//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwString.h" #include "cwText.h" #ifdef OS_LINUX #include <libgen.h> // basename() dirname() #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> // opendir()/readdir() #include <wordexp.h> #endif namespace cw { bool _fileSysConcat( char* rp, unsigned rn, char sepChar, const char* suffixStr ) { unsigned m = strlen(rp); // m==0 if no sep needs to be inserted or removed //if( m == 0 ) // return false; if( m != 0 ) { // if a sep char needs to be inserted if( rp[m-1] != sepChar && suffixStr[0] != sepChar ) { cwAssert((m+1)<rn); if((m+1)>=rn) return false; rp[m] = sepChar; rp[m+1]= 0; ++m; } else // if a sep char needs to be removed if( rp[m-1] == sepChar && suffixStr[0] == sepChar ) { rp[m-1] = 0; --m; } } cwAssert( rn>=m && strlen(rp)+strlen(suffixStr) <= rn ); strncat(rp,suffixStr,rn-m); return true; } } bool cw::filesys::isDir( const char* dir0 ) { char* dir; struct stat s; bool result = false; errno = 0; if( dir0 == nullptr ) return false; dir = expandPath(dir0); if( stat(dir,&s) != 0 ) { // if the dir does not exist if( errno == ENOENT ) goto errLabel; cwLogSysError( kOpFailRC, errno, "'stat' failed on '%s'",cwStringNullGuard(dir)); goto errLabel; } result = S_ISDIR(s.st_mode); errLabel: mem::release(dir); return result; } bool cw::filesys::isFile( const char* fn0 ) { char* fn = nullptr; bool result = false; struct stat s; errno = 0; if( fn0 == nullptr ) goto errLabel; fn = expandPath(fn0); if( stat(fn,&s) != 0 ) { // if the file does not exist if( errno == ENOENT ) goto errLabel; cwLogSysError( kOpFailRC, errno, "'stat' failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } result = S_ISREG(s.st_mode); errLabel: mem::release(fn); return result; } bool cw::filesys::isLink( const char* fn0 ) { bool result = false; char* fn = nullptr; struct stat s; errno = 0; if( fn0 == nullptr ) goto errLabel; fn = expandPath(fn0); if( lstat(fn,&s) != 0 ) { // if the file does not exist if( errno == ENOENT ) goto errLabel; cwLogSysError( kOpFailRC, errno, "'stat' failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } result = S_ISLNK(s.st_mode); errLabel: mem::release(fn); return result; } char* cw::filesys::vMakeFn( const char* dir0, const char* fn, const char* ext, va_list vl ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; char* dir = nullptr; char* rp = nullptr; const char* dp = nullptr; unsigned n = 0; char pathSep = cwPathSeparatorChar; char extSep = '.'; va_list vl_t; va_copy(vl_t,vl); if( dir0 != nullptr ) dir = expandPath(dir0); // get prefix directory length if( dir != nullptr ) n += strlen(dir) + 1; // add 1 for ending sep // get file name length if( fn != nullptr ) n += strlen(fn); // get extension length if( ext != nullptr ) n += strlen(ext) + 1; // add 1 for period // get length of all var args dir's while( (dp = va_arg(vl_t,const char*)) != nullptr ) n += strlen(dp) + 1; // add 1 for ending sep va_end(vl_t); // add 1 for terminating zero and allocate memory if((rp = mem::allocZ<char>( n+1 )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kMemAllocFailRC,"Unable to allocate file name memory."); goto errLabel; } rp[n] = 0; rp[0] = 0; // copy out the prefix dir if( dir != nullptr ) strncat(rp,dir,n-strlen(rp)); // copy out each of the var arg's directories while((dp = va_arg(vl,const char*)) != nullptr ) if(!_fileSysConcat(rp,n,pathSep,dp) ) { cwAssert(0); goto errLabel; } // copy out the file name if( fn != nullptr ) if(!_fileSysConcat(rp,n,pathSep,fn)) { cwAssert(0); goto errLabel; } // copy out the extension if( ext != nullptr ) if(!