//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #ifndef cwThread_H #define cwThread_H namespace cw { namespace thread { const int kDefaultStateTimeOutMicros=100000; const int kDefaultPauseMicros = 10000; typedef enum { kNotInitThId, kPausedThId, kRunningThId, kExitedThId } stateId_t; typedef handle<struct thread_str> handle_t; // Return false to indicate that the thread should terminate. typedef bool (*cbFunc_t)( void* arg ); typedef unsigned long long thread_id_t; // The thread is in the 'paused' state after it is created. // stateMicros = total time out duration for switching to the exit state or for switching in/out of pause state. // pauseMicros = duration of thread sleep interval when in paused state. rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, cbFunc_t func, void* funcArg, const char* label, // Assign a label which will show up via `top -H` or `ps -T`. int stateTimeOutMicros=kDefaultStateTimeOutMicros, int pauseMicros=kDefaultPauseMicros ); rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef ); // 'cycleCnt' gives a limit on the count of time the thread function should be called // when the thread exits the pause state. It is ignored if kPauseFl is set in 'cmdFlags' enum { kPauseFl=0x01, kWaitFl=0x02 }; rc_t pause( handle_t h, unsigned cmdFlags = kWaitFl, unsigned cycleCnt=0 ); rc_t unpause( handle_t h, unsigned cycleCnt=0 ); // same as threadPause(h,kWaitFl) stateId_t state( handle_t h ); // Return the thread id of the calling context. thread_id_t id(); const char* label( handle_t h ); unsigned stateTimeOutMicros( handle_t h); unsigned pauseMicros( handle_t h ); } rc_t threadTest(); } #endif