1090 lines
31 KiB
1090 lines
31 KiB
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwTest.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwFile.h"
#include "cwText.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwFileSys.h"
#include "cwAudioFile.h"
#include "cwMath.h"
#include "cwVectOps.h"
#include "cwDspTypes.h"
#include "cwDsp.h"
#include "cwWaveTableBank.h"
#include "cwMidi.h"
#include "cwTest.h"
namespace cw
namespace wt_bank
typedef struct instr_str
char* label;
unsigned id;
struct instr_str* link;
} instr_t;
typedef struct af_str
object_t* cfg;
const char* audio_fname;
wt_t* wtA;
unsigned wtN;
ch_t* chA;
unsigned chN;
seg_t* segA;
unsigned segN;
struct af_str* link;
} af_t;
typedef struct wt_map_str
wt_t** map; // bankM[pitch(128)][vel(128)]
} wt_map_t;
typedef struct wt_bank_str
af_t* afList; // One af_t record per cfg file found in the source directory given to create()
wt_map_t* wtMapA; // wtMapA[ wtMapN ] one wt_map_t record per instr_t record
unsigned wtMapN; // wtMapN is the same as the length of instrList
unsigned next_instr_id; // Current length of instrList
instr_t* instrList; // List of instruments
} wt_bank_t;
wt_bank_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h )
{ return handleToPtr<handle_t,wt_bank_t>(h); }
void _report_map( const wt_map_t* map )
for(unsigned i=0; i<midi::kMidiNoteCnt; ++i)
cwLogPrint("%3i : ",i);
for(unsigned j=0; j<midi::kMidiVelCnt; ++j)
wt_t* wt = map->map[(j*midi::kMidiNoteCnt) + i];
cwLogPrint("%i:%1i ",j,wt != nullptr);
void _report( wt_bank_t* p )
for(af_t* af = p->afList; af!=nullptr; af=af->link)
for(unsigned i=0; i<af->wtN; ++i)
const wt_t* wt = af->wtA + i;
cwLogInfo(" pitch:%i vel:%i ", wt->pitch, wt->vel );
for(unsigned j=0; j<wt->chN; ++j)
const ch_t* ch = wt->chA + j;
cwLogInfo(" ch:%i",ch->ch_idx);
for(unsigned k=0; k<ch->segN; ++k)
const seg_t* seg = ch->segA + k;
cwLogInfo(" type:%i smpN:%i cost:%f", seg->tid, seg->aN, seg->cost);
if( p->wtMapN > 0 )
_report_map( p->wtMapA );
rc_t _destroy( wt_bank_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
af_t* af = p->afList;
while( af != nullptr )
af_t* af0 = af->link;
for(unsigned i=0; i<af->segN; ++i)
if(af->segA != nullptr )
af = af0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->wtMapN; ++i)
instr_t* instr=p->instrList;
while( instr!=nullptr )
instr_t* i0 = instr->link;
return rc;
void _load_segment_audio( seg_t& seg,
const sample_t* const * audio_ch_buf,
unsigned audio_ch_bufN,
unsigned padSmpN,
unsigned ch_idx,
seg_tid_t tid,
unsigned bsi,
unsigned esi )
assert( ch_idx < audio_ch_bufN );
seg.aN = esi - bsi;
seg.aV = mem::alloc<sample_t>( padSmpN + seg.aN + padSmpN );
seg.padN = padSmpN;
// audio vector layout
// aV[ padSmpN + aN + padSmpN ]
vop::copy( seg.aV, audio_ch_buf[ ch_idx ] + esi - padSmpN, padSmpN );
vop::copy( seg.aV + padSmpN, audio_ch_buf[ ch_idx ] + bsi, seg.aN );
vop::copy( seg.aV + padSmpN + seg.aN, audio_ch_buf[ ch_idx ] + bsi, padSmpN );
instr_t* _find_instr( wt_bank_t* p, const char* instr_label )
instr_t* instr = p->instrList;
for(; instr != nullptr; instr=instr->link )
if( textIsEqual(instr->label,instr_label) )
return instr;
return nullptr;
unsigned _find_or_add_instr_id( wt_bank_t* p, const char* instr_label )
instr_t* instr;
if((instr = _find_instr(p,instr_label)) == nullptr )
instr = mem::allocZ<instr_t>();
instr->id = p->next_instr_id++;
instr->label = mem::duplStr(instr_label);
instr->link = p->instrList;
p->instrList = instr;
return instr->id;
// If 'count_fl' is set then p->wtN,p->chN and p->segN are set but no
// data is stored.