_fileSysConcat(rp,n,extSep,ext)) { cwAssert(0); goto errLabel; } cwAssert(strlen(rp)<=n); errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC && rp != nullptr ) mem::release( rp ); mem::release(dir); return rp; } char* cw::filesys::makeFn( const char* dir, const char* fn, const char* ext, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,ext); char* fnOut = filesys::vMakeFn(dir,fn,ext,vl); va_end(vl); return fnOut; } char* cw::filesys::vMakeVersionedFn(const char* dir, const char* fn_prefix, const char* ext, va_list vl ) { char* fn = nullptr; const unsigned max_version = 1024; unsigned version; for(version = 0; version<max_version; ++version) { char name[ PATH_MAX ]; va_list vl0; va_copy(vl0,vl); snprintf(name,PATH_MAX,"%s_%i",fn_prefix,version); fn = vMakeFn( dir, name, ext, vl0 ); va_end(vl0); if( !isFile(fn) ) break; mem::release(fn); } if( version >= max_version ) cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"%i versioned files already exist - another one cannot be created.",max_version); if( fn == nullptr ) cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Create versioned filename failed."); return fn; } char* cw::filesys::makeVersionedFn( const char* dir, const char* fn_prefix, const char* ext, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,ext); char* fnOut = filesys::vMakeVersionedFn(dir,fn_prefix,ext,vl); va_end(vl); return fnOut; } char* cw::filesys::replaceDirectory( const char* fn0, const char* dir ) { pathPart_t* pp = nullptr; char* fn = nullptr; if((pp = pathParts( fn0 )) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"File name parse failed."); return nullptr; } if((fn = makeFn( dir, pp->fnStr, pp->extStr)) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Unable to replace directory."); } mem::release(pp); return fn; } char* cw::filesys::replaceFilename( const char* fn0, const char* name ) { pathPart_t* pp = nullptr; char* fn = nullptr; if((pp = pathParts( fn0 )) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"File name parse failed."); return nullptr; } if((fn = makeFn( pp->dirStr, name, pp->extStr)) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Unable to replace file name."); } mem::release(pp); return fn; } char* cw::filesys::replaceExtension( const char* fn0, const char* ext ) { pathPart_t* pp = nullptr; char* fn = nullptr; if((pp = pathParts( fn0 )) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"File name parse failed."); return nullptr; } if((fn = makeFn( pp->dirStr, pp->fnStr, ext)) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Unable to replace file extension."); } mem::release(pp); return fn; } char* cw::filesys::expandPath( const char* dir ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; int sysRC = 0; int flags = WRDE_NOCMD; char* newDir = nullptr; wordexp_t res; memset(&res,0,sizeof(res)); // if dir is empty if( dir == nullptr ) return nullptr; // skip leading white space for(; *dir; ++dir) if( !isspace(*dir) ) break; // if dir is empty if( strlen(dir) == 0 ) return nullptr; if((sysRC = wordexp(dir,&res,flags)) != 0) { switch(sysRC) { case WRDE_BADCHAR: rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Bad character."); break; case WRDE_BADVAL: rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Bad value."); break; case WRDE_CMDSUB: rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Command substitution forbidden."); break; case WRDE_NOSPACE: rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Mem. alloc failed."); break; case WRDE_SYNTAX: rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Syntax error.."); break; } goto errLabel; } switch( res.we_wordc ) { case 0: newDir = str::dupl(dir); break; case 1: newDir = str::dupl(res.we_wordv[0]); break; default: newDir = str::join(" ", (const char**)res.we_wordv, res.we_wordc ); } errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Path expansion failed."); wordfree(&res); return newDir; } cw::filesys::pathPart_t* cw::filesys::pathParts( const char* path0Str ) { unsigned n = 0; // char's in pathStr unsigned dn = 0; // char's in the dir part unsigned fn = 0; // char's in the name part unsigned en = 0; // char's in the ext part char* cp = nullptr; pathPart_t* rp = nullptr; char* pathBaseStr = expandPath(path0Str); const char* pathStr = pathBaseStr; if( pathStr==nullptr ) return nullptr; // skip leading white space for(; *pathStr; ++pathStr ) if( !isspace(*pathStr ) ) break; // get the length of pathStr n = strlen(pathStr); // remove trailing spaces for(; n > 0; --n ) if( !isspace(pathStr[n-1]) ) break; // if pathStr is empty if( n == 0 ) { // nothing to do goto errLabel; } else { char buf[n+1]; buf[n] = 0; // Get the last word (which may be a file name) from pathStr. // (pathStr must be copied into a buf because basename() // is allowed to change the values in its arg.) strncpy(buf,pathStr,n); cp = basename(buf); if( cp != nullptr ) { char* ep; // does the last word have a period in it if( (ep = strchr(cp,'.')) != nullptr ) { *ep = 0; // end the file name at the period ++ep; // set the ext marker en = strlen(ep); // get the length of the ext } fn = strlen(cp); //get the length of the file name } // Get the directory part. // ( pathStr must be copied into a buf because dirname() // is allowed to change the values in its arg.) strncpy(buf,pathStr,n); // if the last char in pathStr[] is '/' then the whole string is a dir. // (this is not the answer that dirname() and basename() would give). if( pathStr[n-1] == cwPathSeparatorChar ) { fn = 0; en = 0; dn = n; cp = buf; } else { cp = dirname(buf); } if( cp != nullptr ) dn = strlen(cp); // get the total size of the returned memory. (add 3 for ecmh possible terminating zero) n = sizeof(pathPart_t) + dn + fn + en + 3; // alloc memory if((rp = (pathPart_t*)mem::allocZ<char>( n )) == nullptr ) { cwLogError( kMemAllocFailRC, "Unable to allocate the file system path part record for '%s'.",pathStr); goto errLabel; } // set the return pointers for each of the parts rp->dirStr = (const char* )(rp + 1); rp->fnStr = rp->dirStr + dn + 1; rp->extStr = rp->fnStr + fn + 1; // if there is a directory part if( dn>0 ) strcpy((char*)rp->dirStr,cp); else rp->dirStr = nullptr; if( fn || en ) { // Get the trailing word again. // pathStr must be copied into a buf because basename() may // is allowed to change the values in its arg. strcpy(buf,pathStr); cp = basename(buf); if( cp != nullptr ) { char* ep; if( (ep = strchr(cp,'.')) != nullptr ) { *ep = 0; ++ep; cwAssert( strlen(ep) == en ); strcpy((char*)rp->extStr,ep); } cwAssert( strlen(cp) == fn ); if(fn) strcpy((char*)rp->fnStr,cp); } } if( fn == 0 ) rp->fnStr = nullptr; if( en == 0 ) rp->extStr = nullptr; } errLabel: mem::release(pathBaseStr); return rp; } namespace cw { namespace filesys { typedef struct { unsigned filterFlags; dirEntry_t* rp; char* dataPtr; char* endPtr; unsigned entryCnt; unsigned entryIdx; unsigned dataByteCnt; unsigned passIdx; } deRecd_t; cw::rc_t _dirGetEntries( deRecd_t* drp, const char* dirStr, bool isInRecurseFl=false ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; DIR* dirp = NULL; struct dirent* dp = NULL; char curDirPtr[] = "./"; unsigned dn = 0; if( dirStr == NULL || strlen(dirStr) == 0 ) dirStr = curDirPtr; if( isDir(dirStr) == false ) return rc; unsigned fnCharCnt = strlen(dirStr) + PATH_MAX; char fn[ fnCharCnt + 1 ]; // copy the directory into fn[] ... fn[0] = 0; fn[fnCharCnt] = 0; strcpy(fn,dirStr); cwAssert( strlen(fn)+2 < fnCharCnt ); // ... and be sure that it is terminated with a path