#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" #include "cwFile.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwMidiDecls.h" #include "cwMidi.h" #include "cwMidiFile.h" #include "cwUiDecls.h" #include "cwIo.h" #include "cwIoMidiRecordPlay.h" #define TIMER_LABEL "midi_record_play_timer" namespace cw { namespace midi_record_play { typedef struct am_midi_msg_str { unsigned devIdx; unsigned portIdx; unsigned microsec; unsigned id; time::spec_t timestamp; unsigned loc; uint8_t ch; uint8_t status; uint8_t d0; uint8_t d1; } am_midi_msg_t; typedef struct midi_device_str { char* midiOutDevLabel; char* midiOutPortLabel; unsigned midiOutDevIdx; unsigned midiOutPortIdx; bool enableFl; unsigned velTableN; uint8_t* velTableArray; bool pedalMapEnableFl; unsigned pedalDownVelId; unsigned pedalDownVel; unsigned pedalDownHalfVelId; unsigned pedalDownHalfVel; unsigned pedalUpHalfVelId; unsigned pedalUpHalfVel; } midi_device_t; enum { kHalfPedalDone, kWaitForBegin, kWaitForNoteOn, kWaitForNoteOff, kWaitForPedalUp, kWaitForPedalDown, }; typedef struct midi_record_play_str { io::handle_t ioH; am_midi_msg_t* msgArray; // msgArray[ msgArrayN ] unsigned msgArrayN; // Count of messages allocated in msgArray. unsigned msgArrayInIdx; // Next available space for loaded MIDI messages (also the current count of msgs in msgArray[]) unsigned msgArrayOutIdx; // Next message to transmit in msgArray[] unsigned midi_timer_period_micro_sec; // Timer period in microseconds am_midi_msg_t* iMsgArray; // msgArray[ msgArrayN ] unsigned iMsgArrayN; // Count of messages allocated in msgArray. unsigned iMsgArrayInIdx; // Next available space for incoming MIDI messages (also the current count of msgs in msgArray[]) midi_device_t* midiDevA; unsigned midiDevN; bool startedFl; bool recordFl; bool thruFl; bool logInFl; // log incoming message when not in 'record' mode. bool logOutFl; // log outgoing messages bool halfPedalFl; unsigned halfPedalState; unsigned halfPedalNextUs; unsigned halfPedalNoteDelayUs; unsigned halfPedalNoteDurUs; unsigned halfPedalUpDelayUs; unsigned halfPedalDownDelayUs; uint8_t halfPedalMidiPitch; uint8_t halfPedalMidiNoteVel; uint8_t halfPedalMidiPedalVel; time::spec_t play_time; time::spec_t start_time; time::spec_t end_play_event_timestamp; time::spec_t store_time; bool pedalFl; event_callback_t cb; void* cb_arg; } midi_record_play_t; enum { kMidiRecordPlayTimerId }; midi_record_play_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h ) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,midi_record_play_t>(h); } rc_t _destroy( midi_record_play_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned timerIdx; if((timerIdx = io::timerLabelToIndex( p->ioH, TIMER_LABEL )) != kInvalidIdx ) io::timerDestroy( p->ioH, timerIdx); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->midiDevN; ++i) { mem::release(p->midiDevA[i].midiOutDevLabel); mem::release(p->midiDevA[i].midiOutPortLabel); mem::release(p->midiDevA[i].velTableArray); } mem::release(p->midiDevA); mem::release(p->msgArray); mem::release(p->iMsgArray); mem::release(p); return rc; } rc_t _parseCfg(midi_record_play_t* p, const object_t& cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const object_t* midiDevL = nullptr; if((rc = cfg.getv( "max_midi_msg_count", p->msgArrayN, "midi_timer_period_micro_sec", p->midi_timer_period_micro_sec, "midi_device_list", midiDevL, "log_in_flag", p->logInFl, "log_out_flag", p->logOutFl, "half_pedal_flag", p->halfPedalFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"MIDI record play configuration parse failed."); goto errLabel; } p->iMsgArrayN = p->msgArrayN; if( midiDevL->child_count() > 0 ) { p->midiDevN = midiDevL->child_count(); p->midiDevA = mem::allocZ<midi_device_t>(p->midiDevN); printf("Midi record play devices:%i\n",p->midiDevN); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->midiDevN; ++i) { const object_t* ele = midiDevL->child_ele(i); const