#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwText.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwVectOps.h" #include "cwMidi.h" #include "cwMidiDecls.h" #include "cwFlowDecl.h" #include "cwPresetSel.h" #include "cwFile.h" #include "cwDynRefTbl.h" #include "cwScoreParse.h" #include "cwSfScore.h" #include "cwPerfMeas.h" #include "cwPianoScore.h" namespace cw { namespace preset_sel { typedef struct preset_label_str { char* label; } preset_label_t; typedef struct alt_label_str { char* label; } alt_label_t; typedef struct preset_sel_str { preset_label_t* presetLabelA; unsigned presetLabelN; flow::preset_order_t* presetOrderA; // presetOrderA[ presetLabelN ] flow::preset_order_t* multiPresetA; // activePresetA[ presetLabelN ] flow::preset_order_t* dryPresetOrder; // pointer to the dry preset in presetOrderA[] alt_label_t* altLabelA; unsigned altLabelN; double defaultGain; double defaultWetDryGain; double defaultFadeOutMs; unsigned defaultPresetIdx; struct frag_str* fragL; unsigned next_frag_id; frag_t* last_ts_frag; double master_wet_in_gain; double master_wet_out_gain; double master_dry_gain; double master_sync_delay_ms; unsigned sel_frag_id; // fragment id assoc'd with last selected frag. ui element unsigned cur_alt_idx; } preset_sel_t; preset_sel_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h ) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,preset_sel_t>(h); } const char* _preset_label( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned preset_idx ) { return p->presetLabelA[ preset_idx ].label; } unsigned _preset_label_to_index( preset_sel_t* p, const char* label ) { for(unsigned i=0; i<p->presetLabelN; ++i) if( textIsEqual(p->presetLabelA[i].label,label) ) return i; return kInvalidIdx; } const char* _alt_index_to_label( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned alt_idx ) { if( alt_idx >= p->altLabelN ) return nullptr; return p->altLabelA[ alt_idx ].label; } unsigned _alt_char_to_index( preset_sel_t* p, char label ) { // Note that we start at 1 because 0 is the <no select label> for(unsigned i=1; i<p->altLabelN; ++i) if( p->altLabelA[i].label[0] == std::toupper(label) ) return i; return kInvalidIdx; } rc_t _delete_fragment( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned fragId ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; frag_t* f = p->fragL; for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) { if( f->fragId == fragId ) { // if this is the first frag in the list if( f->prev == nullptr ) p->fragL = f->link; else { // link the prev fragment to the next fragment f->prev->link = f->link; // dur of prev frag now include the dur of the deleted frag f->prev->endLoc = f->endLoc; } // link the next fragment back to the previous fragment if( f->link != nullptr ) f->link->prev = f->prev; for(unsigned i=0; i<f->presetN; ++i) mem::release(f->presetA[i].alt_str); // release the fragment mem::release(f->note); mem::release(f->presetA); mem::release(f->altPresetIdxA); //mem::release(f->multiPresetA); mem::release(f); goto errLabel; } } rc = cwLogError(kEleNotFoundRC,"The fragment with id %i was not found.",fragId); errLabel: return rc; } void _destroy_all_frags( preset_sel_t* p ) { while( p->fragL != nullptr) _delete_fragment(p, p->fragL->fragId ); } rc_t _destroy( preset_sel_t* p ) { _destroy_all_frags(p); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->presetLabelN; ++i) mem::release( p->presetLabelA[i].label ); mem::release( p->presetLabelA ); mem::release( p->presetOrderA ); mem::release( p->multiPresetA ); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->altLabelN; ++i) mem::release( p->altLabelA[i].label ); mem::release( p->altLabelA ); p->presetLabelN = 0; mem::release(p); return kOkRC; } void _print_preset_alts( preset_sel_t* p, const frag_t* f, const char* label ) { printf("%s : ",label); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->altLabelN; ++i) printf("%i ",f->altPresetIdxA[i]); printf("\n"); } void _clear_all_preset_alts( preset_sel_t* p, frag_t* f, unsigned preset_idx ) { // skip the 0th alt because it is controlled by the 'select' play flag for(unsigned i=1; i<p->altLabelN; ++i) if( f->altPresetIdxA[i] == preset_idx ) f->altPresetIdxA[i] = kInvalidIdx; } // clear preset of all alternative pointers void _deselect_preset_as_alt( preset_sel_t* p, frag_t* f, unsigned preset_idx ) { assert( preset_idx < f->presetN); mem::release(f->presetA[ preset_idx ].alt_str); _clear_all_preset_alts(p,f,preset_idx); } void _remove_alt_char( frag_t* f, unsigned preset_idx, char c ) { assert( preset_idx < f->presetN ); if( f->presetA[preset_idx].alt_str != nullptr ) { char* s = f->presetA[preset_idx].alt_str; bool fl = false; for(unsigned i=0; s[i]; ++i) { if( s[i] == c ) fl = true; if(fl) s[i] = s[i+1]; } if( textLength(f->presetA[preset_idx].alt_str) == 0) mem::release(f->presetA[preset_idx].alt_str); } } rc_t _set_alt( preset_sel_t* p, frag_t* f, unsigned preset_idx, char c ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned alt_idx; if((alt_idx = _alt_char_to_index(p,c)) == kInvalidIdx ) { if( !std::isspace(c) ) cwLogWarning("The alternative '%c' is not valid.",c); rc = kInvalidArgRC; } else { assert( alt_idx <= p->altLabelN ); if( f->altPresetIdxA[ alt_idx ] != kInvalidIdx ) _remove_alt_char(f,f->altPresetIdxA[ alt_idx ],c); f->altPresetIdxA[ alt_idx ] = preset_idx; } return rc; } void _set_alt_str( preset_sel_t* p, frag_t* f, unsigned sel_preset_idx, const char* alt_str ) { if( alt_str == nullptr ) { _deselect_preset_as_alt(p,f,sel_preset_idx); } else { unsigned alt_strN = textLength(alt_str); char alt_str_buf[ alt_strN+1 ]; unsigned asi = 0; // clear the alt's pointing to the selected preset - because the 'alt_str' has changed // and some previous alt's may have been removed. _clear_all_preset_alts( p, f, sel_preset_idx ); // scan each char in the alt_str[] and update f->altPresetIdxA[] for(unsigned i=0; alt_str[i]; ++i) if( _set_alt(p, f, sel_preset_idx, alt_str[i] ) == kOkRC ) { // if this was a legal alt label then add it to alt_str_buf[] assert( asi < alt_strN ); alt_str_buf[ asi++ ] = alt_str[i]; } assert( asi <= alt_strN ); alt_str_buf[asi] = 0; // store the preset's new alt str. f->presetA[ sel_preset_idx ].alt_str = mem::reallocStr(f->presetA[ sel_preset_idx ].alt_str, alt_str_buf); } } frag_t* _find_frag( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned fragId ) { frag_t* f; for(f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->fragId == fragId ) return f; return nullptr; } rc_t _find_frag( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned fragId, frag_t*& fragPtrRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if((fragPtrRef = _find_frag(p,fragId )) == nullptr ) rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"'%i' is not a valid fragment id.",fragId); return rc; } unsigned _generate_unique_frag_id( preset_sel_t* p ) { unsigned fragId = 0; frag_t* f; for(f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) fragId = std::max(fragId,f->fragId); return fragId + 1; } frag_t* _index_to_frag( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned frag_idx ) { frag_t* f; unsigned i = 0; for(f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link,++i) if( i == frag_idx ) break; if( f == nullptr ) cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"'%i' is not a valid fragment index.",frag_idx); return f; } frag_t* _loc_to_frag( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned loc ) { frag_t* f; for(f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->endLoc == loc ) return f; return nullptr; } bool _ts_is_in_frag( const frag_t* f, const time::spec_t& ts ) { // if f is the earliest fragment if( f->prev == nullptr ) return time::isLTE(ts,f->endTimestamp); // else f->prev->end_ts < ts && ts <= f->end_ts return time::isLT(f->prev->endTimestamp,ts) && time::isLTE(ts,f->endTimestamp); } bool _ts_is_before_frag( const frag_t* f, const time::spec_t& ts ) { // if ts is past f if( time::isGT(ts,f->endTimestamp ) ) return false; // ts may now only be inside or before f // if f is the first frag then ts must be inside it if( f->prev == nullptr ) return false; // is ts before f return time::isLTE(ts,f->prev->endTimestamp); } bool _ts_is_after_frag( const frag_t* f, const time::spec_t& ts ) { return time::isGT(ts,f->endTimestamp); } // Scan from through the fragment list to find the fragment containing ts. frag_t* _timestamp_to_frag( preset_sel_t* p, const time::spec_t& ts, frag_t* init_frag=nullptr ) { frag_t* f = init_frag==nullptr ? p->fragL : init_frag; for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( _ts_is_in_frag(f,ts) ) return f; return nullptr; } bool _loc_is_in_frag( const frag_t* f, unsigned loc ) { // if f is the earliest fragment if( f->prev == nullptr ) return loc <= f->endLoc; // else f->prev->end_loc < loc && loc <= f->end_loc return f->prev->endLoc < loc && loc <= f->endLoc; } bool _loc_is_before_frag( const frag_t* f, unsigned loc ) { // if loc is past f if( loc > f->endLoc ) return false; // loc may now only be inside or before f // if f is the first frag then loc must be inside it if( f->prev == nullptr ) return false; // is loc before f return loc <= f->prev->endLoc; } bool _loc_is_after_frag( const frag_t* f, unsigned loc ) { return loc > f->endLoc; } // Scan from through the fragment list to find the fragment containing loc. frag_t* _fast_loc_to_frag( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned loc, frag_t* init_frag=nullptr ) { frag_t* f = init_frag==nullptr ? p->fragL : init_frag; for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( _loc_is_in_frag(f,loc) ) return f; return nullptr; } rc_t _validate_preset_id( const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_id ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( (preset_id >= frag->presetN) || (frag->presetA[ preset_id ].preset_idx != preset_id) ) rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The preset id '%i' is invalid on the fragment at loc:%i.",preset_id,frag->endLoc); return rc; } bool _is_master_var_id( unsigned varId ) { return varId > kBaseMasterVarId; } template< typename T > rc_t _set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, const T& value ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = nullptr; // if this is not a 'master' variable then locate the requested fragment if( !_is_master_var_id(varId) ) { if((rc = _find_frag(p,fragId,f)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; p->sel_frag_id = fragId; } switch( varId ) { case kGuiUuIdVarId: f->guiUuId = value; break; case kPresetSelectVarId: for(unsigned i=0; i<f->presetN; ++i) if((f->presetA[i].playFl = f->presetA[i].preset_idx == presetId ? value : false) == true) f->altPresetIdxA[0] = i; break; case kPresetSeqSelectVarId: if((rc = _validate_preset_id(f, presetId )) == kOkRC ) f->presetA[ presetId ].seqFl = value; break; case kPresetOrderVarId: if((rc = _validate_preset_id(f, presetId )) == kOkRC ) f->presetA[ presetId ].order = value; break; case kPresetAltVarId: assert(0); break; case kInGainVarId: f->igain = value; break; case kOutGainVarId: f->ogain = value; break; case kFadeOutMsVarId: f->fadeOutMs = value; break; case kWetGainVarId: f->wetDryGain = value; break; case kBegPlayLocVarId: f->begPlayLoc = value; break; case kEndPlayLocVarId: f->endPlayLoc = value; break; case kPlayBtnVarId: break; case kPlaySeqBtnVarId: f->seqAllFl = false; break; case kPlaySeqAllBtnVarId: f->seqAllFl = true; break; case kMasterWetInGainVarId: p->master_wet_in_gain = value; break; case kMasterWetOutGainVarId: p->master_wet_out_gain = value; break; case kMasterDryGainVarId: p->master_dry_gain = value; break; case kMasterSyncDelayMsVarId: p->master_sync_delay_ms = value; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"There is no preset variable with var id:%i.",varId); goto errLabel; } errLabel: if(rc != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Variable value assignment failed on fragment '%i' variable:%i preset:%i",fragId,varId,presetId); return rc; } template< typename T > rc_t _get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, T& valueRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = nullptr; // if this is not a 'master' variable then locate the requested fragment if( !_is_master_var_id( varId ) ) if((rc = _find_frag(p,fragId,f)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; switch( varId ) { case kGuiUuIdVarId: valueRef = f->guiUuId; break; case kBegLocVarId: valueRef = f->prev == nullptr ? 