rc_t _parse_cfg( wt_bank_t* p,
af_t* af,
const object_t* wtL,
const sample_t* const* audio_ch_buf = nullptr,
unsigned audio_ch_bufN = 0,
unsigned padSmpN = 0,
srate_t srate = 0)
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned wtN = wtL->child_count();
unsigned ch_idx = 0;
unsigned seg_idx = 0;
const char* instr_label = nullptr;
// count_Fl true if counting wt/ch/seg records otherwise building wt/ch/seg data structures
bool count_fl = audio_ch_buf == nullptr;
// for each wt cfg record
for(unsigned i=0; i<wtN; ++i)
const object_t* wt = nullptr;
const object_t* chL = nullptr;
wt_t w;
wt_t& wr = count_fl ? w : af->wtA[i];
af->wtN += count_fl ? 1 : 0;
// get the ith wt cfg
if((wt = wtL->child_ele(i)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Unexpected missing wave table record at index %i.",i);
goto errLabel;
// parse th eith wt cfg
if((rc = wt->getv("instr",instr_label,
"chL",chL)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Error parsing the wave table record at index %i.",i);
goto errLabel;
if( wr.pitch >= midi::kMidiNoteCnt )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The MIDI pitch value %i is invalid on the WT record %s vel:%i.",wr.pitch,cwStringNullGuard(instr_label),wr.vel);
goto errLabel;
if( wr.vel >= midi::kMidiVelCnt )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The MIDI velocity value %i is invalid on the WT record %s pitch:%i.",wr.vel,cwStringNullGuard(instr_label),wr.pitch);
goto errLabel;
// count or store the wt recd
wr.instr_id = count_fl ? kInvalidId : _find_or_add_instr_id(p,instr_label);
wr.chN = chL->child_count();
wr.chA = count_fl ? nullptr : af->chA + ch_idx;
wr.srate = srate;
ch_idx += wr.chN;
// for each channel cfg on this wt cfg
for(unsigned j=0; j<wr.chN; ++j)
const object_t* ch = nullptr;
const object_t* segL = nullptr;
ch_t c;
ch_t& cr = count_fl ? c : wr.chA[j];
af->chN += count_fl ? 1 : 0;
// get the jth ch cfg
if((ch = chL->child_ele(j)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Unexpected missing channel record at wt index %i ch index:%i.",i,j);
goto errLabel;
// parse the ch cfg
if((rc = ch->getv("ch_idx", cr.ch_idx,
"segL", segL)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Error parsing the channel record at wt index %i ch index:%i.",i,j);
goto errLabel;
// count or store the ch cfg
cr.segN = segL->child_count();
cr.segA = count_fl ? nullptr : af->segA + seg_idx;
seg_idx += cr.segN;
// for each seg cfg on this ch cfg
for(unsigned k=0; k<cr.segN; ++k)
const object_t* seg = nullptr;
unsigned bsi = kInvalidIdx;
unsigned esi = kInvalidIdx;
seg_t s;
seg_t& sr = count_fl ? s : cr.segA[k];
af->segN += count_fl ? 1 : 0;
// get the kth seg cfg
if((seg = segL->child_ele(k)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Unexpected missing segment record at wt index %i ch index:%i seg index:%i.",i,j,k);
goto errLabel;
// parse the kth seg cfg
if((rc = seg->getv("cost",sr.cost,
"esi",esi)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Error parsing the segment record at wt index %i ch index:%i seg index:%i.",i,j,k);
goto errLabel;
// set the type of this seg
sr.tid = k==0 ? kAttackTId : kLoopTId;
// if storing then load the audio into the seg
if( !count_fl )
if( cr.ch_idx >= audio_ch_bufN )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The invalid audio channel index %i was encountered on wt index %i ch index:%i seg index:%i.",cr.ch_idx,i,j,k);
goto errLabel;
_load_segment_audio(sr,audio_ch_buf,audio_ch_bufN, padSmpN, cr.ch_idx, sr.tid, bsi, esi );
assert( ch_idx == af->chN);
assert( seg_idx == af->segN );
return rc;
rc_t _load_af_wt_array( wt_bank_t* p, af_t* af, const object_t* wtL, unsigned padN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
audiofile::handle_t afH;
audiofile::info_t af_info;
sample_t* smpV = nullptr;
if((rc = open( afH, af->audio_fname, &af_info )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio sample file open failed.");
goto errLabel;
sample_t* buf[ af_info.chCnt ];
unsigned actualFrmN = 0;
unsigned smpN = af_info.frameCnt * af_info.chCnt;
// allocate memory to hold the entire audio file
smpV = mem::alloc<sample_t>( smpN );
// create the channel buffer
for(unsigned i=0; i<af_info.chCnt; ++i)
buf[i] = smpV + (i * af_info.frameCnt);
// read the audio file
if((rc = readFloat(afH, af_info.frameCnt, 0, af_info.chCnt, buf, &actualFrmN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio file read failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(af->audio_fname));
goto errLabel;
// Parse the cfg and fill the associated af.