sep char if( fn[ strlen(fn)-1 ] != cwPathSeparatorChar ) { char sep[] = { cwPathSeparatorChar, '\0' }; strcat(fn,sep); } // file names will be appended to the path at this location unsigned fni = strlen(fn); // open the directory if((dirp = opendir(dirStr)) == NULL) { rc = cwLogSysError(kOpFailRC,errno,"Unable to open the directory:'%s'.",dirStr); goto errLabel; } // get the next directory entry while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL ) { // validate d_name if( (dn = strlen(dp->d_name)) > 0 ) { unsigned flags = 0; // handle cases where d_name begins with '.' if( dp->d_name[0] == '.' ) { if( strcmp(dp->d_name,".") == 0 ) { if( isInRecurseFl || cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kCurDirFsFl) == false ) continue; flags |= kCurDirFsFl; } if( strcmp(dp->d_name,"..") == 0 ) { if( isInRecurseFl || cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kParentDirFsFl) == false ) continue; flags |= kParentDirFsFl; } if( flags == 0 ) { if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kInvisibleFsFl) == false ) continue; flags |= kInvisibleFsFl; } } fn[fni] = 0; strncat( fn, dp->d_name, fnCharCnt-fni ); unsigned fnN = strlen(fn); // if the filename is too long for the buffer if( fnN > fnCharCnt ) { rc = cwLogSysError(kBufTooSmallRC, errno, "The directory entry:'%s' was too long to be processed.",dp->d_name); goto errLabel; } // is a link if( isLink(fn) ) { if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kLinkFsFl) == false ) continue; flags |= kLinkFsFl; if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kRecurseLinksFsFl) ) if((rc = _dirGetEntries(drp,fn,true)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; } else { // is the entry a file if( isFile(fn) ) { if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kFileFsFl)==false ) continue; flags |= kFileFsFl; } else { // is the entry a dir if( isDir(fn) ) { if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kDirFsFl) == false) continue; flags |= kDirFsFl; if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kRecurseFsFl) && cwIsNotFlag(flags,kCurDirFsFl) && cwIsNotFlag(flags,kParentDirFsFl) ) if((rc = _dirGetEntries(drp,fn,true)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; } else { continue; } } } //cwAssert(flags != 0); if( drp->passIdx == 0 ) { ++drp->entryCnt; // add 1 for the name terminating zero drp->dataByteCnt += sizeof(dirEntry_t) + 1; if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kFullPathFsFl) ) drp->dataByteCnt += fnN; else drp->dataByteCnt += dn; } else { cwAssert( drp->passIdx == 1 ); cwAssert( drp->entryIdx < drp->entryCnt ); unsigned n = 0; if( cwIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kFullPathFsFl) ) { n = fnN+1; cwAssert( drp->dataPtr + n <= drp->endPtr ); strcpy(drp->dataPtr,fn); } else { n = dn+1; cwAssert( drp->dataPtr + n <= drp->endPtr ); strcpy(drp->dataPtr,dp->d_name); } drp->rp[ drp->entryIdx ].flags = flags; drp->rp[ drp->entryIdx ].name = drp->dataPtr; drp->dataPtr += n; cwAssert( drp->dataPtr <= drp->endPtr); ++drp->entryIdx; } } } errLabel: if( dirp != NULL ) closedir(dirp); return rc; } } } cw::filesys::dirEntry_t* cw::filesys::dirEntries( const char* dirStr, unsigned filterFlags, unsigned* dirEntryCntPtr ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; deRecd_t r; memset(&r,0,sizeof(r)); r.filterFlags = filterFlags; cwAssert( dirEntryCntPtr != NULL ); *dirEntryCntPtr = 0; char* inDirStr = filesys::expandPath(dirStr); for(r.passIdx=0; r.passIdx<2; ++r.passIdx) { if((rc = _dirGetEntries( &r, inDirStr )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if( r.passIdx == 0 && r.dataByteCnt>0 ) { // allocate memory to hold the return values