2024-12-01 14:35:24 -05:00

950 lines
29 KiB

//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
//| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
#ifndef cwMtx_h
#define cwMtx_h
Memory Layout:
3x2 mtx:
0 3
1 4
2 5
3x2x2 mtx
front back
0 3 | 6 9
1 4 | 7 10
2 5 | 8 11
More about dope and weight vectors.
namespace cw
namespace mtx
kAliasReleaseFl = 0x01, // do not allocate memory, use the passed data pointer, and eventually release it
kAliasNoReleaseFl = 0x02, // do not allocate memory, use the passed data pointer, and do not ever release it
kDimV_NoReleaseFl = 0x04, // do not release the dimV array when the matrix is released.
kDuplDataFl = 0x08, // allocate data space and copy the data in
kZeroFl = 0x10, // zero the newly allocated data
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str
unsigned flags = 0;
unsigned dimN = 0;
unsigned* dimV = nullptr;
unsigned* mulV = nullptr;
T* base = nullptr;
unsigned allocEleN = 0; // always 0 if data is aliased
template< typename T >
void release( struct mtx_str<T>& m )
if( cwIsNotFlag(m.flags,kDimV_NoReleaseFl) )
if( cwIsNotFlag(m.flags,kAliasNoReleaseFl) )
template< typename T >
void release( struct mtx_str<T>*& m )
if( m != nullptr )
// Release data memory when this matrix is released
template< typename T >
void set_memory_release_flag( struct mtx_str<T>& m, bool linkDimVFl=true )
m.flags = cwClearFlag(m.flags,kAliasNoReleaseFl);
if( linkDimVFl )
m.flags = cwClearFlag(m.flags,kDimV_NoReleaseFl);
// Do NOT release data memory when this matrix is released.
template< typename T >
void clear_memory_release_flag( struct mtx_str<T>& m, bool linkDimVFl=true )
m.flags = cwSetFlag(m.flags,kAliasNoReleaseFl);
if( linkDimVFl )
m.flags = cwSetFlag(m.flags,kDimV_NoReleaseFl);
// Note that dimV[] is always copied and therefore is the reponsibility of the caller to free.
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* _init( struct mtx_str<T>* m, unsigned dimN, const unsigned* dimV, T* base=nullptr, unsigned flags=0 )
// if a pre-allocated mtx obj was not given then allocate one
if( m == nullptr )
m = mem::allocZ<mtx_str<T>>(1);
// if the pre-allocd mtx obj has more dim's than the new one
if( m->dimN >= dimN )
m->dimN = dimN;
else // else expand dimV[]
m->dimV = mem::resize<unsigned>(m->dimV,dimN*2);
m->mulV = m->dimV + dimN;
m->dimN = dimN;
// update dimV[] with the new extents and calc. the new ele count
unsigned eleN = 0;
unsigned mul = 1;
for(unsigned i=0; i<dimN; ++i)
m->dimV[i] = dimV[i];
m->mulV[i] = mul;
mul *= dimV[i];
eleN = (i==0 ? 1 : eleN) * dimV[i];
bool aliasFl = cwIsFlag(flags, kAliasNoReleaseFl | kAliasReleaseFl );
// if the new object data is aliased
if( aliasFl )
// release any memory the pre-allocated obj may own
if( cwIsNotFlag(m->flags,kAliasNoReleaseFl) )
m->base = base;
m->allocEleN = 0; // always 0 when data is aliased
else // the new object is not aliased
// if the current data space is too small then reallocate it
if( eleN > m->allocEleN )
// don't allow an alias-no-release ptr to be released
if( cwIsFlag(m->flags,kAliasNoReleaseFl) )
m->base = nullptr;
m->base = mem::resize<T>(m->base, eleN, cwIsFlag(flags,kZeroFl) ? mem::kZeroAllFl : 0 );
m->allocEleN = eleN;
// if duplication was requested
if( cwIsFlag(flags,kDuplDataFl) )
assert( aliasFl == false );
assert( base != nullptr );
if( base != nullptr )
memcpy(m->base,base, eleN*sizeof(T) );
m->flags = flags;
return m;
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* alloc( const unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, T* base, unsigned flags=0 )
{ return _init<T>( nullptr, dimN, dimV, base, flags); }
template< typename T>
struct mtx_str<T>* _alloc_( unsigned flags, unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN)
return alloc<T>(dimV, dimN, nullptr, flags );
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T>* _alloc_( unsigned flags, unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, unsigned n, ARGS&&... args)
unsigned _dimV[ dimN + 1 ];
_dimV[dimN] = n;
return _alloc_<T>(flags,_dimV, dimN+1, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T>* alloc( unsigned flags, ARGS&&... args)
{ return _alloc_<T>(flags,nullptr,0,args...); }
// Allocate the matrix w/o zeroing the initial contents
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* alloc( const unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN )
{ return _init<T>( nullptr, dimN, dimV, nullptr, 0); }
// Allocate the matrix and zero the contents
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* allocZ( const unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN )
{ return _init<T>( nullptr, dimN, dimV, nullptr, kZeroFl); }
// Allocate the matrix and copy the data from base[]
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* allocDupl( unsigned dimN, const unsigned* dimV, const T* base )
{ return _init<T>( nullptr, dimN, dimV, const_cast<T*>(base), kDuplDataFl); }
// Allocate a matrix and use base[] as the data. Release base[] when it is no longer needed.