if((rc = _parse_cfg( p, af,wtL, buf, af_info.chCnt, padN, af_info.srate)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t _load_cfg_file( wt_bank_t* p, const char* cfg_fname, unsigned padN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* wtL = nullptr;
af_t* af = mem::allocZ<af_t>();
af->link = p->afList;
p->afList = af;
if((rc = objectFromFile(cfg_fname,af->cfg)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to open the wavetable file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(cfg_fname));
goto errLabel;
if((rc = af->cfg->getv("audio_fname",af->audio_fname,
"wt",wtL)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The wave table header parse failed.");
goto errLabel;
// Determine the count of wt,ch, and seg records required by this af_t record,
// and fill in af->wtN, af->chN and af->segN
if((rc = _parse_cfg( p, af, wtL )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
cwLogInfo("wtN:%i chN:%i segN:%i audio:%s",af->wtN,af->chN,af->segN,af->audio_fname);
af->wtA = mem::allocZ<wt_t>(af->wtN);
af->chA = mem::allocZ<ch_t>(af->chN);
af->segA = mem::allocZ<seg_t>(af->segN);
// Parse the wt list and load the af.
if((rc = _load_af_wt_array( p, af, wtL, padN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Wave table load failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(cfg_fname));
return rc;
void _load_wt_map( wt_bank_t* p, unsigned instr_id, wt_t**& wt_map )
for(af_t* af=p->afList; af!=nullptr; af=af->link)
for(unsigned i=0; i<af->wtN; i++)
if( af->wtA[i].instr_id == instr_id )
unsigned idx = af->wtA[i].vel * midi::kMidiNoteCnt + af->wtA[i].pitch;
assert( idx < midi::kMidiNoteCnt * midi::kMidiVelCnt );
if( wt_map[idx] != nullptr )
cwLogWarning("Multiple wt records map to instr:%i pitch:%i vel:%i. Only one will be preserved",instr_id,af->wtA[i].pitch,af->wtA[i].vel);
wt_map[idx] = af->wtA + i;
rc_t _create_wt_map_array( wt_bank_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
p->wtMapN = p->next_instr_id;
p->wtMapA = mem::allocZ<wt_map_t>(p->wtMapN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->wtMapN; ++i)
p->wtMapA[i].map = mem::allocZ<wt_t*>(midi::kMidiNoteCnt * midi::kMidiVelCnt );
_load_wt_map( p, i, p->wtMapA[i].map );
return rc;
const wt_t* _get_wave_table( wt_bank_t* p, unsigned instr_idx, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( instr_idx >= p->wtMapN )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid instr_idx %i",instr_idx);
goto errLabel;
if( pitch >= midi::kMidiNoteCnt )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid MIDI pitch %i",pitch);
