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namespace cw
namespace score_parse
enum {
const char* opcode_id_to_label( unsigned opId );
unsigned opcode_label_to_id( const char* label );
const char* dyn_ref_id_to_label( unsigned dynId );
unsigned dyn_ref_label_to_id( const char* label );
unsigned attr_char_to_flags( const char* label );
const char* attr_flags_to_char( unsigned flag );
enum {
kDynVarFl = 0x0001,
kEvenVarFl = 0x0002,
kTempoVarFl = 0x0004,
kSetEndVarFl = 0x0008,
kGraceFl = 0x0010,
kTieBegFl = 0x0020,
kTieContinueFl = 0x0040,
kTieEndFl = 0x0080,
kOnsetFl = 0x0100
enum {
kMinVarIdx = 0,
kDynVarIdx = kMinVarIdx,
struct set_str;
struct event_str;
typedef struct section_str
char* label;
unsigned csvRowNumb; // score CSV row number where this section starts
unsigned setN;
struct set_str** setA;
struct event_str* begEvent;
struct event_str* endEvent;
struct section_str* link;
} section_t;
struct event_str;
typedef struct set_str
unsigned id;
unsigned varTypeId;
unsigned eventN;
struct event_str** eventA;
section_t* targetSection;
unsigned sectionSetIdx; // index of this set in the section
struct set_str* link;
} set_t;
typedef struct event_var_str
unsigned flags; // var flags
set_t* set; // set this event belongs to
unsigned setNoteIdx; // the index of this event in it's owner set
section_t* target_section; // the target section of this set - if this is the last event in the set
} event_var_t;
typedef struct event_str
unsigned csvRowNumb; // CSV row number this event was derived from
unsigned opId; // event type
unsigned csvId; // CSV 'index' column
section_t* section; // section that this event belongs to
unsigned barNumb; //
unsigned barEvtIdx; // index of this event in this bar
unsigned barPitchIdx; // count of this pitch in this bar
unsigned voice;
unsigned tick;
double sec;
double rval;
unsigned dotCnt;
unsigned dynLevel; // dynamic level based on marker
unsigned hash; // [ op_id:4 bar:12 pitch:8 bar_pitch_n:8 ]
unsigned loc;
unsigned loctn;
unsigned oloc;
unsigned bpm;
unsigned flags;
midi::byte_t status;
midi::byte_t d0;
midi::byte_t d1;
char* sciPitch;
event_var_t varA[ kVarCnt ];
} event_t;
typedef handle<struct score_parse_str> handle_t;
const char* opcode_id_to_label( unsigned opId );
unsigned opcode_label_to_id( const char* label );
unsigned var_char_to_flags( const char* label );
const char* var_flags_to_char( unsigned flags );
const char* var_index_to_char( unsigned var_idx );
const char* dyn_ref_level_to_label( handle_t h, unsigned vel );
unsigned dyn_ref_label_to_level( handle_t h, const char* label );
unsigned form_hash( unsigned op_id, unsigned bar, uint8_t midi_pitch, unsigned barPitchIdx );
void parse_hash( unsigned hash, unsigned& op_idRef, unsigned& barRef, uint8_t& midi_pitchRef, unsigned& barPitchIdxRef );
rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, const char* fname, double srate, dyn_ref_tbl::handle_t dynRefH );
rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef );
double sample_rate( handle_t h );
unsigned event_count( handle_t h );
const event_t* event_array( handle_t h );
unsigned section_count( handle_t h );
// Returns a linked list of section records in time order.
const section_t* section_list( handle_t h );
unsigned set_count( handle_t h );
// Returns a linked list of sets.
const set_t* set_list( handle_t h );
void report( handle_t h );
// see score_test::test() for testing this object