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* allocAlias( unsigned dimN, const unsigned* dimV, T* base )
{ return _init<T>( nullptr, dimN, dimV, base, kAliasReleaseFl); }
// Allocate a mtrix and use base[] as the data - do NOT release base[].
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* allocAliasNoRelease( unsigned dimN, const unsigned* dimV, const T* base )
{ return _init<T>( nullptr, dimN, dimV, const_cast<T*>(base), kAliasNoReleaseFl); }
unsigned _offsetDimV( const unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, unsigned* idxV );
unsigned _offsetMulV( const unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, unsigned* idxV );
unsigned _mtx_object_get_degree( const struct object_str* cfg );
rc_t _mtx_object_get_shape( const struct object_str* cfg, unsigned i, unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, unsigned& eleN );
// 'i' is the index into 'idxV[]' of the matrix dimension which 'cfg' refers to
template< typename T>
rc_t _get_mtx_eles_from_cfg( const struct object_str* cfg, struct mtx_str<T>* m, unsigned i, unsigned* idxV )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
// if cfg is not a list then this must be a value
if( !cfg->is_list() )
// get the value
T v;
if(cfg->value(v) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Unable to obtain matrix value in dimension index: %i\n",i);
// and store it in the current idxV[] location
m->base[ _offsetMulV(m->mulV,m->dimN,idxV) ] = v;
return kOkRC;
// otherwise this is a list - and the list must contain lists or values
for(unsigned j=0; j<cfg->child_count(); ++j)
// update idxV[] which the dimension of the ith child elment
idxV[i] = j;
// recurse!
if((rc = _get_mtx_eles_from_cfg(cfg->child_ele(j) ,m, i+1, idxV)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// Allocate a new matrix by parsing an object_t description.
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* allocCfg( const struct object_str* cfg )
unsigned dimN = 0;
// get the degree of the matrix
dimN = _mtx_object_get_degree(cfg);
// if 'cfg' does not refer to a matrix
if( dimN == 0 )
cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The matrix object does not have a list-list syntax.");
// allocate the shape vector
unsigned dimV[dimN];
unsigned idxV[dimN];
unsigned eleN = 0;
struct mtx_str<T>* m = nullptr;
// get the shape of the matrix
if( _mtx_object_get_shape(cfg,0,dimV,dimN,eleN) != kOkRC )
return nullptr;
// allocate the matrix
if((m = alloc<T>(dimV,dimN)) == nullptr )
cwLogError(kObjAllocFailRC,"A matrix allocation failed.");
if(_get_mtx_eles_from_cfg<T>(cfg,m,0,idxV) == kOkRC )
return m;
return nullptr;
template< typename T >
void _slice_setup( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, const unsigned* sIdxV, const unsigned* sCntV, unsigned* siV, unsigned *snV )
// if sIdx is not given then assume it is the origin
if( sIdxV != nullptr )
// calculate the length in each dimension
for(unsigned i=0; i<m.dimN; ++i)
snV[i] = (sCntV==nullptr || sCntV[i] == kInvalidCnt) ? m.dimV[i]-siV[i] : sCntV[i];
// Allocate a new matrix by slicing an existing matrix and duplicating the contents into a new matrix
// Set the elements of sCntV to kInvalidCnt to indicate that the entire dimension following the offset index should be copied.
