#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwTextBuf.h" #include "cwAudioDevice.h" #include "cwAudioBufDecls.h" #include "cwAudioBuf.h" /* This API is called by two types of threads: audio device threads and the client thread. There may be multiple device threads, however, there is only one client thread. The audio device threads only call update(). update() is never called by any other threads. A call from the audio update threads targets specific channels (cmApCh records). The variables within each channels that it modifies are confined to: on input channels: increments ii and increments fn (data is entering the ch. buffers) on output channels: increments oi and decrements fn (data is leaving the ch. buffers) The client picks up incoming audio and provides outgoing audio via get(). It then informs the buf that it has completed the audio data transfer by calling advance(). advance() modifies the following internal variables: on input channels: increments oi and decrements fn (data has left the ch buffer) on output channels: increments ii and increments fn (data has enterned the ch. buffer) Based on the above scenario the channel ii and oi variables are always thread-safe because they are only changed by a single thread. ii oi fn ------ ----- ---- input ch: audio client both output ch: client audio both The fn variable however is not thread-safe and therefore care must be taken as to how it is read and updated. */ #define atomicUIntIncr( vRef, dVal ) std::atomic_fetch_add<unsigned>(vRef,dVal) #define atomicUIntDecr( vRef, dVal ) std::atomic_fetch_sub<unsigned>(vRef,dVal) namespace cw { namespace audio { namespace buf { enum { kInApIdx=0, kOutApIdx=1, kIoApCnt=2 }; typedef struct { unsigned fl; // kChFl|kToneFl|kMeterFl ... sample_t* b; // b[n] unsigned ii; // next in unsigned oi; // next out std::atomic<unsigned> fn; // full cnt - count of samples currently in the buffer - incr'd by incoming, decr'd by outgoing unsigned phs; // tone phase double hz; // tone frequency double gain; // channel gain sample_t* m; // m[mn] meter sample sum unsigned mn; // length of m[] unsigned mi; // next ele of m[] to rcv sum } cmApCh; typedef struct { unsigned chCnt; cmApCh* chArray; unsigned n; // length of b[] (multiple of dspFrameCnt) bufCnt*framesPerCycle double srate; // device sample rate; unsigned faultCnt; unsigned framesPerCycle; unsigned dspFrameCnt; time::spec_t timeStamp; // base (starting) time stamp for this device std::atomic<unsigned> ioFrameCnt; // count of frames input or output for this device } cmApIO; typedef struct { // ioArray[] always contains 2 elements - one for input the other for output. cmApIO ioArray[kIoApCnt]; } cmApDev; typedef struct audioBuf_str { cmApDev* devArray; unsigned devCnt; unsigned meterMs; sample_t* zeroBuf; // buffer of zeros unsigned zeroBufCnt; // max of all dspFrameCnt for all devices. } audioBuf_t; inline audioBuf_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h ) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,audioBuf_t>(h); } sample_t _cmApMeterValue( const cmApCh* cp ) { double sum = 0; unsigned i; for(i=0; i<cp->mn; ++i) sum += cp->m[i]; return cp->mn == 0 ? 