import wave as w import math import array import numpy as np import def midi_pitch_to_hz( midi_pitch ): return 13.75 * math.pow(2,(-9.0/12.0)) * math.pow(2.0,(midi_pitch / 12.0)) def parse_marker_file( marker_fname ): markL = [] with open(marker_fname) as f: for line in f: tokL = line.split("\t"); assert( len(tokL) == 3 ) markL.append( ( float(tokL[0]), float(tokL[1]), tokL[2] ) ) return markL def parse_audio_file( audio_fname ): max_smp_val = float(0x7fffffff) with,"rb") as f: print(f"ch:{f.getnchannels()} bits:{f.getsampwidth()*8} srate:{f.getframerate()} frms:{f.getnframes()}") srate = f.getframerate() frmN = f.getnframes() data_bytes = f.readframes(frmN) smpM = np.array(array.array('i',data_bytes)) # max_smp_val assumes 32 bits assert( f.getsampwidth() == 4 ) smpM = smpM / max_smp_val smpM = np.reshape(smpM,(frmN,2)) return smpM,srate def write_audio_file( xM, srate, audio_fname ): xM *= np.iinfo(np.int32).max, srate, xM.astype(np.int32)) def write_audio_file_0( xM, srate, audio_fname ): # Convert to (little-endian) 32 bit integers. xM = (xM * (2 ** 31 - 1)).astype("<i4") with,"w") as f: f.setnchannels(xM.shape[0]) f.setsampwidth(4) f.setframerate(srate) f.setnframes(xM.shape[1]) f.writeframes(xM.tobytes()) def write_mark_tsv_file( markL, fname ): ### markL = [(beg_sec,end_sec,label)] with open(fname,"w") as f: for beg_sec,end_sec,label in markL: f.write(f"{beg_sec}\t{end_sec}\t{label}\n") def find_zero_crossing( xV, si, inc ): # find the next zero crossing before/after si def sign(x): return x<0 while si > 0 and si < len(xV): if sign(xV[si-1])==False and sign(xV[si])==True: return si si += inc return None