#ifndef cwMpScNbQueue_h #define cwMpScNbQueue_h namespace cw { template<typename T> class MpScNbQueue { public: typedef struct node_str { std::atomic<struct node_str*> next = nullptr; T* payload = nullptr; } node_t; MpScNbQueue() { node_t* stub = mem::allocZ<node_t>(); _head = stub; // last-in _tail = stub; // first-out } virtual ~MpScNbQueue() { mem::free(_tail); } MpScNbQueue( const MpScNbQueue& ) = delete; MpScNbQueue( const MpScNbQueue&& ) = delete; MpScNbQueue& operator=(const MpScNbQueue& ) = delete; MpScNbQueue& operator=(const MpScNbQueue&& ) = delete; void push( T* payload ) { node_t* new_node = mem::allocZ<node_t>(1); new_node->payload = payload; new_node->next.store(nullptr); // Note that the elements of the queue are only accessed from the end of the queue (tail). // New nodes can therefore safely be updated in two steps: // 1. Atomically set _head to the new node and return 'old-head' node_t* prev = _head.exchange(new_node,std::memory_order_acq_rel); // Note that at this point only the new node may have the 'old-head' as it's predecssor. // Other threads may therefore safely interrupt at this point. // 2. Set the old-head next pointer to the new node (thereby adding the new node to the list) prev->next.store(new_node,std::memory_order_release); // RELEASE 'next' to consumer } T* pop() { T* payload = nullptr; node_t* t = _tail; node_t* next = t->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire); // ACQUIRE 'next' from producer if( next != nullptr ) { _tail = next; payload = next->payload; mem::free(t); } return payload; } bool isempty() const { return _tail->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == nullptr; // ACQUIRE 'next' from producer } private: node_t* _stub; node_t* _tail; std::atomic<node_t*> _head; }; void mpScNbQueueTest(); } #endif