Audio file in processor now has a 'seekSecs' and 'onOffFl' parameter. Audio mixer now works as a stereo mixer. PV Analysis proc now can have variable window length.
2604 lines
72 KiB
2604 lines
72 KiB
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwAudioFile.h"
#include "cwVectOps.h"
#include "cwMtx.h"
#include "cwDspTypes.h" // real_t, sample_t
#include "cwFlow.h"
#include "cwFlowTypes.h"
#include "cwFlowProc.h"
#include "cwFile.h"
#include "cwMath.h"
#include "cwDsp.h"
#include "cwAudioTransforms.h"
#include "cwDspTransforms.h"
namespace cw
namespace flow
// Template
namespace template_proc
typedef struct
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// Custom create code goes here
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
// Custom clean-up code goes here
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
//inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// balance
namespace balance
typedef struct
real_t value;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
real_t in_value = 0.5;
ctx->userPtr = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx, kInPId, "in", in_value )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, kAnyChIdx,
kOutPId, "out", in_value,
kInvOutPId, "inv_out", (real_t)(1.0-in_value) )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
mem::release( ctx->userPtr );
return kOkRC;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
return kOkRC;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)(ctx->userPtr);
real_t value = 1;
var_get(ctx, kInPId, kAnyChIdx, value);
var_set(ctx, kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, value);
var_set(ctx, kInvOutPId, kAnyChIdx, (real_t)(1.0 - value) );
if( inst->value != value )
inst->value = value;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// audio_in
namespace audio_in
typedef struct
const char* dev_label;
external_device_t* ext_dev;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// Register variable and get their current value
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx, kDevLabelPId, "dev_label", inst->dev_label )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((inst->ext_dev = external_device_find( ctx->ctx, inst->dev_label, kAudioDevTypeId, kInFl )) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The audio input device description '%s' could not be found.", cwStringNullGuard(inst->dev_label));
goto errLabel;
// create one output audio buffer
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->srate, inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->chN, ctx->ctx->framesPerCycle );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
abuf_t* abuf = nullptr;
// verify that a source buffer exists
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId,kAnyChIdx,abuf)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The audio file instance '%s' does not have a valid audio output buffer.",ctx->label);
unsigned chN = std::min(inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->chN, abuf->chN );
unsigned frameN = std::min(inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->frameN, abuf->frameN );
memcpy(abuf->buf,inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->buf, frameN*chN*sizeof(sample_t));
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// audio_out
namespace audio_out
typedef struct
const char* dev_label;
external_device_t* ext_dev;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>(); //
const abuf_t* src_abuf = nullptr;
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// Register variables and get their current value
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx,
kDevLabelPId, "dev_label", inst->dev_label,
kInPId, "in", src_abuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((inst->ext_dev = external_device_find( ctx->ctx, inst->dev_label, kAudioDevTypeId, kOutFl )) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The audio output device description '%s' could not be found.", cwStringNullGuard(inst->dev_label));
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const abuf_t* src_abuf = nullptr;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId,kAnyChIdx,src_abuf)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The audio file instance '%s' does not have a valid input connection.",ctx->label);
unsigned chN = std::min(inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->chN, src_abuf->chN);
unsigned frameN = std::min(inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->frameN, src_abuf->frameN);
unsigned n = chN * frameN;
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
inst->ext_dev->u.a.abuf->buf[i] += src_abuf->buf[i];
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// AudioFileIn
namespace audioFileIn
typedef struct
audiofile::handle_t afH;
bool eofFl;
const char* filename;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
audiofile::info_t info;
real_t seekSecs;
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
if((rc = var_register( ctx, kAnyChIdx, kOnOffFlPId, "on_off" )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// Register variable and get their current value
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx,
kFnamePId, "fname", inst->filename,
kSeekSecsPId, "seekSecs", seekSecs,
