//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwText.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwFile.h" #include "cwMidi.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" #include "cwDynRefTbl.h" #include "cwScoreParse.h" #include "cwSfScore.h" #include "cwCsv.h" #include "cwNumericConvert.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwVectOps.h" #include "cwMidi.h" namespace cw { namespace sfscore { typedef struct sfscore_str { bool deleteParserH_Fl; score_parse::handle_t parserH; double srate; event_t* eventA; unsigned eventAllocN; unsigned eventN; set_t* setA; unsigned setN; section_t* sectionA; unsigned sectionN; loc_t* locA; unsigned locN; } sfscore_t; typedef struct rpt_evt_str { event_t* event; loc_t* loc; section_t* section; } rpt_event_t; sfscore_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h ) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,sfscore_t>(h); } void _destroy_set( set_t* s ) { mem::release(s->evtArray); mem::release(s->sectArray); mem::release(s); } void _destroy_section( section_t* s ) { char* ss = (char*)(s->label); mem::release(ss); mem::release(s->setArray); } rc_t _destroy( sfscore_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; for(unsigned i=0; i<p->locN; ++i) mem::release(p->locA[i].evtArray); mem::release(p->locA); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->setN; ++i) { mem::release(p->setA[i].evtArray); mem::release(p->setA[i].sectArray); } mem::release(p->setA); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->sectionN; ++i) _destroy_section( p->sectionA + i ); mem::release(p->sectionA); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eventN; ++i) { mem::release(p->eventA[i].sciPitch); mem::release(p->eventA[i].varA); } mem::release(p->eventA); if( p->deleteParserH_Fl ) destroy(p->parserH); mem::release(p); return rc; } event_t* _hash_to_event( sfscore_t* p, unsigned hash ) { for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eventN; ++i) if( p->eventA[i].hash == hash ) return p->eventA + i; return nullptr; } double _calc_frac( double rval, unsigned dot_cnt ) { double mult = 1.0; if(dot_cnt > 0) { for(unsigned i=0; i<dot_cnt; ++i) mult += 1.0 / (1 << i); } return mult/rval; } rc_t _create_event_array( sfscore_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const score_parse::event_t* pe_array = score_parse::event_array(p->parserH); p->eventAllocN = score_parse::event_count(p->parserH); p->eventN = 0; if( pe_array == nullptr || p->eventAllocN == 0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No events were found."); goto errLabel; } p->eventA = mem::allocZ<event_t>(p->eventAllocN); p->locN = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eventAllocN; ++i) { event_t* e = p->eventA + p->eventN; const score_parse::event_t* pe = pe_array + i; if( cwIsFlag(pe->flags,score_parse::kOnsetFl) ) { e->type = pe->opId; e->secs = pe->sec; e->index = p->eventN; e->oLocId = pe->oLocId; e->pitch = pe->d0; e->vel = pe->d1; e->flags = pe->flags; e->dynLevel = pe->dynLevel; e->frac = _calc_frac(pe->rval, pe->dotCnt); e->barNumb = pe->barNumb; e->barNoteIdx = pe->barPitchIdx; e->csvRowNumb = pe->csvRowNumb; e->line = pe->csvRowNumb; e->parseEvtIdx = pe->index; e->hash = pe->hash; e->sciPitch = pe->sciPitch == nullptr ? nullptr : mem::duplStr(pe->sciPitch); e->bpm = pe->bpm; e->bpm_rval = pe->bpm_rval; e->varN = std::count_if( pe->varA, pe->varA + score_parse::kVarCnt, [](const score_parse::event_var_t& x){ return x.flags!