ return handleToPtr<handle_t,file_t>(h); }
rc_t _read8( file_t* mfp, uint8_t* p )
rc_t rc;
if((rc = cw::file::readUChar(mfp->fh,p,1)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI byte read failed.");
return kOkRC;
rc_t _read16( file_t* mfp, unsigned short* p )
rc_t rc;
if((rc = cw::file::readUShort(mfp->fh,p,1)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI short read failed.");
*p = mfSwap16(*p);
return kOkRC;
rc_t _read24( file_t* mfp, unsigned* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
*p = 0;
int i = 0;
for(; i<3; ++i)
unsigned char c;
if((rc = cw::file::readUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI 24 bit integer read failed.");
*p = (*p << 8) + c;
//*p =mfSwap32(*p);
return rc;
rc_t _read32( file_t* mfp, unsigned* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if((rc = cw::file::readUInt(mfp->fh,p,1)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI integer read failed.");
*p = mfSwap32(*p);
return rc;
rc_t _readText( file_t* mfp, trackMsg_t* tmp, unsigned byteN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( byteN == 0 )
return kOkRC;
char* t = mem::allocZ<char>(byteN+1);
t[byteN] = 0;
if((rc = cw::file::readChar(mfp->fh,t,byteN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI read text failed.");
goto errLabel;
tmp->u.text = t;
tmp->byteCnt = byteN;
tmp->flags |= kReleaseFl;
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
rc_t _readRecd( file_t* mfp, trackMsg_t* tmp, unsigned byteN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
char* t = mem::allocZ<char>(byteN);
if((rc = cw::file::readChar(mfp->fh,t,byteN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI read record failed.");
goto errLabel;
tmp->byteCnt = byteN;
tmp->u.voidPtr = t;
tmp->flags |= kReleaseFl;
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
rc_t _readVarLen( file_t* mfp, unsigned* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned char c;
if((rc = cw::file::readUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI read variable length integer failed.");
if( !(c & 0x80) )
*p = c;
*p = c & 0x7f;
if((rc = cw::file::readUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI read variable length integer failed.");
*p = (*p << 7) + (c & 0x7f);
}while( c & 0x80 );
return rc;
trackMsg_t* _allocMsg( file_t* mfp, unsigned short trkIdx, unsigned dtick, uint8_t status )
trackMsg_t* tmp = mem::allocZ<trackMsg_t>();
// set the generic track record fields
tmp->dtick = dtick;
tmp->status = status;
tmp->metaId = kInvalidMetaMdId;
tmp->trkIdx = trkIdx;
tmp->byteCnt = 0;
tmp->uid = mfp->nextUid++;
return tmp;
rc_t _appendTrackMsg( file_t* mfp, unsigned short trkIdx, unsigned dtick, uint8_t status, trackMsg_t** trkMsgPtrPtr )
trackMsg_t* tmp = _allocMsg( mfp, trkIdx, dtick, status );
// link new record onto track record chain
if( mfp->trkV[trkIdx].base == NULL )
mfp->trkV[trkIdx].base = tmp;
mfp->trkV[trkIdx].last->link = tmp;
mfp->trkV[trkIdx].last = tmp;
*trkMsgPtrPtr = tmp;
return kOkRC;
rc_t _readSysEx( file_t* mfp, trackMsg_t* tmp, unsigned byteN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
uint8_t b = 0;
if( byteN == kInvalidCnt )
long offs;
if( (rc = cw::file::tell(mfp->fh,&offs)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI File 'tell' failed.");
byteN = 0;
// get the length of the sys-ex msg
while( !cw::file::eof(mfp->fh) && (b != kSysComEoxMdId) )
if((rc = _read8(mfp,&b)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// verify that the EOX byte was found
if( b != kSysComEoxMdId )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"MIDI file missing 'end-of-sys-ex'.");
// rewind to the beginning of the msg
if((rc = cw::file::seek(mfp->fh,cw::file::kBeginFl,offs)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file seek failed on sys-ex read.");
// allocate memory to hold the sys-ex msg
uint8_t* mp = mem::allocZ<uint8_t>( byteN );
// read the sys-ex msg from the file into msg memory
if((rc = cw::file::readUChar(mfp->fh,mp,byteN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI sys-ex read failed.");
goto errLabel;
tmp->byteCnt = byteN;
tmp->u.sysExPtr = mp;
tmp->flags |= kReleaseFl;
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
rc_t _readChannelMsg( file_t* mfp, uint8_t* rsPtr, uint8_t status, trackMsg_t* tmp )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
chMsg_t* p = mem::allocZ<chMsg_t>();
unsigned useRsFl = status <= 0x7f;
uint8_t statusCh = useRsFl ? *rsPtr : status;
if( useRsFl )
p->d0 = status;
*rsPtr = status;
tmp->byteCnt = sizeof(chMsg_t);
tmp->status = statusCh & 0xf0;
p->ch = statusCh & 0x0f;
p->durMicros = 0;
unsigned byteN = statusToByteCount(tmp->status);
if( byteN==kInvalidMidiByte || byteN > 2 )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Invalid status:0x%x %i byte cnt:%i.",tmp->status,tmp->status,byteN);
goto errLabel;
unsigned i;
for(i=useRsFl; i<byteN; ++i)
uint8_t* b = i==0 ? &p->d0 : &p->d1;
if((rc = _read8(mfp,b)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// convert note-on velocity=0 to note off
if( tmp->status == kNoteOnMdId && p->d1==0 )
tmp->status = kNoteOffMdId;
tmp->u.chMsgPtr = p;
tmp->flags |= kReleaseFl;
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
rc_t _readMetaMsg( file_t* mfp, trackMsg_t* tmp )
uint8_t metaId;
rc_t rc;
unsigned byteN = 0;
if((rc = _read8(mfp,&metaId)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
if((rc = _readVarLen(mfp,&byteN)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
//printf("mt: %i 0x%x n:%i\n",metaId,metaId,byteN);
switch( metaId )
case kSeqNumbMdId: rc = _read16(mfp,&tmp->u.sVal); break;
case kTextMdId: rc = _readText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kCopyMdId: rc = _readText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kTrkNameMdId: rc = _readText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kInstrNameMdId: rc = _readText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kLyricsMdId: rc = _readText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kMarkerMdId: rc = _readText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kCuePointMdId: rc = _readText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kMidiChMdId: rc = _read8(mfp,&tmp->u.bVal); break;
case kMidiPortMdId: rc = _read8(mfp,&tmp->u.bVal); break;
