//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwFile.h" #include "cwText.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwAudioFile.h" #include "cwUtility.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" #include "cwAudioFileOps.h" #include "cwMath.h" #include "cwVectOps.h" #include "cwDsp.h" #include "cwAudioTransforms.h" #include "cwAudioFileProc.h" #include "cwPvAudioFileProc.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Phase Vocoder File Processor // namespace cw { namespace afop { // PV Template namespace pvoc_template { typedef struct process_str { int foo; int blah; } process_t; rc_t open( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = mem::allocZ<process_t>(); if((rc = ctx->args->getv( "foo", p->foo, "blah", p->blah)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parsing of 'pvoc_template' args. failed."); } ctx->userPtr = p; return rc; } rc_t close( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr; if( p != nullptr ) { mem::release(ctx->userPtr); } return rc; } rc_t process( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned chCnt = std::min(ctx->srcChN,ctx->dstChN); unsigned binN = ctx->binN; for(unsigned i=0; i<chCnt; ++i) for(unsigned j=0; j<binN; ++j) { ctx->dstMagChA[i][j] = ctx->srcMagChA[i][j]; ctx->dstPhsChA[i][j] = ctx->srcPhsChA[i][j]; } return rc; } rc_t main( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( ctx->procId ) { case kOpenProcId: rc = open(ctx); break; case kCloseProcId: rc = close(ctx); break; case kProcProcId: rc = process(ctx); break; } return rc; } } // PV Spec Dist namespace pvoc_spec_dist { typedef struct process_str { dsp::spec_dist::fobj_t** sdChA; } process_t; rc_t open( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = mem::allocZ<process_t>(); ctx->userPtr = p; float ceiling = 30; float expo = 2; float thresh = 60; float uprSlope = -0.7; float lwrSlope = 2; float mix = 0; if((rc = ctx->args->getv( "ceiling", ceiling, "expo", expo, "thresh", thresh, "uprSlope", uprSlope, "lwrSlope", lwrSlope, "mix", mix)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parsing of 'pvoc_template' args. failed."); goto errLabel; } p->sdChA = mem::allocZ< dsp::spec_dist::fobj_t* >( ctx->srcChN ); for(unsigned i=0; i<ctx->srcChN; ++i) if((rc = dsp::spec_dist::create( p->sdChA[i], ctx->binN, ceiling, expo, thresh, uprSlope, lwrSlope, mix )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Spec Dist processor channel create failed."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t close( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr; if( p != nullptr ) { if( p->sdChA ) { for(unsigned i=0; i<ctx->srcChN; ++i) dsp::spec_dist::destroy( p->sdChA[i] ); mem::release(p->sdChA); } mem::release( p ); } return rc; } rc_t process( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr; unsigned chCnt = std::min(ctx->srcChN,ctx->dstChN); for(unsigned i=0; i<chCnt; ++i) { dsp::spec_dist::exec( p->sdChA[i], ctx->srcMagChA[i], ctx->srcPhsChA[i], ctx->binN ); for(unsigned j=0; j<ctx->binN; ++j) { ctx->dstMagChA[i][j] = p->sdChA[i]->outMagV[j]; ctx->dstPhsChA[i][j] = p->sdChA[i]->outPhsV[j]; } } return rc; } rc_t main( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( ctx->procId ) { case kOpenProcId: rc = open(ctx); break; case kCloseProcId: rc = close(ctx); break; case kProcProcId: rc = process(ctx); break; } return rc; } } namespace pv_file_proc { typedef struct process_str { dsp::pv_anl::fobj_t** anlA; // anlA[chCnt] dsp::pv_syn::fobj_t** synA; // synA[chCnt] pvoc_ctx_t pvoc_ctx; // const char* functionLabel;; // pvoc_func_t function; // float* dstBuf; float* srcBuf; } process_t; typedef struct labelFunc_str { const char* label; pvoc_func_t func; } labelFunc_t; labelFunc_t labelFuncA[] = { { "pvoc_template",pvoc_template::main }, { "spec_dist", pvoc_spec_dist::main }, { nullptr, nullptr } }; rc_t open( proc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = mem::allocZ<process_t>(); ctx->userPtr = p; // parse the specific process function configuration record if((rc = ctx->args->getv( "wndSmpN", p->pvoc_ctx.wndSmpN, "hopSmpN", p->pvoc_ctx.hopSmpN, "procSmpN", p->pvoc_ctx.procSmpN, "function", p->functionLabel, "args", p->pvoc_ctx.args)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The pvoc file proc. configuration parse failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = ctx->args->getv_opt( "inGain", p->pvoc_ctx.inGain, "outGain", p->pvoc_ctx.outGain )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parsing of pvoc file optional arguments failed."); goto errLabel; } // locate the executable function associated with the specified process function for(unsigned i=0; true; ++i) { // if the function was not found if( labelFuncA[i].func == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The audio processing program '%s' could not be found.", cwStringNullGuard(p->functionLabel)); goto errLabel; } // if this is the specified function if( textCompare(labelFuncA[i].label,p->functionLabel ) == 0 ) { p->function = labelFuncA[i].func; break; } } p->pvoc_ctx.td_ctx = ctx; p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN = ctx->srcChN; p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN = ctx->dstChN; p->pvoc_ctx.srcMagChA = mem::allocZ< const float * >( p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN ); p->pvoc_ctx.srcPhsChA = mem::allocZ< const float * >( p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN ); p->pvoc_ctx.dstMagChA = mem::allocZ< float* >( p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN ); p->pvoc_ctx.dstPhsChA = mem::allocZ< float* >( p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN ); p->anlA = mem::allocZ< dsp::pv_anl::fobj_t* >( p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN ); p->synA = mem::allocZ< dsp::pv_syn::fobj_t* >( p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN ); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN; ++i) { if((rc = dsp::pv_anl::create( p->anlA[i], p->pvoc_ctx.procSmpN, ctx->srcSrate, p->pvoc_ctx.wndSmpN, p->pvoc_ctx.wndSmpN, p->pvoc_ctx.hopSmpN, dsp::pv_anl::kNoCalcHzPvaFl )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"PVOC analysis component create failed."); goto errLabel; } p->pvoc_ctx.binN = p->anlA[i]->binCnt; // All input and ouput frames have the same bin count } // Call the open function p->pvoc_ctx.procId = kOpenProcId; if((rc = p->function( &p->pvoc_ctx )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; // Allocate the vector memory for the src/dst buffer p->srcBuf = mem::allocZ< float >( p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN * p->pvoc_ctx.binN ); p->dstBuf = mem::allocZ< float >( 2* p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN * p->pvoc_ctx.binN ); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN; ++i) { if((rc = dsp::pv_syn::create( p->synA[i], p->pvoc_ctx.procSmpN, ctx->dstSrate, p->pvoc_ctx.wndSmpN, p->pvoc_ctx.hopSmpN )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"PVOC synthesis component create failed."); goto errLabel; } p->pvoc_ctx.dstMagChA[i] = p->dstBuf + (2*i*p->pvoc_ctx.binN); p->pvoc_ctx.dstPhsChA[i] = p->pvoc_ctx.dstMagChA[i] + p->pvoc_ctx.binN; } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t close( proc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr; if( p != nullptr ) { p->pvoc_ctx.procId = kCloseProcId; p->function( &p->pvoc_ctx ); if( p->anlA ) for(unsigned i=0; i<p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN; ++i) dsp::pv_anl::destroy(p->anlA[i]); if( p->synA ) for(unsigned i=0; i<p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN; ++i) dsp::pv_syn::destroy(p->synA[i]); mem::release( p->anlA ); mem::release( p->synA ); mem::release( p->pvoc_ctx.srcMagChA ); mem::release( p->pvoc_ctx.srcPhsChA ); mem::release( p->pvoc_ctx.dstMagChA ); mem::release( p->pvoc_ctx.dstPhsChA ); mem::release( p->dstBuf ); mem::release( p->srcBuf ); mem::release(p); } return rc; } rc_t process( proc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; process_t* p = (process_t*)ctx->userPtr; bool fl = false; // Setup the source spectral data for(unsigned i=0; i<p->pvoc_ctx.srcChN; ++i) { p->pvoc_ctx.srcMagChA[i] = nullptr; p->pvoc_ctx.srcPhsChA[i] = nullptr; if( dsp::pv_anl::exec( p->anlA[i], ctx->srcChV[i], p->pvoc_ctx.hopSmpN) ) { float* srcChV = p->srcBuf + (i*p->pvoc_ctx.binN); // apply input gain vop::mul( srcChV, p->anlA[i]->magV, p->pvoc_ctx.inGain * p->pvoc_ctx.binN, p->pvoc_ctx.binN ); p->pvoc_ctx.srcMagChA[i] = (const float*)srcChV; p->pvoc_ctx.srcPhsChA[i] = (const float*)p->anlA[i]->phsV; fl = true; } } if( fl ) { p->pvoc_ctx.procId = kProcProcId; p->function( &p->pvoc_ctx ); // Get the dest. spectral data. for(unsigned i=0; i<p->pvoc_ctx.dstChN; ++ i) { if((rc = dsp::pv_syn::exec( p->synA[i], p->pvoc_ctx.dstMagChA[i], p->pvoc_ctx.dstPhsChA[i] )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Pvoc synthesis failed."); goto errLabel; } // apply output gain vop::mul( ctx->dstChV[i], p->synA[i]->ola->outV, p->pvoc_ctx.outGain, p->pvoc_ctx.hopSmpN ); //vop::copy( ctx->dstChV[i], p->synA[i]->ola->outV, p->pvoc_ctx.hopSmpN ); } } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t main( proc_ctx_t* ctx ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( ctx->procId ) { case kOpenProcId: rc = open(ctx); break; case kCloseProcId: rc = close(ctx); break; case kProcProcId: rc = process(ctx); break; } return rc; } } } } cw::rc_t cw::afop::pvoc_file_processor( const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const char* srcFn = nullptr; const char* dstFn = nullptr; const char* pgmLabel = nullptr; const object_t* pgm = nullptr; unsigned hopSmpN = 0; unsigned recordChN = 0; const object_t* recorder = nullptr; // parse the main audio file processor cfg record if((rc = cfg->getv("srcFn", srcFn, "dstFn", dstFn, "program", pgmLabel)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Error parsing the main audio file proc configuration record."); goto errLabel; } // parse the recorder spec if((rc = cfg->getv_opt("recordChN", recordChN, "recorder", recorder)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Error parsing the main audio file proc optional configuration fields."); goto errLabel; } // locate the cfg for the specific process function to run if((rc = cfg->getv(pgmLabel, pgm)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The audio file proc. configuration '%s' was not found.",cwStringNullGuard(pgmLabel)); goto errLabel; } // parse the specific process function configuration record if((rc = pgm->getv("hopSmpN", hopSmpN)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The audio file proc. configuration '%s' parse failed.",cwStringNullGuard(pgmLabel)); goto errLabel; } // run the processr if((rc = file_processor( srcFn, dstFn, pv_file_proc::main, hopSmpN, hopSmpN, nullptr, pgm, recorder, recordChN)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The audio file proc. failed."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; }