// Set sIdxV to nullptr to begin at 0,0,...
// Set sCntV to nullptr to take all elements after sIdxV.
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
struct mtx_str<T0>* alloc( const struct mtx_str<T1>& src, const unsigned* sIdxV, const unsigned* sCntV )
struct mtx_str<T0>* m;
unsigned siV[ src.dimN ];
unsigned snV[ src.dimN ];
unsigned dIdxV[ src.dimN ];
if((m = alloc<T0>(snV,src.dimN) ) == nullptr )
return nullptr;
return m;
// Allocate a new matrix by slicing an existing matrix and aliasing the contents into a new matrix.
// Set the elements of sCntV to kInvalidCnt to indicate that the entire dimension following the offset index should be copied.
// Set sIdxV to nullptr to begin at 0,0,...
// Set sCntV to nullptr to take all elements after sIdxV.
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* sliceAlias( const struct mtx_str<T>& src, const unsigned* sIdxV, const unsigned* sCntV )
struct mtx_str<T>* m;
unsigned siV[ src.dimN ];
unsigned snV[ src.dimN ];
m = allocAliasNoRelease( src.dimN, snV, addr(src,siV) );
// the memory layout in the slice mtx is the same as the matrix
// that it aliases and therefore the 'mulV' vector is the same
// in both matrices.
return m;
template<typename T0, typename T1>
struct mtx_str<T0>* _slice( const struct mtx_str<T1>& m, unsigned* iV, unsigned iN, unsigned index )
// the offset index vector must be fully specified
if( index < m.dimN )
cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"An invalid number index + count values was given to slice(). %i < %i.",index,m.dimN);
return nullptr;
// fill in the end of iV[] with kInvalidCnt to indicate that all values after the offset should be copied
for(; index<iN; ++index)
iV[index] = kInvalidCnt;
// allocate a matrix to hold the slice
return alloc<T0,T1>(m,iV,iV+m.dimN);
template< typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T0>* _slice( const struct mtx_str<T1>& m, unsigned* iV, unsigned iN, unsigned index, unsigned n, ARGS&&... args)
if( index >= iN )
cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Too many index/count arguments were passed to mtx::slice().");
return nullptr;
iV[index] = n;
return _slice<T0,T1>(m,iV,iN,index+1,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
// This function is a wrapper around alloc(const struct mtx_str<T>& src, const unsigned* sIdxV, const unsigned* sCntV ).
// The argument list should specify the values for sIdxV[0:dimN] and sCntV[0:dimN].
// The count of arguments should therefore not exceed src.dimN*2.
// The sCntV[] argument list may be truncated, or set to kInvalidCnt, if all values after the offset for a given dimension are to be copied.
template< typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T0>* slice( const struct mtx_str<T1>& m, ARGS&&... args)
unsigned iV[ m.dimN*2 ];
return _slice<T0,T1>(m, iV, m.dimN*2, 0, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
template<typename T>
struct mtx_str<T>* _sliceAlias( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned* iV, unsigned iN, unsigned index )
// the offset index vector must be fully specified
if( index < m.dimN )
cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"An invalid number index + count values was given to sliceAlias(). %i < %i.",index,m.dimN);
return nullptr;
// fill in the end of iV[] with kInvalidCnt to indicate that all values after the offset should be copied
for(; index<iN; ++index)
iV[index] = kInvalidCnt;
// allocate a matrix to hold the slice
return sliceAlias<T>(m,iV,iV+m.dimN);
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T>* _sliceAlias( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned* iV, unsigned iN, unsigned index, unsigned n, ARGS&&... args)
if( index >= iN )
cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Too many index/count arguments were passed to mtx::sliceAlias().");
return nullptr;
iV[index] = n;
return _sliceAlias<T>(m,iV,iN,index+1,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T>* slice_alias( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, ARGS&&... args)
unsigned iV[ m.dimN*2 ];
return _sliceAlias<T>(m,iV, m.dimN*2, 0, args...);
// resize m[]
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* resize( struct mtx_str<T>* m, const unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, T* base=nullptr, unsigned flags=0 )
{ return _init<T>( m, dimN, dimV, base, flags ); }
// resize y[] to have the same size as x[]
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* resize( struct mtx_str<T>* y, const struct mtx_str<T>& x )
{ return resize(y,x->dimV,x->dimN); }
// Copy a slice of src[] into dst[] at a particular location.
