kpl 5cda838a93 Added 'decls' include files to hold public declarations for audio,midi,serial,socket, and websock modules.
Other minor changes to prepare for integration into cwIo.
In cwMidi* replaced 'byte_t' with 'uint8_t'.
In cwAudioDevice* removed redundant 'device' prefix from function names.
2020-03-23 10:41:28 -04:00

30 lignes
971 B

#ifndef cwMidiDecls_H
#define cwMidiDecls_H
namespace cw
namespace midi
typedef struct msg_str
//unsigned deltaUs; // time since last MIDI msg in microseconds
time::spec_t timeStamp;
uint8_t status; // midi status byte
uint8_t d0; // midi data byte 0
uint8_t d1; // midi data byte 1
uint8_t pad;
} msg_t;
typedef struct packet_str
void* cbDataPtr; // application supplied reference value from mdParserCreate()
unsigned devIdx; // the device the msg originated from
unsigned portIdx; // the port index on the source device
msg_t* msgArray; // pointer to an array of 'msgCnt' mdMsg records or NULL if sysExMsg is non-NULL
uint8_t* sysExMsg; // pointer to a sys-ex msg or NULL if msgArray is non-NULL (see note below)
unsigned msgCnt; // count of mdMsg records or sys-ex bytes
} packet_t;