=0; }); e->varA = mem::allocZ<var_t>(e->varN); for(unsigned k = score_parse::kMinVarIdx,j=0; k<score_parse::kVarCnt && j<e->varN; ++k) { if( pe->varA[k].flags != 0 ) { assert( k == pe->varA[k].set->varTypeId ); e->varA[j].flags = pe->varA[k].flags; e->varA[j].varId = pe->varA[k].set->varTypeId; e->flags |= pe->varA[k].flags; ++j; } } if( e->oLocId > p->locN ) p->locN = e->oLocId; p->eventN += 1; } } p->locN += 1; // add one to convert locN from index to count cwLogInfo("%i locations.",p->locN); errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _create_loc_array( sfscore_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned ebi = 0; if( p->locN == 0) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No locations were found."); goto errLabel; } p->locA = mem::allocZ<loc_t>(p->locN); for(unsigned i = 0; i<p->eventN; ++i) { const event_t* e = p->eventA + i; if( e->oLocId != p->eventA[ebi].oLocId || i == p->eventN-1 ) { unsigned oLocId = p->eventA[ebi].oLocId; assert( oLocId < p->locN); loc_t* loc = p->locA + oLocId; loc->index = p->eventA[ebi].oLocId; loc->secs = p->eventA[ebi].secs; loc->barNumb = p->eventA[ebi].barNumb; loc->evtCnt = (i - ebi) + (i == p->eventN-1 ? 1 : 0); loc->evtArray = mem::allocZ<event_t*>( loc->evtCnt ); for(unsigned j = 0; j<loc->evtCnt; ++j) { assert( ebi + j < p->eventN ); loc->evtArray[j] = p->eventA + (ebi+j); } ebi = i; } } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _assign_section_to_events( sfscore_t* p ) { for(unsigned si=0,ei=0; si<p->sectionN ; ++si) { // the last event in a section is the event just prior to the first event in the next section unsigned end_evt_idx = si>=p->sectionN-1 ? p->eventN : p->sectionA[si+1].begEvtIndex; for(; ei<end_evt_idx; ++ei) p->eventA[ ei ].section = p->sectionA + si; } return kOkRC; } rc_t _create_section_array( sfscore_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; p->sectionN = score_parse::section_count(p->parserH); // the location array must have already been created. assert( p->locA != nullptr ); if( p->sectionN == 0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No sections were found."); goto errLabel; } else { p->sectionA = mem::allocZ<section_t>(p->sectionN); const score_parse::section_t* ps = score_parse::section_list(p->parserH); for(unsigned i = 0; i<p->sectionN; ++i) { if( ps->begEvent != nullptr ) { section_t* section = p->sectionA + i; unsigned beg_evt_idx = ps->begEvent->index; unsigned end_evt_idx = ps->endEvent->index; const score_parse::event_t* eventA = event_array( p->parserH ); unsigned eventN = event_count( p->parserH ); event_t* begEvt = nullptr; event_t* endEvt = nullptr; // advance to the first and last onset event for(unsigned i = beg_evt_idx; i<=end_evt_idx && i<eventN; ++i) { if( eventA[i].oLocId != kInvalidId ) { if( begEvt == nullptr ) begEvt = _hash_to_event(p,eventA[i].hash); event_t* e; if((e = _hash_to_event(p,eventA[i].hash)) != nullptr ) endEvt = e; } } if( begEvt == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The section '%s' does not have a 'begin' event with hash:%x.",cwStringNullGuard(ps->label),ps->begEvent->hash); goto errLabel; } if( endEvt == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The section '%s' does not have an 'end' event with hash:%x.",cwStringNullGuard(ps->label),ps->endEvent->hash); goto errLabel; } section->label = mem::duplStr(ps->label); section->index = i; section->begEvtIndex = begEvt->index; section->endEvtIndex = endEvt->index; section->locPtr = p->locA + p->eventA[begEvt->index].oLocId; section->locPtr->begSectPtr = section; //for(unsigned j = 0; j<score_parse::kVarCnt; ++j) // section->vars[j] = DBL_MAX; } ps = ps->link; } } errLabel: return rc; } section_t* _label_to_section( sfscore_t* p, const char* label ) { for(unsigned i = 0; i<p->sectionN; ++i) if( textIsEqual(p->sectionA[i].label,label) ) return p->sectionA + i; return nullptr; } rc_t _create_set_array( sfscore_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const score_parse::set_t* ps = set_list(p->parserH); p->setN = score_parse::set_count(p->parserH); if( p->setN == 0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No sets were found."); goto errLabel; } else { p->setA = mem::allocZ<set_t>( p->setN ); // for each set