// dst[] is assumed to be allocated with sufficient size to receive src[].
// Set dIdxV to nullptr to copy to the 0,0, ... of the dst matrix
// Set sIdxV to nullptr to copy from the 0,0, ... of the src matrix.
// Set sCntV to nullptr to cop all of the src matrix.
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
rc_t copy( struct mtx_str<T0>& dst, const unsigned* dIdxV, const struct mtx_str<T1>& src, const unsigned* sIdxV, const unsigned* sCntV )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned nV[ src.dimN ];
unsigned siV[ src.dimN ];
unsigned diV[ dst.dimN ];
if( sCntV == nullptr )
sCntV = src.dimV;
if( sIdxV == nullptr )
if( dIdxV == nullptr )
#ifndef NDEBUG
// verify the starting address
assert( is_legal_address(dst, diV) );
assert( is_legal_address(src, siV) );
//verify the ending address
assert( is_legal_address(dst, diV) );
assert( is_legal_address(src, siV) );
// copy one element
ele(dst, diV ) = ele(src, siV );
for(int j=0; j >= 0; )
// increment the src and dst addr
// from highest to lowest degree
for(j=src.dimN-1; j>=0; --j)
// if incrementing the jth dim does not overflow ...
if( ++nV[j] < sCntV[j] )
siV[j] += 1;
diV[j] += 1;
// copy one element
ele(dst, diV ) = ele(src, siV );
break; // .. then incr siV[] and diV[] with the next src/dst address
// otherwise reset the counter and address for this dim and backup by one dim.
nV[j] = 0;
diV[j] = dIdxV[j];
siV[j] = sIdxV[j];
return rc;
template< typename T >
rc_t _join_update_dims( unsigned index, unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, const struct mtx_str<T>& m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
// verify that the degree of all matrices are the same
if( m.dimN != dimN )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Join matrix size mismatch. dimN:%i != %i", m.dimN, dimN);
// only the dimension specified by 'index' may be different
for(unsigned i=0; i<dimN; ++i)
if( i == index )
dimV[i] += m.dimV[i];
if( dimV[i] != m.dimV[i] )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Join matrix dimV[%i] mismatch: (%i != %i). ",i,dimV[i],m.dimV[i]);
return rc;
template< typename T >
void _join_copy( struct mtx_str<T>& dst, const struct mtx_str<T>& src, unsigned index, unsigned ii )
unsigned dIdxV[ dst.dimN ];
unsigned sIdxV[ src.dimN ];
dIdxV[ index ] = ii;
template< typename T >
struct mtx_str<T>* _join( unsigned index, unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, unsigned ii )
// Allocate an empty matrix to copy the joined matrices into.
