#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwKeyboard.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwMidiDecls.h" #include "cwMidi.h" #include "cwUiDecls.h" #include "cwIo.h" #include "cwIoMinTest.h" namespace cw { enum { kThread0Id, kThread1Id }; typedef struct app_str { unsigned n0; unsigned n1; io::handle_t ioH; } app_t; void minTestThreadCb( app_t* app, const io::thread_msg_t* tm ) { switch( tm->id ) { case kThread0Id: app->n0 += 1; break; case kThread1Id: app->n1 += 1; break; } } // The main application callback rc_t minTestCb( void* arg, const io::msg_t* m ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; app_t* app = reinterpret_cast<app_t*>(arg); switch( m->tid ) { case io::kThreadTId: minTestThreadCb( app, m->u.thread ); break; case io::kSerialTId: break; case io::kMidiTId: break; case io::kAudioTId: break; case io::kAudioMeterTId: break; case io::kSockTId: break; case io::kWebSockTId: break; case io::kUiTId: break; default: assert(0); } return rc; } } cw::rc_t cw::min_test( const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc; app_t app = {}; bool asyncFl = true; // create the io framework instance if((rc = create(app.ioH,cfg,minTestCb,&app)) != kOkRC ) return rc; if((rc = threadCreate( app.ioH, kThread0Id, asyncFl, &app, "min_test_0" )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Thread 0 create failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = threadCreate( app.ioH, kThread1Id, asyncFl, &app, "min_test_1" )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Thread 1 create failed."); goto errLabel; } // start the io framework instance if((rc = start(app.ioH)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Test app start failed."); goto errLabel; } printf("<enter> to quit.\n"); // execuite the io framework while( !isShuttingDown(app.ioH)) { exec(app.ioH); sleepMs(500); if( isKeyWaiting() ) break; printf("%i %i\n",app.n0,app.n1); } errLabel: destroy(app.ioH); printf("ioMinTest Done.\n"); return rc; }