0 : (sample_t)sqrt(sum/cp->mn); } void _cmApSine( cmApCh* cp, sample_t* b0, unsigned n0, sample_t* b1, unsigned n1, unsigned stride, float srate ) { unsigned i; for(i=0; i<n0; ++i,++cp->phs) b0[i*stride] = (float)(cp->gain * sin( 2.0 * M_PI * cp->hz * cp->phs / srate )); for(i=0; i<n1; ++i,++cp->phs) b1[i*stride] = (float)(cp->gain * sin( 2.0 * M_PI * cp->hz * cp->phs / srate )); } sample_t _cmApMeter( const sample_t* b, unsigned bn, unsigned stride ) { const sample_t* ep = b + bn; sample_t sum = 0; for(; b<ep; b += stride) sum += *b * *b; return sum / bn; } void _cmApChFinalize( cmApCh* chPtr ) { mem::release( chPtr->b ); mem::release( chPtr->m ); } // n = buf sample cnt mn=meter buf smp cnt void _cmApChInitialize( cmApCh* chPtr, unsigned n, unsigned mn ) { _cmApChFinalize(chPtr); chPtr->b = n==0 ? NULL : mem::allocZ<sample_t>( n ); chPtr->ii = 0; chPtr->oi = 0; chPtr->fn = 0; chPtr->fl = (n!=0 ? kChFl : 0); chPtr->hz = 1000; chPtr->gain = 1.0; chPtr->mn = mn; chPtr->m = mem::allocZ<sample_t>(mn); chPtr->mi = 0; } void _cmApIoFinalize( cmApIO* ioPtr ) { unsigned i; for(i=0; i<ioPtr->chCnt; ++i) _cmApChFinalize( ioPtr->chArray + i ); mem::release(ioPtr->chArray); ioPtr->chCnt = 0; ioPtr->n = 0; } void _cmApIoInitialize( cmApIO* ioPtr, double srate, unsigned framesPerCycle, unsigned chCnt, unsigned n, unsigned meterBufN, unsigned dspFrameCnt ) { unsigned i; _cmApIoFinalize(ioPtr); n += (n % dspFrameCnt); // force buffer size to be a multiple of dspFrameCnt ioPtr->chArray = chCnt==0 ? NULL : mem::allocZ<cmApCh>(chCnt ); ioPtr->chCnt = chCnt; ioPtr->n = n; ioPtr->faultCnt = 0; ioPtr->framesPerCycle = framesPerCycle; ioPtr->srate = srate; ioPtr->dspFrameCnt = dspFrameCnt; ioPtr->timeStamp.tv_sec = 0; ioPtr->timeStamp.tv_nsec = 0; ioPtr->ioFrameCnt = 0; for(i = 0; i<chCnt; ++i ) _cmApChInitialize( ioPtr->chArray + i, n, meterBufN ); } void _cmApDevFinalize( cmApDev* dp ) { unsigned i; for(i = 0; i<kIoApCnt; ++i) _cmApIoFinalize( dp->ioArray+i); } void _cmApDevInitialize( cmApDev* dp, double srate, unsigned iFpC, unsigned iChCnt, unsigned iBufN, unsigned oFpC, unsigned oChCnt, unsigned oBufN, unsigned meterBufN, unsigned dspFrameCnt ) { unsigned i; _cmApDevFinalize(dp); for(i = 0; i<kIoApCnt; ++i) { unsigned chCnt = i==kInApIdx ? iChCnt : oChCnt; unsigned bufN = i==kInApIdx ? iBufN : oBufN; unsigned fpc = i==kInApIdx ? iFpC : oFpC; _cmApIoInitialize( dp->ioArray+i, srate, fpc, chCnt, bufN, meterBufN, dspFrameCnt ); } } void _setFlag( audioBuf_t* p, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags, unsigned ioIdx ) { bool enableFl = flags & kEnableFl ? true : false; unsigned i = chIdx != kInvalidIdx ? chIdx : 0; unsigned n = chIdx != kInvalidIdx ? chIdx+1 : p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[ioIdx].chCnt; for(; i<n; ++i) { cmApCh* cp = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[ioIdx].chArray + i; cp->fl = cwEnaFlag(cp->fl, flags & (kChFl|kToneFl|kMeterFl|kMuteFl|kPassFl), enableFl ); } } void _theBufCalcTimeStamp( double srate, const time::spec_t* baseTimeStamp, unsigned frmCnt, time::spec_t* retTimeStamp ) { if( retTimeStamp == NULL ) return; double secs = frmCnt / srate; unsigned int_secs = floor(secs); double frac_secs = secs - int_secs; retTimeStamp->tv_nsec = floor(baseTimeStamp->tv_nsec + frac_secs * 1000000000); retTimeStamp->tv_sec = baseTimeStamp->tv_sec + int_secs; if( retTimeStamp->tv_nsec > 1000000000 ) { retTimeStamp->tv_nsec -= 1000000000; retTimeStamp->tv_sec += 1; } } } } } cw::rc_t cw::audio::buf::create( handle_t& hRef, unsigned devCnt, unsigned meterMs ) { rc_t rc; if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC ) return rc; audioBuf_t* p = mem::allocZ<audioBuf_t>(); p->devArray = mem::allocZ<cmApDev>(devCnt ); p->devCnt = devCnt; hRef.set(p); setMeterMs(hRef,meterMs); return kOkRC; } cw::rc_t cw::audio::buf::destroy( handle_t& hRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( !hRef.isValid() ) return rc; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef); unsigned