#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwText.h" #include "cwNumericConvert.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwMidiDecls.h" #include "cwMidi.h" #include "cwFlowDecl.h" #include "cwFlow.h" #include "cwFlowTest.h" #include "cwFile.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" namespace cw { namespace flow { typedef struct exec_test_str { void* logCbArg; log::logOutputCbFunc_t logCbFunc; file::handle_t logFileH; } exec_test_t; rc_t _compare_dirs( const char* dir0, const char* dir1, const char* test_name ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; rc_t testRC = kOkRC; unsigned dirRefN = 0; filesys::dirEntry_t* dirRefA = nullptr; char* testRefDir = nullptr; unsigned testRefDirN = 0; filesys::dirEntry_t* testRefDirA = nullptr; unsigned testCnt = 0; unsigned failCnt = 0; // get a list of sub-directories in the ref. directory if((dirRefA = filesys::dirEntries( dir0, filesys::kDirFsFl, &dirRefN )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"An error occurred while attempting to read the list of sub-directories in '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(dir0)); goto errLabel; } // for each test for(unsigned i=0; ilogFileH,text)) != kOkRC ) cwLogError(rc,"Log file write failed for '%s'.text"); if( r->logCbFunc != nullptr ) r->logCbFunc( r->logCbArg,level,text); } rc_t _exec_test( const object_t* class_cfg, const object_t* subnet_cfg, const object_t* test_cfg, const char* proj_base_dir, const char* test_case_label ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; char* proj_dir = nullptr; char* log_fname = nullptr; exec_test_t test_recd; handle_t flowH; // save the log to a test_recd.logCbArg = log::outputCbArg( log::globalHandle() ); test_recd.logCbFunc = log::outputCb( log::globalHandle() ); // form the projectory directory name if((proj_dir = filesys::makeFn(proj_base_dir,nullptr,nullptr,test_case_label,nullptr)) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The project directory name could not be formed from '%s' and '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(proj_base_dir),cwStringNullGuard(test_case_label)); goto errLabel; } // create the project directory if( !filesys::isDir(proj_dir) ) { if((rc = filesys::makeDir(proj_dir)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The project directory '%s' could not be created.",proj_dir); goto errLabel; } } // form the log file name if((log_fname = filesys::makeFn( proj_dir, "log","txt",nullptr )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The log file name could not be formed from the project directory.",cwStringNullGuard(proj_dir)); goto errLabel; } // open the log file if((rc = file::open(test_recd.logFileH, log_fname,file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The log file '%s' could not be created.",cwStringNullGuard(log_fname)); goto errLabel; } log::setOutputCb( log::globalHandle(), _exec_test_log_cb, &test_recd ); // create the flow object if((rc = create( flowH, class_cfg, test_cfg, subnet_cfg, proj_dir)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Flow object create failed."); goto errLabel; } // run the network if((rc = exec( flowH )) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Execution failed."); // destroy the flow object if((rc = destroy(flowH)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Close the flow object."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: file::close(test_recd.logFileH); log::setOutputCb( log::globalHandle(), test_recd.logCbFunc, test_recd.logCbArg ); mem::release(log_fname); mem::release(proj_dir); return rc; } } } cw::rc_t cw::flow::test( const object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const char* proc_cfg_fname = nullptr; const char* subnet_cfg_fname = nullptr; const object_t* test_cases_cfg = nullptr; object_t* class_cfg = nullptr; object_t* subnet_cfg = nullptr; const object_t* test_cfg = nullptr; const char* proj_dir = nullptr; const char* test_ref_dir = nullptr; bool cmp_enable_fl = false; const char* test_name = nullptr; bool test_all_fl = false; if( argc < 2 || textLength(argv[1]) == 0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"No 'test-case' label was given on the command line."); goto errLabel; } test_name = argv[1]; test_all_fl = textIsEqual(test_name,"all"); if((rc = cfg->getv("proc_cfg_fname",proc_cfg_fname, "test_cases", test_cases_cfg, "project_dir", proj_dir)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The name of the flow_proc_dict file could not be parsed."); goto errLabel; } // was 'compare' requested if( argc > 2 && textLength(argv[2])!=0 and textIsEqual(argv[2],"compare") ) cmp_enable_fl = true; // get the subnet cfg filename if((rc = cfg->getv_opt("subnet_cfg_fname",subnet_cfg_fname, "test_ref_dir",test_ref_dir)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The name of the subnet file could not be parsed."); goto errLabel; } // parse the proc dict. file if((rc = objectFromFile(proc_cfg_fname,class_cfg)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The proc dictionary could not be read from '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(proc_cfg_fname)); goto errLabel; } // parse the subnet dict file if((rc = objectFromFile(subnet_cfg_fname,subnet_cfg)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The subnet dictionary could not be read from '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(subnet_cfg_fname)); goto errLabel; } // validate the project directory if( proj_dir!=nullptr && !filesys::isDir(proj_dir) ) { if((rc = filesys::makeDir(proj_dir)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The project directory '%s' could not be created.",cwStringNullGuard(proj_dir)); } } // for each test for(unsigned i=0; ichild_count(); ++i) { const object_t* test_cfg_pair = test_cases_cfg->child_ele(i); const char* test_label = nullptr; bool is_test_disabled_fl = false; // validate the test cfg pair if(test_cfg_pair == nullptr || !test_cfg_pair->is_pair() || (test_label = test_cfg_pair->pair_label()) == nullptr || (test_cfg=test_cfg_pair->pair_value())==nullptr || !test_cfg->is_dict()) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"A syntax error was encountered on the test at index %i (%s).",i,cwStringNullGuard(test_label)); goto errLabel; } // get the 'disabled flag' if((rc = test_cfg->getv_opt("testDisableFl",is_test_disabled_fl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"An error occurred while parsing the 'testDisableFl'."); goto errLabel; } // if this test is disabled if( is_test_disabled_fl ) { if( !test_all_fl ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The requested test '%s' is disabled.",test_label); goto errLabel; } continue; } // if we are testing all test or this specific test if( test_all_fl || textIsEqual(test_name,test_label) ) { if((rc = _exec_test(class_cfg,subnet_cfg,test_cfg,proj_dir,test_label)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Test execution failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(test_label)); goto errLabel; } if( !test_all_fl ) break; } } // if comparision is enabled if( test_ref_dir != nullptr && cmp_enable_fl ) { const char* sel_test_name = test_all_fl ? nullptr : test_name; _compare_dirs( test_ref_dir, proj_dir, sel_test_name ); } errLabel: if( class_cfg != nullptr ) class_cfg->free(); if( subnet_cfg != nullptr ) subnet_cfg->free(); return rc; }