return alloc<T>(dimV,dimN);
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T>* _join( unsigned index, unsigned* dimV, unsigned dimN, unsigned ii, const struct mtx_str<T>& m, ARGS&&... args)
struct mtx_str<T>* y = nullptr;
if( _join_update_dims<T>(index,dimV,dimN,m) != kOkRC )
return nullptr;
if((y = _join<T>( index, dimV, dimN, ii + m.dimV[index], std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)) != nullptr )
return y;
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
struct mtx_str<T>* join( unsigned index, const struct mtx_str<T>& m, ARGS&&... args)
struct mtx_str<T>* y = nullptr;
unsigned dimV[ m.dimN ];
for(unsigned i=0; i<m.dimN; ++i)
dimV[i] = m.dimV[i];
if((y = _join( index, dimV, m.dimN, m.dimV[index], std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)) != nullptr )
return y;
template< typename T >
bool is_legal_address( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, const unsigned* idxV )
for(unsigned i=0; i<m.dimN; ++i)
if( idxV[i] >= m.dimV[i] )
return false;
return true;
template< typename T >
unsigned offset( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, const unsigned* idxV )
{ return vop::mac(idxV,m.mulV,m.dimN); }
template< typename T >
unsigned _offset( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, int i, unsigned offs )
{ return offs; }
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
unsigned _offset( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, int i, unsigned offs, unsigned idx, ARGS&&... args)
{ return _offset(m,i+1, offs + idx*m.mulV[i], std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); }
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
unsigned offset( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned idx, ARGS&&... args)
{ return _offset(m,0,0,idx,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); }
template< typename T >
T* addr( struct mtx_str<T>& m, const unsigned* idxV )
{ return m.base + offset(m,idxV); }
template< typename T >
const T* addr( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, const unsigned* idxV )
{ return m.base + offset(m,idxV); }
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
T* addr( struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned i, ARGS&&... args)
{ return m.base + offset(m,i,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); }
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
const T* addr( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned i, ARGS&&... args)
{ return m.base + offset(m,i,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); }
template< typename T >
T& ele( struct mtx_str<T>& m, const unsigned* idxV )
{ return *addr(m,idxV); }
template< typename T >
const T& ele( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, const unsigned* idxV )
{ return *addr(m,idxV); }
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
T& ele( struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned i, ARGS&&... args)
{ return *addr(m,i,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); }
template< typename T, typename... ARGS>
const T& ele( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned i, ARGS&&... args)
{ return *addr(m,i,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); }
template< typename T >
bool is_col_vector( const struct mtx_str<T>& m )
{ return m.dimN==1 || (m.dimN==2 && m.dimV[1]==1); };
template< typename T >
bool is_row_vector( const struct mtx_str<T>& m )
{ return m.dimN==2 && m.dimV[0]==1; }
template< typename T >
bool is_vector( const struct mtx_str<T>& m )
{ return is_col_vector(m) || is_row_vector(m); }
// Return 'true' if the matrices have the same size.
template< typename T >
bool is_size_equal( const struct mtx_str<T>& x0, const struct mtx_str<T>& x1 )
if( x0.dimN != x1.dimN )
return false;
return vop::is_equal(x0.dimV,x1.dimV,x0.dimN);
template< typename T >
bool is_equal( const struct mtx_str<T>& x0, const struct mtx_str<T>& x1 )
if( !is_size_equal(x0,x1) )
return false;
return vop::is_equal(x0.base,x1.base,ele_count(x0));
// Return the count of elements in the matrix
template< typename T >
unsigned ele_count( const struct mtx_str<T>& x )
{ return vop::prod(x.dimV,x.dimN); }
template< typename T >
void transpose( struct mtx_str<T>& m )
for(unsigned i=0; i<m.dimN/2; ++i)
unsigned x = m.mulV[i];
m.mulV[i] = m.mulV[ m.dimN-(i+1) ];
m.mulV[ m.dimN-(i+1) ] = x;
x = m.dimV[i];
m.dimV[i] = m.dimV[ m.dimN-(i+1) ];
m.dimV[m.dimN-(i+1)] = x;
template< typename T >
void _print( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned* idxV, unsigned i, unsigned decPl, unsigned colWidth )
if( i == m.dimN )
double v = ele( m, idxV );
// print the value
cwLogPrint("%*.*f ",colWidth,decPl,v);
for(unsigned j=0; j<m.dimV[i]; ++j)