char* midiOutDevLabel = nullptr; const char* midiOutPortLabel = nullptr; const object_t* velTable = nullptr; const object_t* pedalRecd = nullptr; bool enableFl = false; if((rc = ele->getv( "midi_out_device", midiOutDevLabel, "midi_out_port", midiOutPortLabel, "enableFl", enableFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"MIDI record play device list configuration parse failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = ele->getv_opt( "vel_table", velTable, "pedal", pedalRecd)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"MIDI record play device optional argument parsing failed."); goto errLabel; } p->midiDevA[i].midiOutDevLabel = mem::duplStr( midiOutDevLabel); p->midiDevA[i].midiOutPortLabel = mem::duplStr( midiOutPortLabel); p->midiDevA[i].enableFl = enableFl; if( velTable != nullptr ) { p->midiDevA[i].velTableN = velTable->child_count(); p->midiDevA[i].velTableArray = mem::allocZ<uint8_t>(p->midiDevA[i].velTableN); for(unsigned j=0; j<p->midiDevA[i].velTableN; ++j) { if((rc = velTable->child_ele(j)->value( p->midiDevA[i].velTableArray[j] )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"An error occured while parsing the velocity table for MIDI device:'%s' port:'%s'.",midiOutDevLabel,midiOutPortLabel); goto errLabel; } } } if( pedalRecd != nullptr ) { if((rc = pedalRecd->getv( "down_id", p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownVelId, "down_vel", p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownVel, "half_down_id", p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownHalfVelId, "half_down_vel", p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownHalfVel, "half_up_id", p->midiDevA[i].pedalUpHalfVelId, "half_up_vel", p->midiDevA[i].pedalUpHalfVel )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"An error occured while parsing the pedal record for MIDI device:'%s' port:'%s'.",midiOutDevLabel,midiOutPortLabel); goto errLabel; } else { p->midiDevA[i].pedalMapEnableFl = true; } } } } // allocate the MIDI msg buffer p->msgArray = mem::allocZ<am_midi_msg_t>( p->msgArrayN ); p->iMsgArray = mem::allocZ<am_midi_msg_t>( p->iMsgArrayN ); errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _stop( midi_record_play_t* p ); const am_midi_msg_t* _midi_store( midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned devIdx, unsigned portIdx, const time::spec_t& ts, uint8_t ch, uint8_t status, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1 ) { am_midi_msg_t* am = nullptr; // verify that space exists in the record buffer if( p->iMsgArrayInIdx < p->iMsgArrayN ) { // MAKE THIS ATOMIC unsigned id = p->iMsgArrayInIdx; ++p->iMsgArrayInIdx; am = p->iMsgArray + id; am->id = id; am->devIdx = devIdx; am->portIdx = portIdx; am->timestamp = ts; am->ch = ch; am->status = status; am->d0 = d0; am->d1 = d1; } return am; } rc_t _event_callback( midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned id, const time::spec_t timestamp, unsigned loc, uint8_t ch, uint8_t status, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, bool log_fl=true ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( !time::isZero(p->end_play_event_timestamp) && time::isGT(timestamp,p->end_play_event_timestamp)) { rc = _stop(p); printf("ZERO\n"); } else { if( p->halfPedalFl ) { if( status==midi::kCtlMdId && d0 == midi::kSustainCtlMdId && d1 != 0 ) d1 = p->halfPedalMidiPedalVel; } for(unsigned i=0; i<p->midiDevN; ++i) if(p->midiDevA[i].enableFl ) { uint8_t out_d1 = d1; if( !p->halfPedalFl ) { // map the note on velocity if( status==midi::kNoteOnMdId and d1 != 0 and p->midiDevA[i].velTableArray != nullptr ) { if( d1 >= p->midiDevA[i].velTableN ) cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"A MIDI note-on velocity (%i) outside the velocity table range was encountered.",d1); else out_d1 = p->midiDevA[i].velTableArray[ d1 ]; } // map the pedal down velocity if( status==midi::kCtlMdId && d0 == midi::kSustainCtlMdId && p->midiDevA[i].pedalMapEnableFl ) { if( d1 == 0 ) out_d1 = 0; else if( d1 == p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownVelId ) out_d1 = p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownVel; else if( d1 == p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownHalfVelId ) out_d1 = p->midiDevA[i].pedalDownHalfVel; else cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"Unexpected pedal down velocity (%i) during pedal velocity mapping.",d1); } } io::midiDeviceSend( p->ioH, p->midiDevA[i].midiOutDevIdx, p->midiDevA[i].midiOutPortIdx, status + ch, d0, out_d1 ); } if( p->cb ) p->cb( p->cb_arg, id, timestamp, loc, ch, status, d0, d1 ); if( log_fl && p->logOutFl ) { // Note: The device of outgoing messages is set to p->midiDevN + 1 to distinguish it from // incoming messages. _midi_store( p, p->midiDevN, 0, timestamp, ch, status, d0, d1 ); } } return rc; } rc_t _transmit_msg( midi_record_play_t* p, const am_midi_msg_t* am, bool log_fl=true ) { return _event_callback( p, am->id, am->timestamp, am->loc, am->ch, am->status, am->d0, am->d1, log_fl ); } rc_t _transmit_note( midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned ch, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel, unsigned microsecs ) { time::spec_t ts = {0}; time::microsecondsToSpec( ts, microsecs ); return _event_callback( p, kInvalidId, ts, kInvalidId, ch, midi::kNoteOnMdId, pitch, vel ); } rc_t _transmit_ctl( midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned ch, unsigned ctlId, unsigned ctlVal, unsigned microsecs ) { time::spec_t ts = {0}; time::microsecondsToSpec( ts, microsecs ); return _event_callback( p, kInvalidId, ts, kInvalidId, ch, midi::kCtlMdId, ctlId, ctlVal ); } rc_t _transmit_pedal( midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned ch, unsigned pedalCtlId, bool pedalDownFl, unsigned microsecs ) { return _transmit_ctl( p, ch, pedalCtlId, pedalDownFl ? 127 : 0, microsecs); } void _half_pedal_update( midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned cur_time_us ) { if( cur_time_us >= p->halfPedalNextUs ) { unsigned midi_ch = 0; switch( p->halfPedalState ) { case kWaitForBegin: printf("down: %i %i\n",cur_time_us/1000,p->halfPedalMidiPedalVel); _transmit_ctl( p, midi_ch, midi::kSustainCtlMdId, p->halfPedalMidiPedalVel, cur_time_us); p->halfPedalState = kWaitForNoteOn; p->halfPedalNextUs += p->halfPedalNoteDelayUs; break; case kWaitForNoteOn: printf("note: %i\n",cur_time_us/1000); _transmit_note( p, midi_ch, p->halfPedalMidiPitch, p->halfPedalMidiNoteVel, cur_time_us ); p->halfPedalNextUs += p->halfPedalNoteDurUs; p->halfPedalState = kWaitForNoteOff; break; case kWaitForNoteOff: printf("off: %i\n",cur_time_us/1000); _transmit_note( p, midi_ch, p->halfPedalMidiPitch, 0, cur_time_us ); p->halfPedalNextUs += p->halfPedalUpDelayUs; p->halfPedalState = kWaitForPedalUp; break; case kWaitForPedalUp: printf("up: %i\n",cur_time_us/1000); _transmit_ctl( p, midi_ch, midi::kSustainCtlMdId, 0, cur_time_us); p->halfPedalNextUs += p->halfPedalDownDelayUs; p->halfPedalState = kWaitForPedalDown; break; case kWaitForPedalDown: //printf("down: %i\n",cur_time_us/1000); //_transmit_ctl( p, midi_ch, midi::kSustainCtlMdId, p->halfPedalMidiPedalVel, cur_time_us); //_stop(p); p->halfPedalState = kHalfPedalDone; break; case kHalfPedalDone: break; } } } // Set the next location to store an incoming MIDI message void _set_midi_msg_next_index( midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned next_idx ) { p->iMsgArrayInIdx = next_idx; } // Set the next index of the next MIDI message to transmit void _set_midi_msg_next_play_index(midi_record_play_t* p, unsigned next_idx) { p->msgArrayOutIdx = next_idx; } // Read the am_midi_msg_t records from a file written by _midi_write() // If msgArrayCntRef==0 and msgArrayRef==NULL then an array will be allocated and it is up // to the caller to release it, otherwise the msgArrayCntRef should be set to the