#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" #include "cwFile.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwIo.h" #include "cwIoAudioRecordPlay.h" #include "cwAudioFile.h" namespace cw { namespace audio_record_play { typedef io::sample_t sample_t; typedef struct am_audio_str { time::spec_t timestamp; unsigned chCnt; unsigned dspFrameCnt; struct am_audio_str* link; sample_t audioBuf[]; // [[ch0:dspFramCnt][ch1:dspFrmCnt]] total: chCnt*dspFrameCnt samples } am_audio_t; typedef struct audio_record_play_str { io::handle_t ioH; am_audio_t* audioBeg; // first in a chain of am_audio_t audio buffers am_audio_t* audioEnd; // last in a chain of am_audio_t audio buffers am_audio_t* audioFile; // one large audio buffer holding the last loaded audio file double srate; unsigned curFrameCnt; unsigned curFrameIdx; bool recordFl; bool startedFl; bool mute_fl; unsigned* audioInChMapA; unsigned audioInChMapN; unsigned* audioOutChMapA; unsigned audioOutChMapN; } audio_record_play_t; audio_record_play_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h ) { return handleToPtr<handle_t,audio_record_play_t>(h); } void _am_audio_free_list( audio_record_play_t* p ) { for(am_audio_t* a=p->audioBeg; a!=nullptr; ) { am_audio_t* tmp = a->link; mem::release(a); a = tmp; } if( p->audioFile == p->audioBeg ) p->audioFile = nullptr; else mem::release(p->audioFile); p->audioBeg = nullptr; p->audioEnd = nullptr; p->curFrameIdx = 0; p->curFrameCnt = 0; } am_audio_t* _am_audio_alloc( unsigned dspFrameCnt, unsigned chCnt ) { unsigned sample_byte_cnt = chCnt * dspFrameCnt * sizeof(sample_t); void* vp = mem::allocZ<uint8_t>( sizeof(am_audio_t) + sample_byte_cnt ); am_audio_t* a = (am_audio_t*)vp; a->chCnt = chCnt; a->dspFrameCnt = dspFrameCnt; return a; } rc_t _destroy( audio_record_play_t* p ) { _am_audio_free_list(p); p->audioInChMapN = 0; p->audioOutChMapN = 0; mem::release(p->audioInChMapA); mem::release(p->audioOutChMapA); mem::release(p->audioFile); mem::release(p); return kOkRC; } rc_t _parseCfg(audio_record_play_t* p, const object_t& cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const object_t* audioInChMapL = nullptr; const object_t* audioOutChMapL = nullptr; if((rc = cfg.getv_opt("audio_in_ch_map", audioInChMapL, "audio_out_ch_map", audioOutChMapL)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parse cfg failed."); goto errLabel; } if( audioInChMapL != nullptr ) { p->audioInChMapN = audioInChMapL->child_count(); p->audioInChMapA = mem::allocZ<unsigned>( p->audioInChMapN ); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->audioInChMapN; ++i) audioInChMapL->child_ele(i)->value(p->audioInChMapA[i]); } if( audioOutChMapL != nullptr ) { p->audioOutChMapN = audioOutChMapL->child_count(); p->audioOutChMapA = mem::allocZ<unsigned>( p->audioOutChMapN ); for(unsigned i=0; i<p->audioOutChMapN; ++i) audioOutChMapL->child_ele(i)->value(p->audioOutChMapA[i]); } errLabel: return rc; } am_audio_t* _am_audio_from_sample_index( audio_record_play_t* p, unsigned sample_idx, unsigned& sample_offs_ref ) { unsigned n = 0; am_audio_t* a = p->audioBeg; if( p->audioBeg == nullptr ) return nullptr; for(; a!=nullptr; a=a->link) { // if sample index falls inside this buffer if( n <= sample_idx && sample_idx < n + a->dspFrameCnt ) { sample_offs_ref = sample_idx - n; // store the offset into this buffer of 'sample_idx' return a; } n += a->dspFrameCnt; } return nullptr; } void _audio_record( audio_record_play_t* p, const io::audio_msg_t& asrc ) { unsigned chCnt = p->audioInChMapN==0 ? asrc.iBufChCnt : p->audioInChMapN; am_audio_t* a = _am_audio_alloc(asrc.dspFrameCnt,chCnt); chCnt = std::min( chCnt, asrc.iBufChCnt ); for(unsigned chIdx=0; chIdx<chCnt; ++chIdx) { unsigned srcChIdx = p->audioInChMapA == nullptr ? chIdx : p->audioInChMapA[chIdx]; if( srcChIdx >= asrc.iBufChCnt ) cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid input channel map index:%i >= %i.",srcChIdx,asrc.iBufChCnt); else memcpy(a->audioBuf + chIdx*asrc.dspFrameCnt, asrc.iBufArray[ srcChIdx ], asrc.dspFrameCnt * sizeof(sample_t)); } a->chCnt = chCnt; a->dspFrameCnt = asrc.dspFrameCnt; if( p->audioEnd != nullptr ) p->audioEnd->link = a; // link the new audio record to the end of the audio sample buffer chain p->audioEnd = a; // make the new audio record the last ele. of the