case kEndOfTrkMdId: break;
case kTempoMdId: rc = _read24(mfp,&tmp->u.iVal); break;
case kSmpteMdId: rc = _readRecd(mfp,tmp,sizeof(smpte_t)); break;
case kTimeSigMdId: rc = _readRecd(mfp,tmp,sizeof(timeSig_t)); break;
case kKeySigMdId: rc = _readRecd(mfp,tmp,sizeof(keySig_t)); break;
case kSeqSpecMdId: rc = _readSysEx(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
rc = cwLogError(kProtocolErrorRC,"Unknown meta status:0x%x %i.",metaId,metaId);
tmp->metaId = metaId;
return rc;
rc_t _readTrack( file_t* mfp, unsigned short trkIdx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned dticks = 0;
uint8_t status;
uint8_t runstatus = 0;
bool contFl = true;
while( contFl && (rc==kOkRC))
trackMsg_t* tmp = NULL;
// read the tick count
if((rc = _readVarLen(mfp,&dticks)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// read the status byte
if((rc = _read8(mfp,&status)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
//printf("%5i st:%i 0x%x\n",dticks,status,status);
// append a track msg
if((rc = _appendTrackMsg( mfp, trkIdx, dticks, status, &tmp )) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// switch on status
switch( status )
// handle sys-ex msg
case kSysExMdId:
rc = _readSysEx(mfp,tmp,kInvalidCnt);
// handle meta msg
case kMetaStId:
rc = _readMetaMsg(mfp,tmp);
// ignore unknown meta messages
if( rc == kProtocolErrorRC )
rc = kOkRC;
contFl = tmp->metaId != kEndOfTrkMdId;
// handle channel msg
rc = _readChannelMsg(mfp,&runstatus,status,tmp);
return rc;
rc_t _readHdr( file_t* mfp )
rc_t rc;
unsigned fileId;
unsigned chunkByteN;
// read the file id
if((rc = _read32(mfp,&fileId)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// verify the file id
if( fileId != 'MThd' )
return cwLogError(kInvalidDataTypeRC,"Not a MIDI file.");
// read the file chunk byte count
if((rc = _read32(mfp,&chunkByteN)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// read the format id
if((rc = _read16(mfp,&mfp->fmtId)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// read the track count
if((rc = _read16(mfp,&mfp->trkN)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// read the ticks per quarter note
if((rc = _read16(mfp,&mfp->ticksPerQN)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// if the division field was given in smpte
if( mfp->ticksPerQN & 0x8000 )
mfp->smpteFmtId = (mfp->ticksPerQN & 0x7f00) >> 8;
mfp->smpteTicksPerFrame = (mfp->ticksPerQN & 0xFF);
mfp->ticksPerQN = 0;
// allocate and zero the track array
if( mfp->trkN )
mfp->trkV = mem::allocZ<track_t>(mfp->trkN);
return rc;
void _drop( file_t* p )
unsigned i;
unsigned n = 0;
for(i=0; i<p->trkN; ++i)
track_t* trk = p->trkV + i;
trackMsg_t* m0 = NULL;
trackMsg_t* m = trk->base;
for(; m!=NULL; m=m->link)
if( cwIsFlag(m->flags,kDropTrkMsgFl) )
if( m0 == NULL )
trk->base = m->link;
m0->link = m->link;
m0 = m;
int _sortFunc( const void *p0, const void* p1 )
if( (*(trackMsg_t**)p0)->atick == (*(trackMsg_t**)p1)->atick )
return 0;
return (*(trackMsg_t**)p0)->atick < (*(trackMsg_t**)p1)->atick ? -1 : 1;
// Set the absolute accumulated ticks (atick) value of each track message.
// The absolute accumulated ticks gives a global time ordering for all
// messages in the file.
void _setAccumulateTicks( file_t* p )
trackMsg_t* nextTrkMsg[ p->trkN ]; // next msg in each track
unsigned long long atick = 0;
unsigned i;
bool fl = true;
// iniitalize nextTrkTick[] and nextTrkMsg[] to the first msg in each track
for(i=0; i<p->trkN; ++i)
if((nextTrkMsg[i] = p->trkV[i].base) != NULL )
nextTrkMsg[i]->atick = nextTrkMsg[i]->dtick;
unsigned k = kInvalidIdx;
// find the trk which has the next msg (min atick time)
for(i=0; i<p->trkN; ++i)
if( nextTrkMsg[i]!=NULL && (k==kInvalidIdx || nextTrkMsg[i]->atick < nextTrkMsg[k]->atick) )
k = i;
// no next msg was found - we're done
if( k == kInvalidIdx )
if( fl && nextTrkMsg[k]->dtick > 0 )
fl = false;
nextTrkMsg[k]->dtick = 1;
nextTrkMsg[k]->atick = 1;
// store the current atick
atick = nextTrkMsg[k]->atick;
// advance the selected track to it's next message
nextTrkMsg[k] = nextTrkMsg[k]->link;
// set the selected tracks next atick time
if( nextTrkMsg[k] != NULL )
nextTrkMsg[k]->atick = atick + nextTrkMsg[k]->dtick;
void _setAbsoluteTime( file_t* mfp )
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(mfp);
double microsPerQN = 60000000/120; // default tempo;
double microsPerTick = microsPerQN / mfp->ticksPerQN;
unsigned long long amicro = 0;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<mfp->msgN; ++i)
trackMsg_t* mp = (trackMsg_t*)msgV[i]; // cast away const
unsigned dtick = 0;
if( i > 0 )
// atick must have already been set and sorted
assert( mp->atick >= msgV[i-1]->atick );
dtick = mp->atick - msgV[i-1]->atick;
amicro += microsPerTick * dtick;
mp->amicro = amicro;
// track tempo changes
if( mp->status == kMetaStId && mp->metaId == kTempoMdId )
microsPerTick = mp->u.iVal / mfp->ticksPerQN;
rc_t _close( file_t* mfp )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( mfp == NULL )
return rc;
for(unsigned i=0; i<mfp->trkN; ++i)
trackMsg_t* t = mfp->trkV[i].base;
while( t!=nullptr )
trackMsg_t* t0 = t->link;
if( cwIsFlag(t->flags,kReleaseFl) )
t = t0;
if( mfp->fh.isValid() )
if((rc = cw::file::close( mfp->fh )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file close failed.");
return rc;
void _linearize( file_t* mfp )
unsigned trkIdx,i,j;
if( mfp->msgVDirtyFl == false )
mfp->msgVDirtyFl = false;
// get the total trk msg count
mfp->msgN = 0;
for(trkIdx=0; trkIdx<mfp->trkN; ++trkIdx)
mfp->msgN += mfp->trkV[ trkIdx ].cnt;
// allocate the trk msg index vector: msgV[]
mfp->msgV = mem::resizeZ<trackMsg_t*>( mfp->msgV, mfp->msgN);
// store a pointer to every trk msg in msgV[]
for(i=0,j=0; i<mfp->trkN; ++i)
trackMsg_t* m = mfp->trkV[i].base;
for(; m!=NULL; m=m->link)
assert( j < mfp->msgN );
mfp->msgV[j++] = m;
// set the atick value in each msg
// sort msgV[] in ascending order on atick
qsort( mfp->msgV, mfp->msgN, sizeof(trackMsg_t*), _sortFunc );
// set the amicro value in each msg
// Note that p->msgV[] should always be accessed through this function
// to guarantee that the p->msgVDirtyFl is checked and msgV[] is updated
// in case msgV[] is out of sync (due to inserted msgs (see insertTrackMsg())
// with trkV[].