0 : f->prev->endLoc + 1; break; case kEndLocVarId: valueRef = f->endLoc; break; case kPresetSelectVarId: if((rc = _validate_preset_id(f, presetId )) == kOkRC ) valueRef = f->presetA[ presetId ].playFl; break; case kPresetSeqSelectVarId: if((rc = _validate_preset_id(f, presetId )) == kOkRC ) valueRef = f->presetA[ presetId ].seqFl; break; case kPresetOrderVarId: if((rc = _validate_preset_id(f, presetId )) == kOkRC ) valueRef = f->presetA[ presetId ].order; break; case kPresetAltVarId: assert(0); break; case kInGainVarId: valueRef = f->igain; break; case kOutGainVarId: valueRef = f->ogain; break; case kFadeOutMsVarId: valueRef = f->fadeOutMs; break; case kWetGainVarId: valueRef = f->wetDryGain; break; case kBegPlayLocVarId: valueRef = f->begPlayLoc; break; case kEndPlayLocVarId: valueRef = f->endPlayLoc; break; case kPlayBtnVarId: break; case kPlaySeqBtnVarId: break; case kPlaySeqAllBtnVarId: valueRef = f->seqAllFl; break; case kMasterWetInGainVarId: valueRef = p->master_wet_in_gain; break; case kMasterWetOutGainVarId: valueRef = p->master_wet_out_gain; break; case kMasterDryGainVarId: valueRef = p->master_dry_gain; break; case kMasterSyncDelayMsVarId: valueRef = p->master_sync_delay_ms; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"There is no preset variable with var id:%i.",varId); goto errLabel; } errLabel: if(rc != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Variable value access failed on fragment '%i' variable:%i preset:%i",fragId,varId,presetId); return rc; } rc_t _report_with_piano_score( preset_sel_t* p, const char* rpt_fname, perf_score::handle_t pianoScoreH ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const perf_score::event_t* e = base_event( pianoScoreH ); file::handle_t fH; if((rc = open(fH,rpt_fname,file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Preset sel Piano Score report open failed."); goto errLabel; } if( e == nullptr ) { cwLogWarning("The piano score is empty during preset reporting."); } else { const frag_t* frag = p->fragL; unsigned frag_loc = frag == nullptr ? 0 : frag->endLoc; unsigned frag_id = 0; unsigned colN = 0; double esec = 0; for(; e!=nullptr; e=e->link) { // if this event is on a new location - then print a newline if( esec != e->sec ) { esec = e->sec; if( colN ) { printf(fH,"\n"); colN = 0; } } // if this event is on the next fragment end loc if( e->loc == frag_loc ) { // this event is on the next frag if( colN != 0 ) printf(fH,"\n"); printf(fH,"%3i %5i %3i ",frag_id, frag_loc, e->meas); colN = 1; if( frag != nullptr ) { frag = frag->link; if( frag != nullptr ) { frag_loc = frag->endLoc; frag_id += 1; } } } // if this event is a note-on then print the pitch if( midi::isNoteOn( e->status, e->d1 )) { if( colN == 0 ) { printf(fH," %3i ",e->meas); colN = 1; } printf(fH,"%s ",e->sci_pitch); colN += 1; } } } errLabel: close(fH); return rc; } rc_t _report_with_sfscore( preset_sel_t* p, const char* rpt_fname, sfscore::handle_t scoreH ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned eventN = event_count( scoreH ); const frag_t* frag = p->fragL; unsigned frag_loc = frag == nullptr ? 0 : frag->endLoc; unsigned frag_id = 0; const sfscore::event_t *e = event( scoreH, 0); file::handle_t fH; if((rc = open(fH,rpt_fname,file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"File open failed on sfscore preset sel report file."); goto errLabel; } if( e == nullptr ) { cwLogWarning("The score is empty during preset sel reporting."); } else { unsigned eloc = e->oLocId; unsigned colN = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i<eventN; ++i) { e = event( scoreH, i); // are we on a new location? if( eloc != e->oLocId ) { eloc = e->oLocId; colN = 0; printf(fH,"\n"); } // is this the location of the next fragment if( eloc >= frag_loc ) { if( colN != 0 ) printf(fH,"\n"); printf(fH,"%3i %5i %3i ",frag_id,frag_loc,e->barNumb); colN = 1; if( frag != nullptr ) { frag = frag->link; if( frag != nullptr ) { frag_loc = frag->endLoc; frag_id += 1; } } } if( colN == 0 ) { printf(fH," %3i ",e->barNumb); colN = 1; } //printf(fH,"%s ",e->sciPitch); printf(fH,"%s ",midi::midiToSciPitch(e->pitch)); colN += 1; } } errLabel: close(fH); return rc; } const perf_score::event_t* _loc_to_prev_note_on( perf_score::handle_t pianoScoreH, unsigned loc ) { const perf_score::event_t* e; unsigned orig_loc = loc; for(; loc>0; --loc) { if((e = loc_to_event(pianoScoreH, loc )) != nullptr ) if( orig_loc==1 or midi::isNoteOn(e->status,e->d1) ) break; } if( orig_loc!=1 && loc == 0 ) { cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No sounding note found before loc: %i.",orig_loc ); e = nullptr; } return e; } const perf_score::event_t* _loc_to_next_note_on( perf_score::handle_t pianoScoreH, unsigned loc ) { const perf_score::event_t* e; if((e = loc_to_event(pianoScoreH, loc )) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The loc %i for fragment was not found in the score.",loc); goto errLabel; } for(; e!=nullptr; e=e->link) if( midi::isNoteOn(e->status,e->d1) ) break; if( e == nullptr ) cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No sounding note found after loc: %i.",loc ); errLabel: return e; } const flow::preset_order_t* _load_active_multi_preset_array( preset_sel_t* p, const frag_t* f, unsigned flags, unsigned& cnt_ref ) { bool has_zero_fl = false; cnt_ref = 0; for(unsigned i=0,j=1; i<f->presetN; ++i) { if( f->presetA[i].order > 0 || f->presetA[i].playFl ) { unsigned out_idx; // Exactly one preset can have the 'playFl' set. // This is the highest priority preset. // It is always placed in the first slot. if( !f->presetA[i].playFl ) out_idx = j++; else { out_idx = 0; has_zero_fl = true; } assert( out_idx < p->presetLabelN ); p->multiPresetA[out_idx].preset_label = _preset_label( p, f->presetA[i].preset_idx ); p->multiPresetA[out_idx].order = f->presetA[i].order; ++cnt_ref; } } // sort the presets on 'order' - being careful to not move the zeroth preset (if it exists) if( (has_zero_fl && cnt_ref > 2) || (!has_zero_fl && cnt_ref>1) ) { std::sort(p->multiPresetA+1, p->multiPresetA+(cnt_ref-1), [](const flow::preset_order_t& a,const flow::preset_order_t& b){ return a.order<b.order; } ); } return has_zero_fl ? p->multiPresetA : p->multiPresetA+1; } } } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::create( handle_t& hRef, const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = nullptr; const object_t* preset_labelL = nullptr; const object_t* alt_labelL = nullptr; const char* default_preset_label = nullptr; if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC ) return rc; p = mem::allocZ<preset_sel_t>(); // parse the cfg if((rc = cfg->getv( "preset_labelL", preset_labelL, "alt_labelL", alt_labelL, "default_gain", p->defaultGain, "default_wet_dry_gain", p->defaultWetDryGain, "default_fade_ms", p->defaultFadeOutMs, "default_preset", default_preset_label, "default_master_wet_in_gain", p->master_wet_in_gain, "default_master_wet_out_gain", p->master_wet_out_gain, "default_master_dry_gain", p->master_dry_gain, "default_master_sync_delay_ms", p->master_sync_delay_ms)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The preset configuration parse failed."); goto errLabel; } // allocate the label array p->presetLabelN = preset_labelL->child_count(); p->presetLabelA = mem::allocZ<preset_label_t>(p->presetLabelN); p->presetOrderA = mem::allocZ<flow::preset_order_t>(p->presetLabelN); p->multiPresetA = mem::allocZ<flow::preset_order_t>(p->presetLabelN); // get the preset labels for(unsigned i=0; i<p->presetLabelN; ++i) { const char* label = nullptr; const object_t* labelNode = preset_labelL->child_ele(i); if( labelNode!=nullptr ) rc = labelNode->value(label); if( rc != kOkRC || label == nullptr || textLength(label) == 0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"A empty preset label was encountered while reading the preset label list."); goto errLabel; } p->presetLabelA[i].label = mem::duplStr(label); p->presetOrderA[i].preset_label = p->presetLabelA[i].label; p->presetOrderA[i].order = 1; if( textIsEqual(p->presetOrderA[i].preset_label,"dry") ) p->dryPresetOrder = p->presetOrderA + i; } // allocate the alt label array p->altLabelN = alt_labelL->child_count() + 1; p->altLabelA = mem::allocZ<alt_label_t>(p->altLabelN); p->altLabelA[0].label = mem::duplStr("*"); // get the alt labels for(unsigned i=1,j=0; i<p->altLabelN; ++i,++j) { const char* label = nullptr; const object_t* labelNode = alt_labelL->child_ele(j); if( labelNode!=nullptr ) rc = labelNode->value(label); if( rc != kOkRC || label == nullptr || textLength(label) == 0 ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"A empty alt label was encountered while reading the alt label list."); goto errLabel; } p->altLabelA[i].label = mem::duplStr(label); } p->defaultPresetIdx = kInvalidIdx; if( default_preset_label != nullptr ) if((p->defaultPresetIdx = _preset_label_to_index(p,default_preset_label)) ==kInvalidIdx ) cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The default preset label '%s' could not be found.",cwStringNullGuard(default_preset_label)); if( p->defaultPresetIdx == kInvalidIdx ) cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No default preset was set."); if( p->dryPresetOrder == nullptr ) rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The 'dry' preset was not found."); hRef.set(p); errLabel: return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::destroy( handle_t& hRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = nullptr; if( !hRef.isValid() ) return rc; p = _handleToPtr(hRef); if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC ) return rc; hRef.clear(); return rc; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::preset_count( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->presetLabelN; } const char* cw::preset_sel::preset_label( handle_t h, unsigned preset_idx ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _preset_label(p,preset_idx); } const cw::flow::preset_order_t* cw::preset_sel::preset_order_array( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->presetOrderA; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::alt_count( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->altLabelN; } const char* cw::preset_sel::alt_label( handle_t h, unsigned alt_idx ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _alt_index_to_label(p,alt_idx); } void cw::preset_sel::get_loc_range( handle_t h, unsigned& minLocRef, unsigned& maxLocRef ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( p->fragL == nullptr ) { minLocRef = score_parse::kInvalidLocId; maxLocRef = score_parse::kInvalidLocId; } else { minLocRef = 1; for(const frag_t* f = p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) maxLocRef = f->endLoc; } } unsigned cw::preset_sel::fragment_count( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned n = 0; for(const frag_t* f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) ++n; return n; } const cw::preset_sel::frag_t* cw::preset_sel::get_fragment_base( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->fragL; } const cw::preset_sel::frag_t* cw::preset_sel::get_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned fragId ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _find_frag(p,fragId); } const cw::preset_sel::frag_t* cw::preset_sel::gui_id_to_fragment(handle_t h, unsigned guiUuId ) { frag_t* f; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); for(f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->guiUuId == guiUuId ) return f; cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The fragment associated with GUI UU id %i could not be found.",guiUuId); return nullptr; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::frag_to_gui_id( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, bool showErrorFl ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); const frag_t* f; if((f = _find_frag(p,fragId)) != nullptr ) return f->guiUuId; if( showErrorFl ) cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The GUI uuid associated with the fragment id '%i' could not be found.",fragId); return kInvalidId; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::gui_to_frag_id( handle_t h, unsigned guiUuId, bool showErrorFl ) { const frag_t* f; if((f = gui_id_to_fragment(h,guiUuId)) != nullptr ) return f->fragId; if( showErrorFl ) cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The fragment id associated with the GUI uuid '%i' could not be found.",guiUuId); return