//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwUiDecls.h" #include "cwIo.h" #include "cwIoSocketChat.h" #include "cwSocketDecls.h" #include "cwText.h" namespace cw { namespace io { namespace sock_chat { enum { kUiDivAppId, kUiSendTextAppId, kUiRemoteAddrAppId, kUiRemotePortAppId, kUiSendBtnAppId, kUiRecvTextAppId, kMaxAppId }; // Application values. typedef struct sock_chat_str { io::handle_t ioH; // io framework handle unsigned baseAppId; // minimum app id unsigned sockIdx; // io socket associated with this application char* sendText; // current text to send to remote socket char* remoteAddr; // remote address to which this socket will send values unsigned remotePort; // " port " " " " " " " char* recvText; // last text recv'd from remote socket unsigned recvTextUuId; // Uuid associated with the 'recv' text control } sock_chat_t; sock_chat_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h ) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,sock_chat_t>(h); } bool _isAppId( sock_chat_t* p, unsigned appId ) { return appId != kInvalidId && p->baseAppId <= appId && appId < p->baseAppId + kMaxAppId; } // Close the application rc_t _destroy( sock_chat_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; mem::release(p->sendText); mem::release(p->remoteAddr); mem::release(p->recvText); mem::release(p); return rc; } // Called when an new UI connects to the engine. rc_t _uiInit( sock_chat_t* p, const ui_msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned parentUuId = ui::kRootAppId; unsigned chanId = kInvalidId; unsigned divUuId; unsigned uuid; const int sn = 63; char s[sn+1]; snprintf(s,sn,"Chat: %i", io::socketPort(p->ioH, p->sockIdx )); uiCreateDiv( p->ioH, divUuId, parentUuId, nullptr, p->baseAppId + kUiDivAppId, chanId, "uiPanel", s ); uiCreateStr( p->ioH, uuid, divUuId, nullptr, p->baseAppId + kUiSendTextAppId, chanId, "uiText", "Send" ); uiCreateStr( p->ioH, uuid, divUuId, nullptr, p->baseAppId + kUiRemoteAddrAppId, chanId, "uiText", "Addr", "" ); uiCreateNumb( p->ioH, uuid, divUuId, nullptr, p->baseAppId + kUiRemotePortAppId, chanId, "uiNumb", "Port", 0, 0xffff, 1, 0, 0 ); uiCreateButton(p->ioH, uuid, divUuId, nullptr, p->baseAppId + kUiSendBtnAppId, chanId, "uiBtn", "Send" ); uiCreateStr( p->ioH, p->recvTextUuId, divUuId, nullptr, p->baseAppId + kUiRecvTextAppId, chanId, "uiText", "Recv" ); return rc; } // Messages from UI to engine. rc_t _uiValue( sock_chat_t* p, const ui_msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; // filter out callbacks not meant for this app if( !_isAppId(p,m.appId) ) return rc; switch( m.appId - p->baseAppId ) { case kUiSendTextAppId: if( m.value->tid == ui::kStringTId ) p->sendText = mem::duplStr(m.value->u.s); break; case kUiRemoteAddrAppId: if( m.value->tid == ui::kStringTId ) p->remoteAddr = mem::duplStr(m.value->u.s); break; case kUiRemotePortAppId: switch( m.value->tid) { case ui::kIntTId: p->remotePort = m.value->u.i; break; case ui::kUIntTId: p->remotePort = m.value->u.u; break; default: break; } break; case kUiRecvTextAppId: if( m.value->tid == ui::kStringTId ) p->recvText = mem::duplStr(m.value->u.s); break; case kUiSendBtnAppId: if( p->sendText ) io::socketSend( p->ioH, p->sockIdx, p->sendText, textLength(p->sendText)+1, p->remoteAddr, p->remotePort ); break; default: break; } return rc; } // Request from UI for engine value. rc_t _uiEcho( sock_chat_t* p, const ui_msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; // filter out callbacks not meant for this app if( !_isAppId(p,m.appId) ) return rc; switch( m.appId-p->baseAppId ) { case kUiSendTextAppId: if( p->sendText ) io::uiSendValue( p->ioH, m.uuId, p->sendText ); break; case kUiRemoteAddrAppId: if( p->remoteAddr) io::uiSendValue( p->ioH, m.uuId, p->remoteAddr ); break; case kUiRecvTextAppId: if( p->recvText ) io::uiSendValue( p->ioH, m.uuId, p->recvText ); break; case kUiRemotePortAppId: io::uiSendValue( p->ioH, m.uuId, p->remotePort ); break; default: break; } return rc; } rc_t _uiCb( sock_chat_t* p, const ui_msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( m.opId ) { case ui::kConnectOpId: //cwLogInfo("IO Test Connect: wsSessId:%i.",m.wsSessId); break; case ui::kDisconnectOpId: //cwLogInfo("IO Test Disconnect: wsSessId:%i.",m.wsSessId); break; case ui::kInitOpId: rc = _uiInit(p,m); break; case ui::kValueOpId: rc = _uiValue(p, m ); break; case ui::kEchoOpId: rc = _uiEcho( p, m ); break; case ui::kIdleOpId: break; case ui::kInvalidOpId: // fall through default: assert(0); break; } return rc; } rc_t _sockCb( sock_chat_t* p, const socket_msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( m.cbId ) { case sock::kConnectCbId: break; case sock::kReceiveCbId: if( m.byteA && p->sockIdx == m.sockIdx ) { p->recvText = mem::duplStr((const char*)m.byteA); io::uiSendValue(p->ioH, p->recvTextUuId, (const char*)m.byteA ); } break; case sock::kDisconnectCbId: break; } return rc; } } } } cw::rc_t cw::io::sock_chat::create( handle_t& hRef, io::handle_t ioH, const char* socketLabel, unsigned baseAppId ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC ) return rc; sock_chat_t* p = mem::allocZ<sock_chat_t>(); p->ioH = ioH; p->sockIdx = io::socketLabelToIndex( ioH, socketLabel ); p->baseAppId = baseAppId; hRef.set(p); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::io::sock_chat::destroy( handle_t& hRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; sock_chat_t* p = nullptr; if(!hRef.isValid()) return rc; if((p = _handleToPtr(hRef)) == nullptr ) return rc; if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC ) return rc; hRef.clear(); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::io::sock_chat::exec( handle_t h, const msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; sock_chat_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); switch( m.tid ) { case kSerialTId: break; case kMidiTId: break; case kAudioTId: break; case kAudioMeterTId: break; case kSockTId: if( m.u.sock != nullptr ) rc = _sockCb(p,*m.u.sock); break; case kWebSockTId: break; case kUiTId: rc = _uiCb(p,m.u.ui); break; case kExecTId: break; default: assert(0); } return rc; } unsigned cw::io::sock_chat::maxAppId( handle_t h ) { sock_chat_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->baseAppId + kMaxAppId; }