#ifndef cwCommonImpl_H #define cwCommonImpl_H #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cassert> #include <cctype> #include <cerrno> #include <climits> #include <cinttypes> #include <cfloat> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> // std::min,std::max #include <utility> // std::forward #include <limits> // std::numeric_limits< #include <atomic> #if defined(cwLINUX) || defined(cwOSX) #define cwPOSIX_FILE_SYS #include <time.h> // timespec #include <netinet/in.h> // struct sockaddr_in #define cwPathSeparatorChar '/' #endif #define cwStringNullGuard(s) ((s)==nullptr ? "" : (s)) #define cwAllFlags(f,m) (((f) & (m)) == (m)) // Test if all of a group 'm' of binary flags in 'f' are set. #define cwIsFlag(f,m) (((f) & (m)) ? true : false) // Test if any one of a the bits in 'm' is also set in 'f'. #define cwIsNotFlag(f,m) (cwIsFlag(f,m)==false) // Test if none of the bits in 'm' are set in 'f'. #define cwSetFlag(f,m) ((f) | (m)) // Return 'f' with the bits in 'm' set. #define cwClrFlag(f,m) ((f) & (~(m))) // Return 'f' with the bits in 'm' cleared. #define cwTogFlag(f,m) ((f)^(m)) // Return 'f' with the bits in 'm' toggled. #define cwEnaFlag(f,m,b) ((b) ? cwSetFlag(f,m) : cwClrFlag(f,m)) // Set or clear bits in 'f' based on bits in 'm' and the state of 'b'. // In-place assignment version of the above bit operations #define cwSetBits(f,m) ((f) |= (m)) // Set 'f' with the bits in 'm' set. #define cwClrBits(f,m) ((f) &= (~(m))) // Set 'f' with the bits in 'm' cleared. #define cwTogBits(f,m) ((f)^=(m)) // Return 'f' with the bits in 'm' toggled. #define cwEnaBits(f,m,b) ((b) ? cwSetBits(f,m) : cwClrBits(f,m)) // Set or clear bits in 'f' based on bits in 'm' and the state of 'b'. namespace cw { #define cwAssert(cond) while(1){ if(!(cond)){ cwLogFatal(kAssertFailRC,"Assert failed on condition:%s",#cond ); } break; } template< typename H, typename T > T* handleToPtr( H h ) { cwAssert( h.p != nullptr ); return h.p; } typedef struct idLabelPair_str { unsigned id; const char* label; } idLabelPair_t; const char* idToLabel( const idLabelPair_t* array, unsigned id, unsigned eolId ); unsigned labelToId( const idLabelPair_t* array, const char* label, unsigned eolId ); inline rc_t rcSelect() { return kOkRC; } template<typename T, typename... ARGS> rc_t rcSelect(T rc, ARGS... args) { if( rc != kOkRC ) return rc; return rcSelect(args...); } void sleepSec( unsigned secs ); // sleep seconds void sleepMs( unsigned ms ); // sleep milliseconds void sleepUs( unsigned us ); // sleep seconds void sleepNs( unsigned ns ); // sleep nanoseconds } #endif