kInvalidId; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::loc_to_gui_id( handle_t h, unsigned loc ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f; if((f = _fast_loc_to_frag( p, loc)) == nullptr ) return kInvalidId; return f->guiUuId; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::create_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned end_loc, time::spec_t end_timestamp, unsigned& fragIdRef ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f0 = nullptr; frag_t* f1 = nullptr; frag_t* f = mem::allocZ<frag_t>(); f->endLoc = end_loc; f->endTimestamp = end_timestamp; f->igain = p->defaultGain; f->ogain = p->defaultGain; f->wetDryGain = p->defaultWetDryGain; f->fadeOutMs = p->defaultFadeOutMs; f->presetA = mem::allocZ<preset_t>(p->presetLabelN); f->presetN = p->presetLabelN; f->altPresetIdxA = mem::allocZ<unsigned>(p->altLabelN); f->fragId = _generate_unique_frag_id(p); f->begPlayLoc = 0; f->endPlayLoc = end_loc; f->note = mem::duplStr(""); // set all but the first vop::fill(f->altPresetIdxA+1,p->altLabelN-1,kInvalidIdx); // set the return value fragIdRef = f->fragId; // intiialize the preset array elements for(unsigned i=0; i<p->presetLabelN; ++i) { f->presetA[i].preset_idx = i; if( i == p->defaultPresetIdx ) f->presetA[i].playFl = true; } // if the list is empty if( p->fragL == nullptr ) { p->fragL = f; goto doneLabel; } // search forward to the point where this fragment should be // inserted to keep this fragment list in time order for(f0 = p->fragL; f0!=nullptr; f0 = f0->link) { if( end_loc < f0->endLoc ) break; f1 = f0; } // if f is after the last fragment ... if( f0 == nullptr ) { assert( f1 != nullptr ); // ... insert f at the end of the list f1->link = f; f->prev = f1; } else { // Insert f before f0 f->link = f0; f->prev = f0->prev; // if f0 was first on the list if( f0->prev == nullptr ) { assert( p->fragL == f0 ); p->fragL = f; } else { f0->prev->link = f; } f0->prev = f; } if( f->prev != nullptr ) f->begPlayLoc = f->prev->endLoc + 1; doneLabel: return kOkRC; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::delete_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned fragId ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _delete_fragment(p,fragId); } bool cw::preset_sel::is_fragment_end_loc( handle_t h, unsigned loc ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _loc_to_frag(p,loc) != nullptr; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::set_alternative( handle_t h, unsigned alt_idx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( alt_idx >= p->altLabelN ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The alternative index %i is invalid.",alt_idx); goto errLabel; } p->cur_alt_idx = alt_idx; errLabel: return rc; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::ui_select_fragment_id( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); for(frag_t* f = p->fragL; f!= nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->uiSelectFl ) return f->fragId; return kInvalidId; } void cw::preset_sel::ui_select_fragment( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, bool selectFl ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = p->fragL; for(; f!= nullptr; f=f->link) f->uiSelectFl = f->fragId == fragId ? selectFl : false; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, bool value ) { return _set_value(h,fragId,varId,presetId,value); } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, unsigned value ) { return _set_value(h,fragId,varId,presetId,value); } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, double value ) { return _set_value(h,fragId,varId,presetId,value); } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::set_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, const char* value ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = nullptr; // locate the requested fragment if((rc = _find_frag(p,fragId,f)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; switch( varId ) { case kNoteVarId: mem::release(f->note); if( value != nullptr ) f->note = mem::duplStr(value); break; case kPresetAltVarId: if((rc = _validate_preset_id(f, presetId )) == kOkRC ) { _set_alt_str( p, f, presetId, value ); cwLogInfo("Set Preset Alt : %s",value); } break; default: rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"There is no preset variable of type 'string' with var id:%i.",varId); } errLabel: return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, bool& valueRef ) { return _get_value(h,fragId,varId,presetId,valueRef); } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, unsigned& valueRef ) { return _get_value(h,fragId,varId,presetId,valueRef); } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, double& valueRef ) { return _get_value(h,fragId,varId,presetId,valueRef); } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::get_value( handle_t h, unsigned fragId, unsigned varId, unsigned presetId, const char*& valueRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = nullptr; // locate the requested fragment if((rc = _find_frag(p,fragId,f)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; switch( varId ) { case kNoteVarId: valueRef = f->note; break; case kPresetAltVarId: if((rc = _validate_preset_id(f, presetId )) == kOkRC ) { if( f->presetA[ presetId].alt_str == nullptr ) f->presetA[ presetId].alt_str = mem::duplStr(""); valueRef = f->presetA[ presetId].alt_str; //cwLogInfo("Get Preset Alt Flags: 0x%x : %s",f->presetA[ presetId].altFlags,valueRef); } break; default: rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"There is no preset variable of type 'string' with var id:%i.",varId); } errLabel: return rc; } void cw::preset_sel::track_timestamp_reset( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->last_ts_frag = nullptr; } bool cw::preset_sel::track_timestamp( handle_t h, const time::spec_t& ts, const cw::preset_sel::frag_t*& frag_Ref ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = nullptr; bool frag_changed_fl = false; time::spec_t t0; time::setZero(t0); //unsigned elapsedMs = time::elapsedMs(t0,ts); //double mins = elapsedMs / 60000.0; // if this is the first call to 'track_timestamp()'. if( p->last_ts_frag == nullptr ) f = _timestamp_to_frag(p,ts); else // if the 'ts' is in the same frag as previous