i; for(i=0; i<p->devCnt; ++i) _cmApDevFinalize(p->devArray + i); mem::release( p->devArray ); mem::release( p->zeroBuf ); p->devCnt = 0; mem::release( p ); return kOkRC; } cw::rc_t cw::audio::buf::setup( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, double srate, unsigned dspFrameCnt, unsigned bufCnt, unsigned inChCnt, unsigned inFramesPerCycle, unsigned outChCnt, unsigned outFramesPerCycle) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); cmApDev* devPtr = p->devArray + devIdx; unsigned iBufN = bufCnt * inFramesPerCycle; unsigned oBufN = bufCnt * outFramesPerCycle; unsigned meterBufN = std::max(1.0,floor(srate * p->meterMs / (1000.0 * outFramesPerCycle))); _cmApDevInitialize( devPtr, srate, inFramesPerCycle, inChCnt, iBufN, outFramesPerCycle, outChCnt, oBufN, meterBufN, dspFrameCnt ); if( inFramesPerCycle > p->zeroBufCnt || outFramesPerCycle > p->zeroBufCnt ) { p->zeroBufCnt = std::max(inFramesPerCycle,outFramesPerCycle); p->zeroBuf = mem::resizeZ<sample_t>(p->zeroBuf,p->zeroBufCnt); } return kOkRC; } cw::rc_t cw::audio::buf::primeOutput( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned audioCycleCnt ) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); cmApIO* iop = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; unsigned i; for(i=0; i<iop->chCnt; ++i) { cmApCh* cp = iop->chArray + i; unsigned bn = iop->n * sizeof(sample_t); memset(cp->b,0,bn); cp->oi = 0; cp->ii = iop->framesPerCycle * audioCycleCnt; cp->fn = iop->framesPerCycle * audioCycleCnt; } return kOkRC; } void cw::audio::buf::onPortEnable( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, bool enableFl ) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx || enableFl==false) return; cmApIO* iop = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; iop->timeStamp.tv_sec = 0; iop->timeStamp.tv_nsec = 0; iop->ioFrameCnt = 0; iop = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + kInApIdx; iop->timeStamp.tv_sec = 0; iop->timeStamp.tv_nsec = 0; iop->ioFrameCnt = 0; } cw::rc_t cw::audio::buf::update( handle_t h, device::audioPacket_t* inPktArray, unsigned inPktCnt, device::audioPacket_t* outPktArray, unsigned outPktCnt ) { unsigned i,j; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); // copy samples from the packet to the buffer if( inPktArray != NULL ) { for(i=0; i<inPktCnt; ++i) { device::audioPacket_t* pp = inPktArray + i; cmApIO* ip = p->devArray[pp->devIdx].ioArray + kInApIdx; // dest io recd // if the base time stamp has not yet been set - then set it if( ip->timeStamp.tv_sec==0 && ip->timeStamp.tv_nsec==0 ) ip->timeStamp = pp->timeStamp; // for each source packet channel and enabled dest channel for(j=0; j<pp->chCnt; ++j) { cmApCh* cp = ip->chArray + pp->begChIdx +j; // dest ch unsigned n0 = ip->n - cp->ii; // first dest segment unsigned n1 = 0; // second dest segment cwAssert(pp->begChIdx + j < ip->chCnt ); // if the incoming samples would overflow the buffer then ignore them if( cp->fn + pp->audioFramesCnt > ip->n ) { ++ip->faultCnt; // record input overflow continue; } // if the incoming samples would go off the end of the buffer then // copy in the samples in two segments (one at the end and another at begin of dest channel) if( n0 < pp->audioFramesCnt ) n1 = pp->audioFramesCnt-n0; else n0 = pp->audioFramesCnt; bool enaFl = cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kChFl) && cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kMuteFl)==false; const sample_t* sp = enaFl ? ((sample_t*)pp->audioBytesPtr) + j : p->zeroBuf; unsigned ssn = enaFl ? pp->chCnt : 1; // stride (packet samples are interleaved) sample_t* dp = cp->b + cp->ii; const