const trackMsg_t** _msgArray( file_t* p )
// this cast is needed to eliminate an apparently needless 'incompatible type' warning
return (const trackMsg_t**)p->msgV;
rc_t _create( handle_t& hRef )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
file_t* p = NULL;
if((rc = close(hRef)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// allocate the midi file object
if(( p = mem::allocZ<file_t>()) == NULL )
return rc = cwLogError(kObjAllocFailRC,"MIDI file memory allocation failed.");
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
rc_t _write8( file_t* mfp, unsigned char v )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( (rc = cw::file::writeUChar(mfp->fh,&v,1)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file byte write failed.");
return rc;
rc_t _write16( file_t* mfp, unsigned short v )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
v = mfSwap16(v);
if((rc = cw::file::writeUShort(mfp->fh,&v,1)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file short integer write failed.");
return rc;
rc_t _write24( file_t* mfp, unsigned v )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned mask = 0xff0000;
int i;
for(i = 2; i>=0; --i)
unsigned char c = (v & mask) >> (i*8);
mask >>= 8;
if((rc = cw::file::writeUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file 24 bit integer write failed.");
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t _write32( file_t* mfp, unsigned v )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
v = mfSwap32(v);
if((rc = cw::file::writeUInt(mfp->fh,&v,1)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file integer write failed.");
return rc;
rc_t _writeRecd( file_t* mfp, const void* v, unsigned byteCnt )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if((rc = cw::file::writeChar(mfp->fh,(const char*)v,byteCnt)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file write record failed.");
return rc;
rc_t _writeVarLen( file_t* mfp, unsigned v )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned buf = v & 0x7f;
while((v >>= 7) > 0 )
buf <<= 8;
buf |= 0x80;
buf += (v & 0x7f);
unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(buf & 0xff);
if((rc = cw::file::writeUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file variable length integer write failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( buf & 0x80 )
buf >>= 8;
return rc;
rc_t _writeHdr( file_t* mfp )
rc_t rc;
unsigned fileId = 'MThd';
unsigned chunkByteN = 6;
// write the file id ('MThd')
if((rc = _write32(mfp,fileId)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// write the file chunk byte count (always 6)
if((rc = _write32(mfp,chunkByteN)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// write the MIDI file format id (0,1,2)
if((rc = _write16(mfp,mfp->fmtId)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// write the track count
if((rc = _write16(mfp,mfp->trkN)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
unsigned short v = 0;
// if the ticks per quarter note field is valid ...
if( mfp->ticksPerQN )
v = mfp->ticksPerQN;
// ... otherwise the division field was given in smpte
v = mfp->smpteFmtId << 8;
v += mfp->smpteTicksPerFrame;
if((rc = _write16(mfp,v)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
rc_t _writeSysEx( file_t* mfp, trackMsg_t* tmp )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if((rc = _write8(mfp,kSysExMdId)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = cw::file::writeUChar(mfp->fh,tmp->u.sysExPtr,tmp->byteCnt)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Sys-ex msg write failed.");
return rc;
rc_t _writeChannelMsg( file_t* mfp, const trackMsg_t* tmp, uint8_t* runStatus )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned byteN = statusToByteCount(tmp->status);
uint8_t status = tmp->status + tmp->u.chMsgPtr->ch;
if( status != *runStatus )
*runStatus = status;
if((rc = _write8(mfp,status)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _write8(mfp,tmp->u.chMsgPtr->d0)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _write8(mfp,tmp->u.chMsgPtr->d1)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t _writeMetaMsg( file_t* mfp, const trackMsg_t* tmp )
rc_t rc;
if((rc = _write8(mfp,kMetaStId)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
if((rc = _write8(mfp,tmp->metaId)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
switch( tmp->metaId )
case kSeqNumbMdId:
if((rc = _write8(mfp,sizeof(tmp->u.sVal))) == kOkRC )
rc = _write16(mfp,tmp->u.sVal);
case kTempoMdId:
if((rc = _write8(mfp,3)) == kOkRC )
rc = _write24(mfp,tmp->u.iVal);
case kSmpteMdId:
if((rc = _write8(mfp,sizeof(smpte_t))) == kOkRC )
rc = _writeRecd(mfp,tmp->u.smptePtr,sizeof(smpte_t));
case kTimeSigMdId:
if((rc = _write8(mfp,sizeof(timeSig_t))) == kOkRC )
rc = _writeRecd(mfp,tmp->u.timeSigPtr,sizeof(timeSig_t));
case kKeySigMdId:
if((rc = _write8(mfp,sizeof(keySig_t))) == kOkRC )
rc = _writeRecd(mfp,tmp->u.keySigPtr,sizeof(keySig_t));
case kSeqSpecMdId:
if((rc = _writeVarLen(mfp,sizeof(tmp->byteCnt))) == kOkRC )
rc = _writeRecd(mfp,tmp->u.sysExPtr,tmp->byteCnt);
case kMidiChMdId:
if((rc = _write8(mfp,sizeof(tmp->u.bVal))) == kOkRC )
rc = _write8(mfp,tmp->u.bVal);
case kMidiPortMdId:
if((rc = _write8(mfp,sizeof(tmp->u.bVal))) == kOkRC )
rc = _write8(mfp,tmp->u.bVal);
case kEndOfTrkMdId:
rc = _write8(mfp,0);
case kTextMdId:
case kCopyMdId:
case kTrkNameMdId:
case kInstrNameMdId:
case kLyricsMdId:
case kMarkerMdId:
case kCuePointMdId:
unsigned n = tmp->u.text==NULL ? 0 : strlen(tmp->u.text);
if((rc = _writeVarLen(mfp,n)) == kOkRC && n>0 )
rc = _writeRecd(mfp,tmp->u.text,n);
// ignore unknown meta messages
return rc;
rc_t _insertEotMsg( file_t* p, unsigned trkIdx )
track_t* trk = p->trkV + trkIdx;
trackMsg_t* m0 = NULL;
trackMsg_t* m = trk->base;
// locate the current EOT msg on this track
for(; m!=NULL; m=m->link)
if( m->status == kMetaStId && m->metaId == kEndOfTrkMdId )
// If this EOT msg is the last msg in the track ...
if( m->link == NULL )
assert( m == trk->last );
return kOkRC; // ... then there is nothing else to do
// If this EOT msg is not the last in the track ...