call. if( _ts_is_in_frag(p->last_ts_frag,ts) ) f = p->last_ts_frag; else // if 'ts' is in a later frag if( _ts_is_after_frag(p->last_ts_frag,ts) ) f = _timestamp_to_frag(p,ts,p->last_ts_frag); else // ts is prior to 'last_ts_frag' f = _timestamp_to_frag(p,ts); // 'f' will be null at this point if 'ts' is past the last preset. // In this case we should leave 'last_ts_frag' unchanged. // if 'f' is valid but different from 'last_ts_frag' if( f != nullptr && f != p->last_ts_frag ) { p->last_ts_frag = f; frag_changed_fl = true; } frag_Ref = p->last_ts_frag; return frag_changed_fl; } void cw::preset_sel::track_loc_reset( handle_t h ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->last_ts_frag = nullptr; } bool cw::preset_sel::track_loc( handle_t h, unsigned loc, const cw::preset_sel::frag_t*& frag_Ref ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = nullptr; bool frag_changed_fl = false; // if this is the first call to 'track_timestamp()'. if( p->last_ts_frag == nullptr ) f = _fast_loc_to_frag(p,loc); else // if the 'ts' is in the same frag as previous call. if( _loc_is_in_frag(p->last_ts_frag,loc) ) f = p->last_ts_frag; else // if 'ts' is in a later frag if( _loc_is_after_frag(p->last_ts_frag,loc) ) f = _fast_loc_to_frag(p,loc,p->last_ts_frag); else // ts is prior to 'last_ts_frag' f = _fast_loc_to_frag(p,loc); // 'f' will be null at this point if 'ts' is past the last preset. // In this case we should leave 'last_ts_frag' unchanged. // if 'f' is valid but different from 'last_ts_frag' if( f != nullptr && f != p->last_ts_frag ) { // don't allow the selected fragment to go backwards if( p->last_ts_frag == nullptr || (p->last_ts_frag != nullptr && p->last_ts_frag->endLoc < f->endLoc) ) { p->last_ts_frag = f; frag_changed_fl = true; } } frag_Ref = p->last_ts_frag; return frag_changed_fl; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::fragment_play_preset_index( handle_t h, const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_seq_idx ) { unsigned n = 0; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); //cwLogInfo("preset_seq_idx:%i frag id:%i sel_frag_id:%i cur_alt_idx:%i ",preset_seq_idx,frag->fragId,p->sel_frag_id, p->cur_alt_idx); //_print_preset_alts( p, frag, "" ); if( preset_seq_idx==kInvalidIdx || frag->fragId != p->sel_frag_id ) { assert( p->cur_alt_idx < p->altLabelN ); unsigned preset_idx = frag->altPresetIdxA[ p->cur_alt_idx ]; if( preset_idx == kInvalidIdx ) preset_idx = frag->altPresetIdxA[0]; return preset_idx; } // for each preset for(unsigned i=0; i<frag->presetN; ++i) { /* // if 'preset_seq_idx' is not valid ... if( preset_seq_idx==kInvalidIdx || frag->fragId != p->sel_frag_id ) { // ...then select the first preset whose 'playFl' is set. if( frag->presetA[i].playFl ) return frag->presetA[i].preset_idx; } else { */ // ... otherwise select the 'nth' preset whose 'seqFl' is set if( frag->presetA[i].seqFl || frag->seqAllFl ) { if( n == preset_seq_idx ) return frag->presetA[i].preset_idx; ++n; } //} } return kInvalidIdx; } unsigned cw::preset_sel::fragment_seq_count( handle_t h, unsigned fragId ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); frag_t* f = nullptr; unsigned n = 0; if((rc = _find_frag(p,fragId,f)) != kOkRC ) return 0; if( f->seqAllFl ) return f->presetN; for(unsigned i=0; i<f->presetN; ++i) if( f->presetA[i].seqFl ) ++n; return n; } const cw::flow::preset_order_t* cw::preset_sel::fragment_active_presets( handle_t h, const frag_t* f, unsigned flags, unsigned& count_ref ) { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); const flow::preset_order_t* preset_order; count_ref = 0; // Note that kAllActiveFl,kDryPriorityFl,kDrySelectedFl will only be set // when the preset is being selected probabilistically // if this fragment is dry-selected or dry-only and the associated flags are set // then select then return the 'dry' preset if( (cwIsFlag(flags,kDrySelectedFl) && f->drySelectedFl) || (cwIsFlag(flags,kDryPriorityFl) && f->dryOnlyFl) ) { preset_order = p->dryPresetOrder; count_ref = 1; } else { // if all active is set then return all presets ... if( cwIsFlag(flags,kAllActiveFl) ) { preset_order = p->presetOrderA; count_ref = p->presetLabelN; } else // ... otherwise return the active presets only { preset_order = _load_active_multi_preset_array(p,f,flags,count_ref); } } return preset_order; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::write( handle_t h, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); object_t* root = newDictObject(); unsigned fragN = 0; object_t* fragL_obj = newListObject(nullptr); for(frag_t* f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link,++fragN) { object_t* frag_obj = newDictObject(nullptr); fragL_obj->append_child(frag_obj); newPairObject("fragId", f->fragId, frag_obj ); newPairObject("endLoc", f->endLoc, frag_obj ); newPairObject("endTimestamp_sec", f->endTimestamp.tv_sec, frag_obj ); newPairObject("endTimestamp_nsec", f->endTimestamp.tv_nsec, frag_obj ); newPairObject("inGain", f->igain, frag_obj ); newPairObject("outGain", f->ogain, frag_obj ); newPairObject("wetDryGain", f->wetDryGain, frag_obj ); newPairObject("fadeOutMs", f->fadeOutMs, frag_obj ); newPairObject("begPlayLoc", f->begPlayLoc, frag_obj ); newPairObject("endPlayLoc", f->endPlayLoc, frag_obj ); newPairObject("note", f->note, frag_obj ); newPairObject("presetN", f->presetN, frag_obj ); // note: newPairObject() return a ptr to the pair value node. object_t* presetL_obj = newPairObject("presetL", newListObject( nullptr ), frag_obj ); for(unsigned i=0; i<f->presetN; ++i) { object_t* presetD_obj = newDictObject( nullptr ); newPairObject("order", f->presetA[i].order, presetD_obj ); newPairObject("alt_str", f->presetA[i].alt_str, presetD_obj ); newPairObject("preset_label", _preset_label(p, f->presetA[i].preset_idx ), presetD_obj ); newPairObject("play_fl", f->presetA[i].playFl, presetD_obj ); presetL_obj->append_child( presetD_obj ); } } newPairObject("fragL", fragL_obj, root); newPairObject("masterWetInGain", p->master_wet_in_gain, root ); newPairObject("masterWetOutGain", p->master_wet_out_gain, root ); newPairObject("masterDryGain", p->master_dry_gain, root ); newPairObject("masterSyncDelayMs", p->master_sync_delay_ms,root ); unsigned bytes_per_frag = 