sample_t* ep = dp + n0; // update the meter if( cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kMeterFl) ) { cp->m[cp->mi] = _cmApMeter(sp,pp->audioFramesCnt,pp->chCnt); cp->mi = (cp->mi + 1) % cp->mn; } // if the test tone is enabled on this input channel if( enaFl && cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kToneFl) ) { _cmApSine(cp, dp, n0, cp->b, n1, 1, ip->srate ); } else // otherwise copy samples from the packet to the buffer { // copy the first segment for(; dp < ep; sp += ssn ) *dp++ = cp->gain * *sp; // if there is a second segment if( n1 > 0 ) { // copy the second segment dp = cp->b; ep = dp + n1; for(; dp<ep; sp += ssn ) *dp++ = cp->gain * *sp; } } // advance the input channel buffer cp->ii = n1>0 ? n1 : cp->ii + n0; //cp->fn += pp->audioFramesCnt; atomicUIntIncr(&cp->fn,pp->audioFramesCnt); } } } // copy samples from the buffer to the packet if( outPktArray != NULL ) { for(i=0; i<outPktCnt; ++i) { device::audioPacket_t* pp = outPktArray + i; cmApIO* op = p->devArray[pp->devIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; // dest io recd // if the base timestamp has not yet been set then set it. if( op->timeStamp.tv_sec==0 && op->timeStamp.tv_nsec==0 ) op->timeStamp = pp->timeStamp; // for each dest packet channel and enabled source channel for(j=0; j<pp->chCnt; ++j) { cmApCh* cp = op->chArray + pp->begChIdx + j; // dest ch unsigned n0 = op->n - cp->oi; // first src segment unsigned n1 = 0; // second src segment volatile unsigned fn = cp->fn; // store fn because it may be changed by the client thread // if the outgoing samples will underflow the buffer if( pp->audioFramesCnt > fn ) { ++op->faultCnt; // record an output underflow // if the buffer is empty - zero the packet and return if( fn == 0 ) { memset( pp->audioBytesPtr, 0, pp->audioFramesCnt*sizeof(sample_t)); continue; } // ... otherwise decrease the count of returned samples pp->audioFramesCnt = fn; } // if the outgong segments would go off the end of the buffer then // arrange to wrap to the begining of the buffer if( n0 < pp->audioFramesCnt ) n1 = pp->audioFramesCnt-n0; else n0 = pp->audioFramesCnt; sample_t* dp = ((sample_t*)pp->audioBytesPtr) + j; bool enaFl = cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kChFl) && cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kMuteFl)==false; // if the tone is enabled on this channel if( enaFl && cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kToneFl) ) { _cmApSine(cp, dp, n0, dp + n0*pp->chCnt, n1, pp->chCnt, op->srate ); } else // otherwise copy samples from the output buffer to the packet { const sample_t* sp = enaFl ? cp->b + cp->oi : p->zeroBuf; const sample_t* ep = sp + n0; // copy the first segment for(; sp < ep; dp += pp->chCnt ) *dp = cp->gain * *sp++; // if there is a second segment if( n1 > 0 ) { // copy the second segment sp = enaFl ? cp->b : p->zeroBuf; ep = sp + n1; for(; sp<ep; dp += pp->chCnt ) *dp = cp->gain * *sp++; } } // update the meter if( cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kMeterFl) ) { cp->m[cp->mi] = _cmApMeter(((sample_t*)pp->audioBytesPtr)+j,pp->audioFramesCnt,pp->chCnt); cp->mi = (cp->mi + 1) % cp->mn; } // advance the output channel buffer cp->oi = n1>0 ? n1 : cp->oi + n0; //cp->fn -= pp->audioFramesCnt; atomicUIntDecr(&cp->fn,pp->audioFramesCnt); } } } return kOkRC; } unsigned cw::audio::buf::meterMs( handle_t h ) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->meterMs; } void cw::audio::buf::setMeterMs( handle_t h, unsigned meterMs ) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->meterMs = std::min(1000u,std::max(10u,meterMs)); } unsigned