chain // if this is the first ele of the chain if( p->audioBeg == nullptr ) { p->audioBeg = a; p->srate = asrc.srate; p->curFrameIdx = 0; p->curFrameCnt = 0; } p->curFrameIdx += asrc.dspFrameCnt; p->curFrameCnt += asrc.dspFrameCnt; } void _audio_play( audio_record_play_t* p, io::audio_msg_t& adst ) { unsigned adst_idx = 0; if( !p->mute_fl ) { while(adst_idx < adst.dspFrameCnt) { am_audio_t* a; unsigned sample_offs = 0; if((a = _am_audio_from_sample_index(p, p->curFrameIdx, sample_offs )) == nullptr ) break; unsigned n = std::min(a->dspFrameCnt - sample_offs, adst.dspFrameCnt ); // TODO: Verify that this is correct - it looks like sample_offs should have to be incremented for(unsigned i=0; i<a->chCnt; ++i) { unsigned dstChIdx = p->audioOutChMapA != nullptr && i < p->audioOutChMapN ? p->audioOutChMapA[i] : i; if( dstChIdx < adst.oBufChCnt ) memcpy( adst.oBufArray[ dstChIdx ] + adst_idx, a->audioBuf + sample_offs, n * sizeof(sample_t)); } p->curFrameIdx += n; adst_idx += n; } } // TODO: zero unused channels if( adst_idx < adst.dspFrameCnt ) for(unsigned i=0; i<adst.oBufChCnt; ++i) memset( adst.oBufArray[i] + adst_idx, 0, (adst.dspFrameCnt - adst_idx) * sizeof(sample_t)); } void _audio_through( audio_record_play_t* p, io::audio_msg_t& m ) { unsigned chN = std::min(m.iBufChCnt,m.oBufChCnt); unsigned byteCnt = m.dspFrameCnt * sizeof(sample_t); // Copy the input to the output for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i) if( m.oBufArray[i] != NULL ) { // the input channel is not disabled if( m.iBufArray[i] != NULL ) { for(unsigned j=0; j<m.dspFrameCnt; ++j ) m.oBufArray[i][j] = m.iBufArray[i][j]; } else { // the input channel is disabled but the output is not - so fill the output with zeros memset(m.oBufArray[i], 0, byteCnt); } } } rc_t _audio_write_as_wav( audio_record_play_t* p, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; unsigned frameCnt = 0; audiofile::handle_t afH; // if there is no audio to write if( p->audioBeg == nullptr ) return rc; // create an audio file if((rc = audiofile::create( afH, fn, p->srate, 0, p->audioBeg->chCnt )) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Audio file create failed."); goto errLabel; } // write each buffer for(am_audio_t* a=p->audioBeg; a!=nullptr; a=a->link) { float* chBufArray[ a->chCnt ]; for(unsigned i=0; i<a->chCnt; ++i) chBufArray[i] = a->audioBuf + (i*a->dspFrameCnt); if((rc = writeFloat( afH, a->dspFrameCnt, a->chCnt, chBufArray )) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"An error occurred while writing and audio buffer."); goto errLabel; } frameCnt += a->dspFrameCnt; } errLabel: // close the audio file if((rc = audiofile::close(afH)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Audio file close failed."); goto errLabel; } double secs = p->srate==0 ? 0 : (double)frameCnt/p->srate; cwLogInfo("Saved %f seconds of audio to %s.", secs, fn); return rc; } rc_t _audio_write_buffer_times( audio_record_play_t* p, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; am_audio_t* a0 = p->audioBeg; file::handle_t fH; // if there is no audio to write if( p->audioBeg == nullptr ) return rc; // create the file if((rc = file::open(fH,fn,file::kWriteFl)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Create audio buffer time file failed."); goto errLabel; } file::print(fH,"{ [\n"); // write each buffer for(am_audio_t* a=p->audioBeg; a!=nullptr; a=a->link) { unsigned elapsed_us = time::elapsedMicros( a0->timestamp, a->timestamp ); file::printf(fH,"{ elapsed_us:%i chCnt:%i frameCnt:%i }\n", elapsed_us, a->chCnt, a->dspFrameCnt ); a0 = a; } file::print(fH,"] }\n"); // close the file if((rc = file::close(fH)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"Close the audio buffer time file."