kEofFlPId, "eofFl", inst->eofFl )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// open the audio file
if((rc = audiofile::open(inst->afH,inst->filename,&info)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The audio file '%s' could not be opened.",inst->filename);
goto errLabel;
if((rc = seek( inst->afH, (unsigned)lround(seekSecs*info.srate) )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The audio file '%s' could not seek to offset %f seconds.",seekSecs);
goto errLabel;
cwLogInfo("Audio '%s' srate:%f chs:%i frames:%i %f seconds.",inst->filename,info.srate,info.chCnt,info.frameCnt, info.frameCnt/info.srate );
// create one output audio buffer - with the same configuration as the source audio file
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, info.srate, info.chCnt, ctx->ctx->framesPerCycle );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
if((rc = audiofile::close(inst->afH)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The close failed on the audio file '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(inst->filename) );
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
real_t seekSecs = 0;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kSeekSecsPId,kAnyChIdx,seekSecs)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = seek( inst->afH, (unsigned)lround(seekSecs * audiofile::sampleRate(inst->afH) ) )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The audio file '%s' could not seek to offset %f seconds.",seekSecs);
goto errLabel;
return kOkRC;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned actualFrameN = 0;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
abuf_t* abuf = nullptr;
bool onOffFl = false;
// get the 'on-off; flag
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOnOffFlPId,kAnyChIdx,onOffFl)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// verify that a source buffer exists
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId,kAnyChIdx,abuf)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The audio file instance '%s' does not have a valid audio output buffer.",ctx->label);
sample_t* chBuf[ abuf->chN ];
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->chN; ++i)
chBuf[i] = abuf->buf + (i*abuf->frameN);
// if the on/off flag is not set - then fill the output buffer with zeros
if( !onOffFl )
// if the on/off flag is set then read from audio file
if( onOffFl )
rc = readFloat(inst->afH, abuf->frameN, 0, abuf->chN, chBuf, &actualFrameN );
if( inst->eofFl && actualFrameN == 0)
rc = kEofRC;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// AudioFileOut
namespace audioFileOut
typedef struct
audiofile::handle_t afH;
const char* filename;
unsigned durSmpN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC; //
unsigned audioFileBits = 0; // set audio file sample format to 'float32'.
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>(); //
const abuf_t* src_abuf = nullptr;
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// Register variables and get their current value
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx,
kFnamePId, "fname", inst->filename,
kBitsPId, "bits", audioFileBits,
kInPId, "in", src_abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the audio file with the same channel count as the incoming signal
if((rc = audiofile::create( inst->afH, inst->filename, src_abuf->srate, audioFileBits, src_abuf->chN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The audio file create failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(inst->filename));
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
// close the audio file
if((rc = audiofile::close( inst->afH )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Close failed on the audio output file '%s'.",inst->filename);
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const abuf_t* src_abuf = nullptr;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId,kAnyChIdx,src_abuf)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The audio file instance '%s' does not have a valid input connection.",ctx->label);
sample_t* chBuf[ src_abuf->chN ];
for(unsigned i=0; i<src_abuf->chN; ++i)
chBuf[i] = src_abuf->buf + (i*src_abuf->frameN);
if((rc = audiofile::writeFloat(inst->afH, src_abuf->frameN, src_abuf->chN, chBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio file write failed on instance: '%s'.", ctx->label );
// print a minutes counter
inst->durSmpN += src_abuf->frameN;
if( inst->durSmpN % ((unsigned)src_abuf->srate*60) == 0 )
printf("audio file out: %5.1f min\n", inst->durSmpN/(src_abuf->srate*60));
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// audio_gain
namespace audio_gain
typedef struct inst_str
unsigned n;
real_t vgain;
real_t gain;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* abuf = nullptr; //
ctx->userPtr = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
// get the source audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// register the gain
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->chN; ++i)
if((rc = var_register( ctx, i, kGainPId, "gain" )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the output audio buffer
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, abuf->srate, abuf->chN, abuf->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)(ctx->userPtr);