if( m0 != NULL )
m0->link = m->link; // ... then unlink it
m0 = m;
// if we get here then the last msg in the track was not an EOT msg
// if there was no previously allocated EOT msg
if( m == NULL )
m = _allocMsg(p, trkIdx, 1, kMetaStId );
m->metaId = kEndOfTrkMdId;
trk->cnt += 1;
// link an EOT msg as the last msg on the track
// if the track is currently empty
if( m0 == NULL )
trk->base = m;
trk->last = m;
else // link the msg as the last on on the track
assert( m0 == trk->last);
m0->link = m;
m->link = NULL;
trk->last = m;
return kOkRC;
rc_t _writeTrack( file_t* mfp, unsigned trkIdx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
trackMsg_t* tmp = mfp->trkV[trkIdx].base;
uint8_t runStatus = 0;
// be sure there is a EOT msg at the end of this track
if((rc = _insertEotMsg(mfp, trkIdx )) != kOkRC )
return rc;
for(; tmp != NULL; tmp=tmp->link)
// write the msg tick count
if((rc = _writeVarLen(mfp,tmp->dtick)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// switch on status
switch( tmp->status )
// handle sys-ex msg
case kSysExMdId:
rc = _writeSysEx(mfp,tmp);
// handle meta msg
case kMetaStId:
rc = _writeMetaMsg(mfp,tmp);
// handle channel msg
rc = _writeChannelMsg(mfp,tmp,&runStatus);
return rc;
trackMsg_t* _uidToMsg( file_t* mfp, unsigned uid )
unsigned i;
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(mfp);
for(i=0; i<mfp->msgN; ++i)
if( msgV[i]->uid == uid )
return (trackMsg_t*)msgV[i];
return NULL;
// Returns NULL if uid is not found or if it the first msg on the track.
trackMsg_t* _msgBeforeUid( file_t* p, unsigned uid )
trackMsg_t* m;
if((m = _uidToMsg(p,uid)) == NULL )
return NULL;
assert( m->trkIdx < p->trkN );
trackMsg_t* m0 = NULL;
trackMsg_t* m1 = p->trkV[ m->trkIdx ].base;
for(; m1!=NULL; m1 = m1->link)
if( m1->uid == uid )
m0 = m1;
return m0;
unsigned _isMsgFirstOnTrack( file_t* p, unsigned uid )
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->trkN; ++i)
if( p->trkV[i].base!=NULL && p->trkV[i].base->uid == uid )
return i;
return kInvalidIdx;
unsigned _isEndMsg( trackMsg_t* m, trackMsg_t** endMsgArray, unsigned n )
unsigned i = 0;
for(; i<n; ++i)
if( endMsgArray[i] == m )
return i;
return kInvalidIdx;
bool _allEndMsgFound( trackMsg_t** noteMsgArray, unsigned n0, trackMsg_t** pedalMsgArray, unsigned n1 )
unsigned i=0;
for(; i<n0; ++i)
if( noteMsgArray[i] != NULL )
return false;
for(i=0; i<n1; ++i)
if( pedalMsgArray[i] != NULL )
return false;
return true;
void _setDur( trackMsg_t* m0, trackMsg_t* m1 )
// calculate the duration of the sounding note
((chMsg_t*)m0->u.chMsgPtr)->durMicros = m1->amicro - m0->amicro;
// set the note-off msg pointer
((chMsg_t*)m0->u.chMsgPtr)->end = m1;
bool _calcNoteDur( trackMsg_t* m0, trackMsg_t* m1, int noteGateFl, int sustainGateFl, bool sostGateFl )
// if the note is being kept sounding because the key is still depressed,
// the sustain pedal is down or it is being held by the sostenuto pedal ....
if( noteGateFl>0 || sustainGateFl>0 || sostGateFl )
return false; // ... do nothing
return true;
rc_t _testReport( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const char* fn = nullptr;
if((rc = cfg->getv("midiFn",fn)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Invalid parameter to MIDI file report test.");
char* mfn = filesys::expandPath(fn);
rc = report(mfn,log::globalHandle() );
return rc;
rc_t _testCsv( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const char* midiFn = nullptr;
const char* csvFn = nullptr;
if((rc = cfg->getv("midiFn",midiFn,"csvFn",csvFn)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Invalid parameter to MIDI to CSV file conversion.");
char* mfn = filesys::expandPath(midiFn);
char* cfn = filesys::expandPath(csvFn);
rc = genCsvFile(mfn,cfn );
return rc;
rc_t _testBatchConvert( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc;
const char* io_dir = nullptr;
const char* session_dir = nullptr;
unsigned take_begin = 0;
unsigned take_end = 0;
bool printWarningsFl = true;
if((rc = cfg->getv("io_dir",io_dir,
"print_warnings_flag",printWarningsFl)) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file batch convert to CSV failed.");
for(unsigned i=take_begin; i<=take_end; ++i)
char take_dir[32];
char* src_midi_fn = filesys::makeFn( io_dir, "midi", ".mid", session_dir, take_dir, nullptr );
char* dst_csv_fn = filesys::makeFn( io_dir, "midi", ".csv", session_dir, take_dir, nullptr );
char* sm_fn = filesys::expandPath( src_midi_fn );
char* dm_fn = filesys::expandPath( dst_csv_fn );
//rc = genCsvFile(mfn,cfn );
cwLogInfo("Midi to CSV: src:%s dst:%s\n", sm_fn,dm_fn);
if((rc = genCsvFile(sm_fn, dm_fn, printWarningsFl )) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"MIDI to CSV Conversion failed on %s to %s.",sm_fn,dm_fn);
return rc;
rc_t _testRptBeginEnd( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc;
const char* midi_fname = nullptr;
unsigned msg_cnt = 0;
bool noteon_only_fl;
if((rc = cfg->getv("midi_fname",midi_fname,
"note_on_only_fl", noteon_only_fl,
"msg_cnt",msg_cnt)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file rpt beg/end arg. parse failed.");
goto errLabel;
if((rc = report_begin_end(midi_fname,msg_cnt,noteon_only_fl)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file rpt beg/end failed.");
goto errLabel;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::open( handle_t& hRef, const char* fn ){
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned short trkIdx = 0;
if((rc = _create(hRef)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
file_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef);
// open the file
if((rc = cw::file::open(p->fh,fn, cw::file::kReadFl | cw::file::kBinaryFl)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file open failed.");
goto errLabel;
// read header and setup track array
if(( rc = _readHdr(p)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
while( !cw::file::eof(p->fh) && trkIdx < p->trkN )
unsigned chkId = 0,chkN=0;
// read the chunk id
if((rc = _read32(p,&chkId)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// read the chunk size
if((rc = _read32(p,&chkN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// if this is not a trk chunk then skip it
if( chkId != (unsigned)'MTrk')
//if( fseek( p->fp, chkN, SEEK_CUR) != 0 )
if((rc = cw::file::seek(p->fh,cw::file::kCurFl,chkN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file seek failed.");
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _readTrack(p,trkIdx)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// store the file name
p->fn = mem::duplStr(fn);
p->msgVDirtyFl = true;
if((rc = cw::file::close(p->fh)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file close failed.");
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::create( handle_t& hRef, unsigned trkN, unsigned ticksPerQN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if((rc = _create(hRef)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
file_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef);
p->ticksPerQN = ticksPerQN;
p->fmtId = 1;
p->trkN = trkN;
p->trkV = mem::allocZ<track_t>(p->trkN);
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::close( handle_t& hRef )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( !hRef.isValid() )
return kOkRC;
file_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef);
if((rc = _close(p)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::write( handle_t h, const char* fn )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
file_t* mfp = _handleToPtr(h);
unsigned i;
// create the output file