if(( r.rp = mem::allocZ<dirEntry_t>( r.dataByteCnt )) == NULL ) { rc = cwLogError(kObjAllocFailRC, "Unable to allocate %i bytes of dir entry memory.",r.dataByteCnt); goto errLabel; } r.dataPtr = (char*)(r.rp + r.entryCnt); r.endPtr = ((char*)r.rp) + r.dataByteCnt; } } errLabel: if( rc == kOkRC ) { cwAssert( r.entryIdx == r.entryCnt ); *dirEntryCntPtr = r.entryCnt; } else { if( r.rp != NULL ) mem::release(r.rp); r.rp = NULL; } mem::release(inDirStr); return r.rp; } char* cw::filesys::formVersionedDirectory(const char* recordDir, const char* recordFolder) { char* dir = nullptr; for(unsigned version_numb=0; true; ++version_numb) { unsigned n = textLength(recordFolder) + 32; char folder[n+1]; snprintf(folder,n,"%s_%i",recordFolder,version_numb); if((dir = filesys::makeFn(recordDir,folder, NULL, NULL)) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Unable to form a versioned directory from:'%s'",cwStringNullGuard(recordDir)); return nullptr; } if( !filesys::isDir(dir) ) break; mem::release(dir); } return dir; } char* cw::filesys::makeVersionedDirectory(const char* recordDir, const char* recordFolder ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; char* dir; if((dir = formVersionedDirectory(recordDir,recordFolder)) == nullptr ) return nullptr; if((rc = makeDir(dir)) != kOkRC ) return nullptr; return dir; } cw::rc_t cw::filesys::makeDir( const char* dirStr ) { if( str::len(dirStr) == 0 ) return kOkRC; char* s = filesys::expandPath(dirStr); if( !isDir(s) ) if( mkdir(s, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0 ) return cwLogSysError( kOpFailRC, errno, "The attempt to create the directory '%s' failed.",dirStr); mem::release(s); return kOkRC; } cw::rc_t cw::filesys::dirEntryTest( const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned flags = 0; const char* path = nullptr; const object_t* attrL = nullptr; dirEntry_t* de = nullptr; unsigned deN = 0; idLabelPair_t map[] = { {kFileFsFl, "file"}, {kDirFsFl, "dir"}, {kLinkFsFl, "link"}, {kInvisibleFsFl, "hidden"}, {kCurDirFsFl, "cur_dir"}, {kParentDirFsFl, "parent_dir"}, {kFullPathFsFl, "full_path"}, {kRecurseFsFl, "recurse"}, {kRecurseLinksFsFl, "recurse_links" }, {0,nullptr} }; if((rc = cfg->getv("path",path, "attrL",attrL)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Top level parse failed."); goto errLabel; } for(unsigned i=0; i<attrL->child_count(); ++i) { const object_t* label = attrL->child_ele(i); const char* s = nullptr; unsigned fl = 0; if( !label->is_string() || label->value(s) != kOkRC || (fl=labelToId(map,s,0))==0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The filesys dir entries flag '%s' is not valid.",s==nullptr ? "<empty>" : s); goto errLabel; } flags |= fl; } if( flags == 0 ) cwLogWarning("The directory entry inclusion flag is zero (i.e. include nothing)."); if((de = dirEntries( path, flags, &deN )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The directory entry access function failed on '%s' flags:0x%x.",cwStringNullGuard(path),flags); goto errLabel; } for(unsigned i=0; i<deN; ++i) cwLogInfo("%s",de[i].name); errLabel: mem::release(de); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::filesys::test( const test::test_args_t& args ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; filesys::pathPart_t* pp = filesys::pathParts(__FILE__); cwLogPrint("dir:%s",pp->dirStr); cwLogPrint("fn: %s",pp->fnStr); cwLogPrint("ext:%s",pp->extStr); char* fn = filesys::makeFn( pp->dirStr, pp->fnStr, pp->extStr, nullptr ); cwLogPrint("fn: %s",fn); mem::release(pp); mem::release(fn); const char myPath[] = "~/src/foo"; char* expPath = filesys::expandPath(myPath); cwLogPrint("%s %s",myPath,expPath); mem::release(expPath); return rc; }