
110 lines
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//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
//| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
#ifndef cwText_H
#define cwText_H
namespace cw
// Return 0 if s is null.
unsigned textLength( const char* s );
// If dst is non-null then dst is always 0-terminated.
// src will be truncated if srcN > dstN-1.
// If dst is null then null is returned
// if src is null then dst[0] = 0.
// if srcN is 0 then textLength(src) is used for srcN
const char* textCopy( char* dst, unsigned dstN, const char* src, unsigned srcN=0 );
void textToLower( char* s );
void textToUpper( char* s );
void textToLower( char* dst, const char* src, unsigned dstN );
void textToUpper( char* dst, const char* src, unsigned dstN );
// Note: if both s0 and s1 are nullptr then a match is indicated
int textCompare( const char* s0, const char* s1 );
int textCompare( const char* s0, const char* s1, unsigned n);
// Case insensitive compare
int textCompareI( const char* s0, const char* s1 );
int textCompareI( const char* s0, const char* s1, unsigned n);
inline bool textIsEqual( const char* s0, const char* s1 ) { return textCompare(s0,s1) == 0; }
inline bool textIsEqual( const char* s0, const char* s1, unsigned n ) { return textCompare(s0,s1,n) == 0; }
// Case insensitive is-equal
inline bool textIsEqualI( const char* s0, const char* s1 ) { return textCompareI(s0,s1) == 0; }
inline bool textIsEqualI( const char* s0, const char* s1, unsigned n ) { return textCompareI(s0,s1,n) == 0; }
inline bool textIsNotEqual( const char* s0, const char* s1 ) { return !textIsEqual(s0,s1); }
inline bool textIsNotEqual( const char* s0, const char* s1, unsigned n ) { return !textIsEqual(s0,s1,n); }
// Case insensitive is-not-equal
inline bool textIsNotEqualI( const char* s0, const char* s1 ) { return !textIsEqualI(s0,s1); }
inline bool textIsNotEqualI( const char* s0, const char* s1, unsigned n ) { return !textIsEqualI(s0,s1,n); }
// Return a pointer to the next white space char
// or nullptr if 's' is null are there are no whitespace char's.
const char* nextWhiteChar( const char* s );
// Return a pointer to the next white space char,
// a pointer to the EOS if there are no white space char's,
// or nullptr if 's' is null.
const char* nextWhiteCharEOS( const char* s );
// Return a pointer to the next non-white space char
// or nullptr if 's' is null are there are no non-whitespace char's.
const char* nextNonWhiteChar( const char* s );
// Return a pointer to the next non-white space char,
// a pointer to the EOS if there are no non-white space char's,
// or nullptr if 's' is null.
const char* nextNonWhiteCharEOS( const char* s );
// Return a pointer to the first occurrence of 'c' in s[] or nullptr
// if 'c' does not occur in s[]
char* firstMatchChar( char* s, char c );
const char* firstMatchChar( const char* s, char c );
char* firstMatchChar( char* s, unsigned sn, char c );
const char* firstMatchChar( const char* s, unsigned sn, char c );
// Find the last occurrent of 'c' in s[].
char* lastMatchChar( char* s, char c );
const char* lastMatchChar( const char* s, char c );
char* removeTrailingWhitespace( char* s );
bool isInteger( const char* ); // text contains only [0-9]
bool isReal( const char* ); // text contains only [0-9] with one decimal place
bool isIdentifier( const char* ); // text is a legal id [0-9,A-Z,a-z,_] w/o leading number
// Join s0 and s1 to form one long string. Release the returned string with mem::free()
char* textJoin( const char* s0, const char* s1 );
// Realloc s0 and append s1.
char* textAppend( char* s0, const char* s1 );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, bool v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, unsigned char v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, char v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, unsigned short v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, short v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, unsigned int v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, int v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, unsigned long long v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, long long v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, float v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, double v );
unsigned toText( char* buf, unsigned bufN, const char* v );