for(unsigned i = 0; i<p->setN; ++i,ps=ps->link) { assert(ps != nullptr); section_t* section = nullptr; set_t* set = p->setA + i; unsigned evtIdx0 = kInvalidIdx; unsigned oLocId0 = kInvalidIdx; set->id = ps->id; set->varId = ps->varTypeId; // fill in the events belonging to this set set->evtCnt = ps->eventN; set->evtArray = mem::allocZ<event_t*>(set->evtCnt); for(unsigned j=0; j<set->evtCnt; ++j) { event_t* e = nullptr; unsigned k = 0; // locate the jth event if((e = _hash_to_event(p, ps->eventA[j]->hash )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The '%s' set event in measure:%i with hash %x (CSV Row:%i) could not be found.",score_parse::var_index_to_char(ps->varTypeId),ps->eventA[j]->barNumb,ps->eventA[j]->hash,ps->eventA[j]->csvRowNumb); goto errLabel; } // the set events must be in time order if( evtIdx0!=kInvalidIdx && e->index < evtIdx0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The '%s' set event in measure:%i with hash %x (CSV Row:%i) is out of time order.",score_parse::var_index_to_char(ps->varTypeId),ps->eventA[j]->barNumb,ps->eventA[j]->hash,ps->eventA[j]->csvRowNumb); goto errLabel; } evtIdx0 = e->index; // Track the count of locations used by this set. if( oLocId0==kInvalidIdx || e->oLocId != oLocId0 ) set->locN += 1; oLocId0 = e->oLocId; set->evtArray[j] = e; // set the set pointer on this event to point back to this set for(k=0; k<e->varN; ++k) if( e->varA[k].varId == set->varId ) { e->varA[k].set = set; break; } if( k == e->varN ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The event set slots at location '%i' (CSV row:%i) was not found for var type:%i.",e->oLocId,e->csvRowNumb,set->varId); goto errLabel; } } // add this set to the setList for the set's end loc if( set->evtCnt > 0 ) { loc_t* end_loc = p->locA + set->evtArray[set->evtCnt-1]->oLocId; set->llink = end_loc->setList; end_loc->setList = set; } // set the target-section related fields for this set if( ps->targetSection != nullptr ) { if((section = _label_to_section(p,ps->targetSection->label)) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The section '%s' was not found."); goto errLabel; } set->sectCnt = 1; set->sectArray = mem::allocZ<section_t*>(set->sectCnt); set->sectArray[0] = section; section->setCnt += 1; section->setArray = mem::resizeZ(section->setArray,section->setCnt); section->setArray[ section->setCnt-1 ] = set; if( set->evtCnt>0 ) { // track the location of the last event in the last set that is applied to this section unsigned oLocId = set->evtArray[ set->evtCnt-1 ]->oLocId; if( section->measLocPtr == nullptr || oLocId > section->measLocPtr->index ) section->measLocPtr = p->locA + oLocId; } } } } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _set_tempo( sfscore_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const score_parse::event_t* eventA = event_array(p->parserH); unsigned eventN = event_count(p->parserH); // Get the min BPM auto min_evt = std::min_element(eventA,eventA+eventN,[](auto& x0, auto& x1){ return x0.bpm<x1.bpm; }); cwLogInfo("min tempo:%i at CSV row:%i",min_evt->bpm,min_evt->csvRowNumb); if( min_evt->bpm == 0 ) { cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The minimum tempo must be greater than zero."); goto errLabel; } // Set event.relTempo std::for_each(p->eventA, p->eventA+p->eventN, [min_evt](auto& x){ x.relTempo=(double)x.bpm / min_evt->bpm; } ); errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _validate_dyn_set( sfscore_t* p, const set_t* set ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; for(event_t* const * ee=set->evtArray; ee<set->evtArray+set->evtCnt; ++ee) { assert( ee != nullptr && *ee != nullptr ); const event_t* e = *ee; if( e->dynLevel == kInvalidIdx ) rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"No dynamic level has been assigned to the note (%) at score loc:%i CSV row:%i.",e->oLocId,e->csvRowNumb); } return