return kOkRC;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
real_t value = 0;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
if( inst->vgain != value )
inst->vgain = value;
//printf("VALUE GAIN: %s %s : %f\n", ctx->label, var->label, value );
return kOkRC;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* ibuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* obuf = nullptr;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)(ctx->userPtr);
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, obuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<ibuf->chN; ++i)
sample_t* isig = ibuf->buf + i*ibuf->frameN;
sample_t* osig = obuf->buf + i*obuf->frameN;
sample_t gain = 1;
// apply the gain
for(unsigned j=0; j<ibuf->frameN; ++j)
osig[j] = gain * isig[j];
if( i==0 && gain != inst->gain )
inst->gain = gain;
//printf("EXEC GAIN: %s %f\n",ctx->label,gain);
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// audio_split
namespace audio_split
enum {
typedef struct
bool* chSelMap; // [ inChCnt ] selected channel map
unsigned outChN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* abuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// get the source audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( abuf->chN )
unsigned selChN = 0;
inst->chSelMap = mem::allocZ<bool>(abuf->chN);
if((rc = var_channel_count(ctx,"select",selChN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// register the gain
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->chN; ++i)
if( i < selChN )
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i, kSelectPId, "select", inst->chSelMap[i] )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( inst->chSelMap[i] )
// register an output gain control
if((rc = var_register( ctx, inst->outChN, kGainPId, "gain")) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// count the number of selected channels to determine the count of output channels
inst->outChN += 1;
// create the output audio buffer
if( inst->outChN == 0 )
cwLogWarning("The audio split instance '%s' has no selected channels.",ctx->label);
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, abuf->srate, inst->outChN, abuf->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* ibuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* obuf = nullptr;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
unsigned outChIdx = 0;
if( inst->outChN )
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, obuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<ibuf->chN && outChIdx<obuf->chN; ++i)
if( inst->chSelMap[i] )
sample_t* isig = ibuf->buf + i * ibuf->frameN;
sample_t* osig = obuf->buf + outChIdx * obuf->frameN;
sample_t gain = 1;
// apply the gain
for(unsigned j=0; j<ibuf->frameN; ++j)
osig[j] = gain * isig[j];
outChIdx += 1;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// audio_duplicate
namespace audio_duplicate
enum {
typedef struct
unsigned* chDuplMap; // [ inChN ] duplicate channel map
unsigned outChN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* abuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// get the source audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( abuf->chN )
inst->chDuplMap = mem::allocZ<unsigned>(abuf->chN);
// register the gain
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->chN; ++i)
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i, kDuplicatePId, "duplicate", inst->chDuplMap[i] )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( inst->chDuplMap[i] )
// register an input gain control
if((rc = var_register( ctx, inst->outChN, kGainPId, "gain")) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// count the number of selected channels to determine the count of output channels
inst->outChN += inst->chDuplMap[i];
// create the output audio buffer
if( inst->outChN == 0 )
cwLogWarning("The audio split instance '%s' has no selected channels.",ctx->label);
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, abuf->srate, inst->outChN, abuf->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* ibuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* obuf = nullptr;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
unsigned outChIdx = 0;
if( inst->outChN )
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, obuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<ibuf->chN && outChIdx<obuf->chN; ++i)
sample_t* isig = ibuf->buf + i * ibuf->frameN;
sample_t gain = 1;
for(unsigned j=0; j<inst->chDuplMap[i]; ++j )
sample_t* osig = obuf->buf + j * obuf->frameN;
// apply the gain
for(unsigned k=0; k<ibuf->frameN; ++k)
osig[k] = gain * isig[k];
outChIdx += 1;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// audio_merge
namespace audio_merge
enum {
typedef struct
unsigned srcN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned outChN = 0;
unsigned frameN = 0;
srate_t srate = 0;
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
for(unsigned i=0; 1; ++i)
const abuf_t* abuf = nullptr; //
char label[32];
label[31] = 0;
// TODO: allow non-contiguous source labels
// the source labels must be contiguous
if( !var_has_value( ctx, label, kAnyChIdx ) )
// get the source audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInBasePId+i,label,abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( i == 0 )
