//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwWebSock.h" #include "cwThread.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwWebSockSvr.h" #include "cwText.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" namespace cw { namespace websockSrv { typedef struct websockSrv_str { websock::handle_t _websockH; thread::handle_t _thread; unsigned _timeOutMs; } websockSrv_t; websockSrv_t* _handleToPtr(handle_t h) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,websockSrv_t>(h); } rc_t _destroy( websockSrv_t* p ) { rc_t rc; if((rc = thread::destroy(p->_thread)) != kOkRC ) return rc; if((rc = websock::destroy(p->_websockH)) != kOkRC ) return rc; mem::release(p); return rc; } bool _websockSrvThreadCb( void* arg ) { websockSrv_t* p = static_cast<websockSrv_t*>(arg); websock::exec( p->_websockH, p->_timeOutMs ); return true; } } } cw::rc_t cw::websockSrv::create( handle_t& h, websock::cbFunc_t cbFunc, void* cbArg, const char* physRootDir, const char* dfltHtmlPageFn, int port, const websock::protocol_t* protocolA, unsigned protocolN, unsigned timeOutMs, unsigned queueBlkCnt, unsigned queueBlkByteCnt, bool extraLogsFl ) { rc_t rc; if((rc = destroy(h)) != kOkRC ) return rc; websockSrv_t* p = mem::allocZ<websockSrv_t>(); if((rc = websock::create( p->_websockH, cbFunc, cbArg, physRootDir, dfltHtmlPageFn, port, protocolA, protocolN, queueBlkCnt, queueBlkByteCnt, extraLogsFl )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = thread::create(p->_thread,_websockSrvThreadCb,p,"web_sock_srv")) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; p->_timeOutMs = timeOutMs; cwLogInfo("Listening on port:%i root dir:%s default page:%s\n", port, cwStringNullGuard(physRootDir), cwStringNullGuard(dfltHtmlPageFn)); h.set(p); errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC ) _destroy(p); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::websockSrv::destroy( handle_t& h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( !h.isValid() ) return rc; websockSrv_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC ) return rc; h.clear(); // the instance was released in _websockSrvDestroy() return rc; } cw::thread::handle_t cw::websockSrv::threadHandle( handle_t h ) { websockSrv_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->_thread; } cw::websock::handle_t cw::websockSrv::websockHandle( handle_t h ) { websockSrv_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->_websockH; } cw::rc_t cw::websockSrv::start( handle_t h ) { websockSrv_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return thread::pause( p->_thread, thread::kWaitFl); } cw::rc_t cw::websockSrv::pause( handle_t h ) { websockSrv_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return thread::pause( p->_thread, thread::kPauseFl | thread::kWaitFl); } namespace cw { typedef struct appCtx_str { bool quitFl = false; websock::handle_t wsH; unsigned protocolId; } appCtx_t; // Note that this function is called from context of the websockSrv internal thread // and from within the websockExec() call. void websockCb( void* cbArg, unsigned protocolId, unsigned sessionId, websock::msgTypeId_t msg_type, const void* vmsg, unsigned byteN ) { appCtx_t* app = static_cast<appCtx_t*>(cbArg); const char* msg = static_cast<const char*>(vmsg); cwLogInfo("protcol:%i connection:%i type:%i bytes:%i %.*s ",protocolId,sessionId, msg_type, byteN, byteN, msg); if( msg_type == websock::kMessageTId ) { if( textCompare(msg,"quit",4) == 0) app->quitFl = true; else if( textCompare(msg,"bcast",5) == 0 ) { sessionId = kInvalidId; // send msg to all sessions vmsg = ((const char*)(vmsg)) + 6; // remove the 'bcast' prefix byteN -=6; } websock::send(app->wsH, app->protocolId, sessionId, vmsg, byteN ); } } } cw::rc_t cw::websockSrvTest( const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc; websockSrv::handle_t h; const char* physRootDirArg = nullptr; //"/home/kevin/src/cwtest/src/libcw/html/websockSrvTest"; const char* dfltHtmlPageFn = nullptr; //"test_websocket.html"; unsigned timeOutMs = 50; int port = 5687; unsigned rcvBufByteN = 128; unsigned xmtBufByteN = 128; unsigned queueBlkCnt = 3; unsigned queueBlkByteCnt= 4096; bool extraLogsFl = true; appCtx_t appCtx; enum { kHttpProtocolId = 1, kWebsockSrvProtocolId = 2 }; if((rc = cfg->getv("physRootDir",physRootDirArg, "dfltHtmlPageFn",dfltHtmlPageFn, "port",port, "rcvBufByteN",rcvBufByteN, "xmtBufByteN",xmtBufByteN, "queueBlkCnt",queueBlkCnt, "queueBlkByteCnt",queueBlkByteCnt, "timeOutMs",timeOutMs )) != kOkRC ) { return cwLogError(rc,"Args parse failed."); } websock::protocol_t protocolA[] = { { "http", kHttpProtocolId, 0, 0}, { "websocksrv_test_protocol",kWebsockSrvProtocolId,rcvBufByteN,xmtBufByteN} }; char* physRootDir = cw::filesys::expandPath(physRootDirArg); unsigned protocolN = sizeof(protocolA)/sizeof(protocolA[0]); if((rc = websockSrv::create( h, websockCb, &appCtx, physRootDir, dfltHtmlPageFn, port, protocolA, protocolN, timeOutMs, queueBlkCnt, queueBlkByteCnt, extraLogsFl )) != kOkRC ) return rc; appCtx.wsH = websockSrv::websockHandle(h); appCtx.protocolId = kWebsockSrvProtocolId; if((rc = websockSrv::start(h)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; else { while( !appCtx.quitFl ) { sleepMs(500); } } errLabel: websockSrv::destroy(h); return rc; }