rc; } // Given a list of note events calc the standard deviation of the inter-onset time between the notes. rc_t _calc_delta_time_std_dev( unsigned locN, event_t* const* evtA, unsigned evtN, double& stdRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; assert( locN > 1 ); double locSecV[ locN ]; unsigned locCntV[ locN ]; unsigned evtIdxV[ evtN ]; vop::fill(locSecV,locN,0.0); vop::fill(locCntV,locN,0); vop::fill(evtIdxV,evtN,0); unsigned li = 0; for(unsigned ei=0; ei<evtN; ++ei) { if( ei>0 && evtA[ei]->secs != evtA[ei-1]->secs ) ++li; locSecV[li] += evtA[ei]->secs; locCntV[li] += 1; evtIdxV[ei] = li; } for(unsigned li=0; li<locN; ++li) locSecV[li] /= locCntV[li]; assert( li == locN-1 ); if( locN < 3 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"Cannot compute delta time std-dev on sequences with less than 3 elements."); goto errLabel; } else { double dsum = 0; double sum = 0; for(unsigned i=1; i<locN; ++i) sum += locSecV[i] - locSecV[i-1]; double mean = sum/(locN-1); for(unsigned i=1; i<locN; ++i) { double d = (locSecV[i] - locSecV[i-1]) - mean; dsum += d*d; } stdRef = sqrt(dsum/(locN-1)); } errLabel: return rc; } void _print_even_set( sfscore_t* p, const set_t* set ) { for(unsigned i=0; i<set->evtCnt; ++i) { const event_t* e = set->evtArray[i]; double dsec = -1; if( i>0 && e->oLocId != set->evtArray[i-1]->oLocId ) dsec = e->secs - set->evtArray[i-1]->secs; printf("%3i loc:%5i d:%6.3f f:%f %s\n", e->barNumb, e->oLocId, dsec, e->frac, score_parse::event_array(p->parserH)[ e->parseEvtIdx ].sciPitch ); } } rc_t _validate_even_set( sfscore_t* p, const set_t* set, bool show_warnings_fl ) { rc_t rc; double std = 0; if( set->locN < 3 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The even set id %i has less than 3 locations.",set->id); goto errLabel; } if((rc = _calc_delta_time_std_dev(set->locN,set->evtArray,set->evtCnt,std)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Even set score time validation failed."); goto errLabel; } if( std > 0.05 && show_warnings_fl ) { printf("Even set periodcity out of range. set:%3i %3i : std:%6.4f\n",set->id,set->evtCnt,std); _print_even_set(p,set); } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _calc_score_tempo( const set_t* set ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; // Both of these assertions should have been previously verified // by the score validation process. assert( set->locN >= 2 ); //assert( set->evtCnt >= 0 ); bool printFl = false; //set->evtArray[0]->barNumb == 272; double locSecV[ set->locN ]; unsigned locCntV[ set->locN ]; double locFracV[ set->locN ]; double bpmV[ set->locN-1 ]; double bpm = 0.0; vop::fill(locSecV,set->locN,0); vop::fill(locCntV,set->locN,0); vop::fill(locFracV,set->locN,0); // Calc the oneset time at each location - this involves taking the mean time of all notes that that location. // Notes // 1. For the score this step is not necessary because all notes will fall on exactly the same time. // 2. It might be better to take the median rather than the mean to prevent outlier problems, unsigned cur_loc_idx = set->evtArray[0]->oLocId; unsigned li = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i<set->evtCnt; ++i) { if( set->evtArray[i]->oLocId != cur_loc_idx ) { cur_loc_idx = set->evtArray[i]->oLocId; ++li; } assert( li < set->locN); locSecV[ li ] += set->evtArray[i]->secs; locCntV[ li ] += 1; //if( locFracV[li]!