//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwTextBuf.h" #include "cwAudioDevice.h" #include "cwAudioBuf.h" #include "cwAudioDeviceAlsa.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwAudioDeviceTest.h" namespace cw { namespace audio { namespace device { /// [cmAudioPortExample] // See test() below for the main point of entry. // Data structure used to hold the parameters for cpApPortTest() // and the user defined data record passed to the host from the // audio port callback functions. typedef struct { const char* inDevLabel; // Input audio device label const char* outDevLabel; // Output audio device label unsigned bufCnt; // 2=double buffering 3=triple buffering unsigned framesPerCycle; // DSP frames per cycle double srate; // audio sample rate unsigned meterMs; // audio meter buffer length unsigned inDevIdx; // input device index unsigned outDevIdx; // output device index unsigned iCbCnt; // count the callback unsigned oCbCnt; double amHz; // ampl. modulation frequency double amPhs; // phase double amMaxGain; // max gain. buf::handle_t audioBufH; } cmApPortTestRecd; rc_t _cmApGetCfg( cmApPortTestRecd* r, const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc; r->bufCnt = 3; r->srate = 48000; r->framesPerCycle = 512; r->meterMs = 50; r->amHz = 0; r->amMaxGain = 0.8; if((rc = cfg->getv_opt("inDev",r->inDevLabel,"outDev",r->outDevLabel,"srate",r->srate,"bufN",r->bufCnt,"framesPerCycle",r->framesPerCycle,"meterMs",r->meterMs,"amHz",r->amHz,"amMaxGain",r->amMaxGain)) != kOkRC ) return cwLogError(rc,"The audio device configuration is invalid."); return rc; } void _cmApPortCb2( void* arg, audioPacket_t* inPktArray, unsigned inPktCnt, audioPacket_t* outPktArray, unsigned outPktCnt ) { cmApPortTestRecd* p = reinterpret_cast<cmApPortTestRecd*>(arg); for(unsigned i=0; i<inPktCnt; ++i) reinterpret_cast<cmApPortTestRecd*>(inPktArray[i].cbArg)->iCbCnt++; for(unsigned i=0; i<outPktCnt; ++i) reinterpret_cast<cmApPortTestRecd*>(outPktArray[i].cbArg)->oCbCnt++; if( p->amHz > 0 && outPktCnt > 0 ) { unsigned sampleFrameN = outPktArray[0].audioFramesCnt; double amGain = p->amMaxGain * (cos( p->amPhs ) + 1.0) / 2; p->amPhs += p->amHz * sampleFrameN * M_PI / p->srate; buf::setGain( p->audioBufH, p->outDevIdx, -1, buf::kOutFl, amGain); } buf::inputToOutput( p->audioBufH, p->inDevIdx, p->outDevIdx ); buf::update( p->audioBufH, inPktArray, inPktCnt, outPktArray, outPktCnt ); } } } } // Audio Port testing function cw::rc_t cw::audio::device::test( const object_t* cfg ) { cmApPortTestRecd r; unsigned i; rc_t rc; driver_t* drv = nullptr; handle_t h; alsa::handle_t alsaH; bool runFl = true; r.oCbCnt = 0; r.iCbCnt = 0; r.amPhs = 0; // initialize the audio device interface if((rc = create(h)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Initialize failed."); goto errLabel; } // initialize the ALSA device driver interface if((rc = alsa::create(alsaH, drv )) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"ALSA initialize failed."); goto errLabel; } // register the ALSA device driver with the audio interface if((rc = registerDriver( h, drv )) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"ALSA driver registration failed."); goto errLabel; } // report the current audio device configuration for(i=0; i<device::count(h); ++i) { cwLogInfo("%i [in: chs=%i frames=%i] [out: chs=%i frames=%i] srate:%8.1f %s",i,device::channelCount(h,i,true),framesPerCycle(h,i,true),channelCount(h,i,false),framesPerCycle(h,i,false),sampleRate(h,i),label(h,i)); } if( cfg == nullptr ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _cmApGetCfg(&r, cfg )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; // get the input device index if((r.inDevIdx = labelToIndex(h,r.inDevLabel)) == kInvalidIdx ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The input audio device '%s' could not be found.", r.inDevLabel ); goto errLabel; } // get the output device index if((r.outDevIdx = labelToIndex(h,r.outDevLabel)) == kInvalidIdx ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The output audio device '%s' could not be found.", r.outDevLabel ); goto errLabel; } cwLogInfo("In:%i %s Out:%i %s iCh:%i oCh:%i sr:%f bufN:%i FpC:%i meterMs:%i",r.inDevIdx,r.inDevLabel,r.outDevIdx,r.outDevLabel,channelCount(h,r.inDevIdx,true),channelCount(h,r.outDevIdx,false),r.srate,r.bufCnt,r.framesPerCycle,r.meterMs); // report the current audio devices using the audio port interface function //report(h); if( runFl ) { // initialize the audio bufer buf::create( r.audioBufH, device::count(h), r.meterMs ); // setup the buffer for the output device buf::setup( r.audioBufH, r.outDevIdx, r.srate, r.framesPerCycle, r.bufCnt, channelCount(h,r.outDevIdx,true), r.framesPerCycle, channelCount(h,r.outDevIdx,false), r.framesPerCycle ); // setup the buffer for the input device if( r.inDevIdx != r.outDevIdx ) buf::setup( r.audioBufH, r.inDevIdx, r.srate, r.framesPerCycle, r.bufCnt, channelCount(h,r.inDevIdx,true), r.framesPerCycle, channelCount(h,r.inDevIdx,false), r.framesPerCycle ); buf::report( r.audioBufH ); // setup an output device if(setup(h, r.outDevIdx,r.srate,r.framesPerCycle,_cmApPortCb2,&r) != kOkRC ) cwLogInfo("Out device setup failed."); else // setup an input device if( setup(h, r.inDevIdx,r.srate,r.framesPerCycle,_cmApPortCb2,&r) != kOkRC ) cwLogInfo("In device setup failed."); else // start the input device if( start(h, r.inDevIdx) != kOkRC ) cwLogInfo("In device start failed."); else // start the output device if( r.outDevIdx != r.inDevIdx ) if( start(h, r.outDevIdx) != kOkRC ) cwLogInfo("Out Device start failed."); cwLogInfo("q=quit O/o output tone, I/i input tone, P/p pass M/m meter s=buf report"); // turn on the meters buf::enableMeter(r.audioBufH, r.outDevIdx,-1,buf::kOutFl | buf::kEnableFl); char c; while((c=getchar()) != 'q') { realTimeReport(h, r.outDevIdx ); switch(c) { case 'i': case 'I': buf::enableTone(r.audioBufH, r.inDevIdx,-1,buf::kInFl | (c=='I'?buf::kEnableFl:0)); break; case 'o': case 'O': buf::enableTone(r.audioBufH, r.outDevIdx,-1,buf::kOutFl | (c=='O'?buf::kEnableFl:0)); break; case 'p': case 'P': buf::enablePass(r.audioBufH, r.outDevIdx,-1,buf::kOutFl | (c=='P'?buf::kEnableFl:0)); break; case 'M': case 'm': buf::enableMeter( r.audioBufH, r.inDevIdx, -1, buf::kInFl | (c=='M'?buf::kEnableFl:0)); buf::enableMeter( r.audioBufH, r.outDevIdx, -1, buf::kOutFl | (c=='M'?buf::kEnableFl:0)); break; case 's': buf::report(r.audioBufH); break; } } // stop the input device if( isStarted(h,r.inDevIdx) ) if( stop(h,r.inDevIdx) != kOkRC ) cwLogInfo("In device stop failed."); // stop the output device if( isStarted(h,r.outDevIdx) ) if( stop(h,r.outDevIdx) != kOkRC ) cwLogInfo("Out device stop failed."); } errLabel: // release the ALSA driver rc_t rc0 = alsa::destroy(alsaH); // release any resources held by the audio port interface rc_t rc1 = destroy(h); rc_t rc2 = buf::destroy(r.audioBufH); //cmApNrtFree(); //cmApFileFree(); // report the count of audio buffer callbacks cwLogInfo("cb count: i:%i o:%i", r.iCbCnt, r.oCbCnt ); return rcSelect(rc,rc0,rc1,rc2); } /// [cmAudioPortExample] cw::rc_t cw::audio::device::test_tone( const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio::device::report() { return test(nullptr); }