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; } rc_t _audio_read( audio_record_play_t* p, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audiofile::handle_t afH; audiofile::info_t af_info; am_audio_t* am_audioFile; if((rc = audiofile::open(afH, fn, &af_info)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Audio file '%s' open failed.",fn); goto errLabel; } if((am_audioFile = _am_audio_alloc(af_info.frameCnt,af_info.chCnt)) == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Allocate audio buffer (%i samples) failed.",af_info.frameCnt*af_info.chCnt); goto errLabel; } else { unsigned audioFrameCnt = 0; float* chArray[ af_info.chCnt ]; for(unsigned i=0; i<af_info.chCnt; ++i) chArray[i] = am_audioFile->audioBuf + (i*af_info.frameCnt); if((rc = audiofile::readFloat(afH, af_info.frameCnt, 0, af_info.chCnt, chArray, &audioFrameCnt)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Audio file read failed."); goto errLabel; } _am_audio_free_list(p); p->audioFile = am_audioFile; p->audioBeg = am_audioFile; p->audioEnd = am_audioFile; p->srate = af_info.srate; p->curFrameCnt = af_info.frameCnt; p->curFrameIdx = 0; double secs = p->srate==0 ? 0 : p->curFrameCnt / p->srate; cwLogInfo("Audio loaded: srate:%f secs:%f file:%s", p->srate, secs, cwStringNullGuard(fn)); } errLabel: if((rc = audiofile::close(afH)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Audio file close failed."); goto errLabel; } return rc; } rc_t _audio_callback( audio_record_play_t* p, io::audio_msg_t& m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( p->startedFl ) { if( p->recordFl ) { if( m.iBufChCnt > 0 ) _audio_record(p,m); } else { if( m.oBufChCnt > 0 ) { _audio_play(p,m); } } } else { for(unsigned i=0; i<m.oBufChCnt; ++i) memset( m.oBufArray[i], 0, m.dspFrameCnt * sizeof(sample_t)); } return rc; } } } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::create( handle_t& hRef, io::handle_t ioH, const object_t& cfg ) { rc_t rc; if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC ) return rc; audio_record_play_t* p = mem::allocZ<audio_record_play_t>(); if((rc = _parseCfg(p,cfg)) != kOkRC ) return rc; p->ioH = ioH; hRef.set(p); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::destroy( handle_t& hRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( !hRef.isValid() ) return rc; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef); if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC ) return rc; hRef.clear(); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::start( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->curFrameIdx = 0; p->startedFl = true; if( p->recordFl ) _am_audio_free_list(p); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::stop( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->startedFl = false; return rc; } bool cw::audio_record_play::is_started( handle_t h ) { audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->startedFl; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::rewind( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->curFrameIdx = 0; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::clear( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); _am_audio_free_list(p); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::set_record_state( handle_t h, bool record_fl ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->recordFl = true; return rc; } bool cw::audio_record_play::record_state( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->recordFl; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::set_mute_state( handle_t h, bool mute_fl ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); p->mute_fl = true; return rc; } bool cw::audio_record_play::mute_state( handle_t h ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->mute_fl; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::save( handle_t h, const char* fn ) { audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return _audio_write_as_wav(p,fn); } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::open( handle_t h, const char* fn ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); _audio_read(p,fn); return rc; } double cw::audio_record_play::duration_seconds( handle_t h ) { audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); return p->srate == 0 ? 0.0 : (double)p->curFrameCnt / p->srate; } double cw::audio_record_play::current_loc_seconds( handle_t h ) { audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); if( p->srate == 0 ) return 0; return (double)(p->startedFl ? p->curFrameIdx : p->curFrameCnt)/ p->srate; } cw::rc_t cw::audio_record_play::exec( handle_t h, const io::msg_t& msg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; audio_record_play_t* p = _handleToPtr(h); switch( msg.tid ) { case io::kAudioTId: if( msg.u.audio != nullptr ) _audio_callback(p,*msg.u.audio); break; default: rc = kOkRC; } return rc; }