#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwThread.h" #include "cwMutex.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include <pthread.h> namespace cw { namespace thread { enum { kDoExitThFl = 0x01, kDoPauseThFl = 0x02, kDoRunThFl = 0x04 }; typedef struct thread_str { pthread_t pThreadH; std::atomic<stateId_t> stateId; std::atomic<unsigned> doFlags; cbFunc_t func; void* funcArg; unsigned stateMicros; unsigned pauseMicros; unsigned waitMicros; pthread_attr_t attr; char* label; mutex::handle_t mutexH; unsigned cycleIdx; // current cycle phase unsigned cycleCnt; // cycle phase limit unsigned execCnt; } thread_t; inline thread_t* _handleToPtr(handle_t h) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,thread_t>(h); } // Called from client thread to wait for the internal thread to transition to a specified state. rc_t _waitForState( thread_t* p, stateId_t stateId ) { unsigned waitTimeMicroSecs = 0; stateId_t curStateId; do { curStateId = p->stateId.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if(curStateId == stateId ) break; sleepUs( p->waitMicros ); waitTimeMicroSecs += p->waitMicros; }while( waitTimeMicroSecs < p->stateMicros ); return curStateId==stateId ? kOkRC : kTimeOutRC; } void _threadCleanUpCallback(void* p) { ((thread_t*)p)->stateId.store(kExitedThId,std::memory_order_release); } void* _threadCallback(void* param) { thread_t* p = (thread_t*)param; // set a clean up handler - this will be called when the // thread terminates unexpectedly or pthread_cleanup_pop() is called. pthread_cleanup_push(_threadCleanUpCallback,p); unsigned curDoFlags = 0; do { // get the current thread state (running or paused) stateId_t curStateId = p->stateId.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); // if we are in the pause state if( curStateId == kPausedThId ) { // unlock mutex and block on cond. var. for pauseMicros or until signaled rc_t rc = waitOnCondVar(p->mutexH, false, p->pauseMicros/1000 ); switch(rc) { case kTimeOutRC: // the mutex is not locked break; case kOkRC: // the cond. var. was signaled and the mutex is locked break; default: // mutex is not locked rc = cwLogError(rc,"Condition variable wait failed."); } curDoFlags = p->doFlags.load(std::memory_order_acquire); // if exit was requested - and the mutex is unlocked if( cwIsFlag(curDoFlags,kDoExitThFl) && rc != kOkRC ) { // this will cause the waitOnCondVar() to // immediately return at the top of the loop signalCondVar(p->mutexH); //mutex::lock(p->mutexH); } else { // check if we have been requested to leave the pause state if( cwIsFlag(curDoFlags,kDoRunThFl) ) { p->cycleIdx = 0; p->stateId.store(kRunningThId,std::memory_order_release); } } } else // ... we are in running state { // call the user-defined function if( p->func(p->funcArg)==false ) break; curDoFlags = p->doFlags.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if( cwIsNotFlag(curDoFlags,kDoExitThFl) ) { p->cycleIdx += 1; // if a cycle limit was set then check if the limit was reached bool cycles_done_fl = p->cycleCnt > 0 && p->cycleIdx >= p->cycleCnt; // check if we have been requested to enter the pause state if( (cwIsFlag(curDoFlags,kDoPauseThFl) || cycles_done_fl) ) { p->stateId.store(kPausedThId,std::memory_order_release); p->doFlags.store(0,std::memory_order_release); } } } }while( cwIsFlag(curDoFlags,kDoExitThFl) == false ); pthread_cleanup_pop(1); pthread_exit(NULL); return p; } } } cw::rc_t cw::thread::create( handle_t& hRef, cbFunc_t func, void* funcArg, const char* label, int stateMicros, int pauseMicros ) { rc_t rc; int sysRC; bool mutex_is_locked_fl = false; if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC ) return rc; thread_t* p = mem::allocZ<thread_t>(); p->func = func; p->funcArg = funcArg; p->stateMicros = stateMicros; p->pauseMicros = pauseMicros; p->stateId = kPausedThId; p->waitMicros = 15000; p->label = mem::duplStr(label); if((sysRC = pthread_attr_init(&p->attr)) != 0) { p->stateId = kNotInitThId; rc = cwLogSysError(kOpFailRC,sysRC,"Thread attribute init failed."); } else { /* // Creating the thread in a detached state should prevent it from leaking memory when // the thread is closed and pthread_join() is not called but it doesn't seem to work anymore ???? if ((sysRC = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&p->attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)) != 0) { p->stateId = kNotInitThId; rc = cwLogSysError(kOpFailRC,sysRC,"Thread set detach attribute failed."); } else */ // Create the cond. var mutex if((rc = mutex::create(p->mutexH )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Thread signal condition mutex create failed."); goto errLabel; } // Lock the mutex so that it is already locked prior to the first call to waitOnCondVar() if((rc = mutex::lock(p->mutexH)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Thread signal condition mutex lock failed."); goto errLabel; } mutex_is_locked_fl = true; // create the thread - in paused state if((sysRC = pthread_create(&p->pThreadH, &p->attr, _threadCallback, (void*)p )) != 0 ) { p->stateId = kNotInitThId; rc = cwLogSysError(kOpFailRC,sysRC,"Thread create failed."); } } if( label != nullptr ) pthread_setname_np(p->pThreadH, label); hRef.set(p); cwLogInfo("Thread %s id:%p created.",cwStringNullGuard(label), p->pThreadH); errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC && p->mutexH.isValid() ) { if( mutex_is_locked_fl ) mutex::unlock(p->mutexH); mutex::destroy(p->mutexH); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::thread::destroy( handle_t& hRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; int sysRC; if( !hRef.isValid() ) return rc; thread_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef); // tell the thread to exit p->doFlags.store(kDoExitThFl,std::memory_order_release); // wait for the thread to exit and then deallocate the thread object if((rc = _waitForState(p,kExitedThId)) != kOkRC ) return cwLogError(rc,"Thread '%s' timed out waiting for destroy.",p->label); // Block until the thread is actually fully cleaned up if((sysRC = pthread_join(p->pThreadH,NULL)) != 0) rc = cwLogSysError(kOpFailRC,sysRC,"Thread '%s' join failed.",p->label); //if( pthread_attr_destroy(&p->attr) != 0 ) // rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Thread attribute destroy failed."); if( p->mutexH.isValid() ) { mutex::unlock(p->mutexH); mutex::destroy(p->mutexH); } mem::release(p->label); mem::release(p); hRef.clear(); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::thread::pause( handle_t h, unsigned cmdFlags, unsigned cycleCnt ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; bool pauseFl = cwIsFlag(cmdFlags,kPauseFl); bool waitFl = cwIsFlag(cmdFlags,kWaitFl); thread_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); stateId_t curStateId = p->stateId.load(std::memory_order_acquire); bool isPausedFl = curStateId == kPausedThId; stateId_t waitId; p->cycleCnt = cycleCnt; if( isPausedFl == pauseFl ) return kOkRC; if( pauseFl ) { p->doFlags.store(kDoPauseThFl,std::memory_order_release); waitId = kPausedThId; } else { p->doFlags.store(kDoRunThFl,std::memory_order_release); waitId = kRunningThId; if((rc = signalCondVar(p->mutexH)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Cond. var. signalling failed."); goto errLabel; } } if( waitFl ) rc = _waitForState(p,waitId); errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC ) cwLogError(rc,"Thread '%s' timed out waiting for '%s'. pauseMicros:%i stateMicros:%i waitMicros:%i", p->label, pauseFl ? "pause" : "un-pause",p->pauseMicros,p->stateMicros,p->waitMicros); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::thread::unpause( handle_t h, unsigned cycleCnt ) { return pause( h, kWaitFl, cycleCnt); } cw::thread::stateId_t cw::thread::state( handle_t h ) { thread_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->stateId.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } cw::thread::thread_id_t cw::thread::id() { typedef struct { union { thread_id_t id; pthread_t pthread_id; } u; } id_t; id_t id; id.u.pthread_id = pthread_self(); return id.u.id; } const char* cw::thread::label( handle_t h ) { thread_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->label==nullptr ? "<no_thread_label>" : p->label; } unsigned cw::thread::stateTimeOutMicros( handle_t h) { thread_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->stateMicros; } unsigned cw::thread::pauseMicros( handle_t h ) { thread_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->pauseMicros; } namespace cw { time::spec_t g_t0 = {0,0}; time_t g_micros = 0; unsigned g_n = 0; bool _threadTestCb( void* p ) { if( g_t0.tv_nsec != 0 ) { time::spec_t t1; time::get(t1); g_micros += time::elapsedMicros(g_t0,t1); g_n += 1; g_t0.tv_nsec = 0; } unsigned* ip = (unsigned*)p; ip[0]++; return true; } } cw::rc_t cw::threadTest() { thread::handle_t h; unsigned val = 0; rc_t rc; char c = 0; unsigned cycleCnt = 0; // create the thread if((rc = thread::create(h,_threadTestCb,&val,"thread_test")) != kOkRC ) return rc; // start the thread if((rc = thread::pause(h,0,cycleCnt)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; cwLogInfo("o=print p=pause s=state q=quit\n"); while( c != 'q' ) { c = (char)fgetc(stdin); fflush(stdin); switch(c) { case 'o': cwLogInfo("val: 0x%x %i\n",val,val); break; case 's': cwLogInfo("state=%i\n",thread::state(h)); break; case 'p': { if( thread::state(h) == thread::kPausedThId ) { time::get(g_t0); // We don't set kWaitFl w/ cycleCnt>0 because we are running very // few cycles - the cycles will run and the // state of the thread will return to 'paused' // before _waitForState() can notice the 'running' state. rc = thread::pause(h, cycleCnt==0 ? thread::kWaitFl : 0,cycleCnt); } else rc = thread::pause(h,thread::kPauseFl|thread::kWaitFl); if( rc == kOkRC ) cwLogInfo("new state:%i\n", thread::state(h)); else { cwLogError(rc,"threadPause() test failed."); goto errLabel; } } break; case 'q': printf("wakeup micros:%li cnt:%i avg:%li\n",g_micros,g_n,g_n>0 ? g_micros/g_n : 0); break; //default: //cwLogInfo("Unknown:%c\n",c); } } errLabel: rc_t rc0 = rc = thread::destroy(h); return rc == kOkRC ? rc0 : rc; }