//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include <avahi-client/client.h> #include <avahi-client/publish.h> #include <avahi-common/alternative.h> #include <avahi-common/thread-watch.h> #include <avahi-common/malloc.h> #include <avahi-common/error.h> #include <avahi-common/timeval.h> #include <avahi-common/strlst.h> #include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwThread.h" #include "cwTcpSocket.h" using namespace cw; using namespace cw::net; #define INSTANCE_NAME "MC Mix" #define SERVICE_NAME "_EuConProxy._tcp" #define SERVICE_PORT 49168 #define SERVICE_HOST nullptr //"Euphonix-MC-38C9863744E7.local" #define ENET_INTERFACE "ens9" #define SERVICE_TXT_0 "lmac=38-C9-86-37-44-E7" #define SERVICE_TXT_1 "dummy=0" #define HOST_MAC "hmac=00-E0-4C-A9-A4-8D" // mbp19 enet MAC typedef struct app_str { AvahiEntryGroup *group = nullptr; AvahiThreadedPoll *poll = nullptr; char *name = nullptr; unsigned instanceId = 0; socket::handle_t tcpH; thread::handle_t tcpThreadH; unsigned recvBufByteN = 4096; unsigned protocolState = 0; unsigned txtXmtN = 0; time::spec_t t0; } app_t; static void create_services(app_t* app, AvahiClient *c); void errorv( app_t* app, const char* fmt, va_list vl ) { vprintf(fmt,vl); } void logv( app_t* app, const char* fmt, va_list vl ) { vprintf(fmt,vl); } void error( app_t* app, const char* fmt, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,fmt); errorv( app, fmt, vl ); va_end(vl); } void rpt( app_t* app, const char* fmt, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,fmt); logv( app, fmt, vl ); va_end(vl); } void choose_new_service_name( app_t* app ) { char buf[255]; app->instanceId += 1; snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s - %i", INSTANCE_NAME, app->instanceId); char* n = avahi_strdup(buf); avahi_free(app->name); app->name = n; rpt(app,"Service name collision, renaming service to '%s'\n", app->name); } static void entry_group_callback(AvahiEntryGroup *g, AvahiEntryGroupState state, void *userdata) { app_t* app = (app_t*)userdata; assert(g == app->group || app->group == nullptr); app->group = g; // Called whenever the entry group state changes switch (state) { case AVAHI_ENTRY_GROUP_ESTABLISHED : // The entry group has been established successfully rpt( app, "Service '%s' successfully established.\n", app->name); break; case AVAHI_ENTRY_GROUP_COLLISION : { // A service name collision with a remote service happened. Let's pick a new name. choose_new_service_name(app); // And recreate the services create_services(app,avahi_entry_group_get_client(g)); break; } case AVAHI_ENTRY_GROUP_FAILURE : error(app,"Entry group failure: %s\n", avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(avahi_entry_group_get_client(g)))); /* Some kind of failure happened while we were registering our services */ avahi_threaded_poll_quit(app->poll); break; case AVAHI_ENTRY_GROUP_UNCOMMITED: case AVAHI_ENTRY_GROUP_REGISTERING: ; } } static void create_services(app_t* app, AvahiClient *c) { int ret; AvahiPublishFlags flags = (AvahiPublishFlags)0; assert(c); // If this is the first time we're called, create a new entry group if (!app->group) { if (!(app->group = avahi_entry_group_new(c, entry_group_callback, app))) { error(app,"avahi_entry_group_new() failed: %s\n", avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(c))); goto fail; } } // If the group is empty (either because it was just created, or because it was reset previously, add our entries. if (avahi_entry_group_is_empty(app->group)) { rpt(app,"Adding service '%s'\n", app->name); // Add the service to the group if ((ret = avahi_entry_group_add_service(app->group, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, flags, app->name, SERVICE_NAME, nullptr, SERVICE_HOST, SERVICE_PORT, SERVICE_TXT_0, SERVICE_TXT_1, nullptr)) < 0) { if (ret == AVAHI_ERR_COLLISION) goto collision; error(app, "Failed to add _ipp._tcp service: %s\n", avahi_strerror(ret)); goto fail; } // Tell the server to register the service if ((ret = avahi_entry_group_commit(app->group)) < 0) { error(app,"Failed to commit entry group: %s\n", avahi_strerror(ret)); goto fail; } } return; collision: // A service name collision with a local service happened. Pick a new name. choose_new_service_name(app); avahi_entry_group_reset(app->group); create_services(app,c); return; fail: avahi_threaded_poll_quit(app->poll); } static void client_callback(AvahiClient *c, AvahiClientState state, void * userdata) { assert(c); app_t* app = (app_t*)userdata; // Called whenever the client or server state changes switch (state) { case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_RUNNING: // The server has startup successfully and registered its host // name on the network, so it's time to create our services create_services(app,c); break; case AVAHI_CLIENT_FAILURE: error(app,"Client failure: %s\n", avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(c))); avahi_threaded_poll_quit(app->poll); break; case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_COLLISION: // Let's drop our registered services. When the server is back // in AVAHI_SERVER_RUNNING state we will register them // again with the new host name. rpt(app,"S Collision\n"); case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_REGISTERING: rpt(app,"S Registering\n"); // The server records are now being established. This // might be caused by a host name change. We need to wait // for our own records to register until the host name is // properly esatblished. if (app->group) avahi_entry_group_reset(app->group); break; case AVAHI_CLIENT_CONNECTING: ; } } rc_t _send_response( app_t* app, const unsigned char* buf, unsigned bufByteN ) { rc_t rc; if((rc = socket::send( app->tcpH, buf, bufByteN )) != kOkRC ) { error(app,"Send failed."); } return rc; } rc_t send_response1( app_t* app ) { // wifi: 98 5A EB 89 BA AA // enet: 38 C9 86 37 44 E7 unsigned char buf[] = { 0x0b,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x00,0x02,0x03,0xfc,0x01,0x05, 0x06,0x00, 0x38,0xc9,0x86,0x37,0x44,0xe7, 0x01,0x00, 0xc0,0xa8,0x00,0x44, 0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x03,0xff,0x00,0x30,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x40,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00 }; return _send_response(app,buf,sizeof(buf)); } rc_t send_response2( app_t* app ) { unsigned char buf[] = { 0x0d,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08 }; return _send_response(app,buf,sizeof(buf)); } rc_t send_heart_beat( app_t* app ) { unsigned char buf[] = { 0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00 }; return _send_response(app,buf,sizeof(buf)); } rc_t send_txt( app_t* app, bool updateFl=true ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; int ret; const char* array[] = { "lmac=38-C9-86-37-44-E7", "host=mbp19", "hmac=BE-BD-EA-31-F9-88", "dummy=1" }; AvahiStringList* list = avahi_string_list_new_from_array(array,4); if( updateFl ) ret = avahi_entry_group_update_service_txt_strlst(app->group, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, (AvahiPublishFlags)0, app->name, SERVICE_NAME, nullptr, list); else ret = avahi_entry_group_add_service_strlst(app->group, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, (AvahiPublishFlags)0, app->name, SERVICE_NAME, nullptr, nullptr, SERVICE_PORT, list); if(ret < 0) { error(app,"Failed to %s entry group text: %s\n", updateFl ? "update" : "add", avahi_strerror(ret)); goto fail; } avahi_string_list_free(list); fail: return rc; } bool tcpReceiveCallback( void* arg ) { app_t* app = static_cast<app_t*>(arg); socket::handle_t sockH = app->tcpH; char buf[ app->recvBufByteN ]; unsigned readByteN = 0; rc_t rc = kOkRC; time::spec_t t1; if( !socket::isConnected(sockH) ) { if((rc = socket::accept( sockH )) == kOkRC ) { rpt(app,"TCP connected.\n"); } } else { if((rc = socket::receive( sockH, buf, app->recvBufByteN, &readByteN, nullptr )) == kOkRC || rc == kTimeOutRC ) { if( rc == kTimeOutRC ) { } else if( readByteN > 0 ) { unsigned* h = (unsigned*)buf; unsigned id = h[0]; switch( app->protocolState ) { case 0: if( id == 10 ) { send_response1(app); sleepMs(20); send_heart_beat(app); app->protocolState+=1; } break; case 1: { if( buf[0] == 0x0c ) { send_response2(app); app->protocolState+=1; time::get(app->t0); } } break; case 2: { time::get(t1); if( time::elapsedMs( &app->t0, &t1 ) >= 4000 ) { send_heart_beat(app); app->t0 = t1; } } break; } } } } return true; } int main( int argc, const char* argv[] ) { AvahiClient *client = nullptr; int err_code; int ret = 1; const unsigned sbufN = 31; char sbuf[ sbufN+1 ]; app_t app; rc_t rc; unsigned tcpTimeOutMs = 50; cw::log::createGlobal(); // create the TCP socket if((rc = socket::create( app.tcpH, SERVICE_PORT, socket::kTcpFl | socket::kBlockingFl | socket::kStreamFl | socket::kListenFl, tcpTimeOutMs, NULL, socket::kInvalidPortNumber )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"mDNS TCP socket create failed."); goto errLabel; } unsigned char mac[6]; socket::get_mac( app.tcpH, mac, nullptr, ENET_INTERFACE ); for(int i=0; i<6; ++i) printf("%02x:",mac[i]); // create the TCP listening thread if((rc = thread::create( app.tcpThreadH, tcpReceiveCallback, &app, "avahi_suf" )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; // Allocate Avahi thread if (!(app.poll = avahi_threaded_poll_new())) { error(&app,"Failed to create simple poll object.\n"); goto errLabel; } // Assign the service name app.name = avahi_strdup(INSTANCE_NAME); // Allocate a new client if((client = avahi_client_new(avahi_threaded_poll_get(app.poll), (AvahiClientFlags)0, client_callback, &app, &err_code)) == nullptr ) { error(&app,"Failed to create client: %s\n", avahi_strerror(err_code)); goto errLabel; } // start the tcp thread if((rc = thread::unpause( app.tcpThreadH )) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; // start the avahi thread avahi_threaded_poll_start(app.poll); while( true ) { printf("? "); if( std::fgets(sbuf,sbufN,stdin) == sbuf ) { if( strcmp(sbuf,"quit\n") == 0) break; } } avahi_threaded_poll_stop(app.poll); ret = 0; errLabel: //if (client) // avahi_client_free(client); thread::destroy(app.tcpThreadH); socket::destroy(app.tcpH); if (app.poll) avahi_threaded_poll_free(app.poll); avahi_free(app.name); cw::log::destroyGlobal(); return ret; }