frameN = abuf->frameN;
srate = abuf->srate;
// TODO: check srate and frameN are same as first src
inst->srcN += 1;
outChN += abuf->chN;
//outChN = abuf0->chN + abuf1->chN;
// register the gain
for(unsigned i=0; i<outChN; ++i)
if((rc = var_register( ctx, i, kGainPId, "gain" )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the output audio buffer
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srate, outChN, frameN );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return kOkRC;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
{ return kOkRC; }
unsigned _exec( instance_t* ctx, const abuf_t* ibuf, abuf_t* obuf, unsigned outChIdx )
// for each channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<ibuf->chN && outChIdx<obuf->chN; ++i)
sample_t* isig = ibuf->buf + i * ibuf->frameN;
sample_t* osig = obuf->buf + outChIdx * obuf->frameN;
sample_t gain = 1;
// apply the gain
for(unsigned j=0; j<ibuf->frameN; ++j)
osig[j] = gain * isig[j];
outChIdx += 1;
return outChIdx;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* ibuf0 = nullptr;
const abuf_t* ibuf1 = nullptr;
abuf_t* obuf = nullptr;
unsigned oChIdx = 0;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kIn0PId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf0 )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kIn1PId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf1 )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, obuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
oChIdx = _exec( ctx, ibuf0, obuf, oChIdx );
oChIdx = _exec( ctx, ibuf1, obuf, oChIdx );
assert( oChIdx == obuf->chN );
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
abuf_t* obuf = nullptr;
unsigned oChIdx = 0;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, obuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->srcN; ++i)
const abuf_t* ibuf = nullptr;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInBasePId+i, kAnyChIdx, ibuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
oChIdx = _exec( ctx, ibuf, obuf, oChIdx );
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// audio_mix
namespace audio_mix
enum {
typedef struct
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* abuf0 = nullptr; //
const abuf_t* abuf1 = nullptr;
unsigned outChN = 0;
double dum;
// get the source audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,
kIn1PId,"in1",abuf1 )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
assert( abuf0->frameN == abuf1->frameN );
outChN = std::max(abuf0->chN, abuf1->chN);
// register the gain
var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx, kGain0PId, "gain0", dum );
var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx, kGain1PId, "gain1", dum );
// create the output audio buffer
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, abuf0->srate, outChN, abuf0->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
{ return kOkRC; }
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
{ return kOkRC; }
rc_t _mix( instance_t* ctx, unsigned inPId, unsigned gainPId, abuf_t* obuf )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* ibuf = nullptr;
if((rc = var_get(ctx, inPId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if(rc == kOkRC )
unsigned chN = std::min(ibuf->chN, obuf->chN );
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
const sample_t* isig = ibuf->buf + i*ibuf->frameN;
sample_t* osig = obuf->buf + i*obuf->frameN;
real_t gain = 1;
if((rc = var_get(ctx, gainPId, kAnyChIdx, gain)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
for(unsigned j=0; j<obuf->frameN; ++j)
osig[j] += gain * isig[j];
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
abuf_t* obuf = nullptr;
//const abuf_t* ibuf0 = nullptr;
//const abuf_t* ibuf1 = nullptr;
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, obuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
//if((rc = var_get(ctx,kIn0PId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf0 )) != kOkRC )
// goto errLabel;
//if((rc = var_get(ctx,kIn1PId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf1 )) != kOkRC )
// goto errLabel;
vop::zero(obuf->buf, obuf->frameN*obuf->chN );
_mix( ctx, kIn0PId, kGain0PId, obuf );
_mix( ctx, kIn1PId, kGain1PId, obuf );
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// sine_tone
namespace sine_tone
typedef struct
real_t *phaseA;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
srate_t srate = 0;
unsigned chCnt = 0;
real_t gain;
real_t hz;
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// Register variables and get their current value
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx, kChCntPid, "chCnt", chCnt)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// register each oscillator variable
for(unsigned i=0; i<chCnt; ++i)
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i,
kSratePId, "srate", srate,
kFreqHzPId, "hz", hz,
kGainPId, "gain", gain)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create one output audio buffer
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srate, chCnt, ctx->ctx->framesPerCycle );
inst->phaseA = mem::allocZ<real_t>( chCnt );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
abuf_t* abuf = nullptr;