count // of available records in msgArrayRef[]. Note the if there are more records in the file // than there are record in msgArrayRef[] then a warning will be issued and only // msgArrayCntRef records will be returned. cw::rc_t _am_file_read( const char* fn, unsigned& msgArrayCntRef, am_midi_msg_t*& msgArrayRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned n = 0; file::handle_t fH; if((rc = file::open(fH,fn,file::kReadFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpenFailRC,"Unable to locate the AM file: '%s'.", fn ); goto errLabel; } if((rc = file::read(fH,n)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kReadFailRC,"Header read failed on Audio-MIDI file: '%s'.", fn ); goto errLabel; } if( msgArrayCntRef == 0 || msgArrayRef == nullptr ) { msgArrayRef = mem::allocZ<am_midi_msg_t>(n); } else { if( n > msgArrayCntRef ) { cwLogWarning("The count of message in Audio-MIDI file '%s' reduced from %i to %i.", fn, n, msgArrayCntRef ); n = msgArrayCntRef; } } if((rc = file::read(fH,msgArrayRef,n*sizeof(am_midi_msg_t))) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kReadFailRC,"Data read failed on Audio-MIDI file: '%s'.", fn ); goto errLabel; } msgArrayCntRef = n; errLabel: return rc; } // Fill the play buffer from a previously store AM file. rc_t _midi_read( midi_record_play_t* p, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned n = 0; file::handle_t fH; if((rc = file::open(fH,fn,file::kReadFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpenFailRC,"Unable to locate the file: '%s'.", fn ); goto errLabel; } if((rc = file::read(fH,n)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kReadFailRC,"Header read failed on Audio-MIDI file: '%s'.", fn ); goto errLabel; } if( n > p->msgArrayN ) { cwLogWarning("The count of message in Audio-MIDI file '%s' reduced from %i to %i.", fn, n, p->msgArrayN ); n = p->msgArrayN; } if((rc = file::read(fH,p->msgArray,n*sizeof(am_midi_msg_t))) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kReadFailRC,"Data read failed on Audio-MIDI file: '%s'.", fn ); goto errLabel; } p->msgArrayInIdx = n; cwLogInfo("Read %i from '%s'.",n,fn); errLabel: file::close(fH); return rc; } // Write the record buffer to an AM file rc_t _midi_write( midi_record_play_t* p, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; file::handle_t fH; if( p->iMsgArrayInIdx == 0 ) { cwLogWarning("Nothing to write."); return rc; } // open the file if((rc = file::open(fH,fn,file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpenFailRC,"Unable to create the file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } // write the file header if((rc = write(fH,p->iMsgArrayInIdx)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kWriteFailRC,"Header write to '%s' failed.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } // write the file data if((rc = write(fH,p->iMsgArray,sizeof(am_midi_msg_t)*p->iMsgArrayInIdx)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kWriteFailRC,"Data write to '%s' failed.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } errLabel: file::close(fH); cwLogInfo("Saved %i events to '%s'.", p->iMsgArrayInIdx, fn ); return rc; } rc_t _write_csv( midi_record_play_t* p, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; file::handle_t fH; if( p->iMsgArrayInIdx == 0 ) { cwLogWarning("Nothing to write."); return rc; } // open the file if((rc = file::open(fH,fn,file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpenFailRC,"Unable to create the file '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } file::printf(fH,"dev,port,microsec,id,sec,ch,status,d0,d1\n"); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->iMsgArrayInIdx; ++i) { const am_midi_msg_t* m = p->iMsgArray + i; double secs = time::elapsedSecs( p->iMsgArray[0].timestamp, p->iMsgArray[i].timestamp ); char sciPitch[ midi::kMidiSciPitchCharCnt + 1 ]; if( m->status == midi::kNoteOnMdId ) midi::midiToSciPitch( m->d0, sciPitch, midi::kMidiSciPitchCharCnt ); else strcpy(sciPitch,""); if((rc = file::printf(fH, "%3i,%3i,%8i,%3i,%8.4f,%2i,0x%2x,%5s,%3i,%3i\n", m->devIdx, m->portIdx, m->microsec, m->id, secs, m->ch, m->status, sciPitch, m->d0, m->d1 )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Write failed on line:%i", i+1 ); goto errLabel; } } errLabel: file::close(fH); cwLogInfo("Saved %i events to '%s'.", p->iMsgArrayInIdx, fn ); return rc; } rc_t _midi_file_write( const char* fn, const am_midi_msg_t* msgArray, unsigned msgArrayCnt ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const unsigned midiFileTrackCnt = 1; const unsigned midiFileTicksPerQN = 192; const unsigned midiFileTempoBpm = 120; const unsigned midiFileTrkIdx = 0; file::handle_t fH; midi::file::handle_t mfH; time::spec_t t0; if( msgArrayCnt == 0 ) { cwLogWarning("Nothing to write."); return rc; } if((rc = midi::file::create( mfH, midiFileTrackCnt, midiFileTicksPerQN )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file create failed. File:'%s'", cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } if((rc = midi::file::insertTrackTempoMsg( mfH, midiFileTrkIdx, 0, midiFileTempoBpm )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file tempo message insert failed. File:'%s'", cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } t0 = msgArray[0].timestamp; for(unsigned i=0; i<msgArrayCnt; ++i) { double secs = time::elapsedMicros( t0, msgArray[i].timestamp ) / 1000000.0; unsigned atick = secs * midiFileTicksPerQN * midiFileTempoBpm / 60.0; if((rc = insertTrackChMsg( mfH, midiFileTrkIdx, atick, msgArray[i].ch + msgArray[i].status, msgArray[i].d0, msgArray[i].d1 )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file message insert failed. File: '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } } if((rc = midi::file::write( mfH, fn )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file write failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } if((rc = midi::file::close( mfH )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI file close failed on '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; } void _print_midi_msg( const am_midi_msg_t* mm ) { printf("%i %i : %10i : %2i 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", mm->devIdx, mm->portIdx, mm->microsec, mm->ch, mm->status, mm->d0, mm->d1 ); } void _report_midi( midi_record_play_t* p ) { for(unsigned i=0; i<p->msgArrayInIdx; ++i) { am_midi_msg_t* mm = p->msgArray + i; _print_midi_msg(mm); } } rc_t _stop( midi_record_play_t* p ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; p->startedFl = false; time::spec_t t1; time::get(t1); // if we were recording if( p->recordFl ) { // set the 'microsec' value for each MIDI msg as an offset from the first message[] for(unsigned i=0; i<p->iMsgArrayInIdx; ++i) { p->msgArray[i].microsec = time::elapsedMicros(p->iMsgArray[0].timestamp,p->iMsgArray[i].timestamp); } cwLogInfo("MIDI messages recorded: %i",p->msgArrayInIdx ); } else { io::timerStop( p->ioH, io::timerIdToIndex(p->ioH, kMidiRecordPlayTimerId) ); // TODO: // BUG BUG BUG: should work for all channels // all notes off _transmit_ctl( p, 0, 121, 0, 0 ); // reset all controllers _transmit_ctl( p, 0, 123, 0, 0 ); // all notes off _transmit_ctl( p, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // switch to bank 0 } return rc; } rc_t _midi_receive( midi_record_play_t* p, const io::midi_msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const midi::packet_t* pkt = m.pkt; // for each midi msg for(unsigned j=0; j<pkt->msgCnt; ++j) { // if this is a sys-ex msg if( pkt->msgArray == NULL ) { } else // this is a triple { //if( !midi::isPedal(pkt->msgArray[j].status,pkt->msgArray[j].d0) ) //printf("IN: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", pkt->msgArray[j].status, pkt->msgArray[j].d0, pkt->msgArray[j].d1 ); if( (p->recordFl || p->logInFl) && p->startedFl ) { // verify that space exists in the