if( m.dimN>=2 && i == m.dimN-2 )
// print the dimension index for matrices with 3+ dim's
if( i > 0 && j == 0 )
// print the row index for matrices with 2+ dim's
if( m.dimN>1 )
cwLogPrint("%i | ",j);
idxV[i] = j;
_print(m, idxV, i+1, decPl, colWidth );
// prevent multiple newlines on last printed line
if( m.dimN==1 || (m.dimN>=2 && i > m.dimN-2) )
template< typename T >
void print( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, unsigned decPl=3, unsigned colWidth=10 )
unsigned idxV[ m.dimN ];
if( std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
decPl = 0;
_print( m, idxV, 0, decPl, colWidth );
template< typename T >
void report( const struct mtx_str<T>& m, const char* label, unsigned decPl=3, unsigned colWidth=10 )
cwLogPrint("%s :",label);
for(unsigned i=0; i<m.dimN; ++i)
cwLogPrint("%i ", m.dimV[i] );
// y = m * x (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void mult( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const struct mtx_str<T>& x0, const struct mtx_str<T>& x1 )
assert( is_size_equal(x0,x1) );
resize<T>(&y,x0); // resize y to the same dim's as m
unsigned n = ele_count<T>(x0);
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y.base[i] = x0.base[i] * x1.base[i];
// y *= x (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void mult( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const struct mtx_str<T>& x )
assert( is_size_equal(y,x) );
// y = x * scalar (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void mult( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const struct mtx_str<T>& x, const T& scalar )
resize<T>(&y,x); // resize y to the same dim's as m
// y *= scalar (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void mult( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const T& scalar )
{ vop::mul(y.base,scalar,ele_count<T>(y)); }
// y = m + x (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void add( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const struct mtx_str<T>& x0, const struct mtx_str<T>& x1 )
assert( is_size_equal(x0,x1) );
resize<T>(&y,x0); // resize y to the same dim's as m
// y += x (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void add( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const struct mtx_str<T>& x )
assert( is_size_equal(y,x) );
// y = x + scalar (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void add( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const struct mtx_str<T>& x, const T& scalar )
// y += scalar (elementwise)
template< typename T >
void add( struct mtx_str<T>& y, const T& scalar )
template<typename T >
const T max( const struct mtx_str<T>& x )
return vop::max(x.base,ele_count<T>(x));
template<typename T >
const T min( const struct mtx_str<T>& x )
return vop::min(x.base,ele_count<T>(x));
template< typename T>
struct mtx_str<T>* alloc_one_hot( const struct mtx_str<T>& mV )
if( !is_vector(mV) )
cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Only vectors can be converted to one-hot matrices.");
return nullptr;
int min_val = (int)mtx::min<T>(mV);
int max_val = (int)mtx::max<T>(mV);
unsigned rN = (max_val - min_val) + 1;
unsigned cN = ele_count<T>(mV);
struct mtx::mtx_str<T>* zM = mtx::alloc<T>(kZeroFl,rN,cN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<cN; ++i)
unsigned j = (unsigned)ele<T>(mV,i) - min_val;
ele(*zM, j, i) = 1;
return zM;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
rc_t mtx_mul( struct mtx_str<T0>& y, const struct mtx_str<T0>& m, const struct mtx_str<T1>& x )
assert( x.dimN >= 1 && m.dimN >= 1 );
unsigned xrn = x.dimN==1 ? ele_count<T1>(x) : x.dimV[0];
unsigned xcn = x.dimN==1 ? 1 : x.dimV[1];
unsigned mrn = m.dimN==1 ? 1 : m.dimV[0];
unsigned mcn = m.dimN==1 ? ele_count<T0>(m) : m.dimV[1];
unsigned yDimV[] = { mrn, xcn };
if( mcn != xrn )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC, "Mtx mult. failed. Size mismatch: m[%i,%i] x[%i,%i].",mrn,mcn,xrn,xcn);
//cwLogPrint("%i %i : %i %i\n",mrn,mcn,xrn,xcn);
resize(&y,yDimV, 2 );
// go across the columns of x
for(unsigned i=0; i<xcn; ++i)
// go down the rows of m[]
for(unsigned j=0; j<mrn; ++j)
// calc the first memory offset for each mtx
unsigned yi = offset(y,j,i);
unsigned mi = offset(m,j,0);
unsigned xi = offset(x,0,i);
// calc increment for each offset by calc'ing
// the second offset and subtracting the first
unsigned dxi = offset(x,1,i) - xi;
unsigned dmi = offset(m,j,1) - mi;
// calc stopping point
unsigned mN = mi + (mcn*dmi);
y.base[ yi ] = 0;
// go down the rows of x[] and across the columns of m[]
for(; mi<mN; mi+=dmi,xi+=dxi)
y.base[ yi ] += m.base[ mi ] * x.base[ xi ];
return kOkRC;
typedef struct mtx_str<float> f_t;
typedef struct mtx_str<double> d_t;
rc_t test( const test::test_args_t& args );