//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org> //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #ifndef cwPvAudioFileProc_h #define cwPvAudioFileProc_h namespace cw { namespace afop { typedef struct pvoc_ctx_str { unsigned procId; proc_ctx_t* td_ctx; // time domain context (userPtr = pgmLabel) const object_t* args; // program args void* userPtr; unsigned wndSmpN; // TODO: change thise to src and dst variables unsigned hopSmpN; unsigned procSmpN; unsigned binN; double inGain; double outGain; unsigned srcChN; const float** srcMagChA; // srcMagChA[ chN ][ binN ] const float** srcPhsChA; // srcPhsChA[ chN ][ binN ] unsigned dstChN; float** dstMagChA; // dstMagChA[ chN ][ binN ] float** dstPhsChA; // dstPhsChA[ chN ][ binN ] } pvoc_ctx_t; typedef rc_t (*pvoc_func_t)( pvoc_ctx_t* ctx ); rc_t pvoc_file_processor( const object_t* cfg ); } } #endif