//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #ifndef cwDspTransforms_h #define cwDspTransforms_h namespace cw { namespace dsp { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compressor // namespace compressor { enum { kAtkCompId, kRlsCompId }; typedef struct { srate_t srate; // system sample rate unsigned procSmpCnt; // samples per exec cycle coeff_t inGain; // input gain coeff_t threshDb; // threshold in dB (max:100 min:0) coeff_t ratio_num; // numerator of the ratio unsigned atkSmp; // time to reduce the signal by 10.0 db unsigned rlsSmp; // time to increase the signal by 10.0 db coeff_t outGain; // makeup gain bool bypassFl; // bypass enable sample_t* rmsWnd; // rmsWnd[rmsWndAllocCnt] unsigned rmsWndAllocCnt; // unsigned rmsWndCnt; // current RMS window size (rmsWndCnt must be <= rmsWndAllocCnt) unsigned rmsWndIdx; // next RMS window input index unsigned state; // env. state coeff_t rmsDb; // current incoming signal RMS (max:100 min:0) coeff_t gain; // current compressor gain coeff_t timeConstDb; // the atk/rls will incr/decr by 'timeConstDb' per atkMs/rlsMs. coeff_t pkDb; // coeff_t accumDb; // } obj_t; rc_t create( obj_t*& p, srate_t srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, coeff_t inGain, ftime_t rmsWndMaxMs, ftime_t rmsWndMs, coeff_t threshDb, coeff_t ratio, ftime_t atkMs, ftime_t rlsMs, coeff_t outGain, bool bypassFl ); rc_t destroy( obj_t*& pp ); rc_t exec( obj_t* p, const sample_t* x, sample_t* y, unsigned n, bool enable_fl ); void set_attack_ms( obj_t* p, ftime_t ms ); void set_release_ms( obj_t* p, ftime_t ms ); void set_thresh_db( obj_t* p, coeff_t thresh ); void set_rms_wnd_ms( obj_t* p, ftime_t ms ); } namespace limiter { typedef struct { unsigned procSmpCnt; coeff_t igain; // applied before thresholding coeff_t thresh; // linear (0.0-1.0) threshold. coeff_t ogain; // applied after thresholding bool bypassFl; } obj_t; rc_t create( obj_t*& p, srate_t srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, coeff_t thresh, coeff_t igain, coeff_t ogain, bool bypassFl ); rc_t destroy( obj_t*& pp ); rc_t exec( obj_t* p, const sample_t* x, sample_t* y, unsigned n ); } namespace dc_filter { typedef struct { coeff_t d[2]; // coeff_t b[1]; // coeff_t a[1]; // a[dn] feedback coeff's coeff_t b0; // feedforward coeff 0 bool bypassFl; coeff_t gain; } obj_t; rc_t create( obj_t*& p, srate_t srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, coeff_t gain, bool bypassFl ); rc_t destroy( obj_t*& pp ); rc_t exec( obj_t* p, const sample_t* x, sample_t* y, unsigned n ); rc_t set( obj_t* p, coeff_t gain, bool bypassFl ); } namespace recorder { typedef struct { srate_t srate; // unsigned maxFrameN; // unsigned chN; // channel count unsigned frameIdx; // next frame to write sample_t* buf; // [ [maxFrameN] [maxFrameN] ] } obj_t; // ch0 ch1 rc_t create( obj_t*& pRef, srate_t srate, ftime_t max_secs, unsigned chN ); rc_t destroy( obj_t*& pRef); rc_t exec( obj_t* p, const sample_t* buf, unsigned chN, unsigned frameN ); rc_t exec( obj_t* p, const sample_t* chA[], unsigned chN, unsigned frameN ); rc_t write( obj_t* p, const char* fname ); } namespace audio_meter { typedef struct { unsigned maxWndMs; unsigned maxWndSmpN; unsigned wndSmpN; sample_t* wndV; srate_t srate; coeff_t peakThreshDb; coeff_t outLin; coeff_t outDb; bool peakFl; bool clipFl; unsigned peakCnt; unsigned clipCnt; unsigned wi; } obj_t; rc_t create( obj_t*& p, srate_t srate, ftime_t maxWndMs, ftime_t wndMs, coeff_t peakThreshDb ); rc_t destroy( obj_t*& pp ); rc_t exec( obj_t* p, const sample_t* x, unsigned n ); void reset( obj_t* p ); void set_window_ms( obj_t* p, ftime_t wndMs ); } } } #endif