cw::audio::buf::channelCount( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return 0; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; return p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[ idx ].chCnt; } void cw::audio::buf::setFlag( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( flags & kInFl ) _setFlag( p, devIdx, chIdx, flags, kInApIdx ); if( flags & kOutFl ) _setFlag( p, devIdx, chIdx, flags, kOutApIdx ); } bool cw::audio::buf::isFlag( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return false; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; return cwIsFlag(p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[idx].chArray[chIdx].fl,flags); } void cw::audio::buf::enableChannel( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { setFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kChFl); } bool cw::audio::buf::isChannelEnabled( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { return isFlag(h,devIdx, chIdx, flags | kChFl); } void cw::audio::buf::enableTone( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { setFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kToneFl); } bool cw::audio::buf::isToneEnabled( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { return isFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kToneFl); } void cw::audio::buf::toneFlags( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags, bool* enableFlA, unsigned chCnt ) { chCnt = std::min( chCnt, channelCount(h,devIdx,flags)); for(unsigned i=0; i<chCnt; ++i) enableFlA[i] = isFlag(h, devIdx, i, flags | kToneFl); } void cw::audio::buf::enableMute( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { setFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kMuteFl); } bool cw::audio::buf::isMuteEnabled( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { return isFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kMuteFl); } void cw::audio::buf::muteFlags( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags, bool* muteFlA, unsigned chCnt ) { chCnt = std::min( chCnt, channelCount(h,devIdx,flags)); for(unsigned i=0; i<chCnt; ++i) muteFlA[i] = isFlag(h, devIdx, i, flags | kToneFl); } void cw::audio::buf::enablePass( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { setFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kPassFl); } bool cw::audio::buf::isPassEnabled( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { return isFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kPassFl); } void cw::audio::buf::enableMeter( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { setFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kMeterFl); } bool cw::audio::buf::isMeterEnabled(handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { return isFlag(h,devIdx,chIdx,flags | kMeterFl); } cw::audio::buf::sample_t cw::audio::buf::meter(handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return 0; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; const cmApCh* cp = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[idx].chArray + chIdx; return _cmApMeterValue(cp); } void cw::audio::buf::meter(handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags, sample_t* meterA, unsigned meterN ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; unsigned n = std::min(meterN,channelCount(h,devIdx,flags)); for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) { const cmApCh* cp = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[idx].chArray + i; meterA[i] = _cmApMeterValue(cp); } } void cw::audio::buf::setGain( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags, double gain ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; unsigned i = chIdx != kInvalidIdx ? chIdx : 0; unsigned n = i + (chIdx != kInvalidIdx ? 