goto errLabel;
if( vel >= midi::kMidiVelCnt )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid MIDI pitch %i",pitch);
goto errLabel;
return p->wtMapA[ instr_idx ].map[ vel * midi::kMidiNoteCnt + pitch ];
cwLogError(rc,"Wave table lookup failed.");
return nullptr;
typedef struct seg_osc_str
seg_tid_t tid;
const seg_t* seg;
unsigned id;
double xphase;
double loop_frac_smpN; // length of the loop including fractional part
unsigned cur_loopN; // count of loops
sample_t* envV;
unsigned envN;
unsigned delay_smp_idx;
unsigned cur_smp_idx;
unsigned ch_idx;
} seg_osc_t;
void _seg_osc_setup( seg_osc_t* osc,
unsigned id,
unsigned ch_idx,
const seg_t* seg,
double smp_per_cyc,
sample_t* envV,
unsigned envN,
unsigned delay_smp_idx,
seg_tid_t tid = kInvalidTId )
osc->seg = seg;
osc->id = id;
osc->tid = tid==kInvalidTId ? seg->tid : tid;
osc->loop_frac_smpN = osc->tid==kAttackTId ? seg->aN : smp_per_cyc * seg->cyc_per_loop;
osc->xphase = 0;
osc->envV = envV;
osc->envN = envN;
osc->delay_smp_idx = delay_smp_idx;
osc->cur_smp_idx = 0;
osc->ch_idx = ch_idx;
void _seg_osc_update( seg_osc_t* osc, sample_t* yV, unsigned yN, unsigned& actual_yN_ref )
unsigned yi = 0;
const float* xV = osc->seg->aV + osc->seg->padN;
actual_yN_ref = 0;
for(yi=0; yi<yN; ++yi,++osc->cur_smp_idx)
if( osc->cur_smp_idx >= osc->delay_smp_idx )
double xfi = std::floor(osc->xphase);
double frac = osc->xphase - xfi;
int xi = (int)xfi;
yV[yi] += xV[xi] + (xV[xi+1] - xV[xi]) * frac * osc->envV[xi];
float f = frac;
float f_1 = f - 1.0;
float f_2 = f - 2.0;
float f1 = f + 1.0;
yV[yi] += osc->envV[xi] * ((-f)*f_1*f_2*xV[xi-1]/6.0f + f1*f_1*f_2*xV[xi]/2.0f - f1*f*f_2*xV[xi+1]/2.0f + f1*f*f_1*xV[xi+2]/6.0f);
//if( osc->seg->tid==kLoopTId && osc->ch_idx==0 && osc->cur_loopN < 4 )
// printf("%i,%i,%i,%i,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",osc->id,osc->cur_smp_idx,yi,xi,frac,xV[xi],osc->envV[xi],yV[yi]);
osc->xphase += 1.0f; // osc->seg->tid == kLoopTId ? 0.5f : 1.0f;
// if the end of the wave table is encountered
if( osc->xphase >= osc->loop_frac_smpN )
if( osc->tid != kLoopTId)
goto errLabel;
osc->xphase = osc->xphase - osc->loop_frac_smpN;
osc->cur_loopN += 1;
actual_yN_ref = yi;
void _seg_osc_update_0( seg_osc_t* osc, sample_t* yV, unsigned yN, unsigned& actual_yN_ref )
unsigned yi = 0;
const float* xV = osc->seg->aV + osc->seg->padN;
double xphs = osc->xphase;
double xfi = std::floor(osc->xphase);
double frac = xphs - xfi;
int xi = (int)xfi;
actual_yN_ref = 0;
for(yi=0; yi<yN; ++yi,++osc->cur_smp_idx)
if( osc->cur_smp_idx >= osc->delay_smp_idx )