1024; do { unsigned s_byteN = fragN * bytes_per_frag; char* s = mem::allocZ<char>( s_byteN ); unsigned actual_byteN = root->to_string(s,s_byteN); if( actual_byteN < s_byteN ) if((rc = file::fnWrite(fn,s,strlen(s))) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Preset select failed on '%s'.",fn); mem::release(s); s = nullptr; if( actual_byteN < s_byteN ) break; bytes_per_frag *= 2; }while(1); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::read( handle_t h, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); object_t* root = nullptr; const object_t* fragL_obj = nullptr; unsigned dryPresetIdx = _preset_label_to_index(p,"dry"); // parse the preset file if((rc = objectFromFile(fn,root)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The preset select file parse failed on '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } // remove all existing fragments _destroy_all_frags(p); // parse the root level if((rc = root->getv( "fragL", fragL_obj, "masterWetInGain", p->master_wet_in_gain, "masterWetOutGain", p->master_wet_out_gain, "masterDryGain", p->master_dry_gain, "masterSyncDelayMs",p->master_sync_delay_ms)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Root preset select parse failed on '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } // for each fragment for(unsigned i=0; i<fragL_obj->child_count(); ++i) { frag_t* f = nullptr; const object_t* r = fragL_obj->child_ele(i); unsigned fragId = kInvalidId; unsigned endLoc = 0; unsigned presetN = 0; unsigned activePresetN = 0; unsigned begPlayLoc = 0; unsigned endPlayLoc = 0; double igain = 0; double ogain = 0; double wetDryGain = 0; double fadeOutMs = 0; const char* note = nullptr; const object_t* presetL_obj = nullptr; time::spec_t end_ts; // parse the fragment record if((rc = r->getv("fragId",fragId, "endLoc",endLoc, "endTimestamp_sec",end_ts.tv_sec, "endTimestamp_nsec",end_ts.tv_nsec, "inGain",igain, "outGain",ogain, "wetDryGain",wetDryGain, "fadeOutMs",fadeOutMs, "begPlayLoc",begPlayLoc, "endPlayLoc",endPlayLoc, "note",note, "presetN", presetN, "presetL", presetL_obj )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Fragment restore record parse failed."); goto errLabel; } // create a new fragment if((rc = create_fragment( h, endLoc, end_ts, fragId)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Fragment record create failed."); goto errLabel; } // update the fragment variables set_value( h, fragId, kInGainVarId, kInvalidId, igain ); set_value( h, fragId, kOutGainVarId, kInvalidId, ogain ); set_value( h, fragId, kFadeOutMsVarId, kInvalidId, fadeOutMs ); set_value( h, fragId, kWetGainVarId, kInvalidId, wetDryGain ); set_value( h, fragId, kBegPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, begPlayLoc ); set_value( h, fragId, kEndPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, endPlayLoc ); set_value( h, fragId, kNoteVarId, kInvalidId, note ); // locate the new fragment record if((f = _find_frag(p, fragId )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Fragment record not found."); goto errLabel; } // for each preset for(unsigned i=0; i<presetN; ++i) { const object_t* r = presetL_obj->child_ele(i); unsigned order = 0; const char* alt_str = nullptr; const char* preset_label = nullptr; unsigned preset_idx = kInvalidIdx; bool playFl = false; // parse the preset record if((rc = r->getv("order", order, "preset_label", preset_label, "play_fl", playFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The fragment preset at index '%i' parse failed during restore.",i); goto errLabel; } if((rc = r->getv_opt("alt_str", alt_str )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The fragment preset at index '%i' optional parse failed during restore.",i); goto errLabel; } // locate the preset index associated with the preset label if((preset_idx = _preset_label_to_index(p,preset_label)) == kInvalidIdx ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The preset '%s' could not be restored.",cwStringNullGuard(preset_label)); goto errLabel; } if( order > 0 || playFl ) activePresetN += 1; f->presetA[ preset_idx ].order = order; f->presetA[ preset_idx ].alt_str = mem::duplStr(alt_str); f->presetA[ preset_idx ].playFl = playFl; _set_alt_str( p, f, i, alt_str ); if( playFl ) { f->altPresetIdxA[0] = preset_idx; // if the dry preset is selected if( preset_idx == dryPresetIdx ) f->drySelectedFl = true; } } // if only one preset is active and the dry preset is active f->dryOnlyFl = activePresetN==1 && (f->presetA[dryPresetIdx].order>0 || f->presetA[dryPresetIdx].playFl); } errLabel: if(rc != kOkRC ) cwLogError(rc,"Preset restore failed."); if( root != nullptr ) root->free(); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::report( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned i = 0; time::spec_t t0; time::setZero(t0); for(frag_t* f=p->fragL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link,++i) { unsigned elapsedMs = time::elapsedMs(t0,f->endTimestamp); double mins = elapsedMs / 60000.0; cwLogInfo("%3i id:%3i end loc:%3i end min:%f dry-only:%i dry-sel:%i",i,f->fragId,f->endLoc, mins, f->dryOnlyFl, f->drySelectedFl); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::report_presets( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); unsigned beg_loc = 1; frag_t* f = p->fragL; for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) { const char* dry_only_label = f->dryOnlyFl ? "only" : ""; const char* dry_sel_label = f->drySelectedFl ? "sel" : ""; cwLogPrint("%5i %5i dry-(%4s %3s)",beg_loc,f->endLoc,dry_only_label,dry_sel_label); for(unsigned i=0; i<f->presetN; ++i) if( f->presetA[i].playFl || f->presetA[i].order!