// get the output signal buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId,kAnyChIdx,abuf)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The Sine Tone instance '%s' does not have a valid audio output buffer.",ctx->label);
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->chN; ++i)
real_t gain = val_get<real_t>( ctx, kGainPId, i );
real_t hz = val_get<real_t>( ctx, kFreqHzPId, i );
srate_t srate = val_get<srate_t>( ctx, kSratePId, i );
sample_t* v = abuf->buf + (i*abuf->frameN);
for(unsigned j=0; j<abuf->frameN; ++j)
v[j] = (sample_t)(gain * sin( inst->phaseA[i] + (2.0 * M_PI * j * hz/srate)));
inst->phaseA[i] += 2.0 * M_PI * abuf->frameN * hz/srate;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// Phase Vocoder (Analysis)
namespace pv_analysis
typedef struct dsp::pv_anl::obj_str<sample_t> pv_t;
enum {
typedef struct
pv_t** pvA; // pvA[ srcBuf.chN ]
unsigned pvN;
unsigned maxWndSmpN;
unsigned wndSmpN;
unsigned hopSmpN;
bool hzFl;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr; //
unsigned flags = 0;
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId, "in", srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Unable to access the 'src' buffer.");
flags = inst->hzFl ? dsp::pv_anl::kCalcHzPvaFl : dsp::pv_anl::kNoCalcHzPvaFl;
inst->pvN = srcBuf->chN;
inst->pvA = mem::allocZ<pv_t*>( inst->pvN ); // allocate pv channel array
const sample_t* magV[ srcBuf->chN ];
const sample_t* phsV[ srcBuf->chN ];
const sample_t* hzV[ srcBuf->chN ];
unsigned maxBinNV[ srcBuf->chN ];
unsigned binNV[ srcBuf->chN ];
unsigned hopNV[ srcBuf->chN ];
// create a pv anlaysis object for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
unsigned maxWndSmpN = 0;
unsigned wndSmpN = 0;
unsigned hopSmpN = 0;
bool hzFl = false;
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i,
kMaxWndSmpNPId, "maxWndSmpN", maxWndSmpN,
kWndSmpNPId, "wndSmpN", wndSmpN,
kHopSmpNPId, "hopSmpN", hopSmpN,
kHzFlPId, "hzFl", hzFl )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = create( inst->pvA[i], ctx->ctx->framesPerCycle, srcBuf->srate, maxWndSmpN, wndSmpN, hopSmpN, flags )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The PV analysis object create failed on the instance '%s'.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
maxBinNV[i] = inst->pvA[i]->maxBinCnt;
binNV[i] = inst->pvA[i]->binCnt;
hopNV[i] = hopSmpN;
magV[i] = inst->pvA[i]->magV;
phsV[i] = inst->pvA[i]->phsV;
hzV[i] = inst->pvA[i]->hzV;
// create the fbuf 'out'
if((rc = var_register_and_set(ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->chN, maxBinNV, binNV, hopNV, magV, phsV, hzV )) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The output freq. buffer could not be created.");
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->pvN; ++i)
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
if( var->chIdx != kAnyChIdx && var->chIdx < inst->pvN )
unsigned val = 0;
pv_t* pva = inst->pvA[ var->chIdx ];
switch( var->vid )
case kWndSmpNPId:
rc = var_get( var, val );
//printf("WL:%i %i\n",val,var->chIdx);
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr;
fbuf_t* dstBuf = nullptr;
// verify that a source buffer exists
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The instance '%s' does not have a valid input connection.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// verify that the dst buffer exits
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, dstBuf)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The instance '%s' does not have a valid output.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
dstBuf->readyFlV[i] = false;
// call the PV analysis processor
if( dsp::pv_anl::exec( inst->pvA[i], srcBuf->buf + i*srcBuf->frameN, srcBuf->frameN ) )
// rescale the frequency domain magnitude
vop::mul(dstBuf->magV[i], dstBuf->binN_V[i]/2, dstBuf->binN_V[i]);
dstBuf->readyFlV[i] = true;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// Phase Vocoder (Synthesis)
namespace pv_synthesis
typedef struct dsp::pv_syn::obj_str<sample_t> pv_t;
enum {
typedef struct
pv_t** pvA; // pvA[ srcBuf.chN ]
unsigned pvN;
unsigned wndSmpN; //
unsigned hopSmpN; //
bool hzFl; //
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const fbuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId, "in", srcBuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// allocate pv channel array
inst->pvN = srcBuf->chN;
inst->pvA = mem::allocZ<pv_t*>( inst->pvN );
// create a pv anlaysis object for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
unsigned wndSmpN = (srcBuf->binN_V[i]-1)*2;
if((rc = create( inst->pvA[i], ctx->ctx->framesPerCycle, srcBuf->srate, wndSmpN, srcBuf->hopSmpN_V[i] )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The PV synthesis object create failed on the instance '%s'.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
if((rc = var_register( ctx, kAnyChIdx, kInPId, "in" )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the abuf 'out'
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->chN, ctx->ctx->framesPerCycle );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->pvN; ++i)
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const fbuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* dstBuf = nullptr;
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, dstBuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
