#ifndef cwSfScoreParser_h #define cwSfScoreParser_h namespace cw { namespace sfscore { enum { kEvenFl = 0x0001, kEvenEndFl = 0x0002, kDynFl = 0x0004, kDynEndFl = 0x0008, kTempoFl = 0x0010, kTempoEndFl = 0x0020, kFlagMask = 0x003f }; unsigned opcode_label_to_id( const char* label ); const char* opcode_id_to_label( unsigned opcode_id ); unsigned var_label_to_type_id( const char* label ); unsigned var_label_to_type_flag( const char* label ); const char* var_type_id_to_label( unsigned varTypeId ); const char* var_type_flag_to_label( unsigned varTypeFlag ); char var_type_flag_to_char( unsigned varTypeFlag ); unsigned var_type_id_to_flag( unsigned varTypeId ); // returns type flag unsigned var_type_id_to_mask( unsigned varTypeId ); // returns type flag and end flag mask unsigned var_type_id_to_end_flag( unsigned varTypeId ); // returns end flag unsigned var_type_flag_to_id( unsigned varTypeFlag ); namespace parser { typedef handle<struct sfscore_parser_str> handle_t; typedef struct p_section_str { char* label; unsigned begEvtIdx; unsigned endEvtIdx; struct p_section_str* link; } p_section_t; typedef struct p_set_str { unsigned id; // unique id for this set unsigned varTypeId; // k???ScFl p_section_t* target_section; // section to which this set will be applied struct p_event_str* beg_event; // first event in this section unsigned eventN; // count of events in this set struct p_event_str** eventA; // points to each event this set struct p_set_str* link; // } p_set_t; typedef struct p_event_str { unsigned typeId; // opcode type id unsigned csvEventId; // CSV 'evt' id unsigned csvRowNumb; // CSV line number unsigned line; // unsigned index; // index into eventArray[] double secs; // event offset from beginning of score in seconds double barSecs; // event offset from bar in sectonds unsigned locIdx; // location index (chord notes share the same locIdx) unsigned barNumb; // bar this event belongs to unsigned barNoteIdx; // note index of this note in the bar to which it belongs. p_section_t* section; // section to which this event belongs unsigned sectionIdx; // note index of this note in the section to which it belongs unsigned flags; // attribute flags midi::byte_t pitch; midi::byte_t vel; unsigned dynVal; // index into dynRefA[] double t_frac; // char* sciPitch; // char* sectionLabelA[ kScVarCnt ]; // var end section labels (if this event is the last event in a section) p_set_t* setA[ kScVarCnt ]; // set points (if this event is part of a set) } p_event_t; rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, const char* fname, const dyn_ref_t* dynRefA, unsigned dynRefN ); rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef ); unsigned event_count( handle_t h ); const p_event_t* event_array( handle_t h ); unsigned section_count( handle_t h ); // Returns a linked list of section records in time order. const p_section_t* section_list( handle_t h ); unsigned set_count( handle_t h ); // Returns a linked list of sets. const p_set_t* set_list( handle_t h ); void report( handle_t h ); rc_t test( const char* fname, const dyn_ref_t* dynRefA, unsigned dynRefN ); } } } #endif