record buffer if( p->iMsgArrayInIdx >= p->iMsgArrayN ) { _stop(p); rc = cwLogError(kBufTooSmallRC,"MIDI message record buffer is full. % messages.",p->iMsgArrayN); goto errLabel; } else { // copy the msg into the record buffer midi::msg_t* mm = pkt->msgArray + j; if( midi::isChStatus(mm->status) ) { const am_midi_msg_t* am = _midi_store( p, pkt->devIdx, pkt->portIdx, mm->timeStamp, mm->status & 0x0f, mm->status & 0xf0, mm->d0, mm->d1 ); if( p->thruFl && am != nullptr ) _transmit_msg( p, am, false ); } } } } } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _timer_callback(midi_record_play_t* p, io::timer_msg_t& m) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; // if the MIDI player is started and in 'play' mode and msg remain to be played if( p->startedFl && (p->recordFl==false) && (p->msgArrayOutIdx < p->msgArrayInIdx)) { time::spec_t t; time::get(t); unsigned cur_time_us = time::elapsedMicros(p->play_time,t); if( p->halfPedalFl ) _half_pedal_update( p, cur_time_us ); else while( p->msgArray[ p->msgArrayOutIdx ].microsec <= cur_time_us ) { am_midi_msg_t* mm = p->msgArray + p->msgArrayOutIdx; //_print_midi_msg(mm); _transmit_msg( p, mm ); _set_midi_msg_next_play_index(p, p->msgArrayOutIdx+1 ); // if all MIDI messages have been played if( p->msgArrayOutIdx >= p->msgArrayInIdx ) { _stop(p); break; } } } return rc; } } } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::create( handle_t& hRef, io::handle_t ioH, const object_t& cfg, event_callback_t cb, void* cb_arg ) { midi_record_play_t* p = nullptr; rc_t rc; if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC ) return rc; p = mem::allocZ<midi_record_play_t>(); if((rc = _parseCfg(p,cfg)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; p->ioH = ioH; p->cb = cb; p->cb_arg = cb_arg; p->halfPedalState = kHalfPedalDone; p->halfPedalNextUs = 0; p->halfPedalNoteDelayUs = 100 * 1000; p->halfPedalNoteDurUs = 1000 * 1000; p->halfPedalUpDelayUs = 1000 * 1000; p->halfPedalDownDelayUs = 1000 * 1000; p->halfPedalMidiPitch = 64; p->halfPedalMidiNoteVel = 64; p->halfPedalMidiPedalVel = 127; for( unsigned i=0; i< p->midiDevN; ++i) { midi_device_t* dev = p->midiDevA + i; if((dev->midiOutDevIdx = io::midiDeviceIndex(p->ioH,dev->midiOutDevLabel)) == kInvalidIdx ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI output device: '%s' was not found.", cwStringNullGuard(dev->midiOutDevLabel) ); goto errLabel; } if((dev->midiOutPortIdx = io::midiDevicePortIndex(p->ioH,dev->midiOutDevIdx,false,dev->midiOutPortLabel)) == kInvalidIdx ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI output port: '%s' was not found.", cwStringNullGuard(dev->midiOutPortLabel) ); goto errLabel; } printf("%s %s : %i %i\n",dev->midiOutDevLabel, dev->midiOutPortLabel, dev->midiOutDevIdx, dev->midiOutPortIdx ); } // create the MIDI playback timer if((rc = timerCreate( p->ioH, TIMER_LABEL, kMidiRecordPlayTimerId, p->midi_timer_period_micro_sec)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Audio-MIDI timer create failed."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: if( rc == kOkRC ) hRef.set(p); else _destroy(p); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::destroy( handle_t& hRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( !hRef.isValid() ) return kOkRC; midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef); if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC ) return rc; hRef.clear(); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::start( handle_t h, bool rewindFl, const time::spec_t* end_play_event_timestamp ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->startedFl = true; // set the end play time if( end_play_event_timestamp == nullptr or time::isZero(*end_play_event_timestamp) ) time::setZero(p->end_play_event_timestamp); else p->end_play_event_timestamp = *end_play_event_timestamp; time::get(p->start_time); if( p->recordFl || p->logInFl or p->logOutFl ) { _set_midi_msg_next_index(p, 0 ); } if( !p->recordFl ) { time::get(p->play_time); if( rewindFl ) _set_midi_msg_next_play_index(p,0); else { // Set the begin play time back by the time offset of the current output event. // This will cause that event to be played back immediately. time::subtractMicros(p->play_time, p->msgArray[ p->msgArrayOutIdx ].microsec ); } if( p->halfPedalFl ) { p->halfPedalNextUs = 0; p->halfPedalState = kWaitForBegin; } io::timerStart( p->ioH, io::timerIdToIndex(p->ioH, kMidiRecordPlayTimerId) ); } return kOkRC; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::stop( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _stop(p); } bool cw::midi_record_play::is_started( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->startedFl; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::clear( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); _set_midi_msg_next_index(p,0); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::set_record_state( handle_t h, bool record_fl ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->recordFl = record_fl; return rc; } bool cw::midi_record_play::record_state( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->recordFl; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::set_thru_state( handle_t h, bool thru_fl ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->thruFl = thru_fl; return rc; } bool cw::midi_record_play::thru_state( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->thruFl; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::save( handle_t h, const char* fn ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _midi_write(p,fn); } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::save_csv( handle_t h, const char* fn ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _write_csv(p,fn); } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::open( handle_t h, const char* fn ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _midi_read(p,fn); } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::load( handle_t h, const midi_msg_t* msg, unsigned msg_count ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( msg_count > p->msgArrayN ) { mem::release(p->msgArray); p->msgArray = mem::allocZ<am_midi_msg_t>( msg_count ); p->msgArrayN = msg_count; } for(unsigned i=0; i<msg_count; ++i) { p->msgArray[i].id = msg[i].id; p->msgArray[i].timestamp = msg[i].timestamp; p->msgArray[i].loc = msg[i].loc; p->msgArray[i].ch = msg[i].ch; p->msgArray[i].status = msg[i].status; p->msgArray[i].d0 = msg[i].d0; p->msgArray[i].d1 = msg[i].d1; p->msgArray[i].devIdx = kInvalidIdx; p->msgArray[i].portIdx = kInvalidIdx; p->msgArray[i].microsec = time::elapsedMicros(p->msgArray[0].timestamp,p->msgArray[i].timestamp); } p->msgArrayInIdx = msg_count; p->msgArrayOutIdx = 0; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::seek( handle_t h, time::spec_t seek_timestamp ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; bool damp_down_fl = false; // TODO: track pedals on all channels bool sost_down_fl = false; bool soft_down_fl = false; midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->msgArrayInIdx; ++i) { am_midi_msg_t* mm = p->msgArray + i; if( time::isLTE(seek_timestamp,mm->timestamp) ) { p->msgArrayOutIdx = i; _transmit_pedal( p, mm->ch, midi::kSustainCtlMdId, damp_down_fl, 0 ); _transmit_pedal( p, mm->ch, midi::kSostenutoCtlMdId, sost_down_fl, 0 ); _transmit_pedal( p, mm->ch, midi::kSoftPedalCtlMdId, soft_down_fl, 0 ); printf("PEDAL: %s.