//yV[yi] = xV[xi] + (xV[xi+1] - xV[xi]) * frac;
float f = frac;
float f_1 = f - 1.0;
float f_2 = f - 2.0;
float f1 = f + 1.0;
yV[yi] += osc->envV[xi] * ((-f)*f_1*f_2*xV[xi-1]/6.0f + f1*f_1*f_2*xV[xi]/2.0f - f1*f*f_2*xV[xi+1]/2.0f + f1*f*f_1*xV[xi+2]/6.0f);
//if( loop_fl && ch_idx==0 && seg_loopN_ref < 4 )
// printf("%i,%i,%f,%f,%f\n",yi,xi,frac,xV[xi],yV[yi]);
xi += 1;
// if the end of the wave table is encountered
if( frac+xi >= osc->loop_frac_smpN )
if( osc->tid != kLoopTId)
goto errLabel;
xphs = (frac+xi) - osc->loop_frac_smpN;
xi = (unsigned)std::floor(xphs);
frac = xphs - xi;
osc->cur_loopN += 1;
actual_yN_ref = yi;
osc->xphase = frac + xi;
rc_t _gen_note( const wt_t* wt, srate_t srate, sample_t** outChV, unsigned y_frm_cnt )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const unsigned frmPerUpdate = 64;
double hz = midi_to_hz( wt->pitch );
double smp_per_cyc = srate / hz;
// for each audio output channel
for(unsigned ch_idx=0; ch_idx<wt->chN; ++ch_idx)
seg_osc_t a_osc, b_osc, l0_osc, l1_osc;
seg_osc_t* cur_osc0 = &a_osc;
seg_osc_t* cur_osc1 = nullptr;
seg_osc_t* cur_oscb = nullptr;
unsigned a_envN = wt->chA[ch_idx].segA[0].aN;
sample_t a_envV[ a_envN ];
unsigned l_envN = wt->chA[ch_idx].segA[1].aN;
sample_t l_envV[ l_envN ];
unsigned b_envN = wt->chA[ch_idx].segA[1].aN;
sample_t b_envV[ b_envN ];
vop::copy(b_envV, l_envV+l_envN/2, l_envN/2);
_seg_osc_setup( &a_osc, 0, ch_idx, wt->chA[ch_idx].segA, smp_per_cyc, a_envV, a_envN, 0 );
_seg_osc_setup( &b_osc, 1, ch_idx, wt->chA[ch_idx].segA + 1, smp_per_cyc, b_envV, b_envN, 0, kAttackTId );
_seg_osc_setup( &l0_osc, 2, ch_idx, wt->chA[ch_idx].segA + 1, smp_per_cyc, l_envV, l_envN, 0 );
_seg_osc_setup( &l1_osc, 3, ch_idx, wt->chA[ch_idx].segA + 1, smp_per_cyc, l_envV, l_envN, l_envN/2 );
sample_t* yV = outChV[ch_idx];
unsigned y_frm_idx = 0;
// while the output channel is not full
while( y_frm_idx < y_frm_cnt )
unsigned y_upd_cnt = 0;
// while the current frame update has not generated frmPerUpdate samples
while( y_upd_cnt < frmPerUpdate && y_frm_idx < y_frm_cnt )
unsigned y_actual_upd_cnt = 0;
unsigned n = std::min(frmPerUpdate, std::min(frmPerUpdate-y_upd_cnt, y_frm_cnt-y_frm_idx));
if( cur_oscb != nullptr )
_seg_osc_update( cur_oscb, yV + y_frm_idx, n, y_actual_upd_cnt);
if( y_actual_upd_cnt != n )
cur_oscb = nullptr;
_seg_osc_update( cur_osc0, yV + y_frm_idx, n, y_actual_upd_cnt);
if( cur_osc1 != nullptr )
_seg_osc_update( cur_osc1, yV + y_frm_idx, n, y_actual_upd_cnt);
y_upd_cnt += y_actual_upd_cnt;
y_frm_idx += y_actual_upd_cnt;
// if the segment ran out of samples ...