=0 && set->evtArray[i]->frac != locFracV[li] ) // cwLogWarning("Frac mismatch."); locFracV[ li ] = set->evtArray[i]->bpm_rval; } // Convert onset time sum to avg. for(unsigned i=0; i<set->locN; ++i) if( locCntV[i] != 0 ) locSecV[i] /= locCntV[i]; // Calc the BPM between each two notes in the sequence. for(unsigned i=1; i<set->locN; ++i) { double d = locSecV[i] - locSecV[i-1]; double secs_per_beat = d; bpmV[i-1] = 60.0/(secs_per_beat * locFracV[i-1]); // bpm = 60 / (spb*x) // bpm/(60) // 60/(bpm*sbp) = x double fact = 60/(set->evtArray[0]->bpm * secs_per_beat); double est_bpm = 60.0/(secs_per_beat * fact); if( printFl ) printf("%3i : %f : %i d:%f frac:%f spb:%f fact:%f bpm:%f %f\n", set->id, locSecV[i-1], locCntV[i-1],d, locFracV[i-1], secs_per_beat, fact, est_bpm, bpmV[i-1]); } // take the avg bpm as the unsigned bpmN = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i<set->locN-1; ++i) if( bpmV[i] > 0 ) { bpm += bpmV[i]; bpmN += 1; } if( bpmN > 0 ) bpm /= bpmN; if( printFl ) printf("meas:%i locN:%i BPM:%i est:%f\n",set->evtArray[0]->barNumb,set->locN,set->evtArray[0]->bpm,bpm); return rc; } rc_t _validate_tempo_set( sfscore_t* p, const set_t* set ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( set->locN < 2 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The tempo set id %i has less than 2 locations.",set->id); goto errLabel; } if( set->evtCnt > 0 ) { // all events in a tempo set must share the same tempo marking unsigned bpm = set->evtArray[0]->bpm; // Note we do not check the tempo of the last event (i.e. i<set->evtCnt-1) because it may // land on a tempo change. We therefore must take the tempo of the first event as the tempo // for all successive notes. for(unsigned i=1; i<set->evtCnt-1; ++i) if(set->evtArray[i]->bpm != bpm ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"Tempo mismatch at tempo event loc:%i (CSV row:%i) in set %i",set->evtArray[i]->oLocId, set->evtArray[i]->csvRowNumb, set->id ); goto errLabel; } _calc_score_tempo( set ); } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _validate_sets( sfscore_t* p, bool show_warnings_fl ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; for(const set_t* set = p->setA; set<p->setA + p->setN; ++set ) { rc_t rc0 = kOkRC; if( set->evtCnt==0 || set->evtArray[0]==nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC, "Set id %i of type %s has no events.",cwStringNullGuard(score_parse::var_index_to_char(set->varId))); } else { switch( set->varId ) { case score_parse::kDynVarIdx: rc0 = _validate_dyn_set(p,set); break; case score_parse::kEvenVarIdx: rc0 = _validate_even_set(p,set,show_warnings_fl); break; case score_parse::kTempoVarIdx: rc0 = _validate_tempo_set(p,set); break; } if( rc0 != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc0,"Validation failed on set id %i of type %s. The set starts at loc:%i (CSV row:%i).", set->id, cwStringNullGuard(score_parse::var_index_to_char(set->varId)), set->evtArray[0]->oLocId, set->evtArray[0]->csvRowNumb); rc = rc0; } } } return rc; } rc_t _create( handle_t& hRef, score_parse::handle_t spH, bool show_warnings_fl, bool deleteParserH_Fl ) { rc_t rc; if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC ) return rc; sfscore_t* p = mem::allocZ<sfscore_t>(); p->deleteParserH_Fl = deleteParserH_Fl; p->parserH = spH; if((rc = _create_event_array( p )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _create_loc_array( p )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _create_section_array( p )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _assign_section_to_events(p)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _create_set_array( p )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _set_tempo(p)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _validate_sets(p,show_warnings_fl)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; hRef.set(p); errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"sfscore create failed."); _destroy(p); } return rc; } void _report_print( sfscore_t* p, rpt_event_t* rptA, unsigned rptN, file::handle_t fH ) { unsigned bar0 = 0; const char* sec0 = nullptr; const char* blank_str = " "; const char* sec_str = "S:"; const char* bar_str = "B:"; for(rpt_event_t* r=rptA; r<rptA+rptN; ++r) { const event_t* e = r->event; const section_t* section = r->section; bool new_bar_fl = bar0 != e->barNumb; const