1 : p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[idx].chCnt); for(; i<n; ++i) p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[idx].chArray[i].gain = gain; } double cw::audio::buf::gain( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned chIdx, unsigned flags ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return 0; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; return p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[idx].chArray[chIdx].gain; } void cw::audio::buf::gain( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags, double* gainA, unsigned gainN ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; unsigned n = std::min(gainN,channelCount(h,devIdx,flags)); for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) gainA[i] = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray[idx].chArray[i].gain; } unsigned cw::audio::buf::getStatus( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags, double* meterArray, unsigned meterCnt, unsigned* faultCntPtr ) { if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return 0; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned ioIdx = cwIsFlag(flags,kInFl) ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; cmApIO* iop = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + ioIdx; unsigned chCnt = std::min(iop->chCnt, meterCnt ); unsigned i; if( faultCntPtr != NULL ) *faultCntPtr = iop->faultCnt; for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i) meterArray[i] = _cmApMeterValue(iop->chArray + i); return chCnt; } bool cw::audio::buf::isDeviceReady( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags ) { //bool iFl = true; //bool oFl = true; unsigned i = 0; if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return false; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( flags & kInFl ) { const cmApIO* ioPtr = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + kInApIdx; for(i=0; i<ioPtr->chCnt; ++i) if( ioPtr->chArray[i].fn < ioPtr->dspFrameCnt ) return false; //iFl = ioPtr->fn > ioPtr->dspFrameCnt; } if( flags & kOutFl ) { const cmApIO* ioPtr = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; for(i=0; i<ioPtr->chCnt; ++i) if( (ioPtr->n - ioPtr->chArray[i].fn) < ioPtr->dspFrameCnt ) return false; //oFl = (ioPtr->n - ioPtr->fn) > ioPtr->dspFrameCnt; } return true; //return iFl & oFl; } // Note that his function returns audio samples but does NOT // change any internal states. void cw::audio::buf::get( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags, sample_t* bufArray[], unsigned bufChCnt ) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned i; if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) { for(i=0; i<bufChCnt; ++i) bufArray[i] = NULL; return; } unsigned idx = flags & kInFl ? kInApIdx : kOutApIdx; const cmApIO* ioPtr = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + idx; unsigned n = bufChCnt < ioPtr->chCnt ? bufChCnt : ioPtr->chCnt; //unsigned offs = flags & kInFl ? ioPtr->oi : ioPtr->ii; cmApCh* cp = ioPtr->chArray; for(i=0; i<n; ++i,++cp) { unsigned offs = flags & kInFl ? cp->oi : cp->ii; bufArray[i] = cwIsFlag(cp->fl,kChFl) ? cp->b + offs : NULL; } } void cw::audio::buf::getIO( handle_t h, unsigned iDevIdx, sample_t* iBufArray[], unsigned iBufChCnt, time::spec_t* iTimeStampPtr, unsigned oDevIdx, sample_t* oBufArray[], unsigned oBufChCnt, time::spec_t* oTimeStampPtr ) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); get( h, iDevIdx, kInFl, iBufArray, iBufChCnt ); get( h, oDevIdx, kOutFl,oBufArray, oBufChCnt ); unsigned i = 0; if( iDevIdx != kInvalidIdx && oDevIdx != kInvalidIdx ) { const cmApIO* ip = p->devArray[iDevIdx].ioArray + kInApIdx; const cmApIO* op = p->devArray[oDevIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; unsigned minChCnt = std::min(iBufChCnt,oBufChCnt); unsigned frmCnt = std::min(ip->dspFrameCnt,op->dspFrameCnt); unsigned byteCnt = frmCnt * sizeof(sample_t); _theBufCalcTimeStamp(ip->srate, &ip->timeStamp, ip->ioFrameCnt, iTimeStampPtr ); _theBufCalcTimeStamp(op->srate, &op->timeStamp, op->ioFrameCnt, oTimeStampPtr ); for(i=0; i<minChCnt; ++i) { cmApCh* ocp = op->chArray + i; cmApCh* icp = ip->chArray + i; if( oBufArray[i] != NULL ) { // if either the input or output channel is marked for pass-through if( cwAllFlags(ocp->fl,kPassFl) || cwAllFlags(icp->fl,kPassFl) ) { memcpy( oBufArray[i], iBufArray[i], byteCnt ); // set the output buffer to NULL to prevent it being over written by the client oBufArray[i] = NULL; } else { // zero the output buffer memset(oBufArray[i],0,byteCnt); } } } } if( oDevIdx != kInvalidIdx ) { const cmApIO* op = p->devArray[oDevIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; unsigned byteCnt = op->dspFrameCnt * sizeof(sample_t); _theBufCalcTimeStamp(op->srate, &op->timeStamp, op->ioFrameCnt, oTimeStampPtr ); for(; i<oBufChCnt; ++i) if( oBufArray[i] != NULL ) memset( oBufArray[i], 0, byteCnt ); } } void cw::audio::buf::advance( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags ) { unsigned i; if( devIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( flags & kInFl ) { cmApIO* ioPtr = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + kInApIdx; for(i=0; i<ioPtr->chCnt; ++i) { cmApCh* cp = ioPtr->chArray + i; cp->oi = (cp->oi + ioPtr->dspFrameCnt) % ioPtr->n; atomicUIntDecr(&cp->fn,ioPtr->dspFrameCnt); } // count the number of samples input from this device if( ioPtr->timeStamp.tv_sec!=0 && ioPtr->timeStamp.tv_nsec!=0 ) { atomicUIntIncr(&ioPtr->ioFrameCnt,ioPtr->dspFrameCnt); } } if( flags & kOutFl ) { cmApIO* ioPtr = p->devArray[devIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; for(i=0; i<ioPtr->chCnt; ++i) { cmApCh* cp = ioPtr->chArray + i; cp->ii = (cp->ii + ioPtr->dspFrameCnt) % ioPtr->n; atomicUIntIncr(&cp->fn,ioPtr->dspFrameCnt); } // count the number of samples output from this device if( ioPtr->timeStamp.tv_sec!=0 && ioPtr->timeStamp.tv_nsec!=0 ) { atomicUIntIncr(&ioPtr->ioFrameCnt,ioPtr->dspFrameCnt); } } } void cw::audio::buf::inputToOutput( handle_t h, unsigned iDevIdx, unsigned oDevIdx ) { if( iDevIdx == kInvalidIdx || oDevIdx == kInvalidIdx ) return; audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned iChCnt = channelCount( h, iDevIdx, kInFl ); unsigned oChCnt = channelCount( h, oDevIdx, kOutFl ); unsigned chCnt = iChCnt < oChCnt ? iChCnt : oChCnt; unsigned i; if( chCnt == 0 ) { cwLogWarning("Both input and output devices must have a non-zero channel count in the call to audio::buf::inputToOutput()."); return; } sample_t* iBufPtrArray[ iChCnt ]; sample_t* oBufPtrArray[ oChCnt ]; while( isDeviceReady( h, iDevIdx, kInFl ) && isDeviceReady( h, oDevIdx, kOutFl ) ) { get( h, iDevIdx, kInFl, iBufPtrArray, iChCnt ); get( h, oDevIdx, kOutFl, oBufPtrArray, oChCnt ); // Warning: buffer pointers to disabled channels will be set to NULL for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i) { cmApIO* ip = p->devArray[iDevIdx].ioArray + kInApIdx; cmApIO* op = p->devArray[oDevIdx].ioArray + kOutApIdx; cwAssert( ip->dspFrameCnt == op->dspFrameCnt ); unsigned byteCnt = ip->dspFrameCnt * sizeof(sample_t); if( oBufPtrArray[i] != NULL ) { // the input channel is not disabled if( iBufPtrArray[i]!