\n", damp_down_fl ? "Down" : "Up"); break; } if( mm->status == midi::kCtlMdId ) { switch( mm->d0 ) { case midi::kSustainCtlMdId: damp_down_fl = mm->d1 > 64; break; case midi::kSostenutoCtlMdId: sost_down_fl = mm->d1 > 64; break; case midi::kSoftPedalCtlMdId: soft_down_fl = mm->d1 > 64; break; default: break; } } } return rc; } unsigned cw::midi_record_play::event_count( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->msgArrayInIdx; } unsigned cw::midi_record_play::event_index( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->recordFl ? p->iMsgArrayInIdx : p->msgArrayOutIdx; } unsigned cw::midi_record_play::event_loc( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( !p->recordFl && 0 <= p->msgArrayOutIdx && p->msgArrayOutIdx < p->msgArrayN ) return p->msgArray[ p->msgArrayOutIdx ].loc; return kInvalidId; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::exec( handle_t h, const io::msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); switch( m.tid ) { case io::kTimerTId: if( m.u.timer != nullptr ) rc = _timer_callback(p,*m.u.timer); break; case io::kMidiTId: if( m.u.midi != nullptr ) _midi_receive(p,*m.u.midi); break; default: rc = kOkRC; } return rc; } unsigned cw::midi_record_play::device_count( handle_t h ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->midiDevN; } bool cw::midi_record_play::is_device_enabled( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); bool fl = false; if( devIdx >= p->midiDevN ) cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI record-play device index '%i' is invalid.",devIdx ); else fl = p->midiDevA[devIdx].enableFl; return fl; } void cw::midi_record_play::enable_device( handle_t h, unsigned devIdx, bool enableFl ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( devIdx >= p->midiDevN ) cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI record-play device index '%i' is invalid.",devIdx ); else { p->midiDevA[devIdx].enableFl = enableFl; printf("Enable: %i = %i\n",devIdx,enableFl); } } void cw::midi_record_play::half_pedal_params( handle_t h, unsigned noteDelayMs, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel, unsigned pedal_vel, unsigned noteDurMs, unsigned downDelayMs ) { midi_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->halfPedalNoteDelayUs = noteDelayMs * 1000; p->halfPedalNoteDurUs = noteDurMs * 1000; p->halfPedalDownDelayUs = downDelayMs * 1000; p->halfPedalMidiPitch = pitch; p->halfPedalMidiNoteVel = vel; p->halfPedalMidiPedalVel= pedal_vel; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::am_to_midi_file( const char* am_filename, const char* midi_filename ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned msgArrayCnt = 0; am_midi_msg_t* msgArray = nullptr; if((rc = _am_file_read( am_filename, msgArrayCnt, msgArray )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to read AM file '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(am_filename)); goto errLabel; } if((rc = _midi_file_write( midi_filename, msgArray, msgArrayCnt )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to write AM file '%s' to '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(am_filename),cwStringNullGuard(midi_filename)); goto errLabel; } errLabel: mem::release(msgArray); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::am_to_midi_dir( const char* inDir ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; filesys::dirEntry_t* dirEntryArray = nullptr; unsigned dirEntryCnt = 0; if(( dirEntryArray = dirEntries( inDir, filesys::kDirFsFl, &dirEntryCnt )) == nullptr ) goto errLabel; for(unsigned i=0; i<dirEntryCnt; ++i) { printf("0x%x %s\n", dirEntryArray[i].flags, dirEntryArray[i].name); } errLabel: mem::release(dirEntryArray); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::midi_record_play::am_to_midi_file( const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const char* inDir = nullptr; // if( cfg == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"AM to MIDI file: No input directory."); goto errLabel; } // if((rc = cfg->getv("inDir",inDir)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"AM to MIDI file: Unable to parse input arg's."); goto errLabel; } // if((rc = am_to_midi_dir(inDir)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"AM to MIDI file conversion on directory:'%s' failed.", cwStringNullGuard(inDir)); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; }