char* d_bar_str = new_bar_fl ? bar_str : blank_str; const char* d_sec_str = textIsEqual(sec0,section->label) ? blank_str : sec_str; if( r==rptA || new_bar_fl ) { printf(fH,"%i :\n",e->barNumb); printf(fH,"e idx oloc secs bpm b_rval rtmpo op sectn sdx bar bdx scip vel frac g hash \n"); printf(fH,"----- ----- ------- --- ------ ----- --- ------ --- ----- --- ---- --- ----- - ----------\n"); } bar0 = e->barNumb; sec0 = section->label; printf(fH,"%5i %5i %7.3f %3i %6.4f %5.3f %3s %2s%4s %3i %2s%3i %3i %4s %3i %5.3f %c 0x%x ", e->index, e->oLocId, e->secs, e->bpm, e->bpm_rval, e->relTempo, score_parse::opcode_id_to_label(e->type), d_sec_str, section==nullptr ? " " : cwStringNullGuard(section->label), section->index, d_bar_str, e->barNumb, e->barNoteIdx, e->sciPitch, e->vel, e->frac, cwIsFlag(e->flags,score_parse::kGraceFl) ? 'g' : ' ', e->hash); // for each possible var type for(unsigned vi=0; vi<score_parse::kVarCnt; ++vi) { // locate the associated var spec in event.varA[] var_t* var = std::find_if( e->varA, e->varA+e->varN, [vi](const var_t& x){return x.varId==vi;}); // if this event is not a included in a set of type 'vi' if( var >= e->varA+e->varN ) printf(fH," "); else { const char* sect_label = var->set->sectArray[0]==nullptr ? "****" : var->set->sectArray[0]->label; printf(fH,"%s-%03i-%s ",score_parse::var_flags_to_char(var->flags), var->set->id, sect_label); } } printf(fH,"\n"); } } rpt_event_t* _report_create( sfscore_t* p ) { rpt_event_t* rptA = mem::allocZ<rpt_event_t>( p->eventN ); unsigned curSectionIdx = 0; // for each location for(unsigned i=0; i<p->locN; ++i) { loc_t* loc = p->locA + i; assert(loc->index == i ); // for each event assigned to this location for(unsigned j=0; j<loc->evtCnt; ++j) { unsigned event_idx = loc->evtArray[j]->index; rpt_event_t* r = rptA + event_idx; // store the event r->event = p->eventA + event_idx; r->loc = loc; assert( r->event->index == event_idx ); assert( r->event->barNumb == loc->barNumb ); // if this event is the first event in the next section if( curSectionIdx < p->sectionN-1 && r->event->index == p->sectionA[ curSectionIdx+1 ].begEvtIndex ) curSectionIdx += 1; r->section = p->sectionA + curSectionIdx; } } return rptA; } rc_t _report( sfscore_t* p, const char* fname ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; rpt_event_t* rptA = nullptr; if((rptA = _report_create(p)) != nullptr ) { file::handle_t fH; if((rc = file::open(fH,fname,file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Score report file open failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fname)); goto errLabel; } _report_print(p,rptA,p->eventN, fH); errLabel: close(fH); mem::release(rptA); } return rc; } } } cw::rc_t cw::sfscore::create( handle_t& hRef, score_parse::handle_t spH, bool show_warnings_fl) { return _create(hRef,spH,show_warnings_fl,false); } cw::rc_t cw::sfscore::create( handle_t& hRef, const char* fname, double srate, dyn_ref_tbl::handle_t dynRefH, bool show_warnings_fl) { rc_t rc; score_parse::handle_t spH; if((rc = score_parse::create(spH,fname,srate,dynRefH)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"sfscore parse failed."); goto errLabel; } rc = _create(hRef,spH,show_warnings_fl,true); errLabel: return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::sfscore::destroy( handle_t& hRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if(!hRef.isValid()) return rc; sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef); if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Destroy failed."); goto errLabel; } hRef.clear(); errLabel: return rc; } void cw::sfscore::clear_all_performance_data( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); std::for_each( p->eventA, p->eventA + p->eventN, [](event_t& e){ e.perfFl=false; e.perfCnt=0; e.perfVel=0, e.perfSec=0, e.perfMatchCost=std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); } ); std::for_each( p->setA, p->setA + p->setN, [](set_t& s){ s.perfEventCnt=0; s.perfUpdateCnt=false; } ); } cw::rc_t cw::sfscore::set_perf( handle_t h, unsigned event_idx, double secs, uint8_t pitch, uint8_t vel, double cost ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); event_t* e = p->eventA + event_idx;; if( event_idx >= p->eventN ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The performance event index %i is invalid.",event_idx); goto errLabel; } if( e->pitch != pitch ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The performance event pitch %x is not a match.",pitch); goto errLabel; } for(unsigned i=0; i<e->varN; ++i) { e->varA[i].set->perfUpdateCnt += 1; if( e->perfFl == false ) { e->varA[i].set->perfEventCnt += 1; if( e->varA[i].set->perfEventCnt > e->varA[i].set->evtCnt ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The perf. count of a set (id:%i) exeeded it's event count.", e->varA[i].set->evtCnt ); goto errLabel; } } } e->perfCnt += 1; e->perfFl = true; e->perfVel = vel; e->perfSec = secs; e->perfDynLevel = dyn_ref_vel_to_level(p->parserH,vel); e->perfMatchCost= cost; errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"The performance score update failed."); return rc; } bool cw::sfscore::are_all_loc_set_events_performed( handle_t h, unsigned locId ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( locId >= p->locN ) { cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"An invalid loc id %i was encountered while testing for performed events.",locId); assert(0); return false; } const loc_t* loc = p->locA + locId; for(unsigned i=0; i<loc->evtCnt; ++i) if( loc->evtArray[i]->varN > 0 && loc->evtArray[i]->perfFl == false) return false; return true; } double cw::sfscore::sample_rate( handle_t& h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return sample_rate(p->parserH); } unsigned cw::sfscore::event_count( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->eventN; } const cw::sfscore::event_t* cw::sfscore::event( handle_t h, unsigned idx ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( idx > p->eventN ) { cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The event index '%i' is not valid.",idx); return nullptr; } return p->eventA + idx; } const cw::sfscore::event_t* cw::sfscore::hash_to_event( handle_t h, unsigned hash ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eventN; ++i) if( p->eventA[i].hash == hash ) return p->eventA + i; return nullptr; } const cw::sfscore::event_t* cw::sfscore::bar_to_event( handle_t h, unsigned barNumb ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eventN; ++i) if( p->eventA[i].barNumb == barNumb ) return p->eventA + i; return nullptr; } unsigned cw::sfscore::loc_count( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->locN; } const cw::sfscore::loc_t* cw::sfscore::loc_base( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->locA; } unsigned cw::sfscore::set_count( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->setN; } const cw::sfscore::set_t* cw::sfscore::set_base( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->setA; } unsigned cw::sfscore::section_count( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->sectionN; } const cw::sfscore::section_t* cw::sfscore::section_base( handle_t h ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->sectionA; } const cw::sfscore::section_t* cw::sfscore::event_index_to_section( handle_t h, unsigned event_idx ) { sfscore_t * p = _handleToPtr(h); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->sectionN; ++i) if( p->sectionA[i].begEvtIndex <= event_idx && event_idx <= p->sectionA[i].endEvtIndex ) return p->sectionA + i; return nullptr; } void cw::sfscore::report( handle_t h, const char* out_fname ) { sfscore_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); printf("Score Report\n"); _report(p,out_fname); }