=NULL ) memcpy(oBufPtrArray[i],iBufPtrArray[i],byteCnt); else // the input channel is disabled but the output is not - so fill the output with zeros memset(oBufPtrArray[i],0,byteCnt); } } advance( h, iDevIdx, kInFl ); advance( h, oDevIdx, kOutFl ); } } void cw::audio::buf::report(handle_t h) { audioBuf_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned i,j,k; for(i=0; i<p->devCnt; ++i) { for(j=0; j<kIoApCnt; ++j) { cmApIO* ip = p->devArray[i].ioArray + j; unsigned ii = 0; unsigned oi = 0; unsigned fn = 0; sample_t m = 0; for(k=0; k<ip->chCnt; ++k) { cmApCh* cp = ip->chArray + k; ii += cp->ii; oi += cp->oi; fn += cp->fn; m += _cmApMeterValue(cp); } cwLogInfo("%i : %s - i:%7i o:%7i f:%7i n:%7i err %s:%7i meter:%f", i,j==0?"IN ":"OUT", ii,oi,fn,ip->n, (j==0?"over ":"under"), ip->faultCnt, m/ip->chCnt); } } } /// [cwAudioBufExample] cw::rc_t cw::audio::buf::test() { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned devIdx = 0; unsigned devCnt = 1 ; unsigned dspFrameCnt = 10; unsigned cycleCnt = 3; unsigned framesPerCycle = 25; unsigned inChCnt = 2; unsigned outChCnt = inChCnt; unsigned sigN = cycleCnt*framesPerCycle*inChCnt; double srate = 44100.0; unsigned meterMs = 50; unsigned bufChCnt = inChCnt; sample_t* inBufArray[ bufChCnt ]; sample_t* outBufArray[ bufChCnt ]; sample_t iSig[ sigN ]; sample_t oSig[ sigN ]; sample_t* os = oSig; device::audioPacket_t pkt; unsigned i,j; handle_t h; // create a simulated signal for(i=0; i<sigN; ++i) { iSig[i] = i; oSig[i] = 0; } pkt.devIdx = 0; pkt.begChIdx = 0; pkt.chCnt = inChCnt; pkt.audioFramesCnt = framesPerCycle; pkt.bitsPerSample = 32; pkt.flags = 0; time::get(pkt.timeStamp); // initialize a the audio buffer create(h,devCnt,meterMs); // setup the buffer with the specific parameters to by used by the host audio ports setup(h,devIdx,srate,dspFrameCnt,cycleCnt,inChCnt,framesPerCycle,outChCnt,framesPerCycle); // simulate cylcing through sigN buffer transactions for(i=0; i<sigN; i+=framesPerCycle*inChCnt) { // setup an incoming audio packet pkt.audioFramesCnt = framesPerCycle; pkt.audioBytesPtr = iSig+i; // simulate a call from the audio port with incoming samples // (fill the audio buffers internal input buffers) update(h,&pkt,1,NULL,0); // if all devices need to be serviced while( isDeviceReady( h, devIdx, kInFl | kOutFl )) { // get pointers to full internal input buffers get(h, devIdx, kInFl, inBufArray, bufChCnt ); // get pointers to empty internal output buffers get(h, devIdx, kOutFl, outBufArray, bufChCnt ); // Warning: pointers to disabled channels will be set to NULL. // simulate a play through by copying the incoming samples to the outgoing buffers. for(j=0; j<bufChCnt; ++j) if( outBufArray[j] != NULL ) { // if the input is disabled - but the output is not then zero the output buffer if( inBufArray[j] == NULL ) memset( outBufArray[j], 0, dspFrameCnt*sizeof(sample_t)); else // copy the input to the output memcpy( outBufArray[j], inBufArray[j], dspFrameCnt*sizeof(sample_t)); } // signal the buffer that this cycle is complete. // (marks current internal input/output buffer empty/full) advance( h, devIdx, kInFl | kOutFl ); } pkt.audioBytesPtr = os; // simulate a call from the audio port picking up outgoing samples // (empties the audio buffers internal output buffers) update(h,NULL,0,&pkt,1); os += pkt.audioFramesCnt * pkt.chCnt; } for(i=0; i<sigN; ++i) cwLogInfo("%f ",oSig[i]); cwLogInfo("\n"); destroy(h); return rc; } /// [cwAudioBufExample]