kpl 5cda838a93 Added 'decls' include files to hold public declarations for audio,midi,serial,socket, and websock modules.
Other minor changes to prepare for integration into cwIo.
In cwMidi* replaced 'byte_t' with 'uint8_t'.
In cwAudioDevice* removed redundant 'device' prefix from function names.
2020-03-23 10:41:28 -04:00

36 líneas
687 B

#ifndef cwSerialPortDecls_H
#define cwSerialPortDecls_H
namespace cw
namespace serialPort
kDataBits5Fl = 0x0001,
kDataBits6Fl = 0x0002,
kDataBits7Fl = 0x0004,
kDataBits8Fl = 0x0008,
kDataBitsMask = 0x000f,
k1StopBitFl = 0x0010,
k2StopBitFl = 0x0020,
kEvenParityFl = 0x0040,
kOddParityFl = 0x0080,
kNoParityFl = 0x0000,
kCTS_OutFlowCtlFl = 0x0100,
kRTS_InFlowCtlFl = 0x0200,
kDTR_InFlowCtlFl = 0x0400,
kDSR_OutFlowCtlFl = 0x0800,
kDCD_OutFlowCtlFl = 0x1000
kDefaultCfgFlags = kDataBits8Fl | k1StopBitFl | kNoParityFl