=0 ) cwLogPrint("(%s-%i) ", p->presetLabelA[ f->presetA[i].preset_idx ].label, f->presetA[i].order); cwLogPrint("\n"); beg_loc = f->endLoc+1; } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::translate_frags( const object_t* cfg ) { return cwLogError(kNotImplementedRC,"translate_frags() is not implemented."); } #undef NOT_DEF #ifdef NOT_DEF cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::translate_frags( const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const char* cur_frag_fname = nullptr; const char* cur_score_fname = nullptr; const char* new_score_fname = nullptr; const char* out_frag_fname = nullptr; const char* cur_rpt_fname = nullptr; const char* new_rpt_fname = nullptr; const object_t* presetsNode = nullptr; const object_t* dynTblNode = nullptr; double srate = 0; handle_t presetH; perf_score::handle_t pianoScoreH; dyn_ref_tbl::handle_t dynTblH; score_parse::handle_t scoreParseH; sfscore::handle_t scoreH; enum { kNoteN=3 }; typedef struct { unsigned loc; unsigned opId; // see cwScoreParse k???TId uint8_t pitch; unsigned barNumb; unsigned barPitchIdx; unsigned hash; uint8_t preNote[kNoteN]; uint8_t postNote[kNoteN]; } loc_t; typedef struct { frag_t* frag; loc_t begLoc; loc_t endLoc; } tfrag_t; unsigned tfragN = 0; tfrag_t* tfragA = nullptr; if((rc = cfg->getv("cur_frag_fname", cur_frag_fname, "cur_score_fname", cur_score_fname, "new_score_fname", new_score_fname, "out_frag_fname", out_frag_fname, "cur_score_rpt_fname",cur_rpt_fname, "new_score_rpt_fname",new_rpt_fname, "presets", presetsNode, "srate",srate, "dyn_ref", dynTblNode )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Arg. parse failed on 'translate_frags'."); goto errLabel; } // Create the preset_sel object. if((rc = create(presetH,presetsNode)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Object preset_sel create failed."); goto errLabel; } // Read the current fragment file if((rc = read(presetH,cur_frag_fname)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Object preset_sel read failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(cur_frag_fname)); goto errLabel; } // Create the piano score. if((rc = perf_score::create(pianoScoreH,cur_score_fname)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Piano score failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(cur_score_fname)); goto errLabel; } else { preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(presetH); frag_t* src_frag = p->fragL; unsigned src_beg_loc = 1; _report_with_piano_score( p, cur_rpt_fname, pianoScoreH ); // Allocate the tranlate fragment array tfragN = fragment_count(presetH); tfragA = mem::allocZ<tfrag_t>(tfragN); // Get the locations of the current fragments for(unsigned i=0; i<tfragN; ++i, src_frag=src_frag->link) { tfragA[i].frag = src_frag; const perf_score::event_t* e; unsigned src_end_loc = src_frag->endLoc; // Get event for begin location. if((e = _loc_to_next_note_on(pianoScoreH, src_beg_loc )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The beg-loc %i for fragment was not found in the score.",src_beg_loc); goto errLabel; } //loc_to_pitch_context(pianoScoreH,tfragA[i].begLoc.preNote,tfragA[i].begLoc.postNote,kNoteN); tfragA[i].begLoc.loc = src_beg_loc; tfragA[i].begLoc.opId = midi::isNoteOn(e->status,e->d1) ? score_parse::kNoteOnTId : score_parse::kBarTId; tfragA[i].begLoc.pitch = e->d0; tfragA[i].begLoc.barNumb = e->meas; tfragA[i].begLoc.barPitchIdx = e->barPitchIdx; tfragA[i].begLoc.hash = score_parse::form_hash(tfragA[i].begLoc.opId, e->meas, e->d0, e->barPitchIdx ); printf("Beg: loc:%i bar:%i st:0x%x bpi:%i p:%i : %s\n",src_beg_loc,e->meas,e->status,e->barPitchIdx,e->d0,midi::midiToSciPitch(e->d0)); // Get event for end location. if((e = _loc_to_prev_note_on(pianoScoreH, src_end_loc )) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The end-loc %i for fragment was not found in the score.",src_end_loc); goto errLabel; } //loc_to_pitch_context(pianoScoreH,tfragA[i].endLoc.preNote,tfragA[i].endLoc.postNote,kNoteN); tfragA[i].endLoc.loc = src_end_loc; tfragA[i].endLoc.opId = midi::isNoteOn(e->status,e->d1) ? score_parse::kNoteOnTId : score_parse::kBarTId; tfragA[i].endLoc.pitch = e->d0; tfragA[i].endLoc.barNumb = e->meas; tfragA[i].endLoc.barPitchIdx = e->barPitchIdx; tfragA[i].endLoc.hash = score_parse::form_hash(tfragA[i].endLoc.opId, e->meas, e->d0, e->barPitchIdx ); printf("End: loc:%i bar:%i op:%i bpi:%i p:%i : %s\n",src_end_loc,e->meas,tfragA[i].endLoc.opId,e->barPitchIdx,e->d0,midi::midiToSciPitch(e->d0)); src_beg_loc = src_end_loc + 1; } // Create dynamic table. if((rc = dyn_ref_tbl::create(dynTblH,dynTblNode)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Dynamic table create failed."); goto errLabel; } // Create score parser. if((rc = score_parse::create( scoreParseH, new_score_fname, srate, dynTblH )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Score parser create failed."); goto errLabel; } // Create sfscore. if((rc = sfscore::create(scoreH,scoreParseH)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"sfscore create failed."); goto errLabel; } //tfrag_t* t0 = nullptr; for(unsigned i=0; i<tfragN; ++i) { const sfscore::event_t* e = nullptr; tfrag_t* t = tfragA + i; // bar's do not exist as events in sfscore so we have to ask for the first note // in the bar as a proxy to the bar line. if( t->endLoc.opId == score_parse::kBarTId ) { if((e = bar_to_event( scoreH, t->endLoc.barNumb )) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Beg loc %i bar event (meas:%i) not found.",t->begLoc.loc, t->begLoc.barNumb); goto errLabel; } } else { // Locate this event in sfscore if((e = hash_to_event( scoreH, t->endLoc.hash )) == nullptr ) { cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Beg loc %i pitch event (meas:%i op:%i pitch:%i bpi:%i : hash:0x%x) not found.",t->begLoc.loc, t->begLoc.opId, t->begLoc.barNumb, t->begLoc.pitch,t->begLoc.barPitchIdx,t->begLoc.hash); goto errLabel; } if(0) { unsigned op0,bar0,bpi0; unsigned op1,bar1,bpi1; uint8_t pitch0,pitch1; score_parse::parse_hash( t->begLoc.hash, op0, bar0, pitch0, bpi0 ); score_parse::parse_hash( e->hash, op1, bar1, pitch1, bpi1 ); printf("%3i %2i %3i %3i %3i\n",i,op0,bar0,pitch0,bpi0); printf("%3i %2i %3i %3i %3i : %i\n",i,op1,bar1,pitch1,bpi1,e->pitch); } } //printf("%i\n",e->oLocId); //if( t0 != nullptr ) // t0->frag->endLoc = e->oLocId; //t0 = t; t->frag->endLoc = e->oLocId; } _report_with_sfscore( p, new_rpt_fname, scoreH ); // write the translated file if((rc = write(presetH,out_frag_fname)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Translated preset fragment write failed. on '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(out_frag_fname)); goto errLabel; } } errLabel: destroy(dynTblH); destroy(scoreParseH); destroy(scoreH); destroy(pianoScoreH); destroy(presetH); mem::release(tfragA); return rc; } #endif