if( srcBuf->readyFlV[i] )
dsp::pv_syn::exec( inst->pvA[i], srcBuf->magV[i], srcBuf->phsV[i] );
const sample_t* ola_out = dsp::ola::execOut(inst->pvA[i]->ola);
if( ola_out != nullptr )
abuf_set_channel( dstBuf, i, ola_out, inst->pvA[i]->ola->procSmpCnt );
//abuf_set_channel( dstBuf, i, inst->pvA[i]->ola->outV, dstBuf->frameN );
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// Spec Dist
namespace spec_dist
typedef struct dsp::spec_dist::obj_str<sample_t,sample_t> spec_dist_t;
typedef struct
spec_dist_t** sdA;
unsigned sdN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const fbuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// verify that a source buffer exists
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The instance '%s' does not have a valid input connection.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// allocate pv channel array
inst->sdN = srcBuf->chN;
inst->sdA = mem::allocZ<spec_dist_t*>( inst->sdN );
const sample_t* magV[ srcBuf->chN ];
const sample_t* phsV[ srcBuf->chN ];
const sample_t* hzV[ srcBuf->chN ];
//if((rc = var_register(ctx, kAnyChIdx, kInPId, "in")) != kOkRC )
// goto errLabel;
// create a spec_dist object for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
if((rc = create( inst->sdA[i], srcBuf->binN_V[i] )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'spec dist' object create failed on the instance '%s'.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// setup the output buffer pointers
magV[i] = inst->sdA[i]->outMagV;
phsV[i] = inst->sdA[i]->outPhsV;
hzV[i] = nullptr;
spec_dist_t* sd = inst->sdA[i];
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i,
kBypassPId, "bypass", sd->bypassFl,
kCeilingPId, "ceiling", sd->ceiling,
kExpoPId, "expo", sd->expo,
kThreshPId, "thresh", sd->thresh,
kUprSlopePId, "upr", sd->uprSlope,
kLwrSlopePId, "lwr", sd->lwrSlope,
kMixPId, "mix", sd->mix )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the output buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->chN, srcBuf->maxBinN_V, srcBuf->binN_V, srcBuf->hopSmpN_V, magV, phsV, hzV )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->sdN; ++i)
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
if( var->chIdx != kAnyChIdx && var->chIdx < inst->sdN )
double val = 0;
spec_dist_t* sd = inst->sdA[ var->chIdx ];
switch( var->vid )
case kBypassPId: rc = var_get( var, val ); sd->bypassFl = val; break;
case kCeilingPId: rc = var_get( var, val ); sd->ceiling = val; break;
case kExpoPId: rc = var_get( var, val ); sd->expo = val; break;
case kThreshPId: rc = var_get( var, val ); sd->thresh = val; break;
case kUprSlopePId: rc = var_get( var, val ); sd->uprSlope = val; break;
case kLwrSlopePId: rc = var_get( var, val ); sd->lwrSlope = val; break;
case kMixPId: rc = var_get( var, val ); sd->mix = val; break;
cwLogWarning("Unhandled variable id '%i' on instance: %s.", var->vid, ctx->label );
//printf("%i sd: ceil:%f expo:%f thresh:%f upr:%f lwr:%f mix:%f : rc:%i val:%f\n",
// var->chIdx,sd->ceiling, sd->expo, sd->thresh, sd->uprSlope, sd->lwrSlope, sd->mix, rc, val );
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const fbuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr;
fbuf_t* dstBuf = nullptr;
unsigned chN = 0;
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, dstBuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
chN = std::min(srcBuf->chN,inst->sdN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
dstBuf->readyFlV[i] = false;
if( srcBuf->readyFlV[i] )
dsp::spec_dist::exec( inst->sdA[i], srcBuf->magV[i], srcBuf->phsV[i], srcBuf->binN_V[i] );
dstBuf->readyFlV[i] = true;
//If == 0 )
// printf("%f %f\n", vop::sum(srcBuf->magV[i],srcBuf->binN), vop::sum(dstBuf->magV[i], dstBuf->binN) );
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// Compressor
namespace compressor
typedef dsp::compressor::obj_t compressor_t;
typedef struct
compressor_t** cmpA;
unsigned cmpN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// verify that a source buffer exists
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The instance '%s' does not have a valid input connection.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// allocate pv channel array
inst->cmpN = srcBuf->chN;
inst->cmpA = mem::allocZ<compressor_t*>( inst->cmpN );
// create a compressor object for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
real_t igain, maxWnd_ms, wnd_ms, thresh, ratio, atk_ms, rls_ms, ogain;
bool bypassFl;
// get the compressor variable values
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i,
kBypassPId, "bypass", bypassFl,
kInGainPId, "igain", igain,
kThreshPId, "thresh", thresh,
kRatioPId, "ratio", ratio,
kAtkMsPId, "atk_ms", atk_ms,
kRlsMsPId, "rls_ms", rls_ms,
kWndMsPId, "wnd_ms", wnd_ms,
kMaxWndMsPId, "maxWnd_ms", maxWnd_ms,
kOutGainPId, "ogain", ogain )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the compressor instance
if((rc = dsp::compressor::create( inst->cmpA[i], srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->frameN, igain, maxWnd_ms, wnd_ms, thresh, ratio, atk_ms, rls_ms, ogain, bypassFl)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'compressor' object create failed on the instance '%s'.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// create the output audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->chN, srcBuf->frameN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->cmpN; ++i)
