#ifndef cwWaveTableBank_h #define cwWaveTableBank_h namespace cw { namespace wt_bank { typedef handle handle_t; typedef dsp::sample_t sample_t; typedef dsp::srate_t srate_t; typedef enum { kAttackTId, kLoopTId } seg_tid_t; typedef struct seg_str { seg_tid_t tid; double cost; sample_t* aV; // aV[ padN + aN + padN ] unsigned aN; // Count of unique samples unsigned padN; // Count of pre/post repeat samples } seg_t; typedef struct ch_str { unsigned ch_idx; unsigned segN; seg_t* segA; // segV[ segN ] } ch_t; typedef struct wt_str { unsigned instr_id; srate_t srate; unsigned pitch; unsigned vel; unsigned chN; ch_t* chA; // chA[ chN ] } wt_t; rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, const char* dir, unsigned padN ); rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef ); void report( handle_t h ); unsigned instr_count( handle_t h ); unsigned instr_index( handle_t h, const char* instr_label ); const wt_t* get_wave_table( handle_t h, unsigned instr_idx, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel ); rc_t test( const char* cfg_fname ); } } #endif