if( y_actual_upd_cnt < n )
// (only attack segments run out of samples - because they do not loop)
assert( cur_osc0->tid == kAttackTId );
cur_osc0 = &l0_osc;
//cur_osc1 = &l1_osc;
//cur_oscb = &b_osc;
return rc;
void _gen_osc_update(const sample_t* xV, unsigned xN, double loop_frac_smpN, double& xPhs_ref, sample_t* yV, unsigned yN, unsigned& actual_yN_ref, bool loop_fl, unsigned& seg_loopN_ref, unsigned ch_idx )
unsigned yi = 0;
double xphs = xPhs_ref;
double xfi = std::floor(xphs);
double frac = xphs - xfi;
int xi = (int)xfi;
actual_yN_ref = 0;
for(yi=0; yi<yN; ++yi)
//yV[yi] = xV[xi] + (xV[xi+1] - xV[xi]) * frac;
float f = frac;
float f_1 = f - 1.0;
float f_2 = f - 2.0;
float f1 = f + 1.0;
yV[yi] = (-f)*f_1*f_2*xV[xi-1]/6.0f + f1*f_1*f_2*xV[xi]/2.0f - f1*f*f_2*xV[xi+1]/2.0f + f1*f*f_1*xV[xi+2]/6.0f;
//if( loop_fl && ch_idx==0 && seg_loopN_ref < 4 )
// printf("%i,%i,%f,%f,%f\n",yi,xi,frac,xV[xi],yV[yi]);
xi += 1;
// if the end of the wave table is encountered
if( frac+xi >= loop_frac_smpN )
if( !loop_fl)
goto errLabel;
xphs = (frac+xi) - loop_frac_smpN;
xi = (unsigned)std::floor(xphs);
frac = xphs - xi;
seg_loopN_ref += 1;
actual_yN_ref = yi;
xPhs_ref = frac + xi;
rc_t _gen_note_0( const wt_t* wt, srate_t srate, sample_t** outChV, unsigned y_frm_cnt )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const unsigned frmPerUpdate = 64;
double hz = midi_to_hz( wt->pitch );
double smp_per_cyc = srate / hz;
// for each audio output channel
for(unsigned ch_idx=0; ch_idx<wt->chN; ++ch_idx)
sample_t* yV = outChV[ch_idx];
unsigned y_frm_idx = 0;
const seg_t* seg = wt->chA[ch_idx].segA;
unsigned seg_idx = 0;
unsigned seg_smp_cnt = seg->aN;
double seg_phase = 0;
double seg_frac_smpN = seg_smp_cnt;
unsigned seg_loop_cnt = 0;
// while the output channel is not full
while( y_frm_idx < y_frm_cnt )
unsigned y_upd_cnt = 0;
// while the current frame update has not generated frmPerUpdate samples
while( y_upd_cnt < frmPerUpdate && y_frm_idx < y_frm_cnt )
unsigned y_actual_upd_cnt = 0;
// TODO: handle case where y_frm_cnt is not an even multiple of frmPerUpdate
// attempt to generate frmPerUpdate samples into yV[ y_frm_idx:y_frm_idx + frmPerUpdate ]
_gen_osc_update(seg->aV + seg->padN, seg_smp_cnt, seg_frac_smpN, seg_phase, yV + y_frm_idx, frmPerUpdate, y_actual_upd_cnt, seg->tid==kLoopTId, seg_loop_cnt, ch_idx );
y_upd_cnt += y_actual_upd_cnt;
y_frm_idx += y_actual_upd_cnt;
// if the segment ran out of samples ...
if( y_actual_upd_cnt < frmPerUpdate )
// (only attack segments run out of samples - because they do not loop)
assert( seg->tid == kAttackTId );
// ...then advance to the next segment
seg_idx += 1;
if( seg_idx >= wt->chA[ch_idx].segN )
// done
goto errLabel;
seg = wt->chA[ch_idx].segA + seg_idx;
seg_phase = 0;
seg_smp_cnt = seg->aN;
seg_frac_smpN = smp_per_cyc * seg->cyc_per_loop;
seg_loop_cnt = 0;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::wt_bank::create( handle_t& hRef, const char* dir, unsigned padN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
filesys::dirEntry_t* de = nullptr;
unsigned deN = 0;
wt_bank_t* p = nullptr;
if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
p = mem::allocZ<wt_bank_t>();
// get the filenames in the directory 'dir'.
if((de = filesys::dirEntries( dir, filesys::kFileFsFl | filesys::kFullPathFsFl, &deN )) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Read failed on directory: %s", cwStringNullGuard(dir));
goto errLabel;
// for each filename create an 'af_t' record and load it.
for(unsigned i=0; i<deN; ++i)
if((rc = _load_cfg_file( p, de[i].name, padN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _create_wt_map_array(p)) != kOkRC)
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::wt_bank::destroy( handle_t& hRef )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if(!hRef.isValid() )
return rc;
wt_bank_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef);
if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
void cw::wt_bank::report( handle_t h )
wt_bank_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
unsigned cw::wt_bank::instr_count( handle_t h )
wt_bank_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
return p->next_instr_id;
unsigned cw::wt_bank::instr_index( handle_t h, const char* instr_label )
wt_bank_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
instr_t* instr;
if((instr = _find_instr(p,instr_label)) != nullptr )
return instr->id;
return kInvalidIdx;
const cw::wt_bank::wt_t* cw::wt_bank::get_wave_table( handle_t h, unsigned instr_idx, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel )
wt_bank_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
return _get_wave_table(p,instr_idx, pitch, vel);
cw::rc_t cw::wt_bank::gen_notes( handle_t h, unsigned instr_idx, const unsigned* pitchA, const unsigned* velA, unsigned noteN, double note_dur_sec, const char* out_fname, double inter_note_gap_sec )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
wt_bank_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
const wt_t* wtA[ noteN ];
srate_t srate = 0;
unsigned outFrmN = 0;
unsigned noteSmpN = 0;
unsigned gapSmpN = 0;
unsigned yFrmIdx = 0;
unsigned chN = 0;
sample_t* outV = nullptr;
// Examine the wave table and determine the srate,audio ch. count, and output signal size.