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
real_t tmp;
if( var->chIdx != kAnyChIdx && var->chIdx < inst->cmpN )
compressor_t* c = inst->cmpA[ var->chIdx ];
switch( var->vid )
case kBypassPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); c->bypassFl=tmp; break;
case kInGainPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); c->inGain=tmp; break;
case kOutGainPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); c->outGain=tmp; break;
case kRatioPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); c->ratio_num=tmp; break;
case kThreshPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); c->threshDb=tmp; break;
case kAtkMsPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); dsp::compressor::set_attack_ms(c, tmp ); break;
case kRlsMsPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); dsp::compressor::set_release_ms(c, tmp ); break;
case kWndMsPId: rc = var_get( var, tmp ); dsp::compressor::set_rms_wnd_ms(c, tmp ); break;
case kMaxWndMsPId: break;
cwLogWarning("Unhandled variable id '%i' on instance: %s.", var->vid, ctx->label );
//printf("cmp byp:%i igain:%f ogain:%f rat:%f thresh:%f atk:%i rls:%i wnd:%i : rc:%i val:%f\n",
// c->bypassFl, c->inGain, c->outGain,c->ratio_num,c->threshDb,c->atkSmp,c->rlsSmp,c->rmsWndCnt,rc,tmp);
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* dstBuf = nullptr;
unsigned chN = 0;
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, dstBuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
chN = std::min(srcBuf->chN,inst->cmpN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
dsp::compressor::exec( inst->cmpA[i], srcBuf->buf + i*srcBuf->frameN, dstBuf->buf + i*srcBuf->frameN, srcBuf->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t report( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->cmpN; ++i)
compressor_t* c = inst->cmpA[i];
cwLogInfo("%s ch:%i : sr:%f bypass:%i procSmpN:%i igain:%f threshdb:%f ratio:%f atkSmp:%i rlsSmp:%i ogain:%f rmsWndN:%i maxRmsWndN%i",
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = report
// Limiter
namespace limiter
typedef dsp::limiter::obj_t limiter_t;
typedef struct
limiter_t** limA;
unsigned limN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// verify that a source buffer exists
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The instance '%s' does not have a valid input connection.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// allocate pv channel array
inst->limN = srcBuf->chN;
inst->limA = mem::allocZ<limiter_t*>( inst->limN );
// create a limiter object for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
real_t igain, thresh, ogain;
bool bypassFl;
// get the limiter variable values
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i,
kBypassPId, "bypass", bypassFl,
kInGainPId, "igain", igain,
kThreshPId, "thresh", thresh,
kOutGainPId, "ogain", ogain )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the limiter instance
if((rc = dsp::limiter::create( inst->limA[i], srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->frameN, igain, thresh, ogain, bypassFl)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'limiter' object create failed on the instance '%s'.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// create the output audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->chN, srcBuf->frameN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->limN; ++i)
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
real_t rtmp;
bool btmp;
if( var->chIdx != kAnyChIdx && var->chIdx < inst->limN )
limiter_t* c = inst->limA[ var->chIdx ];
switch( var->vid )
case kBypassPId: rc = var_get( var, btmp ); c->bypassFl=btmp; break;
case kInGainPId: rc = var_get( var, rtmp ); c->igain=rtmp; break;
case kOutGainPId: rc = var_get( var, rtmp ); c->ogain=rtmp; break;
case kThreshPId: rc = var_get( var, rtmp ); c->thresh=rtmp; break;
cwLogWarning("Unhandled variable id '%i' on instance: %s.", var->vid, ctx->label );
//printf("lim byp:%i igain:%f ogain:%f rat:%f thresh:%f atk:%i rls:%i wnd:%i : rc:%i val:%f\n",
// c->bypassFl, c->inGain, c->outGain,c->ratio_num,c->threshDb,c->atkSmp,c->rlsSmp,c->rmsWndCnt,rc,tmp);
return rc;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* dstBuf = nullptr;
unsigned chN = 0;
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, dstBuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
chN = std::min(srcBuf->chN,inst->limN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
dsp::limiter::exec( inst->limA[i], srcBuf->buf + i*srcBuf->frameN, dstBuf->buf + i*srcBuf->frameN, srcBuf->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t report( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->limN; ++i)
limiter_t* c = inst->limA[i];
cwLogInfo("%s ch:%i : bypass:%i procSmpN:%i igain:%f threshdb:%f ogain:%f",
ctx->label,i,c->bypassFl,c->procSmpCnt,c->igain,c->thresh,c->ogain );
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = report
// audio_delay
namespace audio_delay
typedef struct inst_str
abuf_t* delayBuf; // delayBuf->buf[ maxDelayFrameN ]
unsigned maxDelayFrameN; // length of the delay