if( (rc = cw::file::open(mfp->fh,fn,cw::file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"The MIDI file '%s' could not be created.",cwStringNullGuard(fn));
// write the file header
if((rc = _writeHdr(mfp)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The file header write failed on the MIDI file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn));
goto errLabel;
for(i=0; i < mfp->trkN; ++i )
unsigned chkId = 'MTrk';
long offs0,offs1;
// write the track chunk id ('MTrk')
if((rc = _write32(mfp,chkId)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// write the track chunk size as zero
if((rc = _write32(mfp,0)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _writeTrack(mfp,i)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
unsigned cw::midi::file::trackCount( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidCnt;
return mfp->trkN;
unsigned cw::midi::file::fileType( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidId;
return mfp->fmtId;
const char* cw::midi::file::filename( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return NULL;
return mfp->fn;
unsigned cw::midi::file::ticksPerQN( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidCnt;
return mfp->ticksPerQN;
uint8_t cw::midi::file::ticksPerSmpteFrame( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidMidiByte;
if( mfp->ticksPerQN != 0 )
return 0;
return mfp->smpteTicksPerFrame;
uint8_t cw::midi::file::smpteFormatId( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidMidiByte;
if( mfp->ticksPerQN != 0 )
return 0;
return mfp->smpteFmtId;
unsigned cw::midi::file::trackMsgCount( handle_t h, unsigned trackIdx )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidCnt;
return mfp->trkV[trackIdx].cnt;
const cw::midi::file::trackMsg_t* cw::midi::file::trackMsg( handle_t h, unsigned trackIdx )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return NULL;
return mfp->trkV[trackIdx].base;
unsigned cw::midi::file::msgCount( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidCnt;
return mfp->msgN;
const cw::midi::file::trackMsg_t** cw::midi::file::msgArray( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return NULL;
return _msgArray(mfp);
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::setVelocity( handle_t h, unsigned uid, uint8_t vel )
trackMsg_t* r;
file_t* mfp = _handleToPtr(h);
assert( mfp != NULL );
if((r = _uidToMsg(mfp,uid)) == NULL )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI file uid %i could not be found.",uid);
if( midi::isNoteOnStatus(r->status) == false && midi::isNoteOff(r->status,(uint8_t)0)==false )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Cannot set velocity on a non-Note-On/Off msg.");
chMsg_t* chm = (chMsg_t*)r->u.chMsgPtr;
chm->d1 = vel;
return kOkRC;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::insertMsg( handle_t h, unsigned uid, int dtick, uint8_t ch, uint8_t status, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1 )
file_t* mfp = _handleToPtr(h);
assert( mfp != NULL );
trackMsg_t* ref = NULL;
unsigned trkIdx = kInvalidIdx;
// if dtick is positive ...
if( dtick >= 0 )
ref = _uidToMsg(mfp,uid); // ... then get the ref. msg.
trkIdx = ref->trkIdx;
else // if dtick is negative ...
// ... get get the msg before the ref. msg.
if((ref = _msgBeforeUid(mfp,uid)) != NULL )
trkIdx = ref->trkIdx;
// ... the ref. msg was first in the track so there is no msg before it
trkIdx = _isMsgFirstOnTrack(mfp,uid);
// verify that the reference msg was found
if( trkIdx == kInvalidIdx )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The UID (%i) reference note could not be located.",uid);
assert( trkIdx < mfp->trkN );
// complete the msg setup
track_t* trk = mfp->trkV + trkIdx;
trackMsg_t* m = _allocMsg(mfp, trkIdx, abs(dtick), status );
chMsg_t* c = mem::allocZ<chMsg_t>();
m->u.chMsgPtr = c;
m->flags |= kReleaseFl;
c->ch = ch;
c->d0 = d0;
c->d1 = d1;
// if 'm' is prior to the first msg in the track
if( ref == NULL )
// ... then make 'm' the first msg in the first msg
m->link = trk->base;
trk->base = m;
// 'm' is before ref and the track cannot be empty (because ref is in it) 'm'
// can never be the last msg in the list
else // ref is the msg before 'm'
m->link = ref->link;
ref->link = m;
// if ref was the last msg in the trk ...
if( trk->last == ref )
trk->last = m; //... then 'm' is now the last msg in the trk
trk->cnt += 1;
mfp->msgVDirtyFl = true;
return kOkRC;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::insertTrackMsg( handle_t h, unsigned trkIdx, const trackMsg_t* msg )
file_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
// validate the track index
if( trkIdx >= p->trkN )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The track index (%i) is invalid.",trkIdx);
// allocate a new track record
trackMsg_t* m = (trackMsg_t*)mem::allocZ<char>(sizeof(trackMsg_t)+msg->byteCnt);
// fill the track record
m->uid = p->nextUid++;
m->atick = msg->atick;
m->status = msg->status;
m->metaId = msg->metaId;
m->trkIdx = trkIdx;
m->byteCnt = msg->byteCnt;
// copy the exernal data
if( msg->byteCnt > 0 )
m->u.voidPtr = (m+1);
trackMsg_t* m0 = NULL; // msg before insertion
trackMsg_t* m1 = p->trkV[trkIdx].base; // msg after insertion
// locate the track record before and after the new msg based on 'atick' value
for(; m1!=NULL; m1=m1->link)
if( m1->atick > m->atick )
if( m0 == NULL )
p->trkV[trkIdx].base = m;
m0->link = m;
m->link = m1;
m0 = m1;
// if the new track record was not inserted then it is the last msg
if( m1 == NULL )
assert(m0 == p->trkV[trkIdx].last);
// link in the new msg
if( m0 != NULL )
m0->link = m;
// the new msg always becomes the last msg
p->trkV[trkIdx].last = m;
// if the new msg is the first msg inserted in this track
if( p->trkV[trkIdx].base == NULL )
p->trkV[trkIdx].base = m;
// set the dtick field of the new msg
if( m0 != NULL )
assert( m->atick >= m0->atick );
m->dtick = m->atick - m0->atick;
// update the dtick field of the msg following the new msg
if( m1 != NULL )
assert( m1->atick >= m->atick );
m1->dtick = m1->atick - m->atick;
p->trkV[trkIdx].cnt += 1;
p->msgVDirtyFl = true;
return kOkRC;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::insertTrackChMsg( handle_t h, unsigned trkIdx, unsigned atick, uint8_t status, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1 )
trackMsg_t m;
chMsg_t cm;
cm.ch = status & 0x0f;
cm.d0 = d0;
cm.d1 = d1;
m.atick = atick;
m.status = status & 0xf0;
m.byteCnt = sizeof(cm);
m.u.chMsgPtr = &cm;
assert( m.status >= kNoteOffMdId && m.status <= kPbendMdId );
return insertTrackMsg(h,trkIdx,&m);
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::insertTrackTempoMsg( handle_t h, unsigned trkIdx, unsigned atick, unsigned bpm )
trackMsg_t m;
m.atick = atick;
m.status = kMetaStId;
m.metaId = kTempoMdId;
m.u.iVal = 60000000/bpm; // convert BPM to microsPerQN
return insertTrackMsg(h,trkIdx,&m);
unsigned cw::midi::file::seekUsecs( handle_t h, unsigned long long offsUSecs, unsigned* msgUsecsPtr, unsigned* microsPerTickPtr )
file_t* p;
if((p = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidIdx;
if( p->msgN == 0 )
return kInvalidIdx;
unsigned mi;
double microsPerQN = 60000000.0/120.0;
double microsPerTick = microsPerQN / p->ticksPerQN;
double accUSecs = 0;
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(p);
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
const trackMsg_t* mp = msgV[mi];
if( mp->amicro >= offsUSecs )
if( mi == p->msgN )
return kInvalidIdx;
if( msgUsecsPtr != NULL )
*msgUsecsPtr = round(accUSecs - offsUSecs);
if( microsPerTickPtr != NULL )
*microsPerTickPtr = round(microsPerTick);
return mi;
1.Move closest previous tempo msg to begin.