for(unsigned i=0; i<noteN; ++i)
if((wtA[i] = _get_wave_table(p,instr_idx,pitchA[i],velA[i])) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The wave table at instr:%i pitch:%i vel:%i does not exist.",instr_idx,pitchA[i],velA[i]);
goto errLabel;
if( i==0 )
srate = wtA[i]->srate;
chN = wtA[i]->chN;
noteSmpN = (unsigned)(srate * note_dur_sec);
gapSmpN = (unsigned)(srate * inter_note_gap_sec);
assert( srate == wtA[i]->srate );
assert( chN == wtA[i]->chN );
printf("pitch:%i vel:%i s/cyc:%f\n", wtA[i]->pitch, wtA[i]->vel, srate/midi_to_hz(wtA[i]->pitch) );
for(unsigned j=0; j<wtA[i]->chN; ++j)
printf(" ch:%i\n",wtA[i]->chA[j].ch_idx);
for(unsigned k=0; k<wtA[i]->chA[j].segN; ++k)
printf(" %i aN:%i padN:%i\n",
wtA[i]->chA[j].segA[k].padN );
outFrmN += noteSmpN + gapSmpN;
if( outFrmN==0 || chN == 0 )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The sample rate:%f, output audio signal length (%i), or channel count (%i) is 0.",srate,outFrmN,chN);
goto errLabel;
sample_t* outChV[ chN ];
outV = mem::allocZ<sample_t>(outFrmN*chN);
// for each note
for(unsigned i=0; i<noteN; ++i)
// calc. the output sample frames for this note
unsigned yNoteFrmN = yFrmIdx+noteSmpN > outFrmN ? outFrmN-yFrmIdx : noteSmpN;
// load the output audio channel vector
for(unsigned ch_idx=0; ch_idx<chN; ++ch_idx)
outChV[ch_idx] = outV + ch_idx*outFrmN + yFrmIdx;
assert( yFrmIdx+yNoteFrmN < outFrmN );
// generate the note audio
if((rc = _gen_note( wtA[i], srate, outChV, yNoteFrmN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Note generation failed on instr:%i pitch:%i vel:%i",instr_idx,pitchA[i],velA[i]);
goto errLabel;
yFrmIdx += yNoteFrmN + gapSmpN;
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
outChV[i] = outV + i*outFrmN;
// write the output signal to an audio file
if((rc = audiofile::writeFileFloat(out_fname, srate, 32, outFrmN, chN, outChV )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio file write failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(out_fname));
goto errLabel;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::wt_bank::test( const test::test_args_t& args )
rc_t rc0 = kOkRC;
rc_t rc1 = kOkRC;
unsigned padN = 8;
const char* cfg_fname;
handle_t h;
unsigned instr_idx = 0;
unsigned pitchA[] = { 21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 };
//unsigned pitchA[] = { 60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60 };
unsigned velA[] = { 1, 5,10,16,21,26,32,37,42,48,53,58,64,69,74,80,85,90,96,101,106,112,117,122,127 };
//unsigned velA[] = { 117, 122 };
double note_dur_sec = 2.5;
if((rc0 = args.test_args->getv("wtb_cfg_fname",cfg_fname)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc0 = create(h,cfg_fname,padN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
assert( sizeof(pitchA)/sizeof(pitchA[0]) == sizeof(velA)/sizeof(velA[0]) );
if((rc1 = destroy(h)) != kOkRC )
rc1 = cwLogError(rc1,"Wave table bank destroy failed.");
return rcSelect(rc0,rc1);