unsigned* cntV; // cntV[ chN ] per channel delay
unsigned* idxV; // idxV[ chN ] per channel i/o idx
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* abuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
real_t delayMs = 0;
real_t maxDelayMs = 0;
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// get the source audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
inst->cntV = mem::allocZ<unsigned>(abuf->chN);
inst->idxV = mem::allocZ<unsigned>(abuf->chN);
// register the gain
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->chN; ++i)
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i,
kMaxDelayMsPId, "maxDelayMs", maxDelayMs,
kDelayMsPId, "delayMs", delayMs)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( delayMs > maxDelayMs )
cwLogWarning("'delayMs' (%i) is being reduced to 'maxDelayMs' (%i) on the delay instance:%s.",delayMs,maxDelayMs,ctx->label);
delayMs = maxDelayMs;
inst->maxDelayFrameN = std::max(inst->maxDelayFrameN, (unsigned)(fabs(maxDelayMs) * abuf->srate / 1000.0) );
inst->cntV[i] = (unsigned)(fabs(delayMs) * abuf->srate / 1000.0);
inst->delayBuf = abuf_create( abuf->srate, abuf->chN, inst->maxDelayFrameN );
// create the output audio buffer
rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, abuf->srate, abuf->chN, abuf->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
return kOkRC;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
{ return kOkRC; }
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const abuf_t* ibuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* obuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* dbuf = inst->delayBuf;
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, ibuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, obuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<ibuf->chN; ++i)
sample_t* isig = ibuf->buf + i*ibuf->frameN;
sample_t* osig = obuf->buf + i*obuf->frameN;
sample_t* dsig = dbuf->buf + i*dbuf->frameN;
unsigned di = inst->idxV[i];
// if the delay is set to zero samples
if( inst->cntV[i] == 0 )
memcpy(osig,isig,ibuf->frameN * sizeof(sample_t));
// otherwise the delay is non-zero positive sample count
for(unsigned j=0; j<ibuf->frameN; ++j)
osig[j] = dsig[di]; // read delay output
dsig[di] = isig[j]; // set delay input
di = (di+1) % inst->cntV[i]; // update the delay index
// store the delay index for the next cycle
inst->idxV[i] = di;
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = nullptr
// DC Filter
namespace dc_filter
typedef dsp::dc_filter::obj_t dc_filter_t;
typedef struct
dc_filter_t** dcfA;
unsigned dcfN;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr; //
inst_t* inst = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
ctx->userPtr = inst;
// verify that a source buffer exists
if((rc = var_register_and_get(ctx, kAnyChIdx,kInPId,"in",srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The instance '%s' does not have a valid input connection.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// allocate channel array
inst->dcfN = srcBuf->chN;
inst->dcfA = mem::allocZ<dc_filter_t*>( inst->dcfN );
// create a dc_filter object for each input channel
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcBuf->chN; ++i)
real_t gain;
bool bypassFl;
// get the dc_filter variable values
if((rc = var_register_and_get( ctx, i,
kBypassPId, "bypass", bypassFl,
kGainPId, "gain", gain )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the dc_filter instance
if((rc = dsp::dc_filter::create( inst->dcfA[i], srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->frameN, gain, bypassFl)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'dc_filter' object create failed on the instance '%s'.",ctx->label);
goto errLabel;
// create the output audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_set( ctx, "out", kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf->srate, srcBuf->chN, srcBuf->frameN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t destroy( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->dcfN; ++i)
return rc;
rc_t value( instance_t* ctx, variable_t* var )
return kOkRC;
rc_t exec( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
const abuf_t* srcBuf = nullptr;
abuf_t* dstBuf = nullptr;
unsigned chN = 0;
// get the src buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kInPId, kAnyChIdx, srcBuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the dst buffer
if((rc = var_get(ctx,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, dstBuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
chN = std::min(srcBuf->chN,inst->dcfN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
real_t gain = val_get<real_t>( ctx, kGainPId, i );
bool bypassFl = val_get<bool>( ctx, kBypassPId, i );
dsp::dc_filter::set( inst->dcfA[i], gain, bypassFl );
dsp::dc_filter::exec( inst->dcfA[i], srcBuf->buf + i*srcBuf->frameN, dstBuf->buf + i*srcBuf->frameN, srcBuf->frameN );
return rc;
rc_t report( instance_t* ctx )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)ctx->userPtr;
for(unsigned i=0; i<inst->dcfN; ++i)
dc_filter_t* c = inst->dcfA[i];
cwLogInfo("%s ch:%i : bypass:%i gain:%f",
ctx->label,i,c->bypassFl,c->gain );
return rc;
class_members_t members = {
.create = create,
.destroy = destroy,
.value = value,
.exec = exec,
.report = report