2.The first msg in each track must be the first msg >= begin.time
3.Remove all msgs > end.time - except the 'endMsg' for each note/pedal that is active at end time.
double cw::midi::file::durSecs( handle_t h )
file_t* mfp = _handleToPtr(h);
if( mfp->msgN == 0 )
return 0;
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(mfp);
return msgV[ mfp->msgN-1 ]->amicro / 1000000.0;
void cw::midi::file::calcNoteDurations( handle_t h, unsigned flags )
file_t* p;
bool warningFl = cwIsFlag(flags,kWarningsMfFl);
if((p = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
if( p->msgN == 0 )
unsigned mi = kInvalidId;
trackMsg_t* noteM[ kMidiNoteCnt * kMidiChCnt ]; // ptr to note-on or NULL if the note is not sounding
trackMsg_t* sustV[ kMidiChCnt ]; // ptr to last sustain pedal down msg or NULL if susteain pedal is not down
trackMsg_t* sostV[ kMidiChCnt ]; // ptr to last sost. pedal down msg or NULL if sost. pedal is not down
int noteGateM[ kMidiNoteCnt * kMidiChCnt ]; // true if the associated note key is depressed
bool sostGateM[ kMidiNoteCnt * kMidiChCnt ]; // true if the associated note was active when the sost. pedal went down
int sustGateV[ kMidiChCnt]; // true if the associated sustain pedal is down
int sostGateV[ kMidiChCnt]; // true if the associated sostenuto pedal is down
unsigned i,j;
unsigned n = 0;
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(p);
// initialize the state tracking variables
for(i=0; i<kMidiChCnt; ++i)
sustV[i] = NULL;
sustGateV[i] = 0;
sostV[i] = NULL;
sostGateV[i] = 0;
for(j=0; j<kMidiNoteCnt; ++j)
noteM[ i*kMidiNoteCnt + j ] = NULL;
noteGateM[ i*kMidiNoteCnt + j ] = 0;
sostGateM[ i*kMidiNoteCnt + j ] = false;
// for each midi event
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
trackMsg_t* m = (trackMsg_t*)msgV[mi]; // cast away const
// verify that time is also incrementing
assert( mi==0 || (mi>0 && m->amicro >= msgV[mi-1]->amicro) );
// ignore all non-channel messages
if( !isChStatus( m->status ) )
uint8_t ch = m->u.chMsgPtr->ch; // get the midi msg channel
uint8_t d0 = m->u.chMsgPtr->d0; // get the midi msg data value
// if this is a note-on msg
if( isNoteOn(m) )
unsigned k = ch*kMidiNoteCnt + d0;
// if the note gate is not activated (i.e. key is up) but the note is still sounding (e.g. held by pedal)
if( noteGateM[k] == 0 && noteM[k] != NULL )
//if( warningFl )
// cwLogWarning("%i : Missing note-off instance for note on:%s",m->uid,midi::midiToSciPitch(d0,NULL,0));
if( cwIsFlag(flags,kDropReattacksMfFl) )
m->flags |= kDropTrkMsgFl;
n += 1;
// if this is a re-attack
if( noteM[k] != NULL )
noteGateM[k] += 1;
else // this is a new attack
noteM[k] = m;
noteGateM[k] = 1;
// if this is a note-off msg
if( isNoteOff(m) )
unsigned k = ch*kMidiNoteCnt + d0;
trackMsg_t* m0 = noteM[k];
if( m0 == NULL )
if( warningFl )
cwLogWarning("%i : Missing note-on instance for note-off:%s",m->uid,midi::midiToSciPitch(d0,NULL,0));
// a key was released - so it should not already be up
if( noteGateM[k]==0 )
if( warningFl )
cwLogWarning("%i : Missing note-on for note-off:%s",m->uid,midi::midiToSciPitch(d0,NULL,0));
noteGateM[k] -= 1; // update the note gate state
// update the sounding note status
if( _calcNoteDur(m0, m, noteGateM[k], sustGateV[ch], sostGateM[k]) )
noteM[k] = NULL;
// This is a sustain-pedal down msg
if( isSustainPedalDown(m) )
// if the sustain channel is already down
if( warningFl && sustGateV[ch] )
cwLogWarning("%i : The sustain pedal went down twice with no intervening release.",m->uid);
sustGateV[ch] += 1;
if( sustV[ch] == NULL )
sustV[ch] = m;
// This is a sustain-pedal up msg
if( isSustainPedalUp(m) )
// if the sustain channel is already up
if( warningFl && sustGateV[ch]==0 )
cwLogWarning("%i : The sustain pedal release message was received with no previous pedal down.",m->uid);
if( sustGateV[ch] >= 1 )
sustGateV[ch] -= 1;
if( sustGateV[ch] == 0 )
int k = ch*kMidiNoteCnt;
// for each sounding note on this channel
for(; k<ch*kMidiNoteCnt+kMidiNoteCnt; ++k)
if( noteM[k]!=NULL && _calcNoteDur(noteM[k], m, noteGateM[k], sustGateV[ch], sostGateM[k]) )
noteM[k] = NULL;
if( sustV[ch] != NULL )
((chMsg_t*)sustV[ch]->u.chMsgPtr)->end = m; // set the pedal-up msg ptr. in the pedal-down msg.
sustV[ch] = NULL;
// This is a sostenuto pedal-down msg
if( isSostenutoPedalDown(m) )
// if the sustain channel is already down
if( warningFl && sostGateV[ch] )
cwLogWarning("%i : The sostenuto pedal went down twice with no intervening release.",m->uid);
// record the notes that are active when the sostenuto pedal went down
unsigned k = ch * kMidiNoteCnt;
for(i=0; i<kMidiNoteCnt; ++i)
sostGateM[k+i] = noteGateM[k+i] > 0;
sostGateV[ch] += 1;
// This is a sostenuto pedal-up msg
if( isSostenutoPedalUp(m) )
// if the sustain channel is already up
if( warningFl && sostGateV[ch]==0 )
cwLogWarning("%i : The sostenuto pedal release message was received with no previous pedal down.",m->uid);
if( sostGateV[ch] >= 1 )
sostGateV[ch] -= 1;
if( sostGateV[ch] == 0 )
int k = ch*kMidiNoteCnt;
// for each note on this channel
for(; k<ch*kMidiNoteCnt+kMidiNoteCnt; ++k)
sostGateM[k] = false;
if( noteM[k]!=NULL && _calcNoteDur(noteM[k], m, noteGateM[k], sustGateV[ch], sostGateM[k]) )
noteM[k] = NULL;
if( sostV[ch] != NULL )
((chMsg_t*)sostV[ch]->u.chMsgPtr)->end = m; // set the pedal-up msg ptr. in the pedal-down msg.
sostV[ch] = NULL;
} // for each midi file event
if( warningFl )
unsigned sustChN = 0; // count of channels where the sustain pedal was left on at the end of the file
unsigned sostChN = 0; // sostenuto
unsigned sustInstN = 0; // count of sustain on with no previous sustain off
unsigned sostInstN = 0; // sostenuto on
unsigned noteN = 0; // count of notes left on at the end of the file
unsigned noteInstN = 0; // count of reattacks
// initialize the state tracking variables
for(i=0; i<kMidiChCnt; ++i)
if( sustV[i]!=NULL )
sustChN += 1;
sustInstN += sustGateV[i];
if( sostV[i] != NULL )
sostChN += 1;
sostInstN += sostGateV[i] = 0;
for(j=0; j<kMidiNoteCnt; ++j)
noteN += noteM[ i*kMidiNoteCnt + j ] != NULL;
noteInstN += noteGateM[ i*kMidiNoteCnt + j ];
cwLogWarning("note:%i inst:%i sustain: %i inst: %i sost: %i inst: %i",noteN,noteInstN,sustChN,sustInstN,sostChN,sostInstN);
// drop
if( cwIsFlag(flags,kDropReattacksMfFl) )
void cw::midi::file::setDelay( handle_t h, unsigned ticks )
file_t* p;
unsigned mi;
if((p = _handleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(p);
if( p->msgN == 0 )
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
trackMsg_t* mp = (trackMsg_t*)msgV[mi]; // cast away const
// locate the first msg which has a non-zero delta tick
if( mp->dtick > 0 )
mp->dtick = ticks;
namespace cw
namespace midi
namespace file
void _printHdr( const file_t* mfp, log::handle_t logH )
if( mfp->fn != NULL )
cwLogPrintH(logH,"fmt:%i ticksPerQN:%i tracks:%i\n",mfp->fmtId,mfp->ticksPerQN,mfp->trkN);
cwLogPrintH(logH," UID trk dtick atick amicro type ch D0 D1\n");
cwLogPrintH(logH,"----- --- ---------- ---------- ---------- : ---- --- --- ---\n");
void _printMsg( log::handle_t logH, const trackMsg_t* tmp )
cwLogPrintH(logH,"%5i %3i %10u %10llu %10llu : ",
tmp->amicro );
if( tmp->status == kMetaStId )
switch( tmp->metaId )
case kTempoMdId:
cwLogPrintH(logH,"%s bpm %i", metaStatusToLabel(tmp->metaId),60000000 / tmp->u.iVal);
case kTimeSigMdId:
cwLogPrintH(logH,"%s %i %i", metaStatusToLabel(tmp->metaId), tmp->u.timeSigPtr->num,tmp->u.timeSigPtr->den);
cwLogPrintH(logH,"%s ", metaStatusToLabel(tmp->metaId));
cwLogPrintH(logH,"%4s %3i %3i %3i",
if( midi::isChStatus(tmp->status) && midi::isNoteOn(tmp->status,tmp->u.chMsgPtr->d1) )
cwLogPrintH(logH," %4s ",midi::midiToSciPitch(tmp->u.chMsgPtr->d0,NULL,0));
rc_t _printCsvHdr( cw::file::handle_t fH )
return cw::file::printf(fH,"UID,trk,dtick,atick,amicro,type,ch,D0,D1,sci_pitch\n");
rc_t _printCsvRow( cw::file::handle_t fH, const trackMsg_t* m )
m->amicro );
if( m->status == kMetaStId )
switch( m->metaId )
case kTempoMdId:
cw::file::printf(fH,",%s,%i,bpm,", metaStatusToLabel(m->metaId),60000000 / m->u.iVal);
case kTimeSigMdId:
cw::file::printf(fH,",%s,%i,%i,", metaStatusToLabel(m->metaId), m->u.timeSigPtr->num,m->u.timeSigPtr->den);
cw::file::printf(fH,",%s,,,", metaStatusToLabel(m->metaId));
bool fl = midi::isChStatus(m->status) && midi::isNoteOn(m->status,m->u.chMsgPtr->d1);
cw::file::printf(fH,",%4s",fl ? midi::midiToSciPitch(m->u.chMsgPtr->d0,NULL,0) : "");
return cw::file::printf(fH,"\n");
void cw::midi::file::printMsgs( handle_t h, log::handle_t logH )
file_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
unsigned mi;
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(p);
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
const trackMsg_t* mp = msgV[mi];
if( mp != NULL )
void cw::midi::file::printTrack( handle_t h, unsigned trkIdx, log::handle_t logH )
const file_t* mfp = _handleToPtr(h);
int i = trkIdx == kInvalidIdx ? 0 : trkIdx;
int n = trkIdx == kInvalidIdx ? mfp->trkN : trkIdx+1;
for(; i<n; ++i)
trackMsg_t* tmp = mfp->trkV[i].base;
while( tmp != NULL )
tmp = tmp->link;
cw::midi::file::density_t* cw::midi::file::noteDensity( handle_t h, unsigned* cntRef )
int msgN = msgCount(h);
const trackMsg_t** msgs = msgArray(h);
density_t* dV = mem::allocZ<density_t>(msgN);
int i,j,k;
for(i=0,k=0; i<msgN && k<msgN; ++i)
if( msgs[i]->status == kNoteOnMdId && msgs[i]->u.chMsgPtr->d1 > 0 )
dV[k].uid = msgs[i]->uid;
dV[k].amicro = msgs[i]->amicro;
// count the number of notes occuring in the time window
// between this note and one second prior to this note.
for(j=i; j>=0; --j)
if( msgs[i]->amicro - msgs[j]->amicro > 1000000 )
dV[k].density += 1;
k += 1;
if( cntRef != NULL )
*cntRef = k;
return dV;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::genPlotFile( const char* midiFn, const char* outFn )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
handle_t mfH;
cw::file::handle_t fH;
unsigned i = 0;
const trackMsg_t** m = NULL;
unsigned mN = 0;
if((rc = open( mfH, midiFn )) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"The MIDI file object could not be opened from '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(midiFn));
if( (m = msgArray(mfH)) == NULL || (mN = msgCount(mfH)) == 0 )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI file object appears to be empty.");
goto errLabel;
calcNoteDurations( mfH, 0 );
if((rc = cw::file::open(fH,outFn,cw::file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"Unable to create the file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(outFn));
for(i=0; i<mN; ++i)
if( (m[i]!=NULL) && midi::isChStatus(m[i]->status) && midi::isNoteOn(m[i]->status,m[i]->u.chMsgPtr->d1) )
cw::file::printf(fH,"n %f %f %i %s\n",m[i]->amicro/1000000.0,m[i]->u.chMsgPtr->durMicros/1000000.0,m[i]->uid,midi::midiToSciPitch(m[i]->u.chMsgPtr->d0,NULL,0));
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::genCsvFile( const char* midiFn, const char* csvFn, bool printWarningsFl)
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
handle_t mfH;
cw::file::handle_t fH;
if((rc = open( mfH, midiFn )) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(rc,"The MIDI file object could not be opened from '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(midiFn));
calcNoteDurations( mfH, printWarningsFl ? kWarningsMfFl : 0 );
if((rc = cw::file::open(fH, csvFn,cw::file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to create the CSV file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(csvFn));
goto errLabel;
file_t* p = _handleToPtr(mfH);
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(p);
for(unsigned mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
const trackMsg_t* mp = msgV[mi];
if( mp != NULL )
_printCsvRow(fH, mp );
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::genSvgFile( cmCtx_t* ctx, const char* midiFn, const char* outSvgFn, const char* cssFn, bool standAloneFl, bool panZoomFl )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
cmSvgH_t svgH = cmSvgNullHandle;
handle_t mfH = nullHandle;
unsigned msgN = 0;
const trackMsg_t** msgs = NULL;
unsigned noteHeight = 10;
double micros_per_sec = 1000.0;
unsigned i;
if((rc = open(ctx,&mfH,midiFn)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to open the MIDI file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(midiFn));
goto errLabel;
calcNoteDurations( mfH, 0 );
msgN = msgCount(mfH);
msgs = msgArray(mfH);
if( cmSvgWriterAlloc(ctx,&svgH) != kOkSvgRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSvgFailMfRC,"Unable to create the MIDI SVG output file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(outSvgFn));
goto errLabel;
for(i=0; i<msgN && rc==kOkRC; ++i)
if( msgs[i]->status == kNoteOnMdId && msgs[i]->u.chMsgPtr->d1 > 0 )
const trackMsg_t* m = msgs[i];
if( cmSvgWriterRect(svgH, m->amicro/micros_per_sec, m->u.chMsgPtr->d0 * noteHeight, m->u.chMsgPtr->durMicros/micros_per_sec, noteHeight-1, "note" ) != kOkSvgRC )
rc = kSvgFailMfRC;
const char* t0 = toSciPitch(m->u.chMsgPtr->d0,NULL,0);
if( cmSvgWriterText(svgH, (m->amicro + (m->u.chMsgPtr->durMicros/2)) / micros_per_sec, m->u.chMsgPtr->d0 * noteHeight, t0, "text" ) != kOkSvgRC )
rc = kSvgFailMfRC;
if( rc != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"SVG Shape insertion failed.");
goto errLabel;
unsigned dN = 0;
density_t* dV = noteDensity( mfH, &dN );
double t0 = 0;
double y0 = 64.0;
char* tx = NULL;
for(i = 0; i<dN; ++i)
const trackMsg_t* m;
if((m = _uidToMsg( _handleToPtr(mfH), dV[i].uid )) == NULL )
rc = cwLogError(kUidNotFoundMfRC,"The MIDI msg form UID:%i was not found.",dV[i].uid);
double t1 = m->amicro / micros_per_sec;
double y1 = dV[i].density * noteHeight;
cmSvgWriterLine(svgH, t0, y0, t1, y1, "density" );
cmSvgWriterText(svgH, t1, y1, tx = cmTsPrintfP(tx,"%i",dV[i].density),"dtext");
t0 = t1;
y0 = y1;
if( rc == kOkRC )
if( cmSvgWriterWrite(svgH,cssFn,outSvgFn, standAloneFl, panZoomFl) != kOkSvgRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSvgFailMfRC,"SVG file write to '%s' failed.",cwStringNullGuard(outSvgFn));
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::report( const char* midiFn, log::handle_t logH )
handle_t mfH;
rc_t rc;
if((rc = open(mfH,midiFn)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to open the MIDI file: %s\n",cwStringNullGuard(midiFn));
goto errLabel;
printMsgs(mfH, logH );
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::report_begin_end( const char* midiFn, unsigned msg_cnt, bool noteon_only_fl, log::handle_t logH )
handle_t mfH;
rc_t rc;
// Selector function
auto sel = []( auto noteon_fl, const trackMsg_t* m){ return (m!=nullptr) && ((!noteon_fl) || (noteon_fl && isNoteOn(m))); };
if( !logH.isValid() )
logH = log::globalHandle();
if((rc = open(mfH,midiFn)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to open the MIDI file: %s\n",cwStringNullGuard(midiFn));
goto errLabel;
file_t* p = _handleToPtr(mfH);
msg_cnt = std::min(msg_cnt,p->msgN);
const trackMsg_t** msgV = _msgArray(p);
unsigned mn = 0;
for(unsigned mi=0; mn<msg_cnt && mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
if( sel(noteon_only_fl,msgV[mi] ) )
if( p->msgN > 0 )
int mi = p->msgN-1;
for(mn=0; mn<msg_cnt && mi>=0; --mi)
if( sel(noteon_only_fl,msgV[mi]) )
for(; mi<(int)p->msgN; ++mi)
if( sel(noteon_only_fl,msgV[mi]) )
return rc;
void cw::midi::file::printControlNumbers( const char* fn )
handle_t h;
rc_t rc;
if((rc = open( h, fn )) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file open failed on '%s'.",fn);
goto errLabel;
const trackMsg_t** mm;
unsigned n = msgCount(h);
if((mm = msgArray(h)) != NULL )
unsigned j;
for(j=0; j<n; ++j)
const trackMsg_t* m = mm[j];
if( m->status == kCtlMdId && m->u.chMsgPtr->d0==66 )
printf("%i %i\n",m->u.chMsgPtr->d0,m->u.chMsgPtr->d1);
cw::rc_t cw::midi::file::test( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* o;
for(unsigned i=0; i<cfg->child_count(); ++i)
if((o = cfg->child_ele(i)) != nullptr )
if( textIsEqual(o->pair_label(),"rpt") )
rc = _testReport(o->pair_value());
if( textIsEqual(o->pair_label(),"csv") )
rc = _testCsv(o->pair_value());
if( textIsEqual(o->pair_label(),"batch_convert") )
rc = _testBatchConvert(o->pair_value());
if( textIsEqual(o->pair_label(),"rpt_beg_end") )
rc = _testRptBeginEnd(o->pair_value());
return rc;
#ifdef NOT_DEF
rc_t rc;
handle_t h;
log::handle_t logH = log::globalHandle();
if((rc = open(h,fn)) != kOkRC )
printf("Error:%i Unable to open the file: %s\n",rc,fn);
calcNoteDurations( h, 0 );
if( 1 )
//tickToMicros( h );
if( 0 )
printControlNumbers( fn );
if( 0 )
unsigned i = 0;
for(i=0; i<msgCount(h); ++i)
trackMsg_t* tmp = (trackMsg_t*)msgArray(h)[i];
if( tmp->status==kMetaStId && tmp->metaId == kTempoMdId )
double bpm = 60000000.0/tmp->u.iVal;
printf("Tempo:%i %f\n",tmp->u.